BNIS Short BNIS Short Notes Notes Nickel Sector Analyst: Firman Hidayat The New Gold What’s New? We are quite sanguine on nickel sector’s long-term prospect in light of the expected nickel supply shortages, driven by Electric Vehicle (EV) revolution EQUITY RESEARCH September 22, 2020 OVERWEIGHT Nickel inventory vs. nickel price swings in last 5-years Key Highlights: Fundamentals may spoil stellar run for nickel price in the shortterm... ...but, in the longer-term global nickel supply deficit is on the cards Current nickel prices’ surge is not supported by strong fundamentals... Amidst the pandemic, nickel price’s performance has been a surprise on the upside. Presently, nickel prices have rallied 35.9% from the lows in March 2020, reaching USD14,850/ton. In addition to hitting a six-month peak, nickel prices registered the highest growth rate among industrial metal prices. On the other hand, production activities in key nickel producing nations such as Indonesia and Philippines were relatively less impacted by the pandemic, which otherwise has had a major impact on demand globally resulting in nickel’s supply surplus. According to International Nickel Research Group (INSG), the global nickel market after supply shortage, which has been persistent over the years at 46,000 tons, 115,000 tons and 127,000 tons, respectively, in 2016-18, and at 31,200 tons in 2019. In 8M20, London Metal Exchange (LME)’s nickel inventory stands with a surplus of 76,300 tons, up 50% from the beginning of the year. Source: Bloomberg, BNIS Research USD/IDR exchange rate movement Source: Bloomberg, BNIS Research ...rather it’s more sentiment-driven As markets are forward looking mechanism, we think the markets are likely paying attention to a few drivers in the future; the nickel price swings would depend on two main catalysts, namely: Infrastructures spending; such as China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) project and China’s new urbanization program; This translates to strong Chinese nickel demand on increasing production of “300 series” stainless steel which has a high nickel content. Strong EV adoption worldwide with demand for batteries boosting nickel consumption. Nickel is a metal with a large energy density, hence its ability to store the highest energy. Nevertheless, we are still concerned about how the current sentiment could be sustained and how fast for both catalysts to be able to absorb nickel supply per market expectations. For the shortterm, if global nickel consumption misses market expectations, it would be possible for nickel price to drop gradually. However, in our supply-demand scenario, we still anticipate a surplus around 90,000 tons in 2020F and a deficit in 2021F. 1 BNIS Short Notes Potential shift from infrastructural spending, EV trend likely to drive nickel price higher In short, nickel is a vital metal to power the new green revolution as a specific component in the mass manufacturing of EV batteries. According to Bank of America, globally electric car is estimated to surge from 5% of all vehicle sales by 2021F to 40% by 2030F and 95% by 2050F. Even during the pandemic, the global market for EV batteries is estimated at USD30.7bn in 2021F. Next, It's projected to attain a size of USD87.2bn by 2030F, growing at a CAGR of 16.1% over the analysis period of 2021F through 2030F. We foresee that 6% of global nickel supply is currently used by the EV battery industry with EV market share of around 2.5% of auto sales. Presently, about 7.2mn EV are on the road and the figure is expected to multiply at a faster pace. Hence, we estimated when EV market share climbs to 40% in 2030F, that’s going to require 60% higher than the recent historical volume of nickel supplied or edges up to 9.6% of global nickel supply. The demand growth from EV would therefore well outpace the demand growth for nickel supplied to the steel industry of around of 2.5% per year. However, we believe that nickel supply shortages will emerge, and most companies with nickel exposure will benefit. Indonesia seeks to become a key player in EV battery industry Earlier this month, President Joko Widodo “Jokowi” stated the ambition to become a key player in the global supply chain of EV batteries is part of the national strategy for “energy autonomy”. According to the government’s recent data, there are 63 ongoing developments of smelter projects in Indonesia, and 39 are already in the production stage while the rest are still under construction, scattered in 28 districts in 16 provinces. Our channel checks suggest that smelters without direct access to the nickel mines will struggle on three things: 1) Production costs are higher for nickel miners due to higher transportation costs; and 2) The crackdown on illegal nickel mining and the moratorium on new mining permits will make it hard for nickel smelters with no direct access to nickel mines to obtain ore; 3) Harga Patokan Mineral (HPM) nickel ore price policy is widely adopted as a mandatory benchmark price in all nickel ore domestic transaction still on progress. In 1H20, the average utilization rate for Indonesia’s nickel smelters was less than 70%. We think this was due to two reasons: 1) New smelters’ production volume is typically low in the first year; and 2) Production costs were quite high at around USD10,000-11,000/ton, while the average LME nickel price in 1H20 was quite low at only around USD12,500/ton due to Covid-19 outbreak. We think the latter was more of a factor on low utilization. On the other hand, EV producers such as Tesla hopes nickel prices will go lower and lower. Key beneficiary: Nickel producers as LME nickel price is expected to be stronger for the long-term There are three nickel miners that should benefit directly from strong nickel prices, namely Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO IJ), Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM IJ) and Central Omega Resources Tbk (DKFT IJ). Out of the three, impact on INCO would be the clearest as the company only sells a single product; hence, it means any improvement in LME nickel price will increase its Average Selling Price (ASP). Our top pick is INCO IJ with TP of IDR4,500/share due to high nickel content in its product and low production cost. 2 BNIS Short Notes APPENDIX Exhibit 1. Global nickel market supply and demand scenario Source: International Nickel Research Group (INSG), BNIS Research Exhibit 2. Specific energy comparison amongst Li-ion batteries Lithium Cobaltite (LCO) Volumetric Energy (Wh/L) Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) Lithium Nickel Cobalt Manganese (NCM) Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminum (NCA) 570 544 629 685 2,907 1,958 2,988 3,322 Nickel composition (%) 10 10 33 80 Manganese composition (%) 30 40 33 0 Cobalt composition (%) 60 50 33 15 0 0 0 5 Specific Energy (Wh/Kg) Aluminum composition (%) Source:, BNIS Research Exhibit 3. U.S electric vehicle sales movements Exhibit 4. Breakdown of nickel consumption Sources: Bloomberg, BNIS Research Sources:, BNIS Research 3 BNIS Short Notes APPENDIX Exhibit 5. Indonesia’s nickel smelter development overview Source: Ministry of Industry, BNIS Research Exhibit 6. Added value from nickel ore downstream project Source: Ministry of Industry, BNIS Research Exhibit 12. Comparison matrix of select listed nickel companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Company Ticker ROE (%) EV/EBITDA (x) P/B (x) Market cap (IDR bn) 2020F 2021F 2020F 2021F 2020F 2021F Aneka Tambang Tbk ANTM IJ 18,385 1.2 2.4 14.7 12.9 0.9 0.9 Central Omega Resources Tbk DKFT IJ 620 -22.6 -14.7 45.2 37.3 0.8 0.7 Vale Indonesia Tbk INCO IJ 25,253 5.3 6.6 11.4 8.9 0.5 0.5 Sources: Bloomberg, BNIS Research 4 BNIS Short Notes MAIN OFFICE - JAKARTA PT BNI SEKURITAS Sudirman Plaza, Indofood Tower 16th Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 76-78 Jakarta 12910, Indonesia Phone: (62-21) 25543946 (Hunting) Fax: (62-21) 57935831 e-mail: (General) JAKARTA - Mangga Dua Pertokoan Mangga Dua Blok E4 No. 7 Jl. 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