Chapter 1 Study online at 1. Any force that interferes with effective communication is known as: Noise 2. Communication can be best defined as The process of creating meaning through symbolic interaction. 3. Communication competence involves: Achieving one's goals in a manner that, ideally, maintains and enhances the relationship in which it occurs. 4. Communication isn't something we do _______ others; rather it's something we do ________ them to; with 5. Communication is the only way we learn _________: Who we are. 6. Dyadic communication involves: Communication between two people 7. Meanings rest in _____, not ______. people; words 8. The process of paying close attention to one's behavior and using these observations to shape the way one behaves is known as: Self-monitoring 9. The tendency to transmit messages without considering their consequences is known as: Disinhibition 10. Unlike mass media, social media involves: User-generated content.