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Plant Biology Unit Test - High School SBI3U

SBI3U: Plant Unit Test
Mr. Dykstra
Part A: Multiple Choice
1). How does water aid the fertilization of some organisms?
a) provides fluid for sperm to move
b) discourages predators
c) holds cells together
d) slows meiosis
2).One adaptation that helps land plants to slow the evaporation of water is
a) cuticle
b) lack of roots
c) porous cell walls
d) chloroplasts
3). What controls the size of pores on leaves?
a) guard cells
b) rhizoids
c) gymnosperms
d) angiosperms
4). Some plants must experience a period of chilling before they will germinate. This is called:
a) vernalization
b) photoperiodism
c) gibberellization
d) thigmotropism
5). Plants have cell walls made of:
a) bark
b) starch
c) cellulose
d) protein
6). How is a seed like a spore?
a) they are both haploid
b) they both contain the sporophyte generation
c) they both disperse the species
d) they both have flagella
7). Plants that produce seeds protected by a fruit are called:
a) gymnosperms
b) angiosperms
c) bryophytes
d) conifers
8). If a leaf has net-like veins, the plant would also have:
a) one cotyledon in the seed
b) flower parts in multiples of three
c) a ring of vascular tissue in the stem
d) cones at one stage in its lifecycle
9). The structure of an algae includes all of the following except:
a) holdfast
b) stipe
c) rhizomes
d) bladder
10 ) Which of the following is NOT correct?
a) collenchyma- tough stringy fibres like in celery
b) parenchymac) sclerenchymad) meristematic
11) Long, narrow cells of xylem with thin separations between them are called:
a) ground tissue
b) tracheids
c) collenchyma
d) sieve tubes
12) Short, wide cells of xylem function in water transport when:
a) they are dead
b) an end wall forms
c) they are alive
d) water is scarce
13) In the meristematic regions of plants you would expect to find:
a) companion cells
b) dividing cells
c) inactive cells
d) gametes
14) A plant absorbs water and minerals through:
a) a smooth epidermis
b) stomata
c) root hairs
d) cortex
15) Carrots usually have this kind of root.
a) taproot
b) horizontal roots
c) fibrous roots
d) aerial roots
16) In stems, vascular tissue is arranged to form:
a) a central cylinder
b) veins
c) taproots
d) vascular bundles
17) In the fern life cycle, meiosis takes place
a) during the development of seeds
b) upon development of the gametophyte
c) during production of egg and sperm
d) during the production of spores
18) The vascular cylinder of a root is surrounded by:
a) cortex
b) epidermis
c) phloem
d) pith
19) The anther of a flower is supported by a structure known as the:
a) antheridium
b) filament
c) stigma
d) style
20) Most mosses and ferns can only undergo fertilization
a) in dry climates
b) in winter
c) during or after rain
d) when spores are produced
Part B: Diagrams
Identify the structures indicated on the diagrams below. (18 marks)
This is a cross section of a
Is this stage in the lifecycle
Haploid or Diploid?
State the function of each of the following: (7 marks)
Guard cells:
Root cap:
Part C: Short Answer
(22 marks)
1) Compare and contrast the transportation of water and sugar up and down a
plant. (5 marks)
2) Mosses are very dependent on water, and are generally only found in damp
environments. Why is this the case? (3 marks)
3) What is alternation of generations in plants? How does this differ between a
fern and a moss? (4 marks)
4) Describe the process of double-fertilization in flowers. (4 marks)
5) Describe how hormones and tropisms are related. (2 marks)
6) Use what you know about the process of photosynthesis to explain why leaves
need stomata. (2)
7) Think: New volcanic islands are sometimes formed in the ocean. They are
often populated quickly by plants, even if they are far from the nearest land. The
first species to arrive usually have berries. Why? Why do other plants take longer
to colonize? (2 marks)