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Guest Post Services| Article Marketing: Dead or Alive?

Guest Post Services| Article Marketing:
Dead or Alive?
For many years article marketing has been an exquisite thanks to driving traffic.
Why does it work? Because...
Article marketing educates readers before they visit your main sales page, increasing
Article MARKETING isn't dead, not by an extended shot!
The real key to information marketing is to supply high-quality, original, helpful content.
Some of the names of article marketing have changed and it is vital to understand these
changes. In today's world "article marketing" has taken on these new names.
Guest Post
Repurposing of content
These methods work. and that they will still work for several years to return.
Because, unlike article spamming, these methods provide the lifeblood of the web -- top-quality
original content delivered free with no pressure on the reader to require action.
Let's check out all and see how they could add to your life.
Guest Post
Guest Post simply means submitting your articles to blogs that will use your content. Totally
different from article spamming, this is often a highly targeted approach that works wonderfully
Article marketing is information marketing. Whether your information marketing takes the shape
of a blog, a ​guest post​, a piece of writing on a site like EzineArticles.com or an email follow up
series, giving out your best information discretion assist you to sell more.
Guest Post works well for 3 powerful reasons.
You inherit the credibility of the blog your article appears on once your guest post.
Readers can follow a link in your author's box (resource box) to go to your site.
Readers who do visit your site can join your list (the list remains the #1 priority) and can
do so in higher numbers than "cold" visitors.
Best of all,​ ​guest posts​ ​is totally free!
Blogging is not any longer optional for online business.
One key to success online is to let people hear your voice and choose if they need to follow you.
Nothing does that better than blogging.
In today's world, the barriers to blogging are removed. If you've got a hosting account you'll
have a blog with one click in most cases.
Syndication means having your article appear on many sites.
Many today worry about Google's duplicate content penalty once they shouldn't be so worried.
Yes, the penalty exists. Its goal, however, is to penalize low-quality sites that believe spammy
But the penalty doesn't target high-quality original content that appears on multiple sites. If it did
companies that syndicate for a living, just like the Associated Press, would be put out of
Look for places to syndicate, submit your best content, and watch as they assist you discover
new and bigger audiences than you ever dreamed of before.
Repurposing content
Many people say no to content marketing because they do not want to write down the content.
The solution is repurposing.
Repurposing content simply means taking high-quality content that was created in one format
and changing the format to repackage the content and share it in additional places.
Here are a couple of samples of repurposing content that employment well...
Break reports or ebooks into articles
Write articles from multiple points of view (repurpose ideas)
Combine articles into reports or ebooks
Transcribe audio & video into a series of articles
There are some ways to try to do this in fact. the important key's permission - make 100% sure
that you simply have the permission of the one that created the content before moving ahead.
Otherwise repurposing becomes plagiarism which must be avoided at the least costs.
There is no more powerful method of selling online than information marketing.
Information marketing (also called education marketing) works because of Information
Gives before it expects to receive.
Helps people.
Prospects self-select to find out more - no "forcing" them to opt in to find out more.
Creates better customers because they're educated about the merchandise before they
● Does not have hard or ongoing costs. Outside of hosting (about $10 a month at this
writing), you do not need to pay other costs. And once you create a piece of writing it can
work for you for years to return.
● Positions you as an authority and creates trust.
Opens the door to figure with top sellers in your field as you guest post on each other's blogs.
And those are beautiful things indeed!