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Tearfund Policy Guidance: Safeguarding, Fraud, and More

Purpose of Policy Guidance
Tearfund is committed to supporting our partners develop and implement key policies and
procedures in order to progress towards best practice and operational excellence.
For all policies the basic criteria must be included. Gold criteria will improve the policy, but they are
not required.
The purpose of this document is to equip Country Staff, Cluster Safeguarding Focal Points and
Cluster Compliance Officers to assess partner policies (existing or new) to ensure that the necessary
content is captured. Follow-up questions to ask the Partners to ensure that the policy and
procedures are being implemented can also be found in PD-G4 Monitoring Visit Checklist.
When thinking about a partners policy please also consider the reputational risk to the partner or
Tearfund if an issue came to rise and how the policies would mitigate against that.
When the partner sends in a policy it is checked by the country team against this guidance. Support
will be given by the appropriate cluster roles.
Safeguarding policy
Safeguarding template
Basic content to be captured in policy or other relevant documents:
Dated within the last 3 years (review period)
The policy has been approved by the board / synod / governing body and is being
implemented throughout the organisation
The policy and procedure are known by the staff at induction and through regular training so
that safeguarding is everyone's responsibility
The policy must be workable in the partners context and comply with the local laws
Definition of safeguarding
Definition of Children (everyone under 18 years)
Definition of vulnerable adults (anybody over 18 that has particular care, support or special
needs or when the person is dependent or reliant on others. Conflict and disasters might
also be the cause of some of these short term or long term vulnerabilities. A vulnerable adult
is also whoever identifies themselves as unable to take care of themselves or to protect
themselves from harm/exploitation.)
A statement that recognises the organisations duty of care towards children and vulnerable
adults, and that all children and adults have rights to protection from harm
Description of different types of abuse (see template safeguarding policy)
Scope of policy - all staff, volunteer and representatives
All staff, volunteers and representatives must immediately report any concerns
A statement that partner organisations (third parties to Tearfund) must either have their
own safeguarding policy or abide by the organisations
Commitment to annual training
Assignment of safeguarding focal point
Prevention procedures - risk assessments, safe recruitment, code of conduct, programme
design, images, media / communication, training
Reporting procedures - point of contact, email, phone number, expected response times
Response procedures - investigation, monitoring, review
Reference to the code of conduct
Gold level content which would improve the safeguarding policy:
The policy has clear statements about identifying and mitigating organisational and
programmatic safeguarding risks
Clear job descriptions including safeguarding responsibilities are mentioned
It outlines how new staff and representatives receive information on the organisation's
safeguarding commitments and are trained.
There is a clear commitment to disseminate the safeguarding policy and its principles to the
beneficiaries and communities.
Beneficiary and child friendly community posters are displayed in offices and field sites.
There is a description and process in place to address neglect which is made unknowingly
Fraud and Bribery Policy
Fraud and Bribery Template Policy
Basic content to be captured in policy or other relevant document:
Dated within the last 3 years (review period)
The policy has been approved by the board / synod / governing body and is being
implemented throughout the organisation
The policy must be workable in the partners context and local legislation
Definitions of Fraud, Bribery, Loss and Corruption - consider the legislative definition within
the country
Definition of Loss
Statement that the organisation has a zero tolerance for fraud, bribery and corruption
Scope of policy - all staff, volunteer and representatives
Statement that all staff, volunteers and representatives are responsible for reporting fraud,
bribery or corruption
Reporting mechanisms: reference to whistleblowing policy and code of conduct
List of instances who will be notified in a fraud case
Consequences for perpetrating fraud, bribery or corruption
A statement that all efforts will be made to recover losses
Outlining steps the organisation takes to reduce the risk of fraud, bribery and corruption
Gold level content which would improve the fraud and bribery policy:
Response procedure
Legal references
Values statement
Countering Crime and Terrorism
Financial Sanctions, Anti-Terrorism and Anti-Money Laundering Policy Template
Basic content to be captured in policy or other relevant document:
Dated within the last 3 years (review period)
The policy has been approved by the board / synod / governing body and is being
implemented throughout the organisation
The policy must be workable in the partners context
Definitions of Terrorism, Money Laundering and Financial Sanctions
Committment that funds will not be used for purposes of terrorism or money laundering
Reporting mechanism: reference to whistleblowing policy
All staff, volunteers, consultants and other representatives must immediately report if they
believe that any funds have been used for terrorism or by a proscribed party
Steps that will be taken to prevent use of funds by a proscribed party, for terrorism or
money laundering (for example screening of partners and suppliers)
Statement that the policy is applied in all programmes and operations
The policy must cover both funds flowing into and out of the organisation
Commitment to staff training
Gold level content which would improve the countering crime and terrorism policy:
Funding Sources Policy
Screening procedure
A list of specific responsibilities per role (i.e. who will do screening checks, who will clear
potential matches, who will verify checks)
Investigation and response procedure
Whistleblowing policy
Whistleblowing template
Basic content to be captured in policy or other relevant document:
Dated within the last 3 years (review period)
The policy has been approved by the board / synod / governing body and is being
implemented throughout the organisation
The policy must be workable in the partners context
Definition of whistleblowing: A confidential reporting method where an individual or group
can report a concern or provide information to an organization regarding the wrongdoing or
malpractice of an individual or group.
Confidentiality for the person ‘Blowing the Whistle’
Protection for the person ‘Blowing the Whistle’
Example of whistleblowing incidents and concerns that should be raised. Referece to
safeguarding, fraund and bribery, conflict of interest, countering crime and terrorism
Statement that the organisation takes malpractice seriously, commitment to transparency,
openness and accountability
Reporting procedures - point of contact, email, phone number
Different ways of reporting for staff, partners and communities
Response procedures - investigation, monitoring, review
Includes anti-slavery and human trafficking
Gold level content which would improve the whistleblowing policy:
Reporting posters or flowcharts
Training and communications plan
Health and Safety Policy
Health and Safety Policy Template
Basic content to be captured in Health and Safety policy or other relevant document:
Dated within the last 3 years (review period)
The policy has been approved by the board / synod / governing body and is being
implemented throughout the organisation
Scope of policy - all staff, volunteers and representatives, visitors (assets- secondary)
The policy must be workable in the partners context and apply to all locations, the partner is
based in
Recognition that there is risk in the work of the organisation and how risks will be managed
Statement that the partner has a duty of care to all its employees and people affected by its
Statement that all employees have responsibility to care for their own and colleagues and
those they line manage health and safety at work. This should include responsibility to
follow management instructions, use health & safety equipment that is provided and to report
any incidents. Failure to follow procedures may be a disciplinary issue.
Staff and visitors cannot be required to take actions beyond acceptable levels of risk.
Name a role with overall responsibility for health and safety, including delegates as
Gold level content which would improve the Health and Safety policy:
Reference to local health, safety and security legislation if applicable
A risk appetite statement
Risk assessments will be done for each location and each new project
Incident reporting procedures
Travel arrangements and safety and security arrangements for travel (i.e. safety briefings)
Indication of what the organisation will provide in the case of an incident (i.e. medical care,
money, prayer, pastoral support)
Indicate whether the organisation has a policy on the following topics: kidnap and ransom,
use of armed personnel, use of weapons and handling of ammunition etc.
Personal Conduct Policy / Code of
Code of Conduct Template Policy
Basic content to be captured in Personal Conduct policy or other relevant documents:
Dated within the last 3 years (review period)
The policy has been approved by the board / synod / governing body and is being
implemented throughout the organisation
The policy must be workable in the partners context
Scope of policy - all staff, volunteers and representatives
A Statement that lists how you would like staff to behave, for example: with integrity and
honestly, trust, respectful, accountability, maintaining effectiveness, in line with
organisational values etc.
Principles: what we are committed to and how we want staff to behave in line with that.
All staff must adhere to the laws and be respectful of local contexts
Consequences of a breach (i.e. disciplinary action): the organisation will take fair and
proportionate action
Whom to refer to in case of any questions or doubts
List of acceptable and unacceptable behaviours
Gold level content which would improve the Personal Conduct policy:
References to other policies: Conflict of interest, data protection, safeguarding, fraus, loss
and bribery, health and safety, whistleblowing, policy on sharing faith etc.
Logistics and Procurement Policy
Procurement Policy Template
Basic content to be captured in Logistics and Procurement policy or other relevant documents:
Dated within the last 3 years (review period)
The policy has been approved by the board / synod / governing body and is being
implemented throughout the organisation
The policy must be workable in the partners context
Scope of policy - all staff, volunteers and representatives
A Statement that all procurement of services, goods and work must be ethical, competitive,
fair, transparent, appropriate, properly approved and in compliance with donor
Reason for the policy: to ensure value for money and compliance with donor requirements
Procurement thresholds which must not exceed Tearfund's limits, and procurement
methods relative to the thresholds.
○ Note that thresholds should take into account total expected procurement value
over the length of the contract.
Option for a derogation and approval process for that.
Authorisation roles and responsibilities, ensuring segregation of duties.
Statement that ethical criteria when selecting suppliers are taken into account, such as child
labour, human rights abuses, links to the arms industry or organised crime, etc.
Statement that procurement information is kept confidential, and no supplier is made aware
about prices quotes by a competitor or the internal budget, as this could give them an unfair
Supplier performance is managed against each contract. Payments are made after receiving
goods or services. Any upfront payments or payments in installments are pre-authorised by
the management.
Gold level content which would improve the Logistics and Procurement policy:
Links to related policies: Personal Conduct Policy, Whistleblowing Policy, Fraud, Loss and
Bribery policy, Conflict of Interest policy
Procurement Procedure
Reference to PARCEL
Special arrangements for the first phase of emergency responses
Statement that goods/services should be clearly specified at the start of the process
References or special arrangements for sourcing pharmaceutical or medical goods and food,
if required. In those cases adhere to local regulations and donor requirements and quality is ensured.
Conflict of Interest Policy
Conflict of Interest policy template
Basic content to be captured in Conflict of Interest policy or other relevant documents:
Dated within the last 3 years (review period)
The policy has been approved by the board/synod / governing body and is being
implemented throughout the organisation
The policy must be workable in the partner’s context
Scope of policy - all staff, volunteer and representatives
Definition of Conflict of Interest, including the term “could influence or be seen to influence
or constrain them”
Definition of Conflict of Loyalty
Definition of Personal Financial Interest
Definition of Connected Persons
Definition of Actual Conflict
Definition of Perceived Conflict
A Statement that all staff, trustees and other representatives will perform their duties and
conduct their private lives in such a way that any conflict of interest with the organization's
interests are avoided or managed properly.
Process for declaring conflicts of interests
Why the policy is needed: Conflicts of Interest that are not declared or properly managed
result in risks for the organisation, such as financial, legal, compliance or moral risks.
Outline of the responsibility of every staff member, volunteer, trustees or representative:
avoid conflicts of interests, declare any conflicts of interest, manage any conflicts of interest
carefully, comply with this policy and report any breaches
Guidance on steps above, including reference to whistleblowing policy, and ways a conflict
of interest can be managed through the removal of a person from conflict of interest, extra
approval levels etc.
Guidance on how to get a conflict of interest removed if it no longer exists
Gold level content which would improve the Conflict of Interest policy:
Conflict of Interest Form and where it should be submitted to
Regular reminders to disclose conflicts of interests
Conflict of interest register
Links to related policies and procedures: whistleblowing, personal conduct, expenses,
Image Use Policy
Image Use policy template
Basic content to be captured in Image Use policy or other relevant documents:
Dated within the last 3 years (review period)
The policy has been approved by the board / synod / governing body and is being
implemented throughout the organisation
The policy must be workable in the partner’s context
Scope of policy - all staff, volunteers and representatives, including freelancers used by the
Commitment to respect the dignity of the subject, including getting consent before taking
any pictures or videos and not to exploit the subject.
Commitment to providing a balanced portrayal of reality, including avoiding stereotypes and
showing locals as agents for their own good
commitment to using images truthfully, including not implying the image is of something
that it is not or to deliberately misrepresenting the situation
commitment to maintaining standards of taste and decency consistent with the
organisation’s values and its supporters: no pornographic or obscene images, no images of
dead or naked bodies
commitment to maintain high technical standards, including use of highest quality images
available, no manipulations (including cropping and editing videos) which might distort the
commitment to respect the legal and moral rights of the photographer, including guidance
on copyrights and working with third parties
commitment to mitigating the risk to communities and individuals depicted, including
adhering to the safeguarding policy
guidance on consent
Pseudonym guidance
Guidance on public photography
Guidance on storage and use of images, including storing metadata securely.
Gold level content which would improve the Image Use policy:
If using images in a general way this is noted in the description (i.e. there is a similar project
to the one being described)
No cropping of images which distort the reality being depicted
Inclusion of Consent form template