My Class Login Help Help and support This page answers the most common queries from our users and provides details of system requirements. If you can't find the answer that you're looking for, please contact us. If you would like to speak to your local educational consultant, please follow this link. J o i n i n g Oxf o r d Owl Q: Wh y j o i n Oxf o r d Owl ? A: Join Oxford Owl for School for free if you are a t e a c he r to access teaching, learning and assessment resources, professional development videos, and our eBook library and class login. To access more content you can subscribe to one of our Primary subscriptions. Join Oxford Owl for Home for free if you are a p a r e nt in order to access the eBook library. You can access other advice, support and educational activities and games without registering. When you register for free, you select whether you are a parent or a teacher and this will give you access to the resources right for you. Q: Ho w do I j o i n Oxf o r d Owl ? A: Simply click the Jo in us button in the top right corner of the screen, fill out your details and click the confirm link in the email you receive. In a few countries, we are unable to provide instant access to the Oxford Owl eBooks. In these countries, we ask users to fill out additional registration details and access is granted on a case-by-case basis. Q: I h a v e n ’ t r e c e i v e d my c o n f i r ma t i o n e ma i l . Ho w c a n I c o mpl e t e r e g i st r a t i o n ? A: If the confirmation email has not arrived, this could be for the following reasons: 1. The email may be in your "Junk", "Spam" or "Trash" email folders. Please check these folders and add to your list of allowed email addresses so that future emails from us are not blocked. If you still can't find our email, your Internet Service Provider may be blocking it before it reaches your inbox. If this is happening, please email support. 2. Your email address could have been incorrect when you registered. The simplest way to check this is to attempt to register again. Your email will be checked after completing the first page. Q: Wh e n I t r y t o r e g i st e r my a c c o u n t i t sa y s my e ma i l a ddr e ss i s a l r e a dy o n t h e sy st e m. Wh a t c a n I do ? A: This message means that you or someone else who knows your email address has already registered. You can reset your password by clicking on the log in button and then the ‘Problems logging in?’ link. You can then submit your email address, and we will send a temporary password to your email address. Then you'll be able to use this temporary password to log in with your email address, set a new password of your choice and access Oxford Owl. This message could also mean that you have previously registered as a parent and are now trying to register as a teacher, or have previously registered as a teacher and are now trying to register as a parent. If you would like to register for the part of the site that you are not already registered for, you will need to use an alternative email address. © Copyright Oxford University Press 2019 Join us Log in Q: My sc h o o l i s su bsc r i be d t o a su bsc r i pt i o n o n Oxf o r d Owl f o r S c h o o l . Ho w do I a c c e ss it? A: If you are not the person who purchased your school’s subscription/s, you will need to speak to your colleague who did - or to another colleague who already has access to the subscription/s - and ask them to give you access to your new subscription/s in the M a na g e s t a f f a c c e s s area on Oxford Owl for School. O nc e t he y ha ve a d d e d yo u: If you are completely new to Oxford Owl for School, i.e if you have never joined Oxford Owl as a free registered user and are not subscribed to any other subscriptions on Oxford Owl for School, you will receive an ‘Oxford Owl confirmation’ email. Click on the confirmation link in this email to set up your Oxford Owl for School login and password. If you are already registered on Oxford Owl for School as a free user, you will receive an email giving you access to your school’s subscription/s. Click on the confirmation link in this email then log in to Oxford Owl for School using your existing login and password. If you are already subscribed to one of our other subscriptions, your colleague does not need to add you to your new subscription/s in the M a na g e s t a f f a c c e s s area of Oxford Owl for School as you will be able to access your new subscription straight away using your existing login and password. Q: Wh a t a r e t h e t e r ms a n d c o n di t i o n s o f O x ford O w l ? A: To read the terms and conditions of Oxford Owl click here. Lo g g i n g i n t o Oxf o r d Owl Q: Ho w do I l o g i n t o Oxf o r d Owl ? A: You log in to Oxford Owl via the link at top right of the page on, using your registered email address and password. This log in route is the same whether you are accessing the Home or School site. For School users, it is the same whether you are logging in to access free content or your paid-for subscription-based online teaching resources. Q: I h a v e f o r g o t t e n my pa sswo r d. Wh a t sh o u l d I do ? A: Open the Log in box in the header bar and click on the Problems logging in link. Enter your email address in the Reset password box and we will send you a new temporary password. You will be able to change this to a more memorable one when you next log in. Q: I a sk e d f o r my pa sswo r d t o be r e se t bu t h a v e n ' t r e c e i v e d a n e ma i l t e l l i n g me my n e w t e mpo r a r y pa sswo r d. A: When you reset your password, your new temporary password will be emailed to you within minutes. If it fails to arrive, this could be for the following reasons: 1. A "spam filter" could be blocking our Password Reset email. Please check for the email in your "Junk", "Spam" or "Trash" email folders and add to your list of allowed email addresses so that future emails from us are not blocked. If you still can't find our email, your ISP may be blocking it before it reaches your inbox. If this is happening, please email support. 2. When you reset the password, did you enter your correct email address – i.e. the same email address you gave us when you registered? If your email address has changed since you registered and you no longer have access to your old email's inbox, you won't receive our Password Reset email. If this is the case, please email support telling us your old email address. © Copyright Oxford University Press 2019 Q: I r e c e i v e d a pa sswo r d r e se t e ma i l wh e n I di dn ' t a sk f o r o n e . A: Someone else who knows your email address may have registered for Oxford Owl using your email address without telling you. You can either ignore it or ask us to delete the account by emailing support. Please be reassured – even though a third party can register with your email, they won't actually be able to log on without confirming their access by clicking on the link in the email that only you can see. Q: Wh e n I t r y t o l o g i n t o Oxf o r d Owl f o r sc h o o l , i t di r e c t s me t o Oxf o r d Owl f o r h o me . Wh a t c a n I do ? A: If you are redirected to Oxford Owl for home when you log in, this means that you originally registered as a parent. You will need to register again, with a different email, and select ‘teacher’ when you register. This will allow you to access the Oxford Owl for school site. Q: I h a v e r e c e i v e d a n e r r o r me ssa g e sa y i n g my e ma i l a ddr e ss h a sn ' t be e n c o n f i r me d. Wh a t c a n I do ? A: New joiners are asked to enter a valid email address that is 'owned' by them. Before you can access the site you need to confirm your registration by clicking on a link in an email we have sent to you. This email will normally arrive within a few minutes of your registration. See I ha ve n’t r e c e ive d my c o nf ir ma t io n e ma il. Ho w c a n I c o mp le t e r e g is t r a t io n? for information on what to do if you haven't received this email or wish to resend it. Q: My e ma i l a ddr e ss a n d pa sswo r d do n o t wo r k . Wh a t c a n I do ? A: If you can’t log in, this could be for the following reasons: 1. You are already logged in on more than five different browsers or devices. The system will only allow you to be logged in on five different devices, so you will need to log out of another browser or device before opening another. 2. If you closed a browser before logging out, you will need to wait 15 minutes to log in again. Alternatively you may reopen the closed browser and log out immediately. 3. It is possible that the details you entered were incorrect. The best way to resolve this is by resetting your password. Please see the I ha ve f o r g o t t e n my p a s s wo r d . Wha t s ho uld I d o ? question for instructions on how to do this. Q: Ho w ma n y t i me s c a n I l o g i n t o Oxf o r d Owl a t t h e sa me t i me u si n g t h e sa me l o g i n de t a i l s? A: It is possible for you to log in to Oxford Owl on five different devices or browsers at the same time. If you can't, please email support. Q: Ho w do I de l e t e my a c c o u n t c o mpl e t e l y ? A: If you want us to delete your account completely, please email support. Q: I c a n l o g o n , bu t i t sa y s my a c c e ss h a sn ' t y e t be e n a ppr o v e d by OU P . Wh a t c a n I do ? A: OUP sometimes needs time to check each user's requests for access – e.g. to confirm that you are an existing OUP customer. © Copyright Oxford University Press 2019 This process can sometimes take several days, so please be patient. You will always be notified by email when your access has either been approved or denied. If you need a decision urgently, please email support. T e c h n i c a l su ppo r t Q: Wh a t a r e t h e sy st e m r e qu i r e me n t s f o r u si n g O x ford O w l ? A: Please visit our browser support page for more information. T hir d P a r t y So f t wa r e a nd P lug -ins Adobe Acrobat Reader software Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel version 97-2003 or later Adobe Flash player Sc r e e n R e s o lut io n 1024 x 768 minimum Q: Wh a t v e r si o n s o f br o wse r s a r e su ppo r t e d f o r u se wi t h Oxf o r d Owl ? A: Please visit our browser support page for more information. Q: Ho w do I f i n d o u t wh i c h v e r si o n o f t h e br o wse r I ’ m u si n g ? A: If you are using Oxford Owl at school, your IT technician should be able to tell you what browser versions are installed on your school network. If you want to check which browser you are using yourself, you can find out by following the instructions below: In Internet Explorer, go to the Settings menu and click on About Internet Explorer. A pop-up window will open that will tell you which version of Internet Explorer you have installed. In Mozilla Firefox, go to the Help menu and click on About Firefox. A pop-up window will open that will tell you which version of Firefox you have installed. In Google Chrome, go to the Customise menu, select Help then About Google Chrome. You will be taken to an About page that will tell you which version of Chrome you have installed. In Safari, go to the Safari menu, and click on About Safari. A pop-up window will open that will tell you which version of Safari you have installed. Q: I ’ v e j u st g o n e t o Oxf o r d Owl a n d t h e r e i s a me ssa g e t h a t sa y s I ’ m u si n g a n u n su ppo r t e d br o wse r . Wh a t sh o u l d I do ? A: If you have another browser supported for use with Oxford Owl installed on your machine, we suggest you switch browsers as the quickest solution. See Wha t ve r s io ns o f b r o ws e r s a r e s up p o r t e d f o r us e wit h O xf o r d O wl? , above, for a list of supported browsers. If that isn’t possible and you are using Oxford Owl at school, please contact your school’s IT technician, who should be able to advise on whether it’s possible to update your browser or install a different supported one on your machine. If you are using your home computer and want to update your browser, see I a m us ing my ho me c o mp ut e r . Whe r e c a n I g e t a ne w b r o ws e r ? below. You can continue to use Oxford Owl in an unsupported browser, but please be aware that a large part of the content will not work (particularly interactive content, audio and video) and that much of the functionality may be slow or perform in © Copyright Oxford University Press 2019 unusual ways. Q: T h e r e i s a me ssa g e t h a t sa y s I ’ m u si n g Oxf o r d Owl i n a n u n su ppo r t e d br o wse r a c r o ss t h e t o p o f e v e r y pa g e . Ho w do I g e t rid of it? A: We want you to have the best possible experience using Oxford Owl and, if you’re using it in an unsupported browser, you will find that some of the content and functionality doesn’t work as it should. To get rid of the message, please either update your browser to a supported version or use another supported browser. Q: I a m u si n g my h o me c o mpu t e r . Wh e r e c a n I g e t a n e w br o wse r ? A: You can download our supported browsers at the following locations: Google Chrome browser: Internet Explorer browser: Mozilla Firefox browser: Safari browser: For help updating your browser, go to: Imp o r t a nt : If you are using a school machine, you should not install a new browser or update to a new version of the browser on your machine without checking with your IT technician first. Q: I a m u si n g a su ppo r t e d br o wse r a n d so me t h i n g do e sn ’ t wo r k . Wh a t do I do n o w? A: Please tell us about it! We’ve done extensive testing in all our supported browsers, but we want to know if there’s anything we’ve missed so we can resolve any problems you may be having in using Oxford Owl. Q: Wh a t i s Oxf o r d U n i v e r si t y P r e ss do i n g t o ma k e Oxf o r d Owl mo r e a c c e ssi bl e ? Ac c e s s ib ilit y s t a t e me nt f o r O xf o r d O wl To help achieve our objective of excellence in research, scholarship and education and as part of our commitment to serving our customers and users, Oxford University Press is striving to make its products accessible to and inclusive of all our users, including those with visual, hearing, cognitive, or motor impairments. In line with these goals, we follow the general principles of web usability and universal design and, where feasible, endeavour to make Oxford Owl accessible to all regardless of physical or cognitive impairment or the device used. We are currently targeting adherence to level AA of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1(WCAG 2.1), in order to help our users take full advantage of the accessibility features provided by their chosen device, web browser or operating system. A p r o g r a mme o f imp r o ve me nt Oxford Education complies with applicable law relating to accessibility (including with the obligations under The Equality Act 2010). We are however making ongoing improvements, and to accomplish these, we have a committed investment and development programme to deliver improved accessibility compliance over the coming months and beyond. Areas currently identified for improvement include: Alt text missing in global headers and images Main product pages © Copyright Oxford University Press 2019 Trouble Logging in page eBooks Sinc e c o mme nc ing t his p r o g r a mme we ha ve d e live r e d t he f o llo wing imp r o ve me nt s : Add Alt text in global headers and header images Masthead/Footer - ‘Open In New Tab’ display warning to Screen readers Welcome page: Improve keyboard accessibility F e e d b a c k a nd c o nt a c t inf o r ma t io n If you need information on this website in a different format such as accessible PDF, large print, easy read, audio recording or braille, please provide your name and email address. If you cannot view the information on our ‘contact us’ page, please call +44 (0)1536 452 960 or email us at for assistance. R e p o r t ing a c c e s s ib ilit y p r o b le ms wit h t his we b s it e We’re always looking to improve the accessibility of this website. If you find any problems not listed on this page or think we’re not meeting accessibility requirements, please contact Enf o r c e me nt p r o c e d ur e The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 (the ‘accessibility regulations’). If you’re not happy with how we respond to your complaint,please contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS). T a bl e t su ppo r t Q: Wh a t t a bl e t s a r e su ppo r t e d f o r u se wi t h Oxf o r d Owl ? A: Oxford Owl is supported for use with: iPad and iPad mini using iOS 10 or above Smartphones (e.g. iPhone, Galaxy S3) are not supported. Q: Wh a t i s t h e mi n i mu m sc r e e n r e so l u t i o n su ppo r t e d f o r u se wi t h Oxf o r d Owl ? A: The screen resolution of the iPad and iPad mini (1024 x 768 pixels) is supported for use with Oxford Owl. Q: Ar e i P h o n e s su ppo r t e d f o r u se wi t h Oxf o r d Owl ? A: Unfortunately, iPhones are not supported for use with Oxford Owl. While it is possible to browse the Oxford Owl site using an iPhone, the majority of the content available on the site has not been optimized for the iPhone screen size. EBo o k s Q: Wh y c a n ’ t I a c c e ss a l l st o r i e s i n a bo o k ? A: Some of our eBooks are collections of multiple stories. You will be able to access at least one complete story within a collection. Q: Wh y h a v e so me o f t h e e Bo o k s be e n r e pl a c e d o r r e mo v e d f r o m t h e l i br a r y ? © Copyright Oxford University Press 2019 A: During school closures, we made hundreds more eBooks available for free so that children could continue to practise reading at home. From 1 October 2020, our free eBook libraries on Oxford Owl for School and Oxford Owl for Home have reverted back to their normal sizes, with more than 100 eBooks remaining completely free for children to read. A new, free dedicated Read Write Inc. eBook library has also been added to Oxford Owl for School. Schools can upgrade their free Oxford Owl eBook Library to a total of up to 550 eBooks – these are available in three options to suit the needs of your school – whole-school, infant-only, or junior-only. One simple class login makes it easy for students to access books from home, making it perfect for reading together with a parent or carer away from the classroom. For more information, please visit the OUP website. Q: T h e e B o o k I a m u si n g do e sn ’ t se e m t o h a v e a u di o , i s t h e r e so me t h i n g wr o n g ? A: There are a few books which have been included in the eBook library without audio. Alien Adventures Companion Book 1 and Companion Book 2 don’t have an audio track. At present, it isn’t possible for us to remove the audio controls on these individual books. If you are having problems playing the audio on other eBooks please check: 1. whether the audio is turned down on your computer or tablet 2. if you are using Firefox on a laptop or computer, whether you have an up-to-date version of Adobe Flash Player installed on your machine (Firefox uses a Flash plug-in to play audio). 3. whether you have enabled audio on your browser's settings. Q: Wh y do e s t h e e B o o k sc r e e n l o a d bu t n o t th e eBook? A: Please check your cookie settings because Oxford Owl requires cookies to be enabled to use the eBook library. If you are unsure how to set the cookie setting on your school network or computer, please contact your IT technician. If you are using your own computer, the guides below can help you to enable cookies: Internet Explorer - Help Google Chrome - Help Mozilla Firefox - Help Safari - Help iPad - To set your iPad to allow cookies please click on Setting > Safari > Privacy > Accept cookies If you would like more information about how we use cookies then please visit our Cookies Policy Page. C a n ' t f i n d wh a t y o u ' r e l o o k i n g f o r h e r e ? Q: Wh e r e c a n I g e t mo r e su ppo r t ? A: If you haven’t found the answer that you’re looking for here, contact our support team by email at o wls up p o r t @ o up .c o m or call 0 1 5 36 4 5 2 9 6 0 . Don’t forget to tell us which part of the site you are trying to access: Oxford Owl for Home or Oxford Owl for School. If you’re subscribed to something on Oxford Owl for School, make sure you have as much information about your subscription to hand as possible, including your reference number, where possible. The more information you can give us, the quicker we’ll be able to resolve your query. Print this page Home | Reading | Maths | About us | Help and Feedback | Privacy Policy | © Copyright Oxford University Press 2019 Legal Notice | Cookie Policy | © Copyright Oxford University Press 2020 © Copyright Oxford University Press 2020 © Copyright Oxford University Press 2019 Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy Legal Notice Cookie Policy