GUIGUINTO NATIONAL VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL SECOND QUARTER BUSINESS ETHICS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Quiz #1 Name: ________________________________ Grade & Section: ____________ Score: ___________ Date: ___________ Instructions: Indicate the type of firm to where each of the listed businesses below belongs. Use the following Classifications: Services; Merchandising; Manufacturing; Agribusiness; Hybrid; Special Corporations. _________________ 1. Animal feeds _________________ 11. Beer brewery _________________ 2. Law Firm _________________ 12. Schools _________________ 3. Textile mills _________________ 13. Hardware store _________________ 4. Ready to wear (RTW) _________________ 14. World Bank _________________ 5. Civic leagues _________________ 15. Grocery store _________________ 6. Micro-ingredients _________________ 16. Automobile repair shop _________________ 7. Car makers _________________ 17. Non-Profit organization _________________ 8. Dental clinic _________________ 18. Furniture factory _________________ 9. Microfinance org. _________________ 19. Barber shop _________________ 10. Ocean spray _________________ 20. Restaurants