Words as "Bundles" of Meaning As discussed in the previous chapters, the aim of the translator is to communicate clearly the meaning of the source text in the translation. In chapter 1, characteristics of language which affect how a translator does this are listed. The first characteristic mentioned was that meaning components are combined into lexical items but that they are "packaged" differently in one language than in another. A word is a “bundle” of meaning components. The translator needs to be able to analyze the lexical items (words) of the source text in order to translate them. This means being able to unpack words in order to show the meaning that is represented by the lexical form. Dictionaries "unpack" the meanings of words. That is why a good translator will use all the dictionaries and lexicons available in his study of the source language text. He wants to be sure he knows the meaning of each word. Since languages combine meanings differently, there will be many words which will not have an exact one-word equivalent in the receptor language. Concepts In chapter 3, where the structure of meaning was discussed, it was pointed out that meaning components and concepts are classified semantically as THINGS, EYENTS, ATTRIBUTES, and RELATIONS. THINGS are defined as all animate beings and all inanimate entities. EVENTS include all actions, processes, and experiences. ATTRIBUTES include all attributes of quality and quantity ascribed to THINGS or EVENTS. And RELATIONS include all those relations posited between any two semantic units. Concept is used in this text to refer; not to the form (word) but only to the meaning content. A concept is a recognizable unit of meaning in any given language. These concepts may be broken down into a number of meaning components (bits of information). For example, the concept ram can be broken down into SHEEP, MALE, and ADULT. A concept is a bundle of components of meaning. Since each language has its own unique inventory of concepts, how can concepts be identified? Concerning this, Barnwell (1980:141) says: 76 In a given language, the concept unit usually, but by no means always, is represented by a word; it may also be represented by a morpheme, or by an idiomatic expression, or by tone, or by word order. Concepts are identified in a given language on the principle of contrast and comparison within the system of that language. Each concept is associated with a particular area of meaning which is distinct from that of other concepts in the language; its function is to refer to some specific area of meaning. In chapter 8, the matter of contrast and comparison will be discussed and exemplified. As mentioned above, all languages have concepts but not the same concepts. There will be words in the source language and receptor language which are very similar in content (contain the same meaning components), but not all will match by any means. Not all language communities have the same ideas. Reality is conceptualized differently in different communities. The phenomena of reality around us are "bundled" together differently by different communities and labeled (given a name, i.e. lexicalized). As will be pointed out in chapters 7 and 8, even physical phenomena are classified and "bundled" differently. Social phenomena are themselves diverse in different communities and so give rise to diverse labels (words). (For more information on concepts see Nida and Taber 1969:37-55; Barnwell 1980:141-43; and Beekman, Callow, and Kopesec 1981:16-17.) The first step, then, in the; analysis of words is to determine whether the word is referring primarily to a THING concept, an EVENT concept, an ATTRIBUTE concept, or a RELATION concept. What is the central concept of the word? Many words are easily classified. For example, stone is a THING, eat is an ACTION, green is an ATTRIBUTE, and on is a RELATION. However, many words are not that easily classified. They are more difficult to classify because there is a skewing between the semantic classification and the grammatical classification. Some words are made up of more than one concept. When we define such a word, we make explicit the concepts which are combined together in that word. For example, we might define runner by saying a person who runs. We have made explicit the fact that runner is used to refer to a PERSON, and that that person runs. Runner is a word in the English language. The central concept is PERSON and the concept RUNS serves to define more concisely (to restrict) PERSON. The word runner is talking about a THING, that is a PERSON, but it is also talking about an EVENT, RUN. The combining of a number of meanings into a single word reflects the principle of language economy. In surface structure lexicons, several concepts may be represented by a single lexical item. Common THINGS and EVENTS are usually identified by a single word, even though they may consist of a number of concepts. For example, most languages have 77 the words for see, hear, and smell. The concept perceive is restricted by other concepts— with eyes, with ears, and with nose, so that in each case English has a single word carrying the complex meaning. However, in Kabba-kaka of Chad there is a basic root meaning perceive and HEAR and SEE can only be distinguished by adding eyes and ears (Nida 1964:51). For pastoral cultures, it is not uncommon to have a single word meaning taking care of at night, where the ACTIVITY of taking care of and the TIME, night, are both included as the meaning of a single word. For example, in Quiche, the concepts taking care of and at night have been lexicalized in one form or word, kwrax. The word for take care of, without the concept of night is kutstsxix. Otomi of Mexico does not have a word for island. What meaning is packaged in the English word island? An island is a THING. It is land surrounded by water. The central concept is land, but this is further restricted by surrounded (encircled) by water. The Quiche word kwrax would need to be "unpacked" to translate into English. English does not combine take care of and at night into a single word. The English word island would have to be unpacked to translate into Otomi. Translating concepts A translator will often find that there is no exact equivalent between the words of one language and the words of another. There will be words which have some of the meaning components combined in them matching a word which has these components with some additional ones. There will be overlap, but there is seldom a complete match between languages. Because of this, it is often necessary to translate one word of the source language by several words in the receptor language in order to give the same meaning. Sometimes the opposite will also be true. Several words in the source language may be translated by a single word. For example, the Trique word ó would be translated into English by the sentence "We are shelling corn." The Aguaruna word dakumjukmaukait would be translated by the sentence "Is it a picture of me?" in English. On the other hand, the English word sad can only be translated into Aguaruna with the phrase stomach being-broken feeling. In order to analyze the meaning of a word in preparation for translation, one must first think of what the central concept is and what way this is limited. It may then be possible to translate with a word in the receptor language which is equivalent to the central concept and use a phrase to add the further definition. Note the following examples from Aguaruna: 78 wilderness - aents atsamaunum people where-they-are-not-place (a place where there are no people) theater -jega muun jegamkamunum aents tuwaka house big that-built-place people diverting ijunbaunum where-they-gather-place (a big house where people gather for diversion) Skewing of classifications The same form may also be used as two different parts of speech. For example, notice the use of blue in the phrases blue sky and sky blue. In the first, blue is used as an adjective to describe the sky, and in the second, sky is used as an adjective to describe blue. In the first, there is no skewing because blue is an ATTRIBJJTE used as an adjective and sky is a THING used as a noun. In the second, however, a THING, the sky is used as an adjective to modify blue which is an ATTRIBUTE used as a noun. Whenever there is skewing of this kind, there is likely to have to be some kind of adjustment in translation. The skewing between the grammar and the semantic categories must be taken into consideration in finding the underlying meaning. Translators must be aware of this skewing in the source language. Once the meaning is clear, they can think about how to reconstruct the meaning in the receptor language. The translator must guard against trying to match parts of speech from language to language, since each language has its own system for arranging concepts into different parts of speech. There is little guarantee that what is a noun in one language is best translated by a noun in another language. It is interesting, however, that in contrasting languages one often notes a fairly consistent correlation between two different parts of speech. Where one language is using the verb with some degree of frequency, another language may be expressing the very same meanings by means of the verbal noun. Such observations about the natural differences between languages can be very useful to the translator. Translating from a language which uses many verbs into a language which uses many verbs will be easier than from a language which uses many nouns into a language which uses mostly verbs. The skewing between semantic classes and parts of speech occurs frequently. Many languages have special forms which make it possible to use an EVENT concept as a noun in the grammar. For example, in English, knowledge is a noun based on the EVENT concept know. Ability is a noun based on the concept to be able and full report is a noun phrase 79 based on the concept to report fully. In some languages, there are forms which modify nouns that refer to EVENT concepts, as, for example, falling in falling star. Since falling refers to an EVENT concept, the semantic structure would be a star which is falling. In the phrase starry eyes the adjective starry refers to THINGS, stars, and so the semantic structure would be eyes which look like stars. There is skewing between the grammar and the semantic structure. There are various reasons why nominalizing, for example, occurs. One of the main reasons in English, and some other languages, is so that the topic under discussion can be introduced by a noun. If the topic is an EVENT, then a noun form, often called an abstract noun, will be discussed. For example, the noun salvation may be used to talk about the EVENT to save or the noun height may be used to talk about the ATTRIBUTE high or the noun the reason may be used to talk about the RELATION reason-result if it is the topic of the sentence. Skewing of this kind is used for pointing out the topic of the sentence or paragraph. If there were no skewing, the text would sound very monotonous and uninteresting. Skewing by nominalization, verbalization, and adjectivization adds dynamics and "life" to the text. They are part of the style which makes a given text a work of art. But if translated literally into a second language, they will sound strange and not accomplish the purpose which they had in the source text. A translator will find it helpful to analyze the source language by comparing the part of speech with the semantic classification! In the following examples, the words are labeled on top as to their grammatical classification and underneath by their semantic classification. Notice the skewing: 1. Pronoun Our THING Verb beloved EVENT 2. Noun The death EVENT Preposition of RELATION 3. Noun A carpenter THING-EVENT Noun ruler THING-EVENT Noun the dancer THING-EVENT Preposition from EVENT-RELATION Noun Abidjan THING In order to restate a noun in semantic structure, it may be necessary to unpack the words and at the same time eliminate the skewing of classification by using verbs for EVENTS and nouns for THINGS. When this is done, the restatement will be closer to semantic structure. The above examples could be unpacked and rewritten as follows: 80 1. We love him. He rules us. 2. The person who danced died. 3. He is a person who works with wood and who lives in Abidjan. Notice that sometimes a word represents several concepts and it may even represent a proposition, as in the examples above. Restatement A translator who is having difficulty analyzing the source text which he wants to translate may be greatly benefited by rewriting the material in semantic structure before beginning to think about how to translate it in the receptor language. In the following example, the paragraph is first given as it occurred in English. Below that is a restatement which reflects more exactly the semantic structure because the skewing between the grammar and the semantics has been eliminated. That is, THINGS are represented by nouns, EVENTS by verbs, ATTRIBUTES by adjectives or adverbs, and RELATIONS by relationals. ENGLISH PARAGRAPH Word and reading games can sometimes be used for motivation and reading readiness. Some of these are also useful for additional drills when more normal instruction begins. They may actually teach the pupil his first words while he thinks he is only playing. They make good relief from concentrated study. (From Gudschinsky 1957:13.) RESTATEMENT Playing games in which the pupils use words and read can sometimes motivate them and prepare them to read. Persons who teach may also use some of these games to drill the pupils more when they are later instructing them in regular classes. The games actually teach the pupil his first words while he thinks he is only playing. They relieve/relax pupils who have been concentrating as they study. A restatement of this kind is usually not good English style, but it helps the translator identify the meaning and matches the grammatical categories with the semantic categories, thus eliminating most of the skewing and making it easier to translate into a more verbal language. The process of "unpacking" the semantic structure of a word is sometimes called restatement. Restatement, used in a technical way, 81 to say the same thing in another way. In this kind of restating, there should be no change in the semantic components; that is, there be no additions; or deletions, but the same meaning should be by the restatement as much as possible. The idea is simply to restate by means of semantic concepts and/or propositions. Restating in this way through a restatement draws to the attention of the translator all meanings of the source language. As he eliminates the skewing between grammar and the semantics, he will need to make each concept explicit and in this way all of the meaning is brought out. Notice the following restatements. These are literal English equivalents of the translation of phrases occurring in Mafias Talks About Government 1969) which are taken from the translation into Gahuku (Deibler I Taylor 1977:1061). ENGLISH GAHUKU hum of an engine the thing that hummed put its sound the long wait that he kept waiting a long time happy meeting they met and were happy decisions we will say-cut (decide) keep a diary of appointments you will burn a carving about people saying, "we want to see the Administrator man" many requests the people are continually requesting Deibler and Taylor state: It should be noted that whereas in the highlands of Papua New Guinea it is often impossible to render verbal nouns literally, it is possible to do so in the Austronesian type languages. But here again it has been found that changing them to verbs in translation greatly increases the intelligibility of the translation. One of the concomitant difficulties arising from the necessity to render verbal nouns as verbs in Papua New Guinea is that a decision must be made as to how the resultant clause relates to the context; i.e. exactly what logical or temporal relationship to use as a connector. Often the translator succeeds in removing the noun and substituting a verb, only to use the wrong conjunction to relate the clause to the rest of the sentence. (These matters of relationship will be discussed in later chapters.) When a word is restated to indicate its full meaning, it is important to be aware of which concept in the restatement is central component. In the example of island given above, the paraphrase given was land surrounded by water. Land is the central or nuclear component of 82 meaning and surrounded by water delimits or defines more clearly which land. It distinguishes it from other land which may take the form of a desert, plain, or mountain. Notice that the English word teacher includes both a THING, that is, the person, and an EVENT, that is, the action teach. A teacher is a person who teaches. A single word may consist of both a THING and an EVENT. Person is the nuclear concept in teacher and who teaches describes the person. In the same way help may be restated as someone who can help for the sentence Help is coming. Help includes both a THING, someone, and an EVENT, the action help. Some words represent a nuclear concept plus additional concepts and some words represent whole semantic propositions. Words are generally semantically complex and consist of a number of concepts which may further be divided into semantic components. The classification of the nuclear component, that is deciding whether it is a THING, EVENT, ATTRIBUTE, or RELATION, determines the semantic class or classes included in the word. As we noted in chapter 3, the smallest unit of meaning is the meaning component. Meaning components unite to form concepts and concepts form propositions. Often a word represents a single concept which is made up of meaning components but more often a word represents a concept cluster; that is, a number of concepts, or even a proposition, as we have noted above. In restating, it is not always important to analyze down to the smallest meaning component. However, when there is more than done concept included in the word, the restatement will make explicit each concept of the concept cluster or of the proposition which is represented by the word. For example, a word like centurion may be restated by a concept cluster—a man who commands one hundred soldiers. Words in this restatement like "soldiers" could again be broken down into meaning components, but it is not to the advantage of the translator to try to break down every word into basic structure of meaning components. It is, however, very helpful to restate words by indicating all of the concepts which are included. Analysis by paraphrase should be done only to eliminate the skewing between grammar and semantics and to clarify the concepts in complex words. Concepts peculiar to one culture will have a word in that language, but may only be translatable by unpacking, i.e. by a restatement using several words. EXERCISES -Words as "Bundles" of Meaning A. The following English lexical items are semantically complex. What components are found in each lexical item? Which is central? Rewrite in such a way that semantic and grammatical classes match and only relevant components are included. 83 Example: martyr 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. human being who is killed because he refuses to renounce what he believes The central component is human being skater legislation pilot distributor (of a book) doctor to whiten to ensnare to dive to stone to justify (a person) to tree running (water) falling (star) glutton deny substitution truth communication postpone postponement B. Rewrite the following so that there is no skewing between the semantic and grammatical classes: Example: It took a lot of judgment to find a solution. Someone judged well and solved something. 1. I cried when they told me of the death of my mother. 2. The love of our country is very important. 3. Envy is not good. 4. Did you like your grandfather's gift? 5. He is a liar. 6. Nobody respects a cheat. 7. Success spoiled him. 8. Dishonesty is bad. 9. The wealthy live here. 10. He's here on a visit. C. Rewrite the following paragraph so that there is no skewing between the semantic and the grammatical classes. You do not need to break lexical items down into meaning components unless this is necessary 84 to match the semantic and grammatical classes (i.e. hunter could be a man who was hunting, without giving the components of human and being since by separating man and hunting we now have a THING, man, as a noun, and an EVENT, was hunting, as a verb, and there is, therefore, no skewing.) The hunter saw a snow white swan gliding along in the rushing brook. The beauty of the bird stopped him from shooting. He watched its disappearance around the next bend and then continued his hunt. D. In each of the following, the forms of several languages are given with a literal translation into English of this form. What would the idiomatic English equivalent be for each set? 1. Aguaruna (Peru): kajar pujawai - my-sleep it-exists Spanish: tengo sueno - I-have sleepiness English: Another language you speak: 2. Maxakali (Brazil): ukura yum ka'ak - heart sits firmly in Aguaruna (Peru): "dekaskeapi," tawai - "it-is-surely-true," he says Spanish: lo cree - it he-believes Apinaye (Brazil): kot amaxper - thinks with English: Another language: 3. Maxakali (Brazil): kam aktux rex - put away words Aguaruna (Peru): "dutikatajai," tiu - I-will-do-thus he-said Spanish: dio su promesa - gave his promise English: Another language: 4. Munduruku (Brazil): iguycug ikereat kug puye he-is-sad because he-has-ugliness (sin) Aguaruna (Peru): anentai yapajiawai - his-heart changes Canela (Brazil): ihken ma hikra - lets-go-of his sin English: Another language: E. In each of the following translations into English the italicized words have been translated literally and may or may not be idiomatic or correct. Evaluate the italicized words as translations. As an exercise, change the part of speech of the word (or main word, if more than one word is involved) in the italicized construction to 85 some other part of speech to see whether you can improve upon the translation of the sentence as a whole. Do not change the meaning of the sentences, but substitute words and, if necessary, change grammatical structures. 1. Before departure, I gave them some instructions. 2. If costs change in any way prior to delivery of the equipment, the rent will likewise be changed in equal proportion. 3. It is common knowledge that the U.S. share in the foreign trade has shown a tendency toward reduction in recent years. 4. A complete elimination of the general decline in economic activity seems almost impossible. 5. The government is taking all necessary steps for a defense of the borders. 6. The United States is committed to a ceaseless striving for the attainment of a genuine disarmament. 1. He could not incite his men to mutiny. That would be a crime. 8. He rises early. 9. With my knowledge of Hungary's past, I can review the past it has traversed and assess its present development. 10. Today leaders and rank and file laborers are more united than at any time in the past. 86