11/9/2020 Theatre Hierarchy Crossword s t 6 a A g r r e c t o i s n g t 14 l i g c 1 p 4 5 c o s t u m e o e l 7 8 s c D i c h s 9 r e a d i n g h 10 11 s n i w o r k i 12 13 p B l o c k i n g c n 15 u u u c m a n a g i n g 16 b p s n l 17 p l a y w r i g h t i d 18 i o n d 19 c p r o d u c e r r i s s e 20 t u s h e r s y s 2 Across ✓4. designer responsible for visual appearance of the actors. ✓8. Person who creates the overall vision for the production ✓9. rehearsal at which the play is read by the director or by members of the cast ✓11. rehearsal at which interpretation of the play is developed and words and actions are put together h i e r a r c h t i n g y 3 Down ✓1. manager who is the person completely in charge of backstage during the rehearsals and performances ✓2. rehearsal at which all parts of the play are brought together that flaws can be worked out ✓3. A system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority. ✓5. rehearsal at which lighting, scenery, and props are used so that changes go smoothly ✓6. director who oversees the artistic quality of the production ✓7. designer responsible for the visual ✓13. rehearsal at which the movement and groupings on the stage are practiced ✓14. designer that designs, installs, and operates the lights for a production. appearance and function of the scenic elements ✓15. director who oversees the business used in a production. functions of the production. 10. designer who designs, records, sets up ✓17. creates and develops the ideas that become ✓equipment for any sound used in a play. the written script. ✓12. manager who handles the advertising and ✓19. Person who finds the financial investors, promotion of a play in the press, on the radio, hires the director and production staff, sets the budget, and pays the bills for a theatrical production. ✓20. people who greet audience members, hand out programs, and show people to their seats. and in other media. ✓13. manager responsible for the financial arrangements of the production ✓16. master who is in charge of acquiring props for a production. ✓18. rehearsal that is An uninterrupted rehearsal with costumes and props; the final rehearsal before the first performance https://crosswordlabs.com/embed/theatre-hierarchy-crossword-2 1/1