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Social, Web & Mobile Analytics Assignment: Blog Review

: Yong Yi Lu
: 8AC1
Student ID
: I20018762
Submission Date: 18/09/2020
: Arasu Raman
Blog Review
By Yong Yi Lu
Table of Content
Cover Page...................................................................................................................2
Table of Content...........................................................................................................3
Main Contents of Blog Review.......................................................................................4-7
Based on the blog from the website of Voices of Youth, UNICEF which was published recently
on March, 18, 2020, by Yeshna Dindoyal, the writer is trying to share her quarantine story, and
her own opinion about the pandemic Covid 19.( Yeshna Dindoyal, 2020 March 18). The title
of her blog which is Covid 19, Quarantine life and lessons for humanity expresses what she
wants to tell to the blog readers. The genre of her blog post is about education. Yeshna Dindoyal
is an international student who studies in the United Kingdom shares her quarantine story on
her own blog and urges others to share their quarantine story and feelings too. The writer told
the readers about her own thoughts on what happens to her during the pandemic, and she also
emphasizes on humanity which can clearly be seen recently how people reacted towards the
changes, and also the changes in nature since everyone starts to stay at home. Humanity, known
as the quality or condition of human, human nature and also the quality of being humane,
kindness and care towards others. Just a month before the Chinese New Year festival, in
December 2019,increasing cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology and causes start to appear
and initially occur in Wuhan, China and which then start to spread to the whole world. (Penghui
Yang, Xiliang Wang, 2020 March 31). WHO, The World Health Organization announced the
novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic caused by SARS-CoV-2, was classified as an
international public health emergency on January 30, 2020. (AJMC Staff, 2020 July 4). The
unprecedented increasing cases of COVID-19 cases not only in China, but also in many
countries has triggered the alarm and awareness for public health to respond to emerging and
re-emerging diseases. Many comprehensive strategies, including diagnostics, clinical treatment,
research, prevention, and development of drugs and vaccines, are urgently needed to win and
fight the battle against COVID-19 virus and also other infectious diseases. Thus, what Yeshna
was trying to tell her readers was humanity in the age of COVID-19 where the whole world
human beings are experiencing a new challenge in life. Yeshna Dindoyal also shares about the
activities that people do during this quarantine life which many people start to make changes
on themselves during this stay at home period.
The writer, Yeshna wrote her blog really well and the quarantine story she wrote let anyone
who are in the same boat with her which means they are in the same unpleasant situation and
having the same problem. Many international students, foreign workers, and those who travel
overseas cannot go back to their hometown and their country due to close country borders can
exactly feel her. The feeling of missing home, family, home-cooked food and of course their
friends. This pandemic has actually changed the normal routine of the world. The start of social
distancing, wearing masks and staying at home have been a routine in today’s world. No more
excitement for Tokyo Olympic 2020, cancellation travelling trips, online classes, work from
home, restaurant closure, postponed exam that was already prepared months ago, no graduation
ceremony, no gathering, increase in divorce cases, and the most obvious is the whole world's
economics were affected. (The World Bank, 2020 June 8). What happened in 2020? The writer
wrote well on her blog about humanity during the pandemic. People start to panic buying tons
of toilet papers, grocery, rice, canned food like World War or tsunami coming soon and what,
those old people, and those who having low-income could not able to buy those daily groceries
due to no more stock, and already finish due to those people who bought a lot and not
considerate towards others. Luckily, there are humans that have humanity and care towards
others. Those people and volunteers provide those who have trouble in living and those who
are live-in hunger by distributing free meals, and free groceries for them such as rice, mask,
biscuits and groceries to help them sustain their life during this serious crisis. The writer is
trying to tell the readers we as humans should help each other no matter what races or religion
during this pandemic, not just being greedy and being selfish. We should have the sense of
humanity and empathy. Those who live far from home and uprooted from home should be
careful because they don’t have any economic support. The writer understands well the pain of
losing friends due to the coronavirus. She expressed the pain and suffering through her writing.
We as readers can really get touched and understand what the writer, Yeshna Dindoyal is trying
to express. During this world crisis, nature is healing, no more pollution done by humans, hence
hoping for humans to heal their mindset and implement more humanity and kindness in
themselves so that after this pandemic everything can restart and turn out better. Other than
sharing about the humanity of the community, she also shares some positive motivational
thoughts for her readers, so that they can be strong together to go through this tough year.
The blog has many strengths that attract many readers to read the blog. First, the blog has a
great and excellent content which are easily understood, informative and honest thoughts from
the writer. The writer of the blog has outstanding copywriting skills which she creates a great
content which she wrote on her own thoughts on the pandemic that occur currently and produce
interest and shares from readers. This blog proves us text-based and excellent writers who don’t
attach any image can create a great and interesting content. Next, this blog also interacts and
communicates with one another which are the readers. The writers interact and reply with the
comments from the readers. It can be seen on the comment section where there are a few readers
sharing their quarantine story and also their own personal views which are related to the blog's
content. Some of the readers commented on the good reviews and keep encouraging and
motivating the writers at the comment section. The writer interacts with her readers by replying
to her readers comments and states her own point towards her readers story. She is friendly
towards her readers where she welcomes her readers to direct message or private message her
if there are any doubts or problems that they face. Readers from different edges of the world
send their love and care to the writer and other readers, which could give a positive motivation
for other people who scroll into this blog. This blog successfully attracts people to know what
happens to those who leave far from home and are in a quarantine state besides knowing about
the humanity of humans in different countries and can be role models for the others. Interacting
with readers can help the writer to know what the readers are interested in and what they want.
The writer can find some ideas for the content on the next blog post. The blog is thoughtprovoking which means the writer seeks to do what is regarded well to provoke thought in their
readers. This can be seen when someone reads a blog post and reads till end of it, and really
considers what they read, that is what made an excellent blogger apart from a run-of-the-mill
one. In my own opinion, the most dominant strength of a great blog is being helpful to others.
(Jay Baer). The writer shares some inspiration and motivational words to her readers to cheer
them up during these anxious and frightening periods which seems helpful to her readers and
she opens up a topic that can be shared and discussed freely and openly with her readers.
Blogging formed around the idea of community might unintentionally help others. Moreover,
the writer’s blog page theme is definitely nice and suitable. The headline is clear and the size
is suitable and just nice to be seen. Headlines’ substance is definitely very important since it is
the first view that the readers see after clicking into the blog. Furthermore, the length of the
blog post is just sweet and short and not too wordy. People seem to easily get bored and
disinterested to read up a long blog post. The blog is themed with a concrete topic and purpose
which is on COVID-19. It could anchor the meaning and also purpose of the blog.
Of course, every strength comes with trade offs. There are a few weaknesses of the blog by
Yeshna Dindoyal. The blog can share more examples or real life events so that the readers can
know more about what is happening in other countries. For instance, Yeshna Dindoyal could
share what inspires her to write this blog post, what humanity events that occur in the place she
lives. Apart from that, the blog post page is a bit boring and plain. The writer could attach or
upload some photos or videos of her quarantine life which can make readers more interested to
know about the writer's life events during quarantine life or the life behaviour and the changes
of lifestyle of the country. Of course many people would like to know more about what occurs
in other countries other than just looking from the newspaper or Facebook or news everyday.
The media that uploaded it might have different views from other people. She could also
suggest some ways to improve the value of humanity in the community so that readers that
read or view the post could take some action or share it with others so that people could start
to give attention to the issue. Besides, the writer did not use any subheads for her blog. This
made the blog have long blocks of text which readers easily get bored of if they did not read
into the content although the content is good. Without subheads, the readers seem lost because
subheads are used to guide them and the writer might miss engagement opportunities.
Robin Sharma said “There’s a solution for every problem. You just need to be strong enough
to find it”. There are a few ways that can be implemented to improve and make the blog better.
First, adding a “Pin” button in the “Share this” menu can be more convenient for those casual
users. The writer can also add a “tweet this” or “share this” option or button to instantly share
the quotes from the blog post. The writer could use and attach some personal and intimate
photos to tell the readers about her experience or her story. Many writers do not use photos
because that little one piece of photo takes an extra bit of effort but if the writer attached a
photo,it would definitely make the readers more interested to read on. Never underestimate
your effort, no matter how little. Readers can tend to know the writer well and make little
connection between each other. In addition, the writer could try to cross-link to related content.
This is quite a new suggestion because currently, there are not many blogs that link to other
websites. This will sure add value and the impression of the readers towards the writer thus
affecting the bounce rate of the blog post. The writer could consider adding related links or
write a numbered or bulleted list of related blog posts and linking to them using WordPress
Plugin. By doing this, an opportunity for the readers to discover related content was created.
On top of that, the writer should use the power of pictures or photos. Visual content has become
the mainstay in content publicity or marketing no matter on any social media such as Twitter
or Facebook and yes blog is included. Blog readers nowadays are not the old newspaper readers.
They expect more storyline based blog posts or salient points from the pictures.
Yeshna Dindoyal. (2020, March 18). Covid 19, Quarantine life and lessons for humanity.
Retrieved from https://www.voicesofyouth.org/blog/covid-19-quarantine-life-and-lessonshumanity#disqus_comments at 7.42 p.m., 2020 September 15.
Jay Baer. Lifting the Fog of the Blog: 8 Strategic Questions Before You Write 1 Word.
Retrieved from https://www.convinceandconvert.com/content-marketing/lifting-the-fogof-the-blog/ at 8.01 p.m., 2020 September 15.
Penghui Yang, Xiliang Wang. (2020, March 31). COVID-19: a new challenge for human
VID%2D19). at 8.15 p.m., 2020 September 15.
AJMC Staff. (2020, July 4). A Timeline of COVID-19 Developments in 2020.
Retrieved from https://www.ajmc.com/view/a-timeline-of-covid19-developments-in-2020
at 8.15 p.m., 2020 September 15.
The World Bank. (2020, June 8). The Global Economic Outlook During the COVID-19
Pandemic: A Changed World.
at 8.17 p.m.,
September 15.