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Know Your Why Book Summary: Finding Purpose & Calling

Book Summary
Know Your Why– Ken Costa
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1MAKX_Agus Sugiarto_322020061 - Source: Know Your Why by Ken Costa
Finding Your Passion
In John 1:38, Jesus spoke, “What do you want?”
The world “want” translated from the Greek word “zeteo”, which means
“to seek.” The true meaning of the question is, what are you seeking.
Rick Warren said,” we must be mindful that it’s not about you.”
It’s a reminder to live for others. However, what we want is so important.
When we follow God’s call is like leaving with a friend and go on a
journey, shared a destination in mind. There are many routes that can be
taken. We can follow a friend’s suggestion or insist to take on the path
that we want.
Our opinions, passions, desires do matter to God, we are not called to be
robots and He gives us room to maneuver.
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Crucial to understandings of our callings is
understanding ourselves. God has placed passions
and desires. Jesus offers us the chance to join in a
relationship with him through which we will find out
what he is calling us to.
The key to discovering your calling, is to be with
Jesus. He knows your passions, your fears, the
deepest desires of your heart. He knows who we are
and ultimately, who we are becoming.
Understanding Ourselves
We don’t need to have an immediate answer to Jesus’ question, “What do
you want?” We will grow to know that answer over so many years as we
discovered more about ourselves, our hearts, and more about the
amazing plans God had stored in for us. He will show us more about
ourselves and we will learn the powerful calling he has on our lives.
What we need is to draw ourselves in close to him.
We need to find our calling, as we are unique and different from the
others. By then, we can make the most of life and live well.
Before we can understand our calling, we first have to understand our
identities. Who am I? What defines me? What is my identity?
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Identity Before Destiny
Each of us has a history that is personal and gives meaning to our lives and
fears. Often the main storylines are anxious, uncertain, bad or traumatic
experiences, demoralizing with home and family, school, elders, and even peers.
We shouldn't be determined by our past mistakes and failures.
“The old has gone, the new is here!”(2 Corinthians 5:17)
God can, in his abundant grace and love, reshape our futures.
We have a choice to follow the narrative that leads to life or to succumb to the
presenting turmoil that would rob us of our calling.
True identity cannot be self-motivated, it is given by God.
Our destinies are what he calls us to, but they are never a substitute for our
identities. Our identities are secure, from that, we can step into our callings.
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Christ-style Living
“We love because [God] first loved us” (1 John 4:19).
Only when we have been filled to overflowing that we can give to
others.Christ-style living is distinctive and instantly recognizable. It tries
to make the most of every moment everywhere. Those who live this way,
know why they are living, to live for others, not themselves.
We have to be obedient, open, and willing to learn, to prepare ourselves
for his calling.
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“In [Christ] all things hold together” (Colossians 1:17).
The Kingdom of God is the only sphere of influence where Christ
operates as Lord in our lives and in the world.
This world is what we are called to engage with. Through tough times
we are being strengthened, for the world, to become salt and light.
We are called to stay and bring change.
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Strengthen The Core
Christ strengthens us by his Holy Spirit, increasing the tenacity of our weak human frames. Our
calling to engage with the world can be felt in all areas of our lives (our family lives, our work
lives, our social lives, our leisure time).
There is a misperception among Christians that our callings should be distinctively religiousflavored, like being called as pastor. Truth is, our dreams don’t have to be full-time Christian
work, we don’t need to feel guilty to have different dreams, for the passions itself are coming
from God. What matters is that we make Jesus' name known in the world, living in the light.
Work is a service. It is good and God is interested in it, loves us for sticking at it.
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Make An Imprint
As we are imprinted, we have to imprint the Spirit of God onto the world. There is no greater
impact other than lives that demonstrate the love of Christ.
Christ can make boredom bearable and toil tolerable for those who see through the lens of his
work. We can be negative and full of ungratefulness. However, when we believe and trust in
God, we will see the world as something extremely good and we will head toward our callings
without fear.
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Taking God’s Perspective
We are not called to win converts or drag people onto the lifeboat of faith. We are called into a
workplace to transform the workplace, bringing in a little slice of God’s divine transforming
goodness. We are called to act with love in every aspect of our lives.
“Love the Lord your God with all your
heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37)
“Love your neighbor as yourself” (v. 39)
The general calling of all Christians is to love our neighbors and to love our God. Our neighbors
are everyone around where we are. We are called to act with fairness, honesty, and integrity, to
glorify God in our daily interactions.
God doesn’t judge success the same way the world does (by results). God values love within our
actions. In God’s perspective, it’s not the size of what we give, it’s about us giving the most of
ourselves at the moment.
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Accepting a job -> excluding another that might turn up later
Fear of Missing Out
Being serious with a woman -> excluding the possibility of
meeting someone else later who was more perfect
In Christ, you don’t miss out. If we have faith that God holds our futures, we will accept the truth that
we will have no reason to fear missing out in life. Those who believe in Jesus promised resurrection
and eternal life, life beyond physical death. It is forever.
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Ethos And Theos
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working
for the Lord, not for human masters” (Colossians 3:23).
This is the ethos at the heart of the Christian faith, although it can be difficult to identify within
our wider society. Ethos is the key that establishes dominant culture, the way we behave, and the
reasons for doing so. God’s love, compassion, gentleness, and truth, are important for us to have
the power to transform the atmosphere around us to be better. We are called to reflect new
humanity in our work. Our role model is Christ. His work makes us more human.
We are called to worship God in every area of our lives, including our workplaces. We change the
ethos by making the environment more human and attentive to people’s needs. This is how we
fulfill Christ’s calling at work, regardless of our work level.
We need to value the work itself, not just the output like more cash, greater career, or greater
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Ethos And Theos
Full living comes when we walk in lockstep with the Spirit. We are called to do live life
abundantly, saying positive things to others, work better, going extra mile to help someone. We
are called to engage with the world, not sitting apart from it, to see the whole aspect of society.
Jesus left behind some things that were unfinished. He left it for us to complete the work of
establishing a community of love in the world. Our engagement with the world is how the world
will come to know him.
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1MAKX_Agus Sugiarto_322020061 - Source: Know Your Why by Ken Costa