8:00- 8:35am 3K- Daily Schedule Morning Arrival, Free Play, & Breakfast (8:10-8:30am Breakfast) Greet families and children individually. Help children store belongings. Provide choice for students to select morning activities. Breakfast options will be provided family style during this time. Students and the teaching team will be engaging in conversations with one another to build language and relationships during meals. 8:35- 8:45am Morning Meeting:(transition included) Give signal to students to gather for a large group meeting. During this time, students would engage in singing songs, fingerplays, read aloud, and/or sharing news. Students will be offered to engage in conversation exploring the current learning topic by becoming aware of their environment. The teacher will connect this to their center learning activities. Teachers will make accommodations as needed for students who need extra support during this time. 8:45- 9:50am Center Time:(clean up and transition included) Guide children in selecting interest areas. Observe and interact with children to extend play and learning. Plan for engaging conversations, questioning, and modeling language. Lead a short, small- group activity that builds on children’s skills & interests. Work with children engaged in study activities. Help children put away materials in each interest area when time to clean up. 9:50-11:00am Gross Motor:(clean up and transition included) Supervise play toys and materials (ball, trikes, balance beams, etc.). Observe and interact with children as they jump rope, play ball games, blow bubbles, etc. Extend story work outdoors if appropriate. 11:00 – 11:45am (11:10-11:40am Lunch) 11:50 – 12:50pm Lunch & Toileting: Assist children with toileting & hand-washing procedure. Lunch options will be provided family style from 11:10am-11:40am. Students and the teaching team will be engaging in conversations with one another to build language and relationships during meals. Rest time:Provide soft music, comforting tone, and assistance with nap materials so children can rest. Adults supervise the rest area to see all children. Provide quiet activities for children who don’t sleep. 12:50 – 1:00pm Read Aloud:Invite children to come to the large carpet for a reading of a bookeither a class favorite, a new story, and/or one related to the current learning topic. Using a variety of techniques, teachers will support students in building language and higher-order thinking. Toileting during this time is of course offered to students as needed. 1:00 – 2:10pm Center Time:(clean up and transition included) Guide children in selecting interest areas. Observe and interact with children to extend play and learning. Plan for engaging conversations, questioning, and modeling language. Lead a short, small- group activity that builds on children’s skills & interests. Work with children engaged in study activities. Help children put away materials in each interest area when time to clean up. 2:10- 2:20pm Closing Meeting & Dismissal:Help children reflect on their day and the learning that occurred throughout centers and during conversations. Prepare for dismissal & greet caregivers as they come for pick-up… share some insights if possible about their child’s day.