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Database Systems Assignment: Advantages, Disadvantages, Schema

Umm Al-Qura University
College of Computer and Information
Systems, Abdiya, Makkah
Department of Computer Science
Semester-1, 1442
14012301-3 Database-1
Marks: 5
Student ID No.439005074
Abid Ghaffar:
Email: aaghaffar@uqu.edu.sa
Assignment No.1
Submission Time: One Week
Issue Date: Sept. 26, 2020
Student Name: ahmed wadi saigh
‫احمد وديع صائغ‬
Group No.1
Instructions: Please send your Assignments through Blackboard.
Q1. Write down the advantage and disadvantages of Database System.
Enforcement of standards
Minimal data redundancy
Reduced program maintenance cast
Improved data sharing
Increased application development productivity
Enforcement of standards
Program-data independence
Improved data quality
Improved data accessibility and responsiveness
Reduced program maintenance cast
Improved data consistency
Up-front costs
Ongoing Costs
Conversion Costs
Installation Management Cost and Complexity
Requires New, Specialized Personnel
Need for Explicit Backup and Recovery
Q2. Write down different functions of Database System. Name them only.
Security Management
Database Communication Interfaces
Backup and Recovery Management
Data Dictionary Management
Multiuser Access Control
Data Transformation and Presentation:
Data Integrity Management
Database Access Languages and Application Programming Interfaces
Data Storage Management
Q3. Write down one example of a Database using Tables.
Q4. Define Database Schema with an example.
Definition of schema: Design of a database is called the schema. Schema is of three types:
Physical schema, logical schema and view schema. For example: In the following diagram,
we have a schema that shows the relationship between three tables: Course, Student and
Q5. Write down the limitations of a File-based System.
Limited Data Sharing
More Program Maintenance Cost
Program-Data Dependence
Lengthy Development Times
Data Redundancy (Duplication of data)
Good Luck!