Uploaded by Nhu Hao To

Asian Countries Classroom Museum Project

Countries Of Asia
ClassRoom Museum
Helen To
Students can pick any Asian state they want (from a predrawn
list) to cover in their exhibit.
STandards of Learning Addressed
The student will analyze how physical and ecological processes
shape Earth’s surface by
a) explaining regional climatic patterns and weather phenomena and their
effects on people and places
The student will apply the concept of a region by
describing how regional landscapes reflect the physical environment and the
cultural characteristics of their inhabitants
The student will apply social science skills to evaluate the
significance of natural, human, and capital resources by
showing the influence of resources on patterns of economic activity and
land use
evaluating perspectives regarding the use of resources
The Big Idea
This project focuses on the Asian continent, which is the
largest of the seven continents on Earth. Since the continent
is so large, there are many countries within it, and they are
incredibly diverse. The theme here is to give the students a
chance to explore the various different countries within Asia
in a more interactive manner.
Critical Information to be included
Country’s region of belonging
Brief history
Physical and environmental features
○ Major mountain ranges and bodies
of water
○ Climate, weather and available
natural resources
Cultures, traditions, and languages
Economic activities and land use
○ Conservation efforts
Interesting facts and figures
○ Population age
○ Ethnic breakdown
Each students will be able to pick their own nation via a random raffle
A list that extensively covers the 6 different regions in Asia will be
made available for students to pick from
Central Asia - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan,
East Asia - China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Japan, North Korea, South Korea,
South Asia - Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldives.
Southeast Asia - Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia,
Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
West Asia - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan,
Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United
Arab Emirates, Yemen
North Asia - Siberia
Questions to be
Teaching the “Museum” Concept
First, students will be introduced to the “museum” concept
with a video example on how a classroom museum works.
PBS Wax Museum:
After that, directions and requirements for the project can
be delivered through lecture. An premade example would also
be helpful in guiding students as well.
Presentation Details
The students can use tri-fold
poster boards for their display.
They can also dress up in a fashion
similar to the traditional clothing
of their nation. Bringing or
creating symbolic artifacts can
help the presentation be more
interesting as well.
Presentation Prep
Rehearsal time will be given in
class for students to pair up and
practice their presentation with
each other. Students can begin by
using note cards to organize their
talking points, but the goal is
for the constant repetition to
eliminate the need for them on
presentation day.