Uploaded by Chloé Uy

IETA Features

IETA Features
Thickness of the endometrium ____mm
not measurable
Endometrial echogenicity and pattern
 Uniform
 Three-layer pattern
 Hyperechoic
 Iso-echoic
 Non-uniform
 Homogenous
 With regular cystic areas
 With irregular cystic areas
 Heterogenous
 Without cystic areas
 With regular cystic areas
 With irregular cystic areas
Endometrial midline
 Linear
 Non-linear
 Irregular
 Not defined
Bright edge
 Yes
 No
Endo-myometrial junction
 Regular
 Irregular
 Interrupted
 Not defined
 No
 Yes
Intracavitary fluid
 No
 Yes
 ____mm
 Echogenicity
 Anechoic / low level echogenicity
 Ground glass
 Mixed echogenicity
 Score within the endometrium
 (no flow)
 (minimal flow)
 (moderate flow)
 (abundant flow)
 Vascular pattern
 No vessels seen
 Single dominant vessel
 Single dominant vessel without branching
 Single dominant vessel with branching
 Multiple dominant vessels
 Focal origin
 Multifocal origin
 Scattered vessels
 Circular flow