•• rn _, (f) . CLINICAL ASSESSMENT RECOMMENDATIONS - - ·· - · ~---------- CLINICAL ASSESSMENT RECOMMENDATIONS AMERICAN SOCIETY of HAND THERAPISTS Copyright pists © 1981 by the American Society of Hand A11 rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America Thera- Ueveloped and written by: Elaine Ewing Fess, MS, OTR Christine A. Moran, MS, RPT Edited by the following 1980-81 ASHT officers and ittee Chairmen: A. Gloria Hershman, OTR Evel yn J. Mackin, LPT Georgiann F. Laseter, OTR Valerie A. Holdeman, RPT Karen H. Prendergast, RPT Gloria DeVore, OTR Cynthia A. Philips, OTR Shirley Ollos Pearson, MS, OTR Lynnlee Fullenwider, OTR Carolina deLeeuw, OTR Margaret S. Carter, OTR Susan D. Morales, OTR Judith A. Bell, OTR Judy C. Colditz, OTR Comm- Robert J. Duran, M.D., 1980- 81 Chairma n of the Clinical Committee of the American Society for Surge ry of the Hand, and Jerome E. Adamson, M.D. are gratefull y acknowledged for their assistance in developing and editing this mono graph. Elaine Ewing Fess Christine A. Moran TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Assessment Recommendations Joint Motion 3 Grip and Pinch 6 Volume 8 Dexterity and Coordination Bibliography .. 10 13 I often say that when you can measure what you are speak- ing about about it; knowledge and express it in numbers, you know something but when you cannot measure it in numbers your is of a meag re and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge but have scarcely in your thought advanced to the stage of science whatever the matter may be. Lord Kelvin INTRODUCTION The fundamental goal of hand rehabilitation is to return each patient to an optimal level of competency in meeting the daily challenges of his environment. Accomplishment of this goal is dependent upon the expertise of those who are responsible for directing the individual rehabilitation programs, and their effectiveness is contingent upon their abilities to identify and perceive the specific hand dysfunction problems presented. Because the understanding of these problems, through analysis of assessment data, is directly influenced by the quality of information gathered, it is imperative that data collection and review be implemented utilizing stringent criteria for the selection of evaluation instruments and methods. A thorough, exacting and unbiased assessment procedure provides the medical specialist with information that delineates pathology and establishes a framework for predicting the rehabilitation potential of a hand which has been debilitated by disease or injury. The analysis of initial evaluation data assists in identifying treatment objectives, facilitates ordering of priorities, and provides a baseline for a nonprejudicial determination of patient progress. In addition to stimulating patient and staff motivation, the use of objective measurements recorded at regular intervals throughout a systematic course of treatment allows for an impartial appraisal of the effectiveness of treatment methods. Assessment data obtained through formal study and investigation also serves as the foundation of a common language for professional communication and promotes unbiased comparison of hand rehabilitation methods and techniques. While the value of experience cannot be underestimated, in an era of increasing consumer awareness and demand for accountability, one must question the sole reliance on therapeutic techniques which have not been substantiated or given credence through quantitative measurement. The use of instruments which have been proven to measure precisely and accurately and which produce consistently dependable information allows the clinician to move from a · subjective to objective level of observation and understanding. The greater the accuracy of the instrument in its ability to measure a given entity, the better the opportunity the examiner has of deducing reasonable conclusions. When dealing with numrically expressed facts, identifying and eliminating extraneous variables reduces ~--- the chance of error or subconscious bias in subsequent judgments and decisions. Although numerous instruments have been designed to aid in defining pathology of the hand, no single device exists which has universal application. Instead, various tools have been developed to measure specific capacities of the hand i.e., strength, motion, volume and coordination. The astute clinician, relying on many tools to assess the total spectrum of hand performance, chooses testing instruments which will provide the most accurate and precise information possible. The importance of critically appra1s1ng hand assessment instruments cannot be overemphasized. Many of the currently available and commonly utilized tools are surprisingly inadequate when viewed in terms of consistency, dependability, and accuracy. Even when instruments meet selection criteria, recalibration adjustments are necessary. Hand assessment instrumentation is in a developmental phase and the challenges of refinement are just becoming apparent! PURPOSE To encourage more uniform procedures, the purpose of this monograph is to recommend basic guidelines for four techniques frequently utilized in the appraisal of hand dysfunction: (l) range of motion, (2) grip and pinch strength, (3) volume, and (4) coordination and dexterity. These recommendations are introduced not with the intent of mandating protocol but in hopes of initiating steps toward a more coherent and concise language among mediMethods and cal specialists dealing with the hand. nomenclature which have been selected with exacting criteria significantly enhance the possibility for precise assessment and directly influence the quality of treatment and communication. 2 ASSESSMENT RECOMMENDATIONS JOINT MOTION Based on a review of The Hand, published by the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, Joint Motion - Method of Measurin and Recordin , by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, AAOS), and other pertinent studies, it is recommended that joint measurement be taken with an appropriate size goniometer utilizing oo as neutral position. Unless specified, goniometric measurements may be taken on either the dorsal or lateral aspect of the joint {Figure 1), and in the presence of moderate to severe joint swelling, lateral measurements are preferred. The consistency of instrument placement is of prime importance. Any deviation from the normally utilized routine should be recorded. Both tendon excursion (active motion) and joint motion or capsular tightness (passive motion) should be noted, and because proximal joint posture influences distal joint motion, the position of the elbow, forearm or wrist should be standardized according to the specific joint being measured. For example, forearm motion (pronation, supination) should be measured with the elbow in 90° of flexion to eliminate the extraneous variable of humeral rotation. Normal motion comparison values may be obtained by measuring the uninvolved extremity or in instances of bilateral involvement, through comparison with normal ratings established by the AAOS. Wrist Motion Saggital and coronal wrist motion measurements are significantly influenced by both forearm position and placement of the goniometer. To enhance the consistency of range of motion assessment, it is recommended that wrist volar flexion and radial and ulnar deviation measurements, be taken with the forearm in pronation and with the goniometer placed dorsally on the wrist. Wrist dorsiflexion should also be measured with the forearm pronated, but the goniometer should be placed volarly. Alignment of the goniometer on either the dorsal or volar suface of the wrist, should correspond to the long axis of the forearm and the third metacarpal, eliminating the variable of the more mobile fourth and fifth carpometacarpal joints. 3 Fig. l ~Consistency of placement of the goniometer on either the dorsal or lateral aspect of the joints being measured is of prime importance. 4 Uigital Motion When measuring digital motion, the wrist should be placed in neutral position to minimize the tenodesis effect of extrinsic musculotendinous units. In addition to recording individual joint motion measurements, total passive motion (TPM) and total active motion (TAM) values of the digits are recommended. Total motion of a digit is described by a single number which represents the summation of the joint flexion measurements minus the summation of joint extension deficits. TPM (Total Passive Motion) (MP+PIP+DIP passive flexion) (MP +P IP+D IP passive extension deficit) or total passive flexion of the digit minus the total passive extension deficit of the same digit. TAM (Total Active Motion) (MP+PIP+DIP active flexion) (MP+PIP +DIP active extension deficit) or total active flexion of the digit minus the total active extension deficit of the same digit. Total motion measurements are taken with the digits in a "fisted" position, omitting any type of external "blocking" technique. Hyperexte nsion is considered to be a negative value in the actual mathematical computation of TAM or TPM. The use of total motion values facilitates comparison of data by providing a composite statement of the integrated motion of a digit. In addition to specific goniometric measurements, the distances of the individual pulps of the digits from the distal palmar crease may be recorded in centimeters. Because of the greater margin of error and the lack of joint specificity, it is recommended that this method not be relied upon as the sole measureme nt of digital joint motion, but may be employed as a useful and often more graphic adjunctive technique. Prior to the introduction of the TPM/TAM technique this method was used to obtain composite digital motion values. 5 GRIP AND PINCH STRENGTH In the assessment of grip strength, the use of a standard adjustable handle dynamometer is recommended. Studies on normal subjects utilizing this type of dynamometer have shown that strength measurements vary according to the subject•s sex, age, hand size, hand dominance, occupation, motivation, and the time of day which the subject was tested. Maximum readings occur most frequently in either the second or third handle position, and on the first or second attempt of a series of successive trials. To provide consistency in reporting of clinical and research data, and in accordance with the guidelines established by the Clinical Assessment Committee of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, it is recommended that the second handle position of the dynamometer be used when evaluating grip strength, and that three successive grip determinations should be recorded in either kilograms or pounds. Because the position of the extremity directly influences grip measurements, the patient should be seated with his shoulder adducted and neutrally rotated, elbow flexed at 90°, and the forearm and wrist in neutral position (Figure 2). To prevent damage if the dynamometer is inadvertantly dropped, the examiner lightly supports the base of the instrument as the patient is instructed to maximally grip the handles. Pinch strength, as measured by a commercially available pinchometer, should be evaluated for both key (thumb pulp to lateral aspect of middle phalanx of the index finger) and tip pinch (thumb tip to index finger tip). As with grip strength, the readings of three successive trials are recorded in either kilograms or pounds. For consistency, the patient should be positioned as described above. It is important to document the variables of patient age, sex, upper extremity dominance, and hand size. Any deviation from the normally utilized routine of measuring should be recorded and the serial number of the instrument employed noted so that the same instrument may be used for successive evaluations. Subsequent measurements should be taken at approximately the same time of day that the initial evaluation was done. Both grip and pinch assessment instruments should be periodically recalibrated to maintain accuracy. 6 Fig. 2 -- Positioning of the patient and placement of dynamometer handle influence grip strength values. 7 the Comparison index ratings may be expressed as a percentage of pre-treatment mean to trial mean; as a percentage of the contralateral extremity mean to the trial mean; or as a percentage of an established 11 normal 11 (for the age, sex, dominance, occupation, etc. of the patient) to trial mean. When computing the mean or average of the readings of the successive trials it is statistically important that the number of trials determining the mean remain constant. For example, the comparison of a five-trial mean to a three-trial mean would not be as statistically significant as would the comparison of two three-trial means. It is also important to note that studies differ in reporting 11 normal 11 values for grip and pinch strength depending on the specific measurement techniques utilized. VOLUME A commercially available water displacement volumeter is recommended for assessment of composite mass of the hand and forearm (Figure 3), providing immersion of the extremity in water is not contraindicated. When specific procedural guidelines are followed, the volumeter has been shown to be accurate to within 10 ml. In order to assure a high degree of instrument accuracy, it is recommended that prior to testing, the volumeter be placed on a level table and filled with water to the point of overflow. The patient, with dressings and jewelry removed from the extremity, should then be seated comfortably next to the volumeter and instructed to slowly immerse the hand and forearm until a firm pressure from the stop rod is perceived in the third web space. Once full immersion has occurred, it is important that the extremity be held motionless until water spillage from the spout completely stops. Variables which have been shown to decrease the accuracy of volumeter readings include (a) the use of a faucet or hose which agitates or introduces excess air into the water when filling the tank, {b) forearm or wrist movement within the tank, (c) application of an inconsistent pressure on the stop rod, and (d) inconsistent placement of the volumeter when making successive volumetric measurements. 8 Fig. 3 -- volumeter accuracy has been shown to be within 10 I'll. 9 DEXTERITY AND COORDINATION It is recommended that hand coordination or manual dexterity be evaluated through the use of standardized hand function tests . The term "standardized" indicates that a test has been statis tically proved (A) to assess that which it purports to evaluate, and (B) to measure consistently in separate testing situations and between different examiners. A standardized test includes: (1) a statement of purpose or intent, (2) correlation statistics or other appropriate measure of validity,* (3) correlation statistics or other appropriate measure of reliability,* (4) instrument/equipment descriptions, (5) norms which may be divided into subcategories appropriate to the population i.e., age, sex, dominance, and in some cases, occupation, (6) specific instructions for administration, scoring and interpretation, and (7) preferably a bibliography of related literature. When administering a standardized hand function test, it is essential that the specified instructions be followed and that the presentation sequence and the integrity of the test be maintained. Portions or sequence of the test may not be altered unless the consequences of such a change have been evaluated and are delineated in the test instructions. These guidelines (l-7) have been presented to establish a standard by which any hand function test may be appraised as to its value as a reliable and valid testing instrument. Examples of standardized hand function tests include, but are not limited to, the Purdue Pegboard, the Minnesota Rate of Manipulation , the Crawford Small Parts Dexterity Test, and the Jebson Hand Dexterity Test (Figure 4). *NOTE: "Average" or mean values alone do not denote validity corre 1at ions or re 1i abi 1ity coefficients. 10 A 8 Fig. 4 (A) - The Jebson Hand dexterity Test, consisting of seven timed subtests, may be used to assess gross coordination skills. (B) The Purdue Pegboard is an example of a standardized test which measures fine hand coordinat ion . 11 BIBLIOGRAPHY Alder, H.L., Roessler, E.B.: Introduction to probability and statistics, ed. 5, San Francisco, 1972, W.H. Freeman and Co. American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons: Joint motion method of measuring and recording, Chicago, 1965, AAOS. 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