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Wheel-Rail Contact Force Monitoring System Analysis

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Condition monitoring system of wheel-rail contact force utilizing PQ
monitoring bogie (Basic design of the analysis tool and analysis of the
derailment coefficient)
Article in Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese) · January 2017
DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.16-00461
12 authors, including:
Akira Matsumoto
Nihon University
Masuhisa Tanimoto
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Development of high curving performance bogies View project
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Bulletin of the JSME
Vol.83, No.846, 2017
Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)
PQ ࣔࢽࢱࣜࣥࢢྎ㌴ࢆά⏝ࡋࡓ㌴㍯࣭࣮ࣞࣝ᥋ゐຊࡢ≧ែ┘どࢩࢫࢸ࣒
୍ᰗ ὒ㍜*1㸪㐨㎷ ὒᖹ*2㸪ᯇᮏ 㝧*3㸪బ⸨ Ᏻᘯ*4㸪኱㔝 ᐶஅ*5㸪᳃ ⿱㈗*5
㇂ᮏ ┈ஂ*6㸪ᒾᮏ ཌ*7㸪⚟ᓥ ▱ᶞ*7㸪▮㔝 ೺ኴ*7㸪ရᕝ ኱㍜*8㸪㛗⃝ ◊௓*9
Condition monitoring system of wheel-rail contact force utilizing PQ monitoring bogie
(Basic design of the analysis tool and analysis of the derailment coefficient)
Yosuke ICHIYANAGI*1, Yohei MICHITSUJI*2, Akira MATSUMOTO*3, Yasuhiro SATO*4,
Hiroyuki OHNO*5, Hirotaka MORI*5, Masuhisa TANIMOTO*6, Atsushi IWAMOTO*7,
Tomoki FUKUSHIMA*7, Kenta YANO*7, Daisuke SHINAGAWA*8 and Kensuke NAGASAWA*9
Ibaraki University
4-12-1 Nakanarusawa-cho, Hitachi-shi, Ibaraki 316-8511, Japan
National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory
7-42-27 Jindaijihigashimachi, Chofu-shi, Tokyo 182-0012, Japan
Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd.
3-19-6 Higashiueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-8614, Japan
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation
5-1-109 Shimaya, Konohana-ku, Osaka 554-0024, Japan
Nippon Steel & Sumikin Railway Technology Co., Ltd.
5-1-109 Shimaya, Konohana-ku, Osaka 554-0024, Japan
Received: 30 September 2016; Revised: 16 November 2016; Accepted: 28 December 2016
The derailment coefficient is calculated from wheel-rail contact forces and it indicates the running safety of the railway
vehicle especially in sharp curves. The derailment coefficient is affected by many factors such as the track irregularities, the
vehicle parameters and the friction characteristics between wheel and rail. Therefore, monitoring of the derailment coefficient
is desired to evaluate the running safety of the vehicle. Recently, a new monitoring bogie which can collect time series data of
the derailment coefficient during commercial operation has been developed, and a large scale data is collected. However,
there was no way to use such a data efficiently because an efficient method and an analysis tool have not been developed. In
this research, a new analysis tool which can easily handle a large scale data and assist analysis of the derailment coefficient
has been designed using MATLAB. In addition to measuring the derailment coefficient, the wheel load reduction and the
track irregularity of twist are also measured. The tool can extract points where the derailment coefficient increases from a
large scale data, and quickly show detailed information. On the basis of the information displayed on the user-interface, the
data analyst can identify factors that increase the derailment coefficient. Not only analysis focused on a particular curve, but
also the tool has the function for comparison of some curves. Analysis of the time change of the derailment coefficient is also
possible. This paper shows the basic design of the analysis tool and gives some examples of analysis using this tool.
Key words : Railway, Derailment coefficient, Monitoring, Wheel-rail contact, Data analysis
No.16-00461 [DOI:10.1299/transjsme.16-00461], J-STAGE Advance Publication date: 16 January, 2017
Ꮫ⏕ဨ㸪Ⲉᇛ኱Ꮫ኱Ꮫ㝔 ⌮ᕤᏛ◊✲⛉㸦ࠛ316-8511 Ⲉᇛ┴᪥❧ᕷ୰ᡂἑ⏫ 4-12-1㸧
ṇဨ㸪Ⲉᇛ኱Ꮫ ᕤᏛ㒊
ṇဨ㸪ࣇ࢙࣮ࣟ㸪஺㏻Ᏻ඲⎔ቃ◊✲ᡤ㸦ࠛ182-0012 ᮾி㒔ㄪᕸᕷ῝኱ᑎᮾ⏫ 7-42-27㸧
ṇဨ㸪ᮾிᆅୗ㕲㸦ࠛ110-8614 ᮾி㒔ྎᮾ༊ᮾୖ㔝 3-19-6㸧
᪂᪥㚩ఫ㔠㸦ࠛ554-0024 ኱㜰ᗓ኱㜰ᕷṈⰼ༊ᓥᒇ 5-1-109㸧
E-mail of corresponding author: yohei.michitsuji.031@vc.ibaraki.ac.jp
[DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.16-00461]
© 2017 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Ichiyanagi, Michitsuji, Matsumoto, Sato, Ohno, Mori, Tanimoto, Iwamoto, Fukushima, Yano, Shinagawa and Nagasawa,
Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese), Vol.83, No.846 (2017)
⥴ ゝ
ࡿᆶ┤᪉ྥࡢຊ㸦㍯㔜㸸P㸧࡜Ỉᖹ᪉ྥࡢຊ㸦ᶓᅽ㸸Q㸧ࡢẚ࡛㸪Q/P ࡛⾲ࡉࢀࡿ㸬እ㌶ഃ㌴㍯࣭࣮ࣞࣝ㛫ࡢᦶ᧿
ࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࡀᮃࡲࢀ࡚࠸ࡓ㸬⬺⥺ಀᩘࡢ ᐃࡣ᪂㊰⥺ࡢ㛤㏻᫬ࡸ᪂ᆺ㌴୧ࡢᑟධ᫬࡟ᐇ᪋ࡉࢀࡿヨ㦂㉮⾜࡟࠾࠸
࡚㸪PQ ㍯㍈࡜࠸࠺≉Ṧ࡞㍯㍈ࢆ⏝࠸࡚࠾ࡇ࡞ࢃࢀࡿ㸬ࡑࡢࡓࡵ㸪 ᐃࡢᶵ఍ࡣ㝈ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡓ㸬
࡙࠸࡚ᨾ㞀ࡢ඙ೃࢆᐹ▱ࡋ㸪ᨾ㞀࡟⮳ࡿ๓࡟ᚲせ⟠ᡤࢆຠ⋡ࡼࡃ⿵ಟࡍࡿ࡜࠸࠺⪃࠼᪉㸦CBM㸸Condition Based
㸦Tsunashima et al., 2014㸧
㸦Naganuma et al., 2015㸧
㸦Ogino et al., 2015㸧࡜࠸ࡗࡓ౛ࡢࡼ࠺࡟㸪㉮⾜ࡍࡿ㌴୧ࢆ⏝࠸
ࡓ㌶㐨ࡢ≧ែ┘どࡀ࠾ࡇ࡞ࢃࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬ࡲࡓ㸪ᆅୖഃ࡛㌴୧ࡢ㍯㔜࣭ᶓᅽࢆ ᐃࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡛㸪㌴୧ࡢ␗ᖖࢆ᳨▱
ࡍࡿࢩࢫࢸ࣒㸦Ᏻ⸤௚㸪2011㸧ࡢࡼ࠺࡟㸪㌴୧ࡢ≧ែ┘どࡶ࠾ࡇ࡞ࢃࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬୍᪉㸪ᚑ᮶ࡢ PQ
ࡣ㸪㌶㐨᳨ ࢹ࣮ࢱࢆᡭ㍍࡟ຠ⋡ࡼࡃᢅ࠺ࡓࡵࡢࢯࣇࢺ࢙࢘࢔㸦Yoshimura et al., 1997㸧ࡸ㸪㉮⾜ヨ㦂࡛ᚓࡓ⭾኱
Ⴀᴗ⥺࡛⬺⥺ಀᩘࡢᖖ᫬ほ ࢆྍ⬟࡜ࡋࡓ PQ ࣔࢽࢱࣜࣥࢢྎ㌴ࢆ㸪Ⴀᴗ⥺࡬ᑟධࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㸦Matsumoto et al.,
㸬Ⴀᴗ⥺ෆࡢ᭤⥺࡟࠾ࡅࡿ㧗㢖ᗘ࡞⬺⥺ಀᩘࡢ ᐃࡀྍ⬟࡜࡞ࡾ㸪ࡇࢀࡲ࡛࡟ከࡃࡢࢹ࣮
ィ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚㏙࡭㸪㌴㍯࣭࣮ࣞࣝ㛫ࡢᦶ᧿ಀᩘࡸྎ㌴࡛ ᐃ࡛ࡁࡿ㌶㐨ࡢᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩㸦௨ୗ㸪㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩࡜࿧
34 ࣔࢽࢱࣜࣥࢢྎ㌴ࡢࢹ࣮ࢱࡢᴫせ
⦅ᡂࡢ୰㛫㌴࡟㓄⨨ࡉࢀࡓ PQ ࣔࢽࢱࣜࣥࢢྎ㌴㸦ᅗ 1㸦a㸧
㸧ࡣ㸪ᅗ 1㸦b㸧࡟♧ࡍᶓᅽ Q㸦㌴➃ഃ㍈㸪ᕥྑ㸧
㍯㔜 P㸦඲㍈㸪ᕥྑ㸧࡟ຍ࠼㸪᫬้ࡸ㉮⾜఩⨨㸪㉮⾜㏿ᗘ࡞࡝ࢆࢧࣥࣉࣜࣥࢢ᫬㛫 24 msec ࡛ྲྀᚓࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬
ᐃࡋࡓඛ㢌㍈እ㌶ഃࡢᶓᅽ Q ࡜㍯㔜 P ࠿ࡽ㸪⬺⥺ಀᩘ Q/P ࢆᚓࡿࡇ࡜ࡀ࡛ࡁࡿ㸬
(a) PQ monitoring bogie
(b) Derailment coefficient
(c) Example of Q/P and κ at a curve (N = 5)
Fig. 1 PQ monitoring bogie and the derailment coefficient. PQ monitoring bogie has sensors for measuring wheel load (P) and
lateral force (Q). The derailment coefficient is calculated as Q/P and it is affected by many factors such as the track
irregularities, the vehicle parameters and the friction characteristics between wheel and rail. As shown in figure (c), the
amplitude of Q/P and κ fluctuate even in a day.
[DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.16-00461]
© 2017 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Ichiyanagi, Michitsuji, Matsumoto, Sato, Ohno, Mori, Tanimoto, Iwamoto, Fukushima, Yano, Shinagawa and Nagasawa,
Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese), Vol.83, No.846 (2017)
ඛ㢌㍈ෆ㌶ഃࡢᶓᅽ࣭㍯㔜ẚ κ ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ㸪ᛴ᭤⥺ࡢሙྜ࡟ࡣ㌴㍯࣭࣮ࣞࣝ㛫ࡢᦶ᧿ಀᩘ࡟࡯ࡰ➼ࡋࡃ࡞ࡿࡇ
㸬ᅗ 1㸦c㸧࡟ࡣᐇ㝿࡟ PQ ࣔࢽࢱࣜࣥࢢྎ㌴࡛ ᐃࡋࡓ Q/P ࡜ κ ࢆ♧ࡍ㸬ࡇ
ࡇ࡛ࡣ 1 ᪥࡟ྠࡌ᭤⥺༊㛫ࢆ 5 ᅇ㉮⾜ࡋࡓ㝿ࡢࢹ࣮ࢱࢆࣉࣟࢵࢺࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬࠸ࡎࢀ࡟࠾࠸࡚ࡶ㸪㉮⾜ẖࡢἼᙧࡣ
ఝ࡚࠸ࡿࡀ㸪ྠ᪥ྠ༊㛫࡟࠾ࡅࡿ ᐃ⤖ᯝ࡛࠶ࡿ࡟ࡶ㛵ࢃࡽࡎ᣺ᖜࡣኚືࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡇ࡜ࡀࢃ࠿ࡿ㸬
PQ ࣔࢽࢱࣜࣥࢢྎ㌴࡛ྲྀᚓࡋࡓࢹ࣮ࢱࡣ㸪୍ᐃ᫬㛫ࡈ࡜࡟༊ษࡽࢀ࡚ 1 ࡘࡢࣇ࢓࢖ࣝ࡜ࡋ࡚ಖᏑࡉࢀ㸪ศᯒ
⪅ࡢ PC ࡬࡜↓⥺ఏ㏦ࡉࢀࡿ㸬PQ ࣔࢽࢱࣜࣥࢢྎ㌴ࢆᦚ㍕ࡋࡓ㌴୧ࡣ 1 ᪥࡟㊰⥺ࢆᩘᅇ ᚟ࡋ㸪ࡑࡢ㐠⏝ࡣ᪥࡟
ࡢ⟠ᡤ࡟࠾ࡅࡿࢹ࣮ࢱࢆຠ⋡ࡼࡃᢳฟࡍࡿᕤኵࡀᚲせ࡛࠶ࡗࡓ㸬ࡑࡇ࡛㸪ࡲࡎࡣ 1 ᪥ศࡢࢹ࣮ࢱࢆ㐃⤖ࡋ㸪㌴୧
ࡢ㐍⾜᪉ྥࡀኚࢃࡿⅬ࡛༊ษࡾ㸪1 ᅇ㉮⾜ẖࡢࣇ࢓࢖ࣝ࡟ࢯ࣮ࢺࡍࡿฎ⌮ࢆ࠾ࡇ࡞࠺ࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࢆసᡂࡋࡓ㸬ࡲ
ࡓ㸪ࢹ࣮ࢱࡣࢧࣥࣉࣜࣥࢢ᫬㛫 24 msec ࡢ್࡛࠶ࡿࡀ㸪≉ᐃࡢ⟠ᡤࡢ」ᩘᅇ㉮⾜ศࡢࢹ࣮ࢱࢆẚ㍑ࡍࡿࡓࡵ࡟㉮
⾜㊥㞳 0.25 m ้ࡳࡢ್࡬࡜ኚ᥮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬
࣭ 㥐఩⨨࡟࠾ࡅࡿ㉮⾜఩⨨⿵ṇ
PQ ࣔࢽࢱࣜࣥࢢྎ㌴࡛ࡣ㌴㍯ࡢᅇ㌿ᩘࢆ✚⟬ࡋ࡚㉮⾜఩⨨᝟ሗࢆᚓ࡚࠸ࡿࡇ࡜࠿ࡽ㸪ᦶ⪖࡟ࡼࡿ㌴㍯ᚄࡢኚ
ᅗ 2㸦a㸧࡟♧ࡋࡓ౛࡛ࡣ㥐೵㌴᫬࡟࠾ࡅࡿ෌タᐃ࡟ࡼࡾ㸪ࢹ࣮ࢱࡀ⣙ 23 m Ḟᦆࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡇ࡜ࡀࢃ࠿ࡿ㸬ࡇࡢࡲ
ᐃࡀ࠾ࡇ࡞ࢃࢀࡓⅬࡢ㛫㸦㥐㛫㸧ࡢࢹ࣮ࢱࢆ㸪㉮⾜఩⨨࡟ࡋࡓࡀࡗ࡚⥺ᙧ࡟ఙ⦰ࡍࡿ㸬ᐇ㝿࡟ᅗ 2㸦a㸧ࡢࢹ࣮ࢱ
࡟ࡇࡢఙ⦰ฎ⌮ࢆ᪋ࡋࡓࡶࡢࢆᅗ 2㸦b㸧࡟♧ࡍ㸬ࢹ࣮ࢱࡀḞᦆࡋ࡚࠸ࡓ㒊ศࡀ⿵ṇࡉࢀࡿࡇ࡜ࢆ☜ㄆ࡛ࡁࡿ㸬
(a) Q/P from monitoring bogie (N = 7)
(b) After position correction processing (N = 7)
Fig. 2 Examples of the result of position correction processing. As shown in figure (a), deviation occurs due to integration error of
running velocity. By expansion and contraction of the data along running distance, deviation is eliminated as shown in
figure (b).
࣭ ᭤⥺༊㛫ࡢᢳฟ
㏙ࡢ 1 ᅇ㉮⾜ẖࡢࢹ࣮ࢱ࠿ࡽ㸪᭤⥺ࡈ࡜ࡢࢹ࣮ࢱ࡬࡜ศ๭ࡍࡿࡓࡵࡢฎ⌮ࡢᴫせࢆᅗ 3 ࡟♧ࡍ㸬
᭤⥺ࡈ࡜࡟ࢹ࣮ࢱࢆศ๭ࡍࡿ࡟࠶ࡓࡾ㸪ࡲࡎࡣ᭤⥺ࡢ఩⨨ࡸ᭤⥺༙ᚄ R㸪࢝ࣥࢺ㔞 C㸪ࢫࣛࢵࢡ㔞 S ࡞࡝࠿ࡽ
࡞ࡿ᭤⥺ࡢࢹ࣮ࢱ࣮࣋ࢫࢆసᡂࡍࡿ㸬ࡇࡇ࡛㸪A ⥺ࡢ᭤⥺ࢆጞⅬ࠿ࡽ㡰࡟ A1㸪A2㸪A3͐㸪࡜ྡ๓௜ࡅࡋ࡚ಖᏑ
[DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.16-00461]
© 2017 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Ichiyanagi, Michitsuji, Matsumoto, Sato, Ohno, Mori, Tanimoto, Iwamoto, Fukushima, Yano, Shinagawa and Nagasawa,
Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese), Vol.83, No.846 (2017)
ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬ᅗ 3 ୖẁࡢࢢࣛࣇࡣ㸪⦪㍈ࢆ᭤⋡㸦ᐃᖖ᭤⥺୰ࡢ᭤⥺༙ᚄࡢ㏫ᩘ࡟㸪᭤⥺༙ᚄ 160 m ࢆ࠿ࡅࡓࡶࡢ㸧
⚊ࢹ࣮ࢱࠖ࡜ࡋ㸪2 ✀㢮ࡢࢹ࣮ࢱࢆṧࡋ࡚࠾ࡃ㸬ࡑࢀࡽࢆ᭤⥺ࡈ࡜ࡢࣇ࢛ࣝࢲ࡟ศࡅ࡚ಖᏑࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡛㸪≉ᐃࡢ
Fig. 3 Data sorting image in each folder. Based on the database of position of the curve, PQ monitoring data is divided for each
curve. “Waveform data” is continuous data in the curve and “Maximum point data” is momentary value when Q/P comes
to maximum in the curve.
࣭ ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩࡟ࡘ࠸࡚
ᅉ࡜࡞ࡿࡢࡀᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩࡛࠶ࡿ㸬ᮏ◊✲࡛ࡣྎ㌴㍈㊥ 1.9 m ࡢᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࢆᢅ࠸㸪ࡇࢀࢆ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩࡜࿧ࡪ
ࡇ࡜࡜ࡍࡿ㸬㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩࡜ࡣ㸪ᅗ 4㸦a㸧࡟♧ࡍࡼ࠺࡟㸪1 ㍯ࡀ௚ࡢ 3 ㍯࠿ࡽ࡞ࡿ㠃ࢆ㐓⬺ࡍࡿ㔞ࢆ♧ࡍ㸬
࡚ࡳࡿᚲせࡀ࠶ࡿࡇ࡜࠿ࡽ㸪ᮏ◊✲࡛ࡣ PQ ࣔࢽࢱࣜࣥࢢྎ㌴࡛ ᐃࡋࡓ㍯㔜ࡢ್ࢆ⏝࠸࡚㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࢆ᥎
࣭ ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࡢ᥎ᐃᘧ
㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࡢ᥎ᐃ࡟ࡣ㸪PQ ࣔࢽࢱࣜࣥࢢྎ㌴࡟࠾࠸࡚㍯㔜ࢆ᥎ᐃࡍࡿ㝿࡟⏝࠸ࡿ㍈ࡤࡡୖୗኚ఩ࢆά⏝
ࡍࡿ㸬ᘧ㸦1㸧࡟㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ L ࡢ᥎ᐃᘧࢆ♧ࡍ㸬ᅗ 4㸦b㸧࡟♧ࡋࡓ 4 ⟠ᡤࡢ㍈ࡤࡡୖୗኚ఩㔞㸦๓㍈እ㌶ഃ㸸
Z1out 㸪๓㍈ෆ㌶ഃ㸸 Z 1in 㸪ᚋ㍈እ㌶ഃ㸸 Z 2 out 㸪ᚋ㍈ෆ㌶ഃ㸸 Z 2in 㸧࠿ࡽ㸪㍈ࡤࡡኚ఩ィྲྀ௜ࡅ఩⨨࡟࠾ࡅࡿ㍈㊥
ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࢆ⟬ฟࡋ㸪㍈ࡤࡡኚ఩ィྲྀ௜ࡅ㛫㝸ࡢ༙ศ b1 ࡜㌴㍯࣮ࣞࣝ᥋ゐⅬ㛫㊥㞳ࡢ༙ศ b ࡜ࢆ⏝࠸࡚㸪㌴㍯࣭
࣮ࣞࣝ᥋ゐ఩⨨࡟࠾ࡅࡿ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩࡬࡜ኚ᥮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㸦Michitsuji et al., 2015㸧
Z1out Z 2in Z1in Z 2out
[DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.16-00461]
b b1 ^ Z s1out Z s 2in Z s1in Z s 2out
© 2017 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Ichiyanagi, Michitsuji, Matsumoto, Sato, Ohno, Mori, Tanimoto, Iwamoto, Fukushima, Yano, Shinagawa and Nagasawa,
Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese), Vol.83, No.846 (2017)
(a) Irregularity of twist
(b) Displacement of axle spring
Fig. 4 The image of the irregularity of twist and estimation method. Irregularity of twist is torsion of railway surface. The
derailment coefficient is affected by the irregularity of twist especially in exit of circular curve. As shown in figure (b), the
irregularity of twist is estimated from vertical displacement of axle springs of PQ monitoring bogie.
࣭ ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࡢ⿵ṇᡭἲ
࣑ࢡࢫゎᯒࢯࣇࢺ࢙࢘࢔ SIMPACK Rail Ver. 9.7 ࡟ࡶ࡜࡙࠸࡚㌴୧ࣔࢹࣝࢆᵓ⠏ࡋ㸪᭤⥺㏻㐣ࢩ࣑࣮ࣗࣞࢩࣙࣥࢆ
࠾ࡇ࡞࠸㸪ᘧ㸦1㸧࡟ࡶ࡜࡙࠸࡚᥎ᐃࡋࡓ⤖ᯝࢆᅗ 5㸦a㸧ࡢ㟷⥺࡟♧ࡍ㸬ࡇࢀࡣ R = 171 m㸪C = 110 mm㸪S = 8 mm
ࡢ᭤⥺༊㛫ࢆ㸪㉮⾜㏿ᗘ 45 km/h ࡛ࢩ࣑࣮ࣗࣞࢩࣙࣥࡋࡓሙྜࡢ౛࡛࠶ࡿ㸬㌶㐨ኚ఩ࡀ↓࠸ሙྜ㸪ᐃᖖ᭤⥺࡟࠾
࠸࡚ࡣ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࡀ㞽࡟࡞ࡿࡣࡎ࡛࠶ࡿࡀ㸪ᘧ㸦1㸧ࡢ⤖ᯝ࡛ࡣᐃᖖ᭤⥺ෆ࡛⣙ 1.5 mm ࡢ್ࢆࡶࡘࡇ࡜ࡀࢃ
ࣝゅࡀⓎ⏕ࡋ㸪㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࡢㄗᕪ࡜࡞ࡿ㸬ࡇࡇ࡛౛࠼ࡤ㸪㉮⾜㏿ᗘࢆ 35 km/h ࡬ኚ᭦ࡋ㸪ࢩ࣑࣮ࣗࣞࢩࣙࣥ
ࢆ࠾ࡇ࡞࠺࡜㸪ㄗᕪࡣ⣙ 1.6 mm ࡜࡞ࡿ㸬ࡇࡢㄗᕪࡣ᭤⥺ㅖඖࡸ㉮⾜㏿ᗘ࡟ࡼࡾኚ໬ࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࡀࢃ࠿ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬
ᐃᖖ᭤⥺ࡢጞⅬ㸦BCC㸧࠿ࡽᐃᖖ᭤⥺㛗ࡢ 10 %ࡔࡅᚋࡢᆅⅬࢆ BCC’㸪ᐃᖖ᭤⥺ࡢ⤊Ⅼ㸦ECC㸧
࠿ࡽᐃᖖ᭤⥺㛗ࡢ 10 %ࡔࡅ๓ࡢᆅⅬࢆ ECC’࡜ࡋ㸪
BCC’࠿ࡽ ECC’ࡲ࡛ࡢᖹᆒ್ LCC ࢆ௨ୗࡢᘧ࡟ࡼࡾ⟬ฟࡍࡿ㸬
ࡇࡇ࡛㸪 x ࡣ㌴୧ࡢ㉮⾜఩⨨࡛࠶ࡾ㸪 x BCC 㸪 x BCC ' 㸪 x ECC 㸪 x ECC ' ࡣࡑࢀࡒࢀ BCC㸪BCC’㸪ECC㸪ECC’ࡢ఩⨨࡜
¦L x
k ˜ 'x k 0
xECC' xBCC ' ·
xBCC '
xBCC 1
xECC 1
xECC xBCC 10
࡛࠶ࡿ㸬㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࡢᖹᆒࢆ࡜ࡿ༊㛫ࢆ BCC’࠿ࡽ ECC’࡜ᐃࡵࡓࡢࡣ㸪࢝ࣥࢺ㏴ῶ༊㛫ࡢᙳ㡪ࢆ㝖እࡍࡿࡓ
ࡵ࡛࠶ࡿ㸬ࡇࡢᖹᆒ್ LCC ࢆ⏝࠸࡚㸪௨ୗࡢᘧ࡟ࡼࡾ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࡢ᥎ᐃ್ Lcor ࢆ⟬ฟࡍࡿ㸬
Lcor x
x xBTC
° L x LCC ˜
® L x LCC
x x
° L x LCC ˜ ETC
[DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.16-00461]
xBTC x d xBCC
xBCC x d xECC
xECC x d xETC
© 2017 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Ichiyanagi, Michitsuji, Matsumoto, Sato, Ohno, Mori, Tanimoto, Iwamoto, Fukushima, Yano, Shinagawa and Nagasawa,
Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese), Vol.83, No.846 (2017)
ࡇࡇ࡛㸪 x BTC ࡣධཱྀ⦆࿴᭤⥺ࡢጞⅬ㸪 x ETC ࡣฟཱྀ⦆࿴᭤⥺ࡢ⤊Ⅼ࡛࠶ࡿ㸬ࡇࡢᘧ࡛ࡣ㸪⦆࿴᭤⥺༊㛫࡛ㄗᕪࡢ⿵
ṇ㔞ࢆ⥺ᙧ࡟ቑῶࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬ᅗ 5㸦a㸧࡟⿵ṇ㔞㸦ᅗ୰ࡢ Shift value㸧ࢆ♧ࡍ㸬⿵ṇᚋࡢ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩㸦ᅗ୰ࡢ
Corrected㸧࡜ᵓ㐀ⓗ࡞ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩㸦ᅗ୰ࡢ Structural㸧ࢆẚ㍑ࡍࡿ࡜㸪Ἴᙧࡀࡼࡃ୍⮴ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡇ࡜ࡀࢃ࠿ࡿ㸬
ࡇࡢ⤖ᯝࢆࡶ࡜࡟㸪ᐇ ࢹ࣮ࢱ࡟ྠᵝࡢ᪉ἲࢆ㐺⏝ࡋࡓ౛ࢆᅗ 5㸦b㸧࡟♧ࡍ㸬ࡇࡇ࡛ࡣ㸪PQ ࣔࢽࢱࣜࣥࢢྎ
㌴ࡀ㸪ᅗ 5㸦a㸧࡜ྠࡌ᭤⥺༊㛫ࢆ㉮⾜ࡋࡓ࡜ࡁࡢࢹ࣮ࢱࢆࣉࣟࢵࢺࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬ࢩ࣑࣮ࣗࣞࢩࣙࣥྠᵝ㸪ᘧ㸦1㸧
࡛⟬ฟࡋࡓ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩㸦ᅗ୰ࡢ Eq.(1)㸧࡟㸪ᘧ㸦2㸧࠾ࡼࡧᘧ㸦3㸧࡛♧ࡋࡓฎ⌮ࢆࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡛⿵ṇࢆ࠾ࡇ࡞
࠺㸬⿵ṇᚋࡢ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩㸦ᅗ୰ࡢ Corrected㸧ࡣ㸪㌶㐨᳨ ㌴࡟ࡼࡿྠ᪥ྠ༊㛫࡟࠾ࡅࡿ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࡢ
ᐃ್㸦ᅗ୰ࡢ Track Inspection㸧࡟ࡼࡾ㏆ࡃ࡞ࡿࡇ࡜ࡀ☜ㄆ࡛ࡁࡿ㸬࡞࠾㸪㌶㐨᳨ ㌴࡛ࡣ㍈㊥ 2.5 m ࡢᖹ㠃ᛶኚ
఩ࢆ 5 m ้ࡳ࡛ ᐃࡋ࡚࠾ࡾ㸪ࡇࢀࢆ PQ ࣔࢽࢱࣜࣥࢢྎ㌴࡟ࡼࡿ᥎ᐃ್࡜ẚ㍑ࡍࡿࡓࡵ࡟㸪㌶㐨᳨ ㌴࡟ࡼࡿ
ᐃ್࡟ 1.9/2.5 ࢆ᥃ࡅ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬
ᮏ◊✲࡛ࡣ㸪᭤⥺༊㛫ࡢ㉮⾜ࢹ࣮ࢱ 1 ᮏࡈ࡜࡟㸪ᘧ㸦1㸧࡟ࡼࡿ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࡢィ⟬࡜㸪ᘧ㸦2㸧࠾ࡼࡧᘧ㸦3㸧
(b) Track inspection car and PQ monitoring bogie
(a) Structural twist and correction method (MBD simulation)
Fig. 5 Estimation of irregularity of twist. In figure (a), the estimated value from eq. (1) is not corresponding to structural value.
After proposed correction method, structural irregularity can be estimated. In figure (b), proposed correction method shows
good agreement with the track inspection car.
ࡿࡼ࠺࡟㸪MathWorks ♫ࡢᩘ್ゎᯒࢯࣇࢺ࢙࢘࢔ MATLAB R2013a ࡢ GUI సᡂࢶ࣮ࣝࢆ⏝࠸࡚࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࣇ࢙࣮ࢫ
ࢆタィࡋ㸪MATLAB Compiler R2013b ࢆ⏝࠸࡚ࢫࢱࣥࢻ࢔࡛ࣟࣥືసࡍࡿ࢔ࣉࣜࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥࢯࣇࢺࢆ㛤Ⓨࡋࡓ㸬
GUI ࡢືస୰ࡢᇶᮏ⏬㠃ࢆᅗ 6 ࠾ࡼࡧᅗ 7 ࡟♧ࡍ㸬࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࣇ࢙࣮ࢫࡣ௨ୗࡢ㡯┠࡟ࡼࡾᵓᡂࡉࢀࡿ㸬
ճ㸸Q/P ᭱኱್ vs. ᭤⥺༙ᚄ R㸦ᖒ⚊ࢹ࣮ࢱ㸧
մ㸸Q/P ᭱኱ᆅⅬࡢ κ vs. ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩㸦ᖒ⚊ࢹ࣮ࢱ㸧
յ㸸㑅ᢥ୰ࡢ᭤⥺༊㛫࡟࠾ࡅࡿ Q/P ࡜ κ㸦Ἴᙧࢹ࣮ࢱ㸧
ո㸸㉮⾜఩⨨ vs. ᫬้㸦ᖒ⚊ࢹ࣮ࢱ㸧
չ㸸Q/P ᭱኱್ vs. A ⥺㸦㊰⥺㉳Ⅼ࠿ࡽ⤊Ⅼ࡟ྥ࠿ࡗ࡚㉮⾜㸧㉮⾜఩⨨㸦ᖒ⚊ࢹ࣮ࢱ㸧
պ㸸Q/P ᭱኱್ vs. B ⥺㸦㊰⥺⤊Ⅼ࠿ࡽ㉳Ⅼ࡟ྥ࠿ࡗ࡚㉮⾜㸧㉮⾜఩⨨㸦ᖒ⚊ࢹ࣮ࢱ㸧
[DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.16-00461]
© 2017 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Ichiyanagi, Michitsuji, Matsumoto, Sato, Ohno, Mori, Tanimoto, Iwamoto, Fukushima, Yano, Shinagawa and Nagasawa,
Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese), Vol.83, No.846 (2017)
Fig. 6 The PQ monitoring data analysis tool developed using MATLAB. When user inputs date into the table No.1 and pushes
“Start” button, “Maximum point data” is plotted to the graph No.3, No.4, and No.8~10.
ࡇࡇ࡛㸪Q/P ࡜ κ㸪࠾ࡼࡧ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࡢᖒ⚊ࢹ࣮ࢱ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ㸪ࡑࡢ⤯ᑐ್࡜ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬ࢢࣛࣇյ࡛ࡣ㸪
࣏ࢵࣉ࢔ࢵࣉ࣓ࢽ࣮࡛ࣗࡢ㑅ᢥ࡟ࡼࡗ࡚㍯㔜 P㸪ᶓᅽ Q ࡢࢹ࣮ࢱࢆ⾲♧ࡉࡏࡿࡇ࡜ࡶ࡛ࡁ㸪ྠᵝ࡟ࢢࣛࣇն࡛ࡣ
㉮⾜㏿ᗘࡸ㍯㔜ẚ㸪㌶㐨ኚ఩ࡢࢹ࣮ࢱࢆࡳࡿࡇ࡜ࡶ࡛ࡁࡿ㸬࡞࠾㸪➨ 2 ❶࡛㏙࡭ࡓࣔࢽࢱࣜࣥࢢࢹ࣮ࢱࡢ஦๓ฎ
⌮ࡸ㸪➨ 3 ❶࡛㏙࡭ࡓ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࡢ᥎ᐃ࠾ࡼࡧ⿵ṇࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡶ⮬ື໬ࡋ㸪ᮏࢯࣇࢺ࢙࢘࢔࡟ᦚ㍕
ᮏࢯࣇࢺ࢙࢘࢔ࢆ⏝࠸ࡓศᯒࡢᡭ㡰ࢆ௨ୗ࡟♧ࡍ㸬ࡲࡎ㸪ᅗ 6 ࡢձ࡛⾲♧ࡋࡓ࠸ࢹ࣮ࢱࡢ ᐃ᪥ࢆᣦᐃࡋ㸪Start
࣎ࢱࣥࢆᢲࡍࡇ࡜࡛㸪ᅗ 6 ࡟♧ࡍࡼ࠺࡟ࢹ࣮ࢱࡀࣉࣟࢵࢺࡉࢀࡿ㸬ࡇࡢ࡜ࡁ㸪ᣦᐃࡋࡓᮇ㛫࡟࠾ࡅࡿ඲᭤⥺㏻㐣
᫬ࡢᖒ⚊ࢹ࣮ࢱࡀࢢࣛࣇճ㸪մ㸪ո㸪չ㸪պ࡟ࣉࣟࢵࢺࡉࢀࡿ㸬ࢹ࣮ࢱ ᐃ᪥ࡢᣦᐃ࡟࠾࠸࡚ࡣ㸪ᮇ㛫ጞࡲࡾ࡜
ࢢࣛࣇճࡣᶓ㍈ࢆ᭤⥺༙ᚄ㸦ᐃᖖ᭤⥺༊㛫࡟࠾ࡅࡿ᭤⥺༙ᚄ㸧࡜ࡋ࡚ Q/P ᭱኱್ࢆࣉࣟࢵࢺࡋࡓࡶࡢ࡛࠶ࡾ㸪
ࢡࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡟ࡼࡾ㸪࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࣇ࢙࣮ࢫࡣᅗ 7 ࡟♧ࡍࡼ࠺࡟ኚ໬ࡍࡿ㸬ࢢࣛࣇճ࡛ࡣ㸪㑅ᢥࡋࡓⅬࡀ㯮୸࡛ᅖࡲࢀ㸪
ྠᵝ࡟ࢢࣛࣇմ࠿ࡽࡣࡑࡢ᫬ࡢ κ ࠾ࡼࡧ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࡢ್ࡀࢃ࠿ࡿ㸬ࡉࡽ࡟㸪ղࡢ᭤⥺ㅖඖ⾲♧ḍࡸࢢࣛࣇշ
࠿ࡽࡣ㸪ࢹ࣮ࢱࢆほ ࡋࡓ᭤⥺⟠ᡤࡢ఩⨨ࡸㅖඖࡀࢃ࠿ࡿ㸬ࢢࣛࣇյ࡛ࡣ Q/P ࡜ κ㸪ࢢࣛࣇն࡛ࡣ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ
ࡳ࡚⬺⥺ಀᩘࡀቑ኱ࡋࡓせᅉࢆ᥎ᐃࡍࡿ࡜࠸࠺ศᯒࢆ㐍ࡵࡿࡇ࡜ࡀ࡛ࡁࡿ㸬࡞࠾㸪ᅗ 6 ࠾ࡼࡧᅗ 7 ࡟♧ࡋࡓ౛ࡢ
[DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.16-00461]
© 2017 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Ichiyanagi, Michitsuji, Matsumoto, Sato, Ohno, Mori, Tanimoto, Iwamoto, Fukushima, Yano, Shinagawa and Nagasawa,
Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese), Vol.83, No.846 (2017)
Fig. 7 The PQ monitoring data analysis tool. When user clicks on “Maximum point data” on the graph, details are displayed
automatically. “Waveform data” at the curve where “maximum point data” is observed are plotted on the graph No.5 and
No.6. And information of the curve is displayed on the table No.2.
࣭ ᭤⥺ࡈ࡜ࡢศᯒ
ᐇ㝿࡟ศᯒࢶ࣮ࣝࢆ⏝࠸࡚㸪3 ⟠ᡤࡢ᭤⥺࡟࠾ࡅࡿ 1 ࢝᭶ศࡢࢹ࣮ࢱ㸦N = 112㸧ࢆࡶ࡜࡟ศᯒࡋࡓ౛ࢆ♧ࡍ㸬
ᅗ 8㸪ᅗ 9㸪ᅗ 10 ࡟ࡣࡑࢀࡒࢀ A41 ᭤⥺㸦R = 160 m㸪C = 120 mm㸪S = 13 mm㸧
㸪A42 ᭤⥺㸦R = 164 m㸪C = 119 mm㸪
S = 13 mm㸧
㸪A57 ᭤⥺㸦R = 160 m㸪C = 120 mm㸪S = 13 mm㸧࡟࠾ࡅࡿ Q/P ࡜ κ㸪㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࡢἼᙧࢹ࣮ࢱࢆ
ࣉࣟࢵࢺࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬ྛᅗ㸦a㸧࡟ࡣ Q/P ᭱኱ᆅⅬ㸪
ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬ࡍ࡭࡚᭤⥺༙ᚄ 160 m ⛬ᗘࡢᛴ᭤⥺࡛࠶ࡾ㸪A41 ᭤⥺ࡢධཱྀ࡟ࡣ㸪ෆ㌶ഃ࡜እ㌶ഃࡢ୧᪉࡟ሬἜჾࡀ
タ⨨ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬A42 ᭤⥺࡜ A57 ᭤⥺࡟ࡣሬἜჾࡀタ⨨ࡉࢀ࡚࠸࡞࠸㸬⬺⥺ಀᩘ᭱኱್ほ ᫬ࡢ㉮⾜㏿ᗘࡣ㸪A41
᭤⥺࡛ࡣ 41㹼44 km/h㸪A42 ᭤⥺࡛ࡣ 43㹼46 km/h㸪A57 ᭤⥺࡛ࡣ 30㹼39 km/h ࡢ⠊ᅖ࡛㉮⾜ẖ࡟ኚືࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬
࡝ࡢ᭤⥺࡟࠾࠸࡚ࡶ㉮⾜ẖ࡟ Q/P ࡣኚ໬ࡍࡿࡀ㸪100 ᅇ௨ୖࡢ㉮⾜࡟࠾࠸࡚ࡶ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࡢኚ໬ࡣᑠࡉ࠸ࡇ
࡜࠿ࡽ㸪➨ 3 ❶࡛㏙࡭ࡓ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࡢ᥎ᐃ࠾ࡼࡧ⿵ṇ᪉ἲࡀጇᙜ࡛࠶ࡿ࡜ุ᩿ࡍࡿ㸬
ᅗ 8 ࡢ A41 ᭤⥺ࡣ㸪௚ࡢ᭤⥺࡜ẚ࡭࡚≉࡟ Q/P ࡜ κ ࡢ㉮⾜ẖࡢኚືࡀ኱ࡁ࠸ࡇ࡜࠿ࡽ㸪㌴㍯࣭࣮ࣞࣝ㛫ࡢ₶⁥
≧ែࡀኚ໬ࡋࡸࡍ࠸⟠ᡤ࡛࠶ࡾ㸪κ ࡢୖ᪼࡟ࡋࡓࡀࡗ࡚ Q/P ࡶୖ᪼ࡍࡿ㸬ຍ࠼࡚㸪ECC ௜㏆࡟࠾ࡅࡿ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶ
ኚ఩ࡢኚ໬࡟࡜ࡶ࡞࠸㸪Q/P ࡀࣆ࣮ࢡ࡜࡞ࡾࡸࡍ࠸㸬
ᅗ 9 ࡢ A42 ᭤⥺ࡣ㸪ᐃᖖⓗ࡟ κ ࡀపࡃ㸪ᐃᖖ᭤⥺ෆ࡛ࡣ Q/P ࡢ್ࡀప࠸ࡶࡢࡢ㸪ECC ௜㏆࡛㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩
ࡀቑ኱ࡍࡿࡓࡵ㸪Q/P ࡢࣆ࣮ࢡࡀ㢧ⴭ࡟࠶ࡽࢃࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬
ᅗ 10 ࡢ A57 ᭤⥺ࡣ㸪Q/P ࡢࣆ࣮ࢡࡀ ECC ௜㏆௨እ࡟ࡶᐃᖖ᭤⥺୰࡟」ᩘᏑᅾࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬ᐃᖖ᭤⥺୰࡛ࡢ Q/P
࡜㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࡣ࡜ࡶ࡟ኚືࡢ᣺ᖜࡀ኱ࡁࡃ㸪Ἴᙧࡢ㇂࡟┦ᙜࡍࡿ㒊ศ࡛ Q/P ࡀᒣ࡜࡞ࡿഴྥࡀ࠺࠿ࡀ࠼ࡿ㸬
[DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.16-00461]
© 2017 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Ichiyanagi, Michitsuji, Matsumoto, Sato, Ohno, Mori, Tanimoto, Iwamoto, Fukushima, Yano, Shinagawa and Nagasawa,
Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese), Vol.83, No.846 (2017)
(a) Q/P and κ in A41 (N = 112)
(b) Estimated irregularity of twist in A41 (N = 112)
Fig. 8 Example of analysis in A41 (R = 160 m, C = 120 mm, S = 13 mm). In this curve, Q/P and κ dramatically change. The
friction coefficient is likely to change and Q/P is affected. In most cases, Q/P have a peak around ECC (End of Circular
Curve) due to the irregularity of twist.
(a) Q/P and κ in A42 (N = 112)
(b) Estimated irregularity of twist in A42 (N = 112)
Fig. 9 Example of analysis in A42 (R = 164 m, C = 119 mm, S = 13 mm). In circular curve, Q/P is not so large because κ is small
as compared to figure 8. In this curve, Q/P increases around ECC because of structural irregularity of twist.
(a) Q/P and κ in A57 (N = 112)
(b) Estimated irregularity of twist in A57 (N =112)
Fig. 10 Example of analysis in A57 (R = 160 m, C = 120 mm, S = 13 mm). In circular curve, the irregularity of twist fluctuates,
whereby Q/P also fluctuates. This curve has several peaks of Q/P around ECC and in circular curve.
[DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.16-00461]
© 2017 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Ichiyanagi, Michitsuji, Matsumoto, Sato, Ohno, Mori, Tanimoto, Iwamoto, Fukushima, Yano, Shinagawa and Nagasawa,
Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese), Vol.83, No.846 (2017)
࣭ ᭤⥺ࡢ≉ᚩศᯒ
ᖒ⚊ࢹ࣮ࢱࢆ⏝࠸ࡓ」ᩘࡢ᭤⥺ࡢẚ㍑౛ࢆ♧ࡍ㸬๓㏙ࡢ 3 ⟠ᡤࡢ᭤⥺࡟ࡘ࠸࡚㸪Q/P ᭱኱್࡜ࡑࡢ࡜ࡁࡢ κ ࡢ
㛵ಀࢆᅗ 11㸦a㸧࡟♧ࡋ㸪Q/P ᭱኱್ほ ᫬ࡢ κ ࡜ࡑࡢ࡜ࡁࡢ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࡢ㛵ಀࢆᅗ 11㸦b㸧࡟♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬
࡞࠾㸪ᅗ 11㸦a㸧࡟ࡣ κ ࡜ Q/P ࡢ┦㛵ಀᩘ r ࡜⥺ᙧᅇᖐ┤⥺ࢆ♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬
ᅗ 11㸦a㸧ࡼࡾ㸪࠸ࡎࢀࡢ᭤⥺࡟࠾࠸࡚ࡶ κ ࡀ኱ࡁ࠸࡯࡝ Q/P ࡀ኱ࡁࡃ࡞ࡿ㸬≉࡟ A41 ᭤⥺࡜ A42 ᭤⥺࡟ࡘ࠸
࡚ࡣ㸪Q/P ࡜ κ ࡢ┦㛵ࡀᙉࡃ㸪ෆ㌶ഃ㌴㍯࣭࣮ࣞࣝ㛫ࢆ₶⁥ࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡟ࡼࡾ Q/P ࢆᢚไ࡛ࡁࡿྍ⬟ᛶࡀ㧗࠸㸬࡞
࠿࡛ࡶ A42 ᭤⥺࡟࠾࠸࡚ࡣẚ㍑ⓗ κ ࡀ኱ࡁࡃ࡞ࡿࡇ࡜ࡀከࡃ㸪Q/P ࡶቑ኱ࡍࡿࡓࡵ㸪₶⁥࡟ᕤኵࡢవᆅࡀ࠶ࡿ㸬
ḟ࡟㸪ᅗ 11㸦b㸧ࢆࡳࡿ࡜㸪A42 ᭤⥺࡛ࡣ௚ࡢ᭤⥺ࡼࡾ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࡶ኱ࡁࡃ࡞ࡿࡇ࡜ࡀࢃ࠿ࡾ㸪₶⁥≧ែ
࡟ຍ࠼࡚㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩࡟ࡶὀពࡍࡿᚲせࡀ࠶ࡿ㸬ࡲࡓ㸪A57 ᭤⥺࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࡢ್ࡀ 2 ࡘࡢ⩌࡟
ศ࠿ࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬ࡇࢀࡣ Q/P ࡀࣆ࣮ࢡ࡜࡞ࡿᆅⅬࡀ㸪ẖᅇྠࡌ⟠ᡤ࡛ࡣ࡞ࡃ㸪」ᩘ⟠ᡤ࡟ࢃࡓࡗ࡚Ꮡᅾࡍࡿ࡜࠸࠺
ࡇ࡜࡛࠶ࡿ㸬ࡑࡢࡓࡵ Q/P ࡜ κ ࡢ┦㛵ࡀ௚ࡢ᭤⥺࡜ẚ࡭࡚ᙅ࠸㸬ࡉࡽ࡟㸪௚ࡢ᭤⥺࡟ẚ࡭ᵓ㐀ⓗ࡟㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ
఩ࡀᑠࡉࡃ㸪Q/P ࡢ್ࡶᑠࡉࡃ࡞ࡿഴྥ࡟࠶ࡿ㸬ᅗ 11㸦b㸧࡛ࡣ㸪κ ࡜㍈㊥ᖹ㠃ᛶኚ఩ࢆྠ᫬࡟ࡳࡿࡇ࡜࡛㸪ࡑࢀ
(a) Q/P and κ in three curves
(b) κ and estimated irregularity of twist in three curves
Fig. 11 Analysis in three curves based on “Maximum point data”. κ and Q/P are correlated in all curves. Based on the result shown
in figure (a), Q/P will decrease by lubricating the inner rail. As shown in figure (b), the value of the irregularity of twist in
A42 is the largest. Especially in A42, there is a need to be careful because both κ and the irregularity of twist are large. In
A57, the irregularity of twist is divided into two groups because Q/P have some peaks. Q/P is smaller than other curves
because the irregularity of twist is not so large.
࣭ ⬺⥺ಀᩘࡢ⤒᫬ኚ໬
PQ ࣔࢽࢱࣜࣥࢢྎ㌴࡟ࡼࡗ࡚㛗ᮇⓗ࡟ࢹ࣮ࢱ ᐃࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡛㸪⬺⥺ಀᩘࡢ᫬㛫ኚ໬ࢆࡳࡿࡇ࡜ࡀ࡛ࡁࡿ㸬ᅗ
12 ࡣ A42 ᭤⥺࡟࠾ࡅࡿ⣙ 2 ࢝᭶࡟ࢃࡓࡿ Q/P ᭱኱್࡜ࡑࡢ᫬ࡢ κ ࡢኚ໬ࢆ♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬ࡇࡇ࡛㸪Q/P ᭱኱್࠾ࡼ
ࡧ κ ࡣ㸪1 ᪥ࡢᖹᆒ್࡜㸪1 ᪥ࡢ᭱኱್ࡢ 2 ✀㢮ࢆࣉࣟࢵࢺࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬ᙜヱ᭤⥺࡟࠾࠸࡚ࡣ㸪Q/P ࡢ್ࡣᮇ㛫ึࡵ
࡟ẚ࡭㸪⤊ࢃࡾ࡛ࡣᑠࡉࡃ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࡇ࡜ࡀࢃ࠿ࡿ㸬κ ࡶྠᵝࡢഴྥ࡟࠶ࡾ㸪ࡉࡽ࡟ Q/P ࡢቑῶ࡜ࡼࡃఝࡓኚ໬
ࢆࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㸬ࡇࢀࡼࡾ㸪㌴㍯࣭࣮ࣞࣝ㛫ࡢ₶⁥≧ែࡀኚ໬ࡋ㸪ࡑࡢᙳ㡪࡟ࡼࡾ Q/P ࡀᢚไࡉࢀࡓྍ⬟ᛶࡀ࠶ࡿ㸬
㛤Ⓨࡋࡓࢯࣇࢺ࢙࢘࢔ࡣ㸪⬺⥺ಀᩘࡢ᫬㛫ኚ໬ࢆࣉࣟࢵࢺࡍࡿࡓࡵࡢᶵ⬟ࡸ㸪5.2 ❶࡟࡚㏙࡭ࡓ≉ᐃ᭤⥺ࡢᖒ⚊
[DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.16-00461]
© 2017 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Ichiyanagi, Michitsuji, Matsumoto, Sato, Ohno, Mori, Tanimoto, Iwamoto, Fukushima, Yano, Shinagawa and Nagasawa,
Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese), Vol.83, No.846 (2017)
Fig. 12 Daily change of Q/P and κ in A42. In this curve, both Q/P and κ decrease slightly as time elapses. Trend of Q/P is similar
to κ. There is a possibility that the value of Q/P is suppressed due to a decrease of the friction coefficient between inner
wheel and rail.
⤖ ゝ
ᮏ◊✲࡛ࡣ PQ ࣔࢽࢱࣜࣥࢢྎ㌴࠿ࡽᚓࡓࢹ࣮ࢱࢆά⏝ࡋ㸪㌴㍯࣭࣮ࣞࣝ᥋ゐຊࡢ≧ែࢆ┘どࡍࡿࡓࡵࡢศᯒ
࣭PQ ࣔࢽࢱࣜࣥࢢྎ㌴࠿ࡽᚓࡓࢹ࣮ࢱࢆ㸪᭤⥺ࡈ࡜࡟⟶⌮ࡍࡿ⎔ቃࢆᵓ⠏ࡋࡓ㸬ࡲࡓ㸪⭾኱࡞ࢹ࣮ࢱࢆຠ⋡ࡼ
ᩥ ⊩
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[DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.16-00461]
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