Name ________________________________ It’s Electrifying! Webquest PART I: INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICITY 1. What is electricity? 2. 3. The first recorded references to static electricity and lightning were made over 2,500 years ago by _____________________________. What was most likely the source of the word “electricity”? 4. ______________and ______________ are natural forces that are very closely related. PART II: BASICS OF ELECTRICITY (On the right hand side of the website, click on #8 “The Valence Shell”) 5. Which subatomic particle is responsible for creating an electrical current? __________________ 6. In terms of electrons, how are conductors different from insulators? Use for Parts I-III s/HighSchool/Electricity/el ectricityintro.htm PART III: CONDUCTORS AND INSULATORS (Click on #13 “Conductors and Insulators”) 7. ______________ is considered to be a good conductor. 8. Which type of materials are considered to be good conductors? ___________________ 9. ___________________, ___________________and ___________________are also used as conductors. 10. Why is copper the most popular material used for wires? (2 reasons) _____________________________________________ and _______________________________________________________________. 11. Materials that do not let electrons flow very easily from one atom to another are called ___________________________. 12. Some common insulator materials are ___________________, ___________________, ___________________, ___________________ and ___________________. PART IV: WHAT IS ELECTRICITY? 13. According to this site, what is electricity? Use for Parts IV-XI 14. The 2 types of electricity are __________________________ & ___________________________. 15. Static electricity occurs when electricity ________________________________________________. 16. Current electricity occurs when electricity _______________________________________________. PART V: STATIC ELECTRICITY 17. Static electricity often happens when __________________________________________________. 18. Rubbing a balloon against a jumpsuit gives it an ___________________________________. http://www.explainthat 19. How does walking across a rug produce an electric shock? 20. __________________________ is a natural example of static electricity. 21. What causes a bolt of lightning? PART VI: HOW STATIC ELECTRICITY WORKS 22. Electricity is caused by _____________________, the tiny particles that "orbit" around __________________. 23. Electrons have a ____________________ charge. 24. Why don’t atoms typically have an overall electrical charge? 25. Why would a balloon stick to you after it is rubbed against wool? (click the static electricity link) PART VII: CURRENT ELECTRICITY 26. What causes an electric current? 27. Electricity stored in a battery is an example of ____________________, _____________________ energy. 28. What causes a battery to “die” (“run flat”)? PART VIII: ELECTRIC CIRCUITS 29. What is required for an electric current to happen? __________________________________________________________ 30. What is a circuit? ______________________________________________________________________________________ 31. The components of a simple circuit include a ___________________, a ___________________ and a ___________________ linked together by ___________________. 32. What happens when you turn the switch ON? _______________________________________________________________ 33. What happen if there is a break anywhere in the circuit? _____________________________________________________ 34. What happens when you turn the switch OFF? _______________________________________________________________ 35. A switch is sometimes called a ___________________________________. PART IX: HOW ELECTRICTY MOVES IN A CIRCUIT 36. What makes copper a conductor and rubber an insulator? 37. Conductors have ___________ conductance &___________resistance; insulators have ___________ conductance & ___________ resistance. 38. Inside the box, draw and label the diagram of an electric circuit. PART X: ELECTROMAGNETISM 39. What is an electromagnet? 40. How do scrapyards use electromagnets? 41. Electromagnets show that electricity can make _______________________. 42. An ________________________________is a machine that turns electricity into mechanical energy. PART XI: MEASURING ELECTRICTY 43. _________________ describes the electrical force that makes electricity move through a wire; measured in ______________. 44. More current flows through batteries with higher ___________________. (Example: a 12-volt car battery produces more current than a 1.5-volt flashlight battery.) 45. ___________________ does not go anywhere or "flow through" things. 46. An _______________________, a steady flow of ___________________is what moves through the wire in a circuit. 47. Electrical current is measured in _____________________ (or _______________). 48. Together, voltage and current give you ___________________________. 49. Electric power is measured in units called _________________. (1 watt uses 1 ____________ of energy each __________.) 50. The standard unit used to describe how much power an electric appliance uses over time for is called ___________________ (_____________); 1 kilowatt hour is equal to _____________________joules (J) of energy.