Dianne Mahabir-Joseph Online Lesson Plan Lesson Plan Name: Mrs. Dianne Mahabir Joseph Date: 20 August 2020 Form: 1 Topic: Intro to Literary Elements This lesson will involve: • Independent work • Peer review • Teacher sca olding and feedback Assessment (How will they/we know they have learned?) Learners will submit a dra version of their story for peer review and a nal version of their essay for teacher feedback using an agreed rubric supplied in advance. Technology Used (How will we communicate while physically distanced?) SMS Email WhatsApp Internet Google Classroom ft Learning Strategies (How must they learn?) fi By the end of the lesson, learners in Form 1 English will be be er able to: • De ne and iden fy the ve elements of a story • Analyze a story to determine its elements • Write your own story using the elements of a story. • To evaluate others’ work and give them feedback • Share their created work under an open license. fi Learning Outcomes (What must they learn?) tt ti ff fi CRITERIA 1 Dianne Mahabir-Joseph Online Lesson Plan Lessons phases incorpora ng: Content Required to implement Lesson OER Organiza on and Presenta on What is communicated before the lesson? SMS: Good morning. Please check the Google Classroom for this week’s lesson guidelines. Email: Lesson guidelines for Term 1 Week 2. What are the key ac vi es in the lesson: Introductory ac vity Learners view the short video on YouTube describing Literary Elements h ps://youtu.be/YiS5kdrJhno Students re ect on the ve elements of a story. In their Watsapp group they discuss how important these elements are for a good story. Developmental ac vity 1 Learners visit the Google Classroom. They download the ‘Five Things’ Song lyrics, they read. Using the Graphic Organizer they de ne each element and give examples. Feedback: Discussion Teacher/Students have discussion to clarify de ni ons. Students brainstorm examples of each elements previous stories they know Comment on their peer post. fi ti ti ti fi fl ti ti ti ti tti fl ti ti fi tt They would have no ced that: The Five (5) Elements of a story are: Character, se ng, con ict, plot and theme. 2 Developmental ac vity 2 Learners examine examples and determine the ve elements of a story. Students visit the Google classroom: 1. They read the story 2. They then download the Graphic Organizer 2 and record the ve elements in that story. Students discuss in the Watsapp Group the ve elements they found in the story. Feedback: Comment on one person post. Each Learner provides feedback. Developmental ac vity 3 Learners visit the Google Classroom and choose one of the Narra ve topics given. Using the Graphic Organizer 2 they plan out an original story to write. Share your outline via email with the peer your teacher selected. Feedback: Re ect on the changes suggested by your peer and revise your essay. Developmental ac vity 4 Learners using the feedback from their peers they begin wri ng their story. When they are nished email to their peer for review. Using feedback correct changes. fi ti ti ti ti ti fi fi fl ti ti Consolida ng ac vity Learners use the feedback provided by their peers to revise their answers/graphic organizers/ story wri ng. Learners upload their revised graphic organizers/ story to the Google Classroom under the assignment Literary Elements Subject: Form 1 English 1.2 Within 24 hours, the teacher provides feedback on the content and language of the story. ti fi Dianne Mahabir-Joseph Online Lesson Plan 3 (This is what is emailed to the learners – what the teacher used to say in class now needs to be communicated di erently. You did not need to do this for the assignment, but it is something you will need to think about in prac ce.) Lesson Guidelines for Form 1 English, Term 1, Week 2 Welcome to English Form 1, Lesson 1.2. This week we are going to prac ce Literary Elements. By the end of the lesson, you will be be er able to: 1. De ne and iden fy the ve elements of a story 2. Analyze a story to determine its elements 3. Write your own story using the elements of a story. 4. To evaluate others’ work and give them feedback 5. Share their created work under an open license. Time: Expect to spend about 3 hours on this week’s work. Ac vity 1.2a Purpose: to begin thinking about Literary elements Time: 15 mins Task: Students watch video on youtube h ps:// youtu.be/YiS5kdrJhno 1. They iden fy the ve literary elements of a story. 2. They de ne them. 3. In their Watsapp group they discuss their nings with their peers and teacher re ec ng on. ti tt ti fl ti fi tt ti fi fi ff fi ti ti ti fi fi Feedback: Comment on at least one person’s post. Think about: How many of you gave the same de ni on and whether you iden ed the same elements? ti fi Dianne Mahabir-Joseph Online Lesson Plan 4 Dianne Mahabir-Joseph Online Lesson Plan Ac vity 1.2b Purpose: to iden fy the di erent types of elements Time: 30 mins Task: 1. Visit the Google Classroom and download the ‘Five Elements Song Lyrics’ and they read. 2. Next they download the Graphic Organizer they de ne each element and give examples by lling out the organizer. 3. Next students visit the Google Classroom and download the literary elements powerpoint and take notes. Feedback: Discussion Teacher/Students have discussion to clarify de ni ons. Students brainstorm examples of each elements previous stories they know Comment on their peer post. They would have no ced that: A character is a person, or some mes even an animal, who takes part in the ac on of a short story or other literary work. The se ng of a short story is the me and place in which it happens. Authors o en use descrip ons of landscape, scenery, buildings, seasons or weather to provide a strong sense of se ng. A plot is a series of events and character ac ons that relate to the central con ict. The con ict is a struggle between two people or things in a short story. The main character is usually on one side of the central con ict. On the other side, the main character may struggle against another important character, against the forces of nature, against society, or even against something inside himself or herself (feelings, emo ons, illness). ti fl ti ti ti ft fl ff ti fi fi ti ti ti fl tti ti ti fi tti The theme is the central idea or belief in a short story. 5 Dianne Mahabir-Joseph Online Lesson Plan Ac vity 1.2c Purpose: to begin analyzing stories to iden fy literary elements. Time: 45 mins Task: Visit Google Classroom, download the examples stories given. 1. Students read the story 2. On your Watsapp group discuss the story. 3. Download the graphic organizer 2 in the classroom and ll out using the instruc ons given. 4. Email your graphic organizer to a classmate for feedback. Feedback: • Comment on your peers post. • Feedback from peer viewed and sugges ons used to x graphic organizer if needed. Ac vity 1.2d Purpose: to begin dra ing and wri ng stories using the literary elements. Time: 45 mins Task: Visit the Google Classroom and download the Literary Elements Assignment. 1. Choose one of the topics 2. In your Watsapp group discuss the topic you chose with your peers and what are the possible Literary elements. 3. Using the Graphic Organizer 2 Chart your Literary elements for own story. 4. Share your worksheet via email with the peer your teacher selected. ti ti ti ti ft fi fi ti ti fl fl Feedback: Re ect on how many of peers chose the same topic as you and if they had ideas like yours for the literary elements Re ect on the changes suggested by your peer and revise your answer. 6 Dianne Mahabir-Joseph Online Lesson Plan 7 Ac vity 1.1d Purpose: to write your one story using literary elements. Time: 45 mins Task: 1. Using the feedback from your peer on your story, begin wri ng your story. 2. your story should be approximately 200 words. 3. Now email your answers to one friend in your class for comment and feedback. 4. Provide feedback to your friend on their essay. Feedback: Your friend should have given you feedback you can make changes if necessary. Ac vity 1.1e Purpose: To evaluate others’ work and give them feedback Time: 30 mins Task: 1. Now check your Literary Elements of your story using feedback from your classmate. 2. Now Learners upload their revised work to the Google Classroom under the assignment Literary Elements Subject: Form 1 English 1.2 Feedback: Congratula ons you have completed Literary Genres. Summary ti ti ff ti ti ti Students would have completed Literary Elements and can now e ec vely write their own story using literary elements. Dianne Mahabir-Joseph Online Lesson Plan 8