GRADE 9 BIOLOGY 1ST TERM UNIT – CELL AND DNA DISTANCE LEARNING WEEK 4: CANCER ================================================================================================= CELL DIVISION AND CANCER – A READING TASK INSTRUCTION Go to the following website and read thoroughly the information on “Cell Division and Cancer.” There are 10 short pages that you will have to read and understand from the website above. Read the ‘How to use this site’ at bottom of the first page so that you can navigate the website smoothly. At the end of the chapter, there is an interactive quiz that you need to respond to. There are three (3) sections to this interactive quiz. Work out the interactive quiz. Once you accomplish a perfect score on every section of the interactive quiz, take a screenshot of the results (by pressing ‘printscreen’/’PrtScr’ from your keyboard) to show that you have completed them (you must have three screenshots for the three sections of the quiz). Paste your screenshots on to the worksheet file, ‘WSG9_Wk4_Reading_Task_Cancer’. You may access this copy of the file in ‘Week 4’ folder under ‘Files’ tab. Upload your accomplished file to Teams assignment page with the file name written this way: ‘WSG9_Wk4_Reading_Task_Cancer_FirstName_LastName’ (example: ‘WSG9_Wk4_Reading_Task_Cancer_Laura_Ayanasova). Observe the submission deadline. SCREENSHOTS SECTION ONE – CELLS SECTION TWO – INTO AND OUT OF CELLS SECTION THREE – MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Biology Teachers – Ms. Aigerim, Ms. Laura, and Ms. Maria GRADE 9 BIOLOGY/1ST TERM UNIT – CELL AND DNA/DISTANCE LEARNING/WEEK 4: CANCER/ PAGE1