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SOHO Network Design & Implementation

Part 1
Objectives: Design a simple SOHO Network Diagram
Label & Assign a Network ID and IP addresses to each components
Group 7
• Choose the desired Internet Service Provider (ISP)
• Hardware. i.e. Modem, Router, Server, Network
Switch, Printer, Desktops and Laptops
• Setup and connect the component and devices
• Configure the Router setup a Network ID, and
assign IP addresses to each device
• Run Test and Commission the SOHO Network
• Documentations. i.e. Network Documentation
Policy, Devices listing (Serial no., MAC Addresses,
etc.), Document server names (Roles & IPs),
Software versions, licenses and Labelling.
Choosing the Internet Service Provider (ISP) is also one of the main reason for a
business to run smoothly without any latency or downtime delaying in the services to
be provided to the customers. It is always good to do research before choosing the
ISP. Generally there are various ISPs which provide variety of offers suitable for small
Some ISPs in Singapore are:
SOHO is often characterized as being a small in both the size of the office space
and number of employees. As a general guideline, a small office is considered to
be any firm with fewer than 10 employees.
The Local Area Network (LAN) diagram proposed is for a simple Small Office
Home Office(SOHO) environment.
The required devices for this environment are a Router, 12 port switch, a server, a
modem, 3 desktops, 2 Laptops and a printer.
The end stations can communicate (exchange data) either with other end
stations/servers within the SOHO or with end stations on the Internet.
The 12 port switch provides connectivity between the different end stations and
the servers in the office, for data exchange purposes.
A Router connects the SOHO network to the public data network (Internet)
via. a local ISP (Internet Service Provider).
A built in firewall device inside Router protects the internal SOHO LAN
network from malicious/spurious traffic originating from the Internet. The
firewall device filters out junk data packets coming from malicious
computers via. the public data network, primarily aimed at bringing down
the internal network.
Static IP configuration for the following components is also done for such as
Server, Router, Switch, Laptops and Desktops.
IP configuration and Subnet mask was done using Subnet calculation
Ease of sharing resources
Costs are affordable and don’t need to
be an IT expert to set up
Software program sharing
Communication is easy, fast, and timesaving
Disadvantages of SOHO local area network
Data security problem:
If the server computer is not set up correctly and there
is a leak in security then unauthorized users can
access the data also. So there should be privacy
policy and rules set up correctly on the server.
Limitation of distance:
Local area networks are usually made within a
building or nearby building
Server crashes may affect all computers:
If any file on the server is corrupted or hard drive fails
then all the connected computers may face problems
in retrieving files from server.
A network is two or more computers connected together
using a telecommunication system for the purpose of
communicating and sharing resources. Without having a
network, Companies would not be able to share resources
and increase productivity more effectively. The LAN
connected to WAN network allowed companies to use the
Internet over large areas. This provided the company to
have meetings overseas by video conferencing and
sharing data over the network.
Networks have many benefits to the end user. Whether
your Network is Wired or Wireless, Networks are important
part of technology to improve company’s productivity.