St. JOSEPH’S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY St. JOSEPH’S GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS OMR, Chennai – 600119 Department of IT Engineering PROBLEM SUBJECT NAME :ADC SUBJECT CODE : EC8394 SL.NOPROBLEM STSTEMENT YEAR : II SEM : III ANSW ER 1. A Carrier of 6kV is Amplitude Modulated by an audio signal of 3kV. Find the modulation index. 2. A carrier frequency is frequency modulated with a sinusoidal signal of 2 KHz resulting in a maximum frequency deviation of 5 KHz. Find the approximate band width of the modulated signal. 3. A signal of 2 sin 2π 5Khz t is modulated with another signal of 20 sin 2π 30Mhz t determine the following when R= 600Ω. a. modulation index b. USB,LSB c. total transmitted power d. draw the frequency spectrum e. determine the BW individually for (DSBFC,DSBSC and SSB) 4. A broadcast radio transmitter radiates 5 kW power when the modulation percentage is 60%. How much is the carrier power? 5. A Carrier of 6kV is Amplitude Modulated by an audio signal of 3kV. Find the modulation index 6. A 10Kw Carrier wave is amplitude modulated at 80% depth of modulation by a sinusoidal modulating signal. Calculate the side band power, total power and the transmission efficiency of the AM wave 7. Derive the equation of an AM wave. Also draw the modulated AM wave for various modulation index.(ii)The antenna current of an AM transmitter is 8 ampere when only the carrier is sent. The current increases to 8.93A when the carrier is modulated by a single sine wave. Find the percentage modulation. 8. Perfom the Shannon fano code and Huffman code and fin the efficiency with below data 9. For a BPSK modulator with a carrier frequency of 70 MHz and an input bit rate of 10 Mbps, determine the maximum and minimum upper and lower side frequencies, draw the output spectrum, determine the minimum Nyquist bandwidth, and calculate the baud. 10. For a QPSK modulator with an input data rate (fb) equal to 10 Mbps and a carrier frequency of70 MHz, determine the minimum double-sided Nyquist bandwidth (fN) and the baud. 11. For an 8-PSK modulator with an input data rate (fb) equal to 10 Mbps and a carrier frequency of 70 MHz, determine the minimum double-sided Nyquist bandwidth (fN) and the baud. 12. For a standard telephone circuit with a signal-to-noise power ratio of 1000 (30 dB) and a bandwidth of 2.7 kHz, the Shannon limit for information capacity is