See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Essentials of IM Parameters Measurement for FOC Drives Tuning Conference Paper · January 2002 CITATIONS READS 7 907 2 authors: Silverio Bolognani Mauro Zigliotto University of Padova University of Padova 303 PUBLICATIONS 10,399 CITATIONS 136 PUBLICATIONS 4,228 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Optimization-based Sensorless algorithms View project MPC drives applications View project All content following this page was uploaded by Silverio Bolognani on 05 March 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE Essentials of IM Parameters Measurement for FOC Drives Tuning S. Bolognani* and M.Zigliotto** *Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Padova Via Gradenigo 6/a, 35131 Padova, Italy phone: + 39 049 8277509 – fax +39 049 8277599 – e-mail: **Department of Electrical, Mechanical and Management Engineering, University of Udine Via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy Phone: +39 0432 558295 – fax +39 0432 558251 - e-mail Abstract — This paper deals with a simple measurement procedure for characterising an induction motors according to the requirement of that arise from the drive manufacturers and/or users. The proposed measurement procedure requires only a conventional instrumentation and a test bench equipped with a brake, but without torque measurement facility. Therefore, any motor manufacturer can perform it, without the need of a specific inverter drive. This simple and reliable procedure should represent a smart-testing tool that gives the motor manufacturer the chance to complete the product with a comprehensive drive-oriented motor nameplate, in a way similar to that widely used for PM synchronous motors (brushless motors). 1. Introduction Field oriented control (FOC) of induction motors has gained a plain maturity in the drive market. Industrial applications of induction motors are continuously growing, for the inherent rugged structure, reduced maintenance requirements and high dynamic performance of actual FOC drives. Recent trends are both the reduction of commissioning costs and the increase of the drive reliability. The ultimate research advances are in the development of sensorless techniques that, eliminating the need for mounting and calibration of mechanical sensors, well fit the aim. Nevertheless, both sensored and sensorless techniques make large use of motor models as a part of the control algorithm. Many efforts have been devoted to the determination of motor parameters [1-4] since their exact knowledge and tracking is a key-factor for high performances. Usually, off-line measurements are accomplished by supplying the motor by a PWM inverter, in which likely current control loops have been already implemented. High complexity algorithms, as Kalman filtering, artificial neural networks, observers, or model reference adaptive systems, obtain on-line parameter estimation and tracking. All of these studies are intended to give the drive manufacturer a fine tool to design and tune properly the IM FOC drive. On the other hand, a very weak link exists between the induction motor manufacturers and modern drive designers. The models used for induction motor testing and characterisation normally do not coincide with the models used in the control algorithm. As a result, quite often the parameters supplied by the motor manufacturer are insufficient or ill correlated to the ones required by the drive as ”good starting set” for the control algorithm. This paper intends to be a contribution to fill the gap, merging the requirement of simplicity put forth by motor industry with the demand of completeness of information that arises from drive manufacturers. The proposed measurement procedure requires only a wattmeter, an adjustable ac supply and a test bench equipped with a brake, but without torque measurement facility. Therefore, any motor manufacturer can perform it also on off-the-shelf induction motors, without the need of a specific inverter drive. The measurement data are logged into an electronic spreadsheet, that implements the equivalence between the measurement model and the parameters used in most commonly used control schemes. This simple and reliable procedure should represent a smart-testing tool that gives the motor manufacturer the chance to complete the product with a comprehensive drive-oriented motor nameplate, in a way similar to that widely used since a long time for PM synchronous motors (brushless motors).. 2. Equivalent circuit for FOC drives FOC induction motor drives are usually based on the control of the stator current components in phase (flux current) and in quadrature (torque current) with respect to the rotor flux linkage referred to the stator. Flux current is used to control the level of the rotor flux linkage, while torque current controls the torque delivered by the motor, so emulating the control scheme of a separately excited DC motor drive: flux current of the IM plays the role of the field voltage on the Dc motor and torque current that of the armature current. Operation of an IM FOC drive can be described by using the space vector notation and putting in evidence the control and the controlled quantities. With reference to a stationary reference frame, stator and rotor equations are: u ss = R s i ss + 0= R r i rs d λss dt d λs + r + jω m λsr dt (1) where variables are defined in the Nomenclature. Flux linkages are given by: λss = L s iss + L M i rs (2) λsr = L M iss + L r i rs By the equation system (2), the stator flux linkage can be rewritten as: λss = L t i ss + λsrs (3) where the transient inductance and the rotor flux linkage referred to the stator are defined by: L2 L t = Ls − M Lr λsrs (5) At last, rotor current can be derived from the second equation of (2) and substituted into the second equation of (1). After some manipulations it results: R s L s j ωm λrs + M (9) is the well-known slip quantity. Eq. (8) points out that under steady state operation the torque component of the current is due to a resistive branch of resistance Rrs/s in parallel to LM, yielding to the equivalent circuit of Fig. 2. Really, Fig. 2 is valid under any operation with rotor flux presenting constant amplitude even if a transient occurs in the angular frequency. R s L t R + + - (8) ωs − ω m ωs s t L s= (6) in which Rrs=Rr(LM/Lr)2 is the rotor resistance referred to the stator. Eqs. (5) and (6) are represented by the equivalent circuit of Fig. 1. s s d λsrs R rs dt i s λs 1 d λsrs = rs + − jω m λ rs L M R rs dt us (7) where d i s d λs u ss = R s i ss + L t s + rs dt dt s d λsrs L s − jω m λ rs = i rs r = i rs dt L M (4) L = M λsr Lr i s 1 R rs that is the stator current torque component coincides with the rotor current referred to the stator. Under steady state operation, the space vector of the rotor flux referred to the stator has constant magnitude Λrs and rotates with angular speed ωs (equal to the angular frequency of any stator quantity). Therefore from (7) under steady state operation it results issτ = By substituting (3) into the first equation of (1), the stator voltage equation becomes iss issτ = R is rs sλ is sτ Fig. 1 – FOC-oriented equivalent circuit of an IM. In the circuit of Fig. 1, λsrs is the flux linkage of the inductor LM whose current is therefore the field component issλ of the stator current. Conversely, issτ is the torque component; the power absorbed by the voltage source jω m λsrs is related to the mechanical power delivered by the motor while that absorbed by Rrs represents the rotor joule losses. By comparing the second addendum in the right term of (6) with the second equation in (1), it can be easily proved that: s u s - Ro LM rs s i ss λ is sτ Fig. 2 – Steady-state FOC-oriented equivalent circuit of an IM. Fig. 2 is the well-known Γ-circuit widely used in FOC drives. Ro has been included to represent the stator iron losses, without affecting significantly the voltage drop across Rs since the amplitude of the current through Ro is very low. Parameters of the circuit of Fig. 2 have to be defined for implementing and tuning any IM FOC drive, both those of them based on a direct approach with estimation of the rotor flux space vector and those others based on a indirect approach that uses a feedforward or feedback slip control scheme. 3. Equivalent circuit for the measurement Basically, the proposed measure procedure is firstly devoted to the parameters identification of the measurement-oriented per-phase equivalent circuit of an induction motor, reported in Fig.3, where capital case is used for the symbols as they refer to a sinusoidal operation. I R s L s d + R U L o R o k s s I - I µ k (2) (1) Fig. 3 – Measurement-oriented equivalent circuit of an IM. Then, the parameters of Fig.2 will be related to those of Fig.3 by the following equations The no-load test is performed without dragging the motor and therefore active power P(1) at section (1) (Fig.3) is the sum of mechanical Pfw and iron Pfe losses. Since the motor speed during the test is constant (and very close to the rated speed) mechanical losses are constant, while iron losses vary with the squared value of the voltage U(1). Fig.4a plots the active power P(1) at different input voltages. Fig.4b is a zoom on the first part of the curve. 180 160 P(1)=f(U(1)2) 140 L2o = LM = Ld + Lo Lt = Ld Lo = Ld + Lo 120 Lo L 1+ d Lo 100 80 60 20 Ld L 1+ d Lo L + Lo R rs = R k d Lo a 40 (10) 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 10 2 L = R k 1 + d L o 2 9 P(1)=f(U(1)2) 8 7 6 5 4 which assure the same impedance of the two circuits. Parameters of Fig. 3 can be easily measured by a no-load test and an increasing load test as described in the next Sections. 3 b 2 1 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Fig. 4 – Iron and mechanical losses as a function of U(1) 4. No-load test As previously mentioned, a key-feature of the proposed procedure is the simplicity of operations. The first test is the classic no-load test. It utilises the voltage and current measurements to find the impedance of the per-phase equivalent circuit of Fig.3, simplified by imposing s≈0, that is an approximately null rotor current. Stator resistance can be measured by a DC test. The no-load test returns the active input power P, the rms phase-to-phase voltage Uph-ph and the rms phase current Is. The post-processing procedure implemented in the spreadsheet is resumed in the Tab. I: Tab. I – Procedure for data post-processing in the no-load test Step (1) (2) (3) S = 3U ph − ph I s Q = S2 − P 2 P (1) = P − 3R I 2 (5) Q (1) = Q (6) (7) S (1) = (P ( ) ) + (Q ( ) ) 1 2 I (1) = I s U (1) = S (1) 3I (1) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 s s (4) The mechanical power Pfw, due to friction and windage torque, can be found by extrapolation of the curve of Fig. 4b for a null applied voltage. Then Ro is evaluated by Ro=3U(1)2/Pfe, which results almost independent of the voltage. For the 169 V, 50 Hz, 1 HP, 2-pole motor under test it has been found Rs=3.45 Ω and Ro= 454 Ω. The no-load test, performed at different stator voltages, has been used also to determine the magnetisation curve of the motor and, in particular, the values of current Iµ for the subsequent test at increasing load. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fig. 5 – Magnetisation curve U(1) as a function of Iµ 1 2 5. Test at rated voltage and increasing load. The determination of the remaining parameters of Fig.3, after the no-load test, is usually performed with the lockedrotor test that is simple as well. On the other hand, in the locked-rotor test the rotor itself is interested by magnetomotive forces rotating at frequency several times the maximum slip frequency, and this condition deteriorates the quality of the results. In this paper a test with rotating rotor and increasing load is performed instead. The increasing load test returns the active input power P, the rms phase-to-phase voltage Uph-ph and the rms phase current Is, as well as the motor speed ωm (in elec. rad/s) and the slip s. Measurement data are then post-processed and Ld and Rk (Fig.3) are determined with good accuracy. The post-processing procedure implemented in the spreadsheet is resumed in the Tab. II: Tab. II – Algorithm for data post-processing in the increasing load test U s = U ph −ph / 3 Step (1) S = 3U s I s (2) Q = S2 − P 2 Q (1) = Q P (1) = P − 3R s I 2 S (1) = P (1) 2 + Q (1) 2 U (3) (1) =S (1) /(3I I (1) = I s (1) Lo = U (4) / Iµ Pfe = 3U P ( 2) = P (1) − Pfe S ( 2) = P ( 2) 2 +Q (1) 2 / Ro Q ( 2) = Q (1) − Q o ( 2) 2 U ( 2) =U L d = Q ( 2) /(3ωI ( 2) 2 ) R k = sP ( 2) /(3I ( 2) 2 ) After the steps of Tab II have been performed, eqs. (10) are applied for deriving the parameters of Fig. 2. A straightforward result is that the rotor time constant, essential in FOC algorithm, is simply given by τr = 420.81 413.75 420.51 415.86 425.21 S(1) [VA] 502.28 532.54 618.74 708.46 816.33 I(1) [Arms] U(1) [Vrms] Iµ Qo [Arms] 1.529 1.5008 1.4589 1.4266 1.3772 [var] 405.27 392.94 374.56 360.31 338.53 Lo [H] 0.1839 0.1851 0.1867 0.1878 0.1893 Ro [Ω] Pfe [W] 51.582 50.330 48.396 46.837 44.363 P(2) [W] 222.65 284.94 405.48 526.72 652.48 Q(2) [var] 15.541 20.810 45.958 55.542 86.687 S(2) [VA] 223.19 285.70 408.08 529.64 658.21 U(2) [Vrms] 88.352 87.273 85.580 84.190 81.937 I(2) [A] 0.8420 1.0912 1.5894 2.0970 2.6777 Ld [H] 0.0232 0.0185 0.0193 0.0134 0.0128 s [-] 0.0243 0.0306 0.0446 0.0589 0.0793 Rk [Ω] 2.5437 2.4436 2.3880 2.3544 2.4055 LM [H] 0.1632 0.1682 0.1692 0.1753 0.1773 Lt [H] 0.0206 0.0168 0.0174 0.0125 0.0120 Rrs [Ω] 2.0047 2.0189 1.9615 2.0513 2.1099 τr [s] 0.0814 0.0833 0.0862 0.0854 0.0840 1.895 2.034 2.41 2.805 3.321 88.352 87.273 85.580 84.190 81.937 454 454 454 454 454 (1) I ( 2) = S ( 2) /(3U ( 2) ) (5) [var] ) I µ = f ( U (1) ) (Fig. 5); Q o = 3U (1) I µ (1) Q(1) Lo Rk (11) Definitive parameters are obtained by averaging the results of different tests. For the motor considered in this paper the measurement yields to Rs = 3.45 Ω Rk = 2.0 Ω Ro = 454 Ω Lt = 16.8 mH LM = 176 mH (at rated voltage) In order to verify the results, the predicted torque characteristics of the motor has been compared with some measured points. 40 Tab III gives the measured data and their post-processing under some different increasing torque and rated voltage. 35 30 25 20 Tab. III Measurement data ad elaboration Uph-ph [Vrms] 159.5 159.1 159.1 159.7 159.2 Is [Arms] 1.895 2.034 2.41 2.805 3.321 P [W] 311.4 378.1 514 655 811 n [rpm] 2927 2908 2866 2823 2762 15 10 5 ωm [rad/s] Rs [Ohm] 306.51 304.52 300.12 295.62 289.23 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 Us [Vrms] 92.090 91.859 91.859 92.205 91.916 S [VA] 523.50 560.49 664.10 775.86 915.71 Q [var] 420.81 413.75 420.51 415.86 425.21 P(1) [W] 274.23 335.28 453.88 573.56 696.84 0 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 Fig. 6. – Predicted and measured torque-speed characteristic [Kgcm vs. rpm]. As pointed out by Fig. 6, a good matching exists between measured and predicted values. 6. Conclusions References The paper has proposed a simple and effective procedure for characterising an induction motor to be used in a FOC drive. By the results of the procedure the drive manufacturer is able to tuning any FOC control scheme as done since a long time with brushless motor drives. [1] P.Vas, “Parameter Estimation, Condition Monitoring, and Diagnosis of Electrical Machines”, Oxford Science Publications, ISBN 0-19-859375-9, Clarendon Press, 1993. [2] D.J.Atkinson, P.P.Acarnley, J.W.Finch, “Parameter Identification Techniques for Induction Motor Drives”, European Power Electronics Conference, pp.307-312, 1989. [3] J.Holtz, T.Thimm, “Identification of Machine Parameters in a Vector-Controlled Induction Motor Drive”, IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol.27, no.6, pp.1111-1118, 1991. [4] A.M.N.Lima, C.B.Jacobina, E.B. de Souza “Non-linear Parameter Estimation of Steady State Induction Motor Models”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.44, no.3, pp.390-397, 1997. 7. Nomenclature Variables i L P Q R S s u λ ω Current Self or mutual inductance Active power Reactive power Resistance Apparent power Slip Voltage Flux linkage Angular frequency or speed (elec. rad/s) Subscripts d k m M r rs s sλ sτ t µ ο Leakage Rotor in measurement-oriented circuit Mechanical Mutual Rotor Rotor referred to the stator Stator Flux component Torque component Transient Magnetising No load Superscripts (1), (2) s View publication stats Referred to section (1) , (2) in Fig. 3. Referred to a stationary reference frame