Wellness day Sleep 1. Statistic - - The world is depriving of sleep. Data given by sleep cycle stating that no country in the world managed to achieve 8 hours sleeping time. The highest score is in New Zealand with average 7:30 minutes while the worst is in japan which is 6 hours How about in Malaysia? According to the Malaysia’s Healthiest Workplace by AIA Vitality 2019 survey, 53% of the employees polled get less than seven hours of sleep in a 24-hour period. This study involved 17,595 employees 2. What happen when we sleep? 2. Stages in sleep i. ii. iii. iv. There are 4 stages S1 and S2 is light sleep non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) – heart rate and breathing begin to slow, body temperature falls S3 is deep sleep – body produce growth hormone to serve bone and muscle S4 also known as rapid eye movement sleep - when we begin to dream 3. Effect of lack of sleep a) Immune i. Natural killer cell ii. Eliminate dangerous cell – such as tumour cells iii. If we restricted to only 4 hours per night only for 1 days, there is 70% drop in natural killer cell activity iv. There is indirect relationship between lack of sleep and development of cancer b) Cognitive function i. There is a test conduct between group that sleep and not sleep, there is 40% reduced in score for those not sleeping ii. What happen is there is organ called hippocampus, MRI found out that there is no activity, it is shut down, could not absorb new information iii. Its quite alarming concerning how our educational students is practicing right now c) Hormone i. Those who sleep only 4-5 hour a night has the same testosterone level of 10 years person older than you ii. It is the same for women d) Genetic i. Sleep even affect our fundamental blocks of life which DNA ii. There is a study, a group of people is restricted to sleep 6 hours/day for 1 week iii. Gene is distorted, there is 2 findings, the gene associated with immune system is turn off, while the gene that increase in activity is the one that promote tumour, cardiovascular disease, and inflammation WHO considered night shift as probable carcinogen. Quotes you can sleep all you want after you die Study on 1.7 billion people. We saw 24% increased of heart attack on spring. On autumn has 21% reduction in heart attack 5. Tips to sleep early/well at night i. ii. iii. iv. Regularity – go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time. No matter weekend or weekdays. It will improve the quantity and quality of life Create a pre-bedtime routine - create a consistent routine that you follow each night because this helps reinforce healthy habits and signals to mind and body that bedtime is approaching. For example do a light reading, dim your light. Detached from phone because it has a lot of distraction. Music, notification, video. Prioritize – is it wort it to jeopardize your health for an extra 1 hour on YouTube, Netflix, social media? Cool - Looking at the impact, full 8 hours sleep is not an option, not a luxury, but a necessity. It’s our life support system Dragger 1. Fun facts about animal regarding to sleep i. ii. Dolphin sleep one half brain at a time, and the other half stay awake so they can continue to breathe and swim – there do these 4 hours at a time Hippo they sleep under water have a floating mechanism that enable them float and take a breath without waking up. It is totally automatics 2. Do a poll 3. Show video