See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Power transformer transient modeling considering the effects of on-load tap changer Conference Paper · October 2017 DOI: 10.1109/ICEPE-ST.2017.8188947 CITATIONS READS 0 283 4 authors, including: Asad Ahmad Jun Liu Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi'an Jiaotong University 6 PUBLICATIONS 4 CITATIONS 50 PUBLICATIONS 438 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Xudong Hao East China Normal University 7 PUBLICATIONS 11 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Research of Transformer Modeling Considering the Influence of Tap Positions on Original Parameters View project Efficiency Improvement of Micro Hydro Pump Storage Power Plant Using Archimedes Turbine View project All content following this page was uploaded by Asad Ahmad on 08 January 2019. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. WK,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHRQ(OHFWULF3RZHU(TXLSPHQW6ZLWFKLQJ7HFKQRORJ\;L¶DQ&KLQD Power Transformer Transient Modeling Considering the Effects of On-Load Tap Changer Asad Ahmad, Wanliang Fang, Jun Liu* Member IEEE, Xudong Hao Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Power Systems, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, 710049, China. e-mails:,,, $EVWUDFW—On-load tap changer (OLTC) is essential in regulating the operation status of power transformers employed in modern power systems. While exploring power flow analysis, electromagnetic and electromechanical simulations by using the on-load tap changer, it is found that inaccuracy problem may occur with the assumption in conventional transformers that tap positions only affect the turns ratio parameter; however, the real transformers specifications, such as the resistances and inductances of windings, also fluctuate with different tap positions. In this paper, a novel inductance matrix model for both single and three phase transformer is proposed, which illustrates that winding resistances and inductances are also varying with the tap positions. Case studies are performed to assess the performance of the proposed transformer model in case of symmetrical and un-symmetrical faults. The novel model is developed using PSCAD/EMTDC software, and the simulation results are compared with traditional transformers. It can be concluded that the parameters of the proposed transformer become more sensitive on the voltage and current during various transient processes. Thus it's vital to provide an applicable attention to the analysis and simulation with the usage of this more accurate mathematical transformer model, which permits us to obtain the more precise behavior of power systems without any risk. ,QGH[7HUPV-- On-load tap changer; Transformer; Inductance matrix model; Symmetrical PSCAD/EMTDC. and un-symmetrical faults; NOMENCLATURE Ni Gmi Gm12 ri u i Li Lsi M V Number of turns of winding i (i =1,2) Permeance of leakage magnetic path of winding i (i =1,2) Permeance of mutual magnetic path of windings 1 and 2 Resistance of winding i (i =1,2) Voltage of winding i (i =1,2) Current of winding i (i =1,2) Self-inductance of winding i (i =1,2) Leakage inductance of winding i (i =1,2) Mutual inductance of windings 1 and 2 Impedance correction coefficient Turn ratio Reactance coupling relationship between i and j Subscript’s’ denotes that the variable is system base, and subscript’t’ denotes that the variable varies with tap positions. k X ij I. INTRODUCTION Power transformer is the most complex structured element of power network while studying the load flow and transient phenomenon. Highly efficient power could not be possible to transmit without smart transformers in power grid because power transformer is the only component which transforms the AC voltage magnitude from one to another level without interference. The representation of transformer parameters is very tangled because of core designs and some also are nonlinear and frequency dependent. Winding resistance, mutual and self inductance, skin and proximity effects in windings, magnetic core saturation, hysteresis and eddy current losses in core are the tangible features betting on frequency may have to be properly delineated by a transformer model [3]. Varied intricacy models are reinforced to know the transient behaviour of transformers. Transformer accouter with on-load tap changers to perform the voltage regulation according to load while not interrupting the load current [4]. Therefore the OLTC is also one of the influential elements of power transformer. According to the records of electricity boards, declared that numerous amounts of defalcations of transformers are caused because of malfunction of OLTC’s in power transformers. A lot of contributions have been made to reduce the failures of OLTC’s and transient interaction phenomena’s between the high voltage equipment and transmission line by introducing various high frequency transformers models which cooperates to reduce these convulsions. Transformer model is one of the feeble elements of advance transient simulation software because of its convoluted construction which includes the windings and core. Most of the proposed designs of varying complications have been executed in simulation environments to study the expected behaviour of proposed transformer models but mostly designers don’t have the applicable attentions regarding the internal variations of transformer windings. ,((( Aim of this paper is to representing the summary of transient single phase double winding transformer and three phase three winding transformer models in a power system equipped with on-load tap changers on transformers high voltage sides considering the influence of taps and its effects on winding resistance and inductance with respects to on-load tap changer. Also the fault analysis results and comparison of proposed and traditional model is discussed in detail. II. C. Fault Analysis of ThreePhase Model Transformer is one the exorbitant element of power grid. Usually transformers are highly assured but maloperations normally occur in protection devices. In order to study such condition, in case of fault directly shot the power transformer another three phase model is designed having symmetrical and un-symmetrical faults just before the designed transformer model. DELINEATION OF TRANSFORMER MODELS IN POWER SYSTEM A. Single Phase Model Dynamic impacts of tap changer on power system have completely different behaviors on voltage and current within the event of variation of tap positions. These changes in voltage and current conjointly turn out the consequences on power transformer winding X/R ratio and inductance values. Single phase step down transformer model 70 MVA 132/33 kV is integrated in a power network as shown in figure to understand the impacts of tap changer on single phase transformer as shown in Fig. 1. Figure 1. Single Phase Grid Interconnected Scheme B. Three Phase Model Challenges in power network having the three phase transformer with tap changer are totally different from single phase transformer models. To grasp the impact of tap changer on three phase three winding transformer another grid has been connected to it having the 13kV generation supply voltage. This model is shown below in Fig. 2. Figure 3. Three Phase Grid Interconnected Scheme In case of Fault III. TRANSIENT MODELING OF SINGLE AND THREE PHASE TRANSFORMER A. Inductance Matrix Model for Single Phase Double Winding Transformer In previous paper single phase double winding transformer model was represented with deviations as the tap changes. In this paper, single phase double winding transformer is simulated using the mathematical model which provides us more accurate results to implement this model. The magnetic circuit diagram of a single phase double winding transformer, in which the arrows denote the reference direction for voltage, current and magnetic flux [1], [2]. I i1 i2 u1 I2s I1s u2 Figure 4. Magnetic Circuit Diagram of Single Phase Double Winding Transformer The self-inductance of winding 1 and 2 calculated as L1 Gm1 N12 Gm12 N12 N1 Gm12 N1 N 2 N2 Ls1 kM (1) M (2) k Therefore, the voltage equations can be reformulated as L2 Figure 2. Three Phase Grid Interconnected Scheme Ls1 ­ °°u1 ® °u °̄ 2 This work was supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant 51507126. Ls 2 di1 di M 2 dt dt di M di2 M 1 r2i2 ( Ls 2 ) k dt dt ri 1 1 ( Ls1 kM ) (3) B. Inductance Matrix Model for Three Phase Three Winding Transformer The three-phase transformer can still be regarded as the multi-branch resistance and inductance coupling circuit, but the mutual inductance between the three phase windings due to the common magnetic circuit should be considered. This means the coupling problem existing between different windings of different phases. Conceptually, from a single phase transformer to three-phase transformer, each winding in single-phase transformer should change to three windings respectively in iron core winding I II III of three-phase transformer [2],[3],[4]. The short circuit reactance is calculated as X 11' X 13s ª X ss13 « s « X m13 « X ms 13 ¬ X ms 13 X ss13 X ms 13 X ms 13 º » X ms 13 » X ss13 »¼ maximum values of voltage and current but having the certain differences in values. (4) Describes the influence caused by datum conversion after transformer connect system and the tap joint. The method of 1 is same with single phase transformer and forming matrix LMC Figure 5. Voltage comparison of traditional and proposed three phase model three winding transformer but each element is a 3 u 3 same value matrix and it is shown by Equation (5). 1 LMC ª I 3u3 1« k I V « 12* 3u3 «¬ k13* I 3u3 k12* I 3u3 2 k12* I 3u3 k12*k13* I 3u3 k13* I 3u3 º k12*k13* I 3u3 »» 2 k13* I 3u3 »¼ (5) Where, the expression of V is same as it of the single-phase transformer. The inverse inductance matrix of the double winding transformer is shown by Equation (6). LM1 IV. 1 1 LMP u LMC (6) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OF PSCAD MODELS This transformer model is equipped with on-load tap changers (OLTC) which permits the voltage regulation by varying the turn ratio under load conditions. So, in this transformer model a special feature is designed to allow the user online control of input data, as well as the ability to record and display output data in runtime mode. Tap changer is designed to have 9 taps with a default position. When the tap position of the transformer is changed from 1 to 9 in runtime mode its three phase voltage and current magnitude continuously vary as compare to traditional model according to the values of on load tap changer without interruption of load which also influences its resistance and inductance as shown below in waveform every step of waveform represent the tap position is changed which proves that the assumption of considering the constant original impedance parameter in traditional models is not correct. Also there is a comparison between the traditional and proposed model every tap position shows a certain difference in values from tap 1 to 9. At position 9 it is observed both models are having the Figure 6. Current comparison of traditional and proposed three phase model V. SYMMETRICAL AND UN-SYMMETRICAL FAULTS ANALYSIS OF THREE PHASE TRANSFORMER CONSIDERING THE INFLUENCE OF TAP POSITIONS The performance dependability of transformers and their OLTCs is therefore extremely important and must be kept at a high level throughout their entire lifetime. A power transformer is usually affected by internal and external faults. Among the numerous faults, about 70% of advance transformers breakdowns is because of internal winding faults and this is often probably extend because of transformer loading to their ultimate capability is becoming normal routine [4]. Most of the work already done to protect the transformer from internal factors affecting transformer but very less research work have been published regarding the external factors directly affecting the transformers. In addition to fault conditions within the transformer, abnormal conditions due to external factors result in stresses on the transformer e.g. Overloading, System faults, Overvoltage, and Under-frequency operation. So the main focus of this paper is to enlighten the one of the external factor “System faults” causing the damage to transformer directly [5],[6]. For analyzing the faults in proposed power system fault logic is designed to having 10 positions every position represents a different fault. A. Symmetrical Faults Ideally when the symmetrical faults occurs, symmetrical fault current of abnormally high magnitude flows through the network equal in magnitude and displaced 120º from each other and the voltage at fault point is reduced to zero. But practically here it is observed that voltage is not reduced to zero in between the time interval 0.500 to 0.560. When a symmetrical fault occurs at any point in a system, the short-circuit current is limited by the impedance of the system upto the point of fault. During the interval of fault current is abnormally high because the value of resistance is reduced abruptly and displaced by 120º as shown in Fig.7. Figure 8. Single Line to ground fault at default position of OLTC C. Double Line to Ground Fault (L — L —G) Consider the double line-to-ground fault involving B–C lines and earth. Fault dial positions 4, 5 and 6 are having the Phase AB to ground, Phase AC to ground and Phase BC to ground. Here just the position 6 is discussed because other two positions of fault dial also having the same effect [8], [9]. When the fault occur at Phase BC to ground so ideally fault conditions are I A 0 and VB Vc 0 . During the interval of fault current of Phase BC is abnormally high because the value of resistance is reduced abruptly and current of Phase A is almost equal to zero while the voltage of faulty phases is not reduced to zero as compare to healthy phase A as shown in Fig.9. Figure 7. Symmetrical Fault at default position of On-Load Tap Changer B. Single Line to Ground Fault (L —G) Consider single line to ground fault occur just before the three phase three winding transformer. Fault dial positions 1, 2 and 3 are having the Phase A to ground, Phase B to ground and Phase C to ground. At any of these positions the effects of this fault can be known. Here the fault at position 1 which is Phase A to ground is only discussed because the other phases also have the same effect of this type of fault. When the fault occur at Phase A so ideally fault conditions are VA 0 and I B IC 0 . During the interval of fault current of Phase A is abnormally high and current of Phase B and Phase C is almost equal to zero. The voltage of the faulty phase is reduced but not equal to zero as shown in Fig.8. Figure 9. Double Line to ground fault at default position of OLTC D. Line to Line Fault (L — L) Consider a line-to-line fault between the Phase A and Phase B. A fault dial position 8 is having the fault between the Phase AB. Here just the position 8 is discussed because other two positions of fault dial also having the same effect [7]. When the fault occur at Phase AB to ground so ideally fault conditions are I A I B 0 , Ic 0 and VA VB . During the interval of fault current of Phase A and B is abnormally high but the current summation of both phases is equal to zero and current of Phase C is approximately equal to zero while the voltage of the both faulty phases is disturb but not purely equal to each other as shown in Fig.10. VII. CONCLUSION In conclusion, it can be summarized that the conventional transformer in power grid transient stability and steady state analysis, is commonly modeled as consistent impedance connected to a non-standard turn ratio. It is found that the genuine parameters of transformers, such as the resistance and inductances of transformer winding also have variations with alternation of tap positions. Case studies on this advance model is also performed, the results have shown which proves the every step is having the divergence which produce inaccuracy in power system analysis. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Figure 10. Line to Line fault at default position of OLTC Here only the results of default position is shown only but when the tap position is changed from 1 to 9 its fault current and voltage of primary side and secondary is also increased which also having the impact on its winding resistance and inductance. In both symmetrical and un-symmetrical faults, all the variations in between the interval 0.500 to 0.560 are because this model is having the Fault ON resistance of 0.01 ohm but ideally this resistance is infinity. Three phase three winding transformer reduces the unbalancing in primary due to the unbalancing in three phase loads also in fault analysis it redistributes the flow of fault currents, so it provides the more practical results in contrast to traditional model. VI. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my parents, supervisors and Xian Jiaotong University. Their support and encouragement provides me the opportunity to complete this research work successfully. I believe this way of guidance is really unique and would be very helpful for further studies. 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