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9a.Plants Portion REVIEW.IMPORTANT.summer.2020

Annotate Olive Senior’s poem “Plants” below in Section 1. (15)
Synthesize your annotation of the poem and answer the questions listed in
Section 2. (15)
3. WRITTEN RESPONSE: Write a well organized essay based on the prompt listed in
Section 3. (20)
Section 1, ANNOTATION:
Annotate Olive Senior’s poem “Plants” below. (15)
Section 2, OUTLINE:
In point form, list the necessary information for the following
categories. (15)
a) Theme statement
b) Tone
c) Simple answer to prompt question
d) Three pieces of evidence from the element of literature that supports your theme
Section 3, WRITTEN RESPONSE: In a well-organized essay, use your annotation
and outline above to help you analyze how the poet, Olive Senior, portrays the
complex relationships among the speaker, the implied audience, and plant life. You
may wish to consider the author’s use of such literary techniques as syntax diction,
and figurative language. Write your essay in the space provided below: