Macbeth Act 1 Test: Plot, Characters, and Analysis

TEST: Macbeth, Act 1
Open Book
Part 1: Put the following events in order as we, the reader, learn about them, from 1-to-10:
___1. Lady Macbeth calls her husband a coward and taunts him.
___2. An injured soldier arrives to relay news of the battle against the Norwegian forces.
___3. The King learns that Cawdor has been executed after confessing to his crimes.
___4. Duncan names his son Malcolm to be his heir.
___5. The witches deliver two prophecies to Macbeth: Thane of Cawdor and King hereafter.
___6. Duncan and the noblemen arrive at Inverness.
___7. Valiant Macbeth and Banquo have routed the enemy and achieved victory despite the rebellious
attack of Macdonwald.
___8. The witches recount their various adventures since they last parted.
___9. The witches deliver the prophecy that Banquo will father a line of kings.
___10. Macbeth’s conscience begins to trouble him and he tells his wife he has decided not to murder
Part 2: Mark the following statements as TRUE or FALSE.
___11. Macdonwald fought bravely for Scotland.
___12. Banquo believes that the witches are trying to help him.
___13. Ross tells Duncan that the thane of Cawdor is a traitor.
___14. Lady Macbeth plays the perfect hostess to Duncan.
___15. Macbeth is unsure what he wants to do at the end of Act 1.
___16. Macbeth weighs the possible consequences of his impending actions against Duncan.
___17. Duncan is a rash and terrible king.
___18. Macbeth says that his only reason for killing Duncan is ambition.
___19. Lady Macbeth invokes spirits to help her be cruel enough to assist with the murder of Duncan.
___20. The Tiger in Act 1, Scene 3 is one of the witch’s familiars.
Part 2: Short Answer and Analysis (Use complete sentences and be direct; there is not much space.)
21.-23. Using one or more carefully selected lines from Act 1, Scene 1, explain how this scene sets the
tone for the play.
24.-26. Using one carefully selected line from Act 1, Scene 2, describe how Shakespeare artfully shapes
the audience’s first impressions of Macbeth.
27.-29. Explain the effect of the alliteration and repetition in the following lines: “I must report they
were / As cannons over-charged with double cracks; / So they doubly redoubled strokes upon the foe.”
You’ll need to understand the context of the quote to answer the question.
30.-32. Read Act 1, Scene 3, the conversation between the witches, and explain what their activities say
about their motivations and intentions. Cite a carefully selected line for proof.
33.-35. What are “asides” and how are they used in the play? Find and quote an aside from Act 1 and
explain its purpose for the audience.
36.-38. In Act 1, we hear characters use variations on the phrase “Fair is foul”. What meaning does this
phrase lend to the play? What other phrases (spoken in Act 1) communicate a similar meaning, or seem
to repeating this motif? Where are they located? Give Act, Scene, and line number.
39.-43. Imagery is language that stirs up one or all five of the senses. When the captain reports to
Duncan, he uses words that paint many pictures to give the king (and the audience) a better
understanding of the fight. Reread the servant’s speeches in Act 1, Scene 2; (1) ONE POINT: List one
image that employs a metaphor or a simile; (2) TWO POINTS: Explain the image in your own words; (3)
TWO POINTS: Explain how the image adds to the servant’s tale.
Part 3: Long Answer and Analysis
44.-50. Choose one of the following topics:
A) Do you think that Macbeth’s decision in the end of Act 1 would be different if Lady Macbeth were not
involved? Defend your answer with lines from the text.
B) Compare and contrast Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s approach to the witch’s prophesies. What do
their words says about their personal traits and characteristics? Defend your answer with lines from the