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Power Electronics Lab Research: DC-DC Converters & More

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power electronic laboratory
Research · August 2016
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12857.36969
1 author:
Azar Elahi
Khorasan Institute of Higher Education
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
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Facts 2001 – 2007 and Future
Power and control electronics, machine stator and shaft of the 100 W, 500 000 rpm drive system; furthermore shown: 100 W, 1 000 000 rpm machine.
Appendix I
PES Current PhD Projects
Daniel Aggeler
Future compact distribution substations drilling
robots will demand medium voltage DC-DC power
conversion. Present medium voltage switching devices are restricted to a low switching frequency,
therefore a compact, low weight solution is not
possible. New wide band gap materials offer the
possibility to achieve both high frequency and
voltage operation. This research project uses a
new SiC JFET switch to construct a 50 kHz, 25 kW
Dual Active Bridge isolated DC-DC converter with
input and output voltages of 5 kV and 700 V. A new
high voltage switch is developed using 5 SiC JFETs
connected in a cascade/cascode configuration
with a low-voltage MOSFET. Static and dynamic
experimental measurements show excellent high
frequency switching performance up to 5 kV.
For achieving a transient and dynamic stable balancing of the voltages between the series connected JFETs, the leakage currents are investigated and controlled with passive circuits. A dynamic
model of the SiC JFET, which enables an accurate
simulation of switching actions, is developed.
The high frequency, high voltage transformer will
also be examined where the transient voltage distribution and the design of the parasitic components are challenging. Due to the high operating
frequency and the low SiC JFET losses a power
density of 4.8 kW/dm3 and an efficiency of 97 %
could be achieved for the 25 kW prototype.
Starting date: June 2006
Funding: Industry/ETH
3D-CAD of the bi-directional
5 kV/700 V Dual Active
Bridge DC-DC converter
employing cascaded SiC
JFETs/MOSFET cascade
switches in the input stage.
SiC JFET cascade turn-on and
turn-off voltage distribution
for 5 kV supply.
Voltage [V]
Medium voltage high frequency DC-DC converter
Time [us]
Uwe Badstuebner
Besides high power density, industrial DC-DC
converter applications are strongly demanding
increased power conversion efficiency. There,
phase shift and series-parallel resonant converter topologies are the most suitable, since
they operate with soft-switching thus reducing
switching losses and/or allowing high switching
frequencies for minimizing the passive components’ volume. In order to compare different
DC-DC converters for maximum efficiency and
power density, a comprehensive optimization
procedure, which considers the complete converter system including topology, semiconductors, cooling system, and transformer geometry,
is necessary. Based on analytical models for each
individual component the developed procedure
determines the optimal operating point and
component values. The highest possible power
density, 19.1 kW/dm3 (excluding air space requirements), is achieved with the series-parallel
resonant converter with capacitive output filter
(SPR-C). With the resulting optimized parameters, a 5 kW, 400 V-to-48 V, isolated SPR-C of
10.2 kW/dm3 power density has been constructed. The future challenge is to reverse the optimization program, i. e. to determine to required
material characteristics and technologies that
could enable a further improvement of the converter performance.
Starting date: January 2007
Funding: Industry/ETH
Prototype of the optimized
series-parallel resonant
converter with capacitive
output filter. Input voltage
400 V, output voltage
48...54 V, output power 5 kW,
power density 10.2 kW/dm3.
Power density comparison
of the phase shift converter
with capacitive output filter
(CTC), and current doubler
(CDR) output, and the seriesparallel resonant converter
with capacitive output filter
(SPR-C) in dependency of
the switching frequency. Air
space between components
required for mounting and
insulation is not considered.
power density PD [kW/dm3]
Ultra compact ultra efficient DC-DC converter systems
300 500
switching frequency fs [kHz]
Martin Bartholet
Starting date: April 2005 Funding: KTI/Industry
Drive and bearing winding
configuration of a 600 W
bearingless slice motor.
A maximum speed of
8 000 rpm with a flow and
pressure of 50 l/min and
3bar can be achieved with
this temple-type design.
Schematic of a two-phase
bearingless slice motor
configuration in conjunction
with the novel interleaved
half-bridge topology allowing
the implementation
of integrated three-phase
power modules.
Optimized inverters for levitated machines
State-of-the-art bearingless slice motor (BSM)
pump systems are used in areas such as the
semiconductor industry and for medical applications. To address new markets in the chemical
and biotechnology industries, more cost effective designs of the motor and the power electronics must be achieved. By performing a complete
analysis of the total motor drive system a 50 %
price and volume reduction of the power electronics, compared to today’s systems, has been
achieved while offering the same control flexibility. In addition to the new power electronics configuration, novel modulation concepts have been
developed. Furthermore, an overall performance
comparison has revealed a lower complexity
motor configuration as a promising approach for
future BSM systems.
Dominik Bortis
Starting date: June 2005 Funding: Industry
208V ± 10%
400V ± 10%
480V ± 10%
Ppulse = 20MW
Pavg = 20kW
Pulse modulator supplied
by unity power factor AC-DC
converter with wide input
voltage range and variable
output voltage
Three-phase sinusoidal input
current buck+boost AC-DC
converter employing digital
control for constant power
consumption at pulsating
load; specifications:
Pout=25 kW, Vin=208...480 V,
Vout=150 V...450 V.
Solid state pulsed power system
Pulsed power systems are employed in linear accelerators for cancer treatment, water sterilization, and semiconductor ionization systems. The
medical applications have demanding specifications for the pulse shape, overshoot, flatness and
energy. Existing pulse generators/modulators
typically use a pulse forming network that is
switched by a thyratron, followed by a step-up
pulse transformer. This research work is replacing
the tube technology with modern power semiconductors. A new solid state pulse modulator,
generating 5 to 10 µs, 20 MW pulses with an average power of 20 kW, is in the final stage of construction. A custom pulse transformer generates
the 200 kV/100 A pulse on the secondary side. On
the primary side, 1 kV/20 kA pulses are produced
by 4 parallel connected switch units, each consisting of a DC capacitor bank and a high power
1700 V/3.6 kA IGBT-Module. Analytical modeling
is used to design the transformer with the correct parasitic inductance and capacitance in
order to produce the desired pulse shape. The
modulator power is supplied by a 25 kW, threephase unity power factor AC-DC converter that is
capable of operating over wide input and output
voltage ranges. A new control strategy is implemented to draw constant power from the mains
even while supplying the pulsating load.
Luca Dalessandro
Optimal modulation and wideband current sensing
for three-level PWM rectifiers
For high power, three-phase rectifiers a unity
power factor input is becoming an industrial requirement. Three-level PWM rectifiers are of special interest as they offer, besides the unity power
factor, a reduced input current ripple and lower
switching device blocking voltages. The selection of an appropriate current control technique
is required to achieve sinusoidal input currents.
This research deals with innovative and optimal
pulse-width modulation strategies for threephase, three-level rectifiers. Both direct and indirect modulation strategies have been analyzed
and implemented. In addition, accurate but lowcost current sensors are necessary for the commercial implementation of current controlled
converters. For modern, high switching frequency
converters, a wide bandwidth is the most important current sensor characteristic. A novel, highperformance, isolated current sensor, comprised
of a planar current transformer and a Hall-effect
element, has been designed and tested up to
30MHz. A non-linear model of gapped current
transformers, based on the capacitance-permeance analogy, has been additionally developed.
Starting date: September 2002 Funding: ETH
DC planar current transformer capable of measuring
up to 40 ADC with a
bandwidth of 30 MHz.
Steady state operation
of a three-level, three-phase
Vienna Rectifier with
discontinuous modulation;
operating parameters:
115 V/ 50 Hz input and 1.8 kW
output power. Waveforms
are input phase voltage
(200 V/div), input current
(5 A/div), rectifier input
voltage (200 V/div) and midpoint current (10 A/div).
Time base: 2 ms/div.
Thomas Friedli
Ultra Sparse Matrix Converters
Indirect Sparse Matrix Converters are a minimum switch count two-stage realization of
three-phase AC-AC converters that contain no
intermediate link energy storage elements.
Therefore, higher power densities and longer
service life are possible. These converters are inherently bi-directional and have applications in
lift/escalator systems and aircraft motor drives.
In aircraft applications only unidirectional power
flow is demanded. Accordingly, the unidirectional Ultra-Sparse Matrix Converter (USMC) is of
high interest. A challenging aspect of the research on the USMC is to develop a highly responsive motor controller when faced with unidirectional power flow capability and/or
restricted phase-angle operation and high system order resulting from the EMI input filter. Furthermore, advanced modulation schemes especially suitable for a realization of the input stage
power transistors in SiC technology are derived
and verified on a high switching frequency laboratory model. For realizing the system prototype,
special attention is paid to the arrangement of
the passive power components and the power
semiconductors in order to minimize the parasitic coupling of the EMI filter components. Finally, this research will perform a comprehensive
comparison between the Sparse Matrix Converter, and the back-to-back VSI and CSI for equal total silicon device area.
Starting date: September 2005 Funding: Industry/ETH
5.5 kVA Ultra-Sparse Matrix
Converter capable of
operating up to output stage
switching frequencies
of 50 kHz. Incorporates the
auxiliary power supply,
a compact optimal heat sink
and EMI filter.
Steady state operation of
the Ultra-Sparse Matrix
Converter showing the DC
link voltage, the input 50 Hz
current and the output
120 Hz current waveforms.
Time scale: 5ms/div, DC link
voltage u: 200 V/div,
input phase current ia: 1 A/div,
output phase current iA:
2 A/div.
Florian Giezendanner
Optimization of electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps
Starting date: November 2005 Funding: Industry/ETH
Non-dimmable 35 Watt
electronic ballast for T5
fluorescent lamps.
Screenshot of the inductor
optimization program,
showing the distribution of
the losses in the inductor
Electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps have replaced electromagnetic ballasts in most applications because of their higher efficiency and the
improved light quality. Electronic ballasts are
cost sensitive products and therefore standard
circuit topologies are used by the majority of
manufacturers. Worldwide research has focused
on alternative circuit topologies for electronic
ballasts; however, the proposed topologies either do not offer a significant cost advantage or
fail to provide the required performance. The
goal of this project is to optimize the standard
circuit topology consisting of a boost PFC stage
and a resonant half-bridge inverter. An analytical
and approximate numerical model is developed
for the losses in the magnetic components and
the semiconductor switches, the thermal behavior and the conducted EMI noise spectrum. Each
part of the total circuit is first modeled, implemented and verified in a standalone Java program. Ultimately, all partial programs are combined into a complete design and optimization
Guanghai Gong
Starting date: June 2002 Funding: ETH
Output voltage and output
current of an isolated
multi-cell cascaded hybrid
power amplifier; specifications:
1.2 kW output power, ± 380 V
output voltage range,
DC ~ 7 kHz bandwidth, 100 V/
µs maximum slew rate, and
84 % efficiency at maximum
output power.
1.2 kW laboratory model
of the hybrid power amplifier
formed by series connection
of 9 AM inverter cells and
a high slew rate linear power
amplifier; power supply of
the converter cells is via an
unregulated bidirectional
multi-output series resonant
Testing AC Power Sources based on hybrid amplifiers
AC power sources are an essential piece of the
test equipment required for the development
and certification of AC mains connected power
electronic systems. Presently, linear power amplifiers are mainly utilized due to their high fidelity
and excellent dynamic behavior. However, they
have very high losses, which make the systems
bulky and expensive. This research work is to develop high efficiency, high bandwidth and high
fidelity AC power sources using hybrid power amplifiers. Hybrid amplifiers combine both linear
power amplifiers and switch-mode converters
into a single system. The first hybrid topology utilizes a three-level buck+boost converter as an envelope tracking power supply for a linear power
amplifier. A 1 kW laboratory prototype has been
built to verify the theoretical analysis. The second hybrid power amplifier comprises of a high
slew rate linear power amplifier and 9 series connected H-bridges cells. Based on the theoretical
calculations and digital simulations, a 1.2 kW
hardware system has been built and is now in
the testing phase.
Michael Hartmann
Ultra-compact three-phase three-level rectifiers
Starting date: March 2007
Funding: Industry/ETH
To substantially increase the power density of
active three-phase rectifiers the switching frequency has to be increased considerably. Previous research has shown that an optimum power
density of 24 kW/dm3 could be achieved for a
water-cooled rectifier if the switching frequency
is pushed to 2.1 MHz. The aim of this research is
the realization of an active three-phase rectifier
operating at 2.5 MHz based on ultra-fast switching devices (RF-MOSFETs, and SiC-components)
that will lead to a total power density of greater
than 20 kW/dm3. To optimize the switching behavior, all semiconductors devices are included in
a customized power module and a specific damping layer wiring concept is used for minimizing
EMI, transient overvoltages and current ringing.
In addition, high-speed digital current control is
employed to ensure high input current quality.
The current controller (including ns resolution
PWM and 40 MSa/s measurements) is implemented in an enhanced FPGA with host DSP. In a
first step, a 10 kW rectifier with a 1 MHz switching
frequency is under construction in order to evaluate the switching behavior and the digital control
400 kHz, 10 kW, three-phase,
three-level, unity power
factor rectifier with forced
air cooling; power density:
8.5 kW/dm3; specifications:
input voltage range of
90–480 V, input frequency
range up to 800 Hz,
output voltage controlled
to 800 V.
Power density trends for
power electronic converters.
The basic AC-AC, AC-DC, DCDC converter types have
power density barriers in the
range of 20 to 40 kW/cm3.
To increase the barriers will
require major improvements
in cooling system and passive
component technology.
Marcelo Heldwein
EMC Filtering of three-phase PWM converters
In modern power electronic systems high switching frequencies are employed to increase power
density, but EMC filtering components are still
responsible for a major portion (approx. 30 %) of
the total volume. Therefore, the volumetric reduction of the EMI filter components is of paramount importance. The main objectives of this
research are techniques for modeling the generation and propagation of conducted noise in
three-phase PWM converters and EMC filter design procedures that ultimately ensure compliance to EMC standards and minimize the EMC
filter volume. For supporting the experimental
evaluation of the filter designs, novel measurement devices that allow a separation of the common-mode and differential-mode conducted
emissions are developed. Furthermore, detailed
models of filter components are derived and employed in an automated design procedure for
three-phase EMC filters. Furthermore, active
common-mode filters with very low earth leakage current are proposed and investigated, and
techniques for the cancellation of parasitic capacitances of three-phase common mode inductors are proposed and successfully implemented.
Starting date: March 2003
Funding: ETH/Industry
Calculated volume of the
common mode EMI filter as
a function of switching
frequency and capacitance
to ground.
Active common mode filter
with minimal passive
components and a discrete
high frequency amplifier.
Philipp Imoberdorf
Starting date: April 2006 Funding: ETH
Active Magnetic Bearing
consisting of a high frequency
stator iron with four poles,
a radially magnetized permanent magnet ring and the
copper coils.
Radial position measurement
for a rotor with a diameter
of 3 mm: Sensor output for a
rotor displacement of 0.5 mm
from the origin in all directions.
The noise level is ± 5 µm.
XY Measurement - Orbit
Y - Direction
0.5 mm
0 mm
Active Magnetic Bearing for
Mega-Speed Drive systems
Mega-Speed (1 million rpm) and high-powerdensity drives are attracting more and more interest for various applications. For example, they
can be used in portable power, mesoscale gas
turbine systems and turbocompressors for fuel
cells. In all Mega-Speed machines, the bearing is
the limiting technology. At such high rotational
speeds, standard ball bearings have significant
frictional losses and a limited lifetime. These
drawbacks can be avoided by utilizing air or magnetic bearings. With an active magnetic bearing,
the possibility of active control of the bearing
forces is a main advantage but it comes with the
drawback of requiring a complex position controller. Further challenges in the design are the
evacuation of the heat (air friction, copper and
iron losses), identification of the critical rotor
speeds and the control strategies to damp vibrations induced by eccentricity. Miniaturization
and integration of a radial and axial bearing is
under investigation in order to cope with the
high mechanical requirements at Mega-Speeds.
Presently, a first test-bench is ready for measurements which combines a 1 kW, 500 000 rpm drive
system with an active magnetic bearing system.
-0.5 mm
-0.5 mm
0 mm
0.5 mm
Philipp Karutz
Starting date: January 2006
Funding: KTI/Industry
Illustrated cut-through-view
of an industry spinning
process that is hermetically
sealed within a process
chamber, using magnetic
bearing technology for the
levitation of the rotor.
Photograph of the fully
assembled laboratory prototype with bearing and
drive windings.
Levitated, contactless machines for the process industry
Several processes in the chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and semiconductor industry
require an electrical machine that provides contactless levitation and rotation through a hermetically sealed chamber wall. This research deals
with a novel concept that combines key advantages such as high acceleration capability, a large
air gap and a compact motor setup. The basic idea
is to separate the homopolar bearing unit axially
from the multipolar drive unit. The goal of the research is the formulation of design criteria for
such a system based on analytical formulations
and computer aided 3D FEM simulations, resulting in a comparison with other concepts and the
implementation of a prototype. A first laboratory
prototype has been built and this achieves the
desired design specifications and matches the
simulation results accurately.
Daniel Krähenbühl
Mesoscale electric power generation from pressurized
gas flow (Air-to-Power)
Starting date: June 2007
Funding: ETH/Industry
A mesoscale system for converting pressurized
gas flow into electric power is a promising solution
for recovering energy from pressure reduction
processes, e.g. pressure reduction valves, conventional throttles in automotive applications or turbo expanders in cryogenic plants. Such a device
could supply power to sensors and actuators of
industrial robots and thereby reduce the requirement for electrical power distribution. The disadvantages of existing systems are their poor
power density and the large inlet flow rate that is
required for maximum power output. This research will result in an ultra compact (20 x 50 mm)
Air-to-Power demonstrator that produces an electrical output of 100 W while operating from a
compressed air input source with a pressure of
3 to 8 bar. This new, compressed-air-to-electricpower system comprises of an axial-impulse turbine, a permanent magnetic generator and the
power and control electronics. At maximum
power output the speed of the axial-impulse turbine is approximately 350 000 rpm.
Solid model of an ultra compact (20 mm x 50 mm) air-topower system; specifications:
100 W output power, 3...8
bar air supply, 350 000 rpm
rated speed, regulated 24 VDC
Solar Impulse airplane turbo
compressor unit modified into
an air-to-power system;
PM generator with stator
guide vanes, radial flow
turbine, and spiral air inlet.
Florian Krismer
Ultra compact isolated bidirectional DC-DC converter
During the last decade, there has been a trend in
the automotive industry towards the development of alternative vehicles, such as hybrid and
fuel cell cars. There, high voltage systems are required since the conventional 14 V system is inadequate to handle the high power demand. This
research investigates bidirectional DC-DC converter systems to transfer up to 2 kW between the
high and low voltage buses. Automotive requirements of compactness, low weight, galvanic isolation, and high efficiency (>90 %) restrict the
possible circuit topologies. The selected converter
type is a Dual Active Bridge (DAB). The challenge
of the project is to achieve the required efficiency
and power density since the converter must
switch over 200 A on the 14 V side. This problem is
systematically approached by employing an optimal design and a minimum loss modulation
scheme. A performance comparison of different
converter prototypes is also a major part of this
work. A 2 kW DAB and series resonant converter
prototype have been built for a low battery voltage range of 11 V to 16 V and fuel cell voltages between 240 V and 450 V. At rated power, a maximum DAB converter efficiency of 92 % has been
Starting date: October 2004 Funding: Industry/ETH
3D FEM simulation for
optimizing the layout of the
high current PCB of the
low voltage converter side for
100 kHz switching frequency.
Prototype of the Dual Active
Bridge DC-DC converter
with water cooling; low
voltage side (left) 11 V ... 16 V,
high voltage side (right)
240 V ... 450 V, switching
frequency: 100 kHz, rated
power: 2 kW, power density:
1.5 kW/dm3.
Johann Miniböck
Starting date: April 2001 Funding: Industry/ETH
3D CAD model of a proposed
2.5 MHz switching frequency,
three-level three-phase
10 kW VIENNA Rectifier. With
water cooling the estimated
power density is 18.5 kW/liter.
120 mm x 90 mm x 50 mm.
Phase current waveform of a
400 kHz three-phase,
three-level rectifier supplying
a 2.4 kW load from a 800 Hz
115 V input supply. Time base:
200 µs/div, phase voltage
uN: 50 V/div, phase current iN:
5 A/div, DSP measured current:
0.5 V/div, current controller
output: 0.5 V/div..
Three-phase three-level PWM rectifiers
Applications in telecommunications and aircraft
systems demand high power density, unity power
factor rectifier systems in the power range of 5 to
20 kW. For determining the best rectifier concept, a comprehensive comparison of unidirectional three-phase rectifier topologies has been
undertaken based on input current power factor,
current distortion and component stress factors.
There, the three-level Vienna Rectifier was identified as the best topology. A main aspect of the
research on the system is the development of
novel current control concepts for guaranteeing
unity power factor operation also in case of a
heavily unbalanced mains or a mains phase loss.
Furthermore, an innovate single current sensor
control technique is proposed and the EMI filter
volume is minimized through the coupling of the
output center point back to an artificial mains
star point formed by the differential-mode EMI
filter capacitors. Finally, a novel balancing scheme
for a cascaded two-stage isolated DC/DC converter system connected to the rectifier output is
proposed. All theoretical considerations are extensively verified by experiments on system prototypes of different power levels and at medium
and high switching frequencies.
Kazuaki Mino
Starting date: January 2002
Funding: Industry
Hybrid 12-pulse rectifier
for aircraft applications
consisting of two 6-pulse
rectifiers, supplied by a line
interface transformer,
and a boost stage on each
rectifier output.
uab 2
Three-phase line current
waveforms for the hybrid
12-pulse rectifier operating
with constant switch duty
cycle and optimal duty cycle
control. With optimal switch
control, an ideal sinusoidal
shape can be achieved for
the line currents.
Hybrid three-phase rectifiers
Diode bridge rectifiers still find extensive applications in industry due to their low costs and
high robustness. However, the output voltage of
passive rectifiers is unregulated and high amplitude low frequency harmonics are present in the
mains current. Accordingly, these rectifiers do
not meet certain power factor and harmonic
standards. This research investigates solutions
that add a minimum number of switches to improve the rectifier bridge input current spectrum
and/or to provide output voltage control. Two
topologies are investigated; the electronic inductor and a hybrid 12-pulse rectifier. The electronic inductor comprises a high switching frequency, low-voltage full-bridge, a capacitor, and
a switching frequency inductor and is employed
in a 5 kW three-phase rectifier for replacing the
bulky passive output inductor. This results in an
overall system power density of 10kW/dm3 and a
power conversion efficiency close to 99 %. In aircraft applications, multi-pulse rectifiers are the
state-of-the-art solution, but they suffer from a
non-constant output voltage, and excessive harmonics for unbalanced mains. Here, the proposed
addition of two switches, and a closed loop current control in combination with a novel space
vector modulation technique provides controlled
constant output voltage and sinusoidal input
currents as verified for a 10 kW hybrid 12-pulse rectifier prototype.
Andreas Müsing
To design a new converter the modern power
electronics engineer must deal with multiple issues including circuit topologies, control methods,
thermal management systems and EMC. Therefore, a software tool is required that can link together the interactions between the multi-physics, multi-domain world in order for the engineer
to produce a design that will work as predicted
the first time it is constructed. The ultimate goal
is to provide the engineer with a complete virtual
prototyping platform.
Given rising switching frequencies and increasing power densities of converter systems, EMI
due to PCB stray parasitics becomes a dominating effect that cannot be neglected in the design
process. The main goal of this research is to develop a tool that is able to predict the system
behavior concerning EMI effects and over-voltages due to parasitic components with high accuracy. The Partial Element Equivalent Circuit
(PEEC) method has proven to be a highly suitable
EM solver for this application, and simulations of
PCB layout parasitics have shown an excellent
agreement with measurements. Future research
activities include full 3D PEEC modeling that can
include the EMI effect of heat sinks and the parasitic couplings of EMI filter components.
Starting date: April 2006 Funding: ETH
Simulation and measurement
of the DM conducted
emissions of a three-phase
AC-AC indirect Matrix
Converter. Parasitic capacitive
and inductive couplings
as obtained from PEEC simulation are considered.
Emission level [dBµV]
Power converter parasitics extraction employing the
PEEC method
CISPR class A
DM CE measurement
DM simulation
Screenshot of the PEEC
simulation design
environment, showing the
model of an eddy current
position sensor for an Active
Magnetic Bearing System.
Hanna Plesko
Multi-functional drive system with integrated
auxiliary DC-DC converter
In hybrid vehicles, which are attracting significant attention due to increasing fuel costs and
air pollution, the electric energy distribution system occupies a significant share of the overall
volume and costs. Most of the conventional hybrid electric vehicles use two different voltage
levels for feeding high power and low power
loads. The high voltage and low voltage systems
are interconnected via an isolated bidirectional
DC-DC converter. In order to minimize the realization effort, two new concepts for integrating
the DC-DC converter function into the inverter
and drive system are investigated analytically
and experimentally. Starting from a Dual Active
Bridge converter, the function of one bridge leg
of the conventional system is replaced by the
zero-sequence voltage occurring at the star
point of the drive motor. For the second concept,
the transformer is directly integrated into the
machine, i.e. a secondary winding is implemented for each phase. As these secondary windings
are connected in series, the total voltage is equal
to the zero-sequence voltage. The first concept
already has been tested successfully; the measurements agree well with the simulations and
the analytical model. Future challenges are the
experimental analysis of concept 2 and the modeling of the high frequency losses and of the effects originating e.g. from partial saturation of
the magnetic path of the electrical machine.
Starting date: November 2005 Funding: ETH/Industry
Integration of the isolated
auxiliary DC-DC converter
into the inverter and drive
system (concept 2).
Simulation results for a
50 kW drive system with integrated 1kW auxiliary DC-DC
converter based on concept 2.
Operating parameters: drive
DC link voltage vin=400 V,
output voltage vout=14 V,
total turns ratio 20:1.
Klaus Raggl
Starting date: August 2005 Funding: KTI/Industry
Magnetically levitated
pump with fully integrated
300 W power electronics.
At a maximum rotation speed
of 14 000 rpm a hydraulic
pressure of 3 bar at a hydraulic
flow of 5 l/min can be
Power electronics PCB for a
fully integrated 300 W
magnetically levitated pump
system. The power MOSFETs
are placed in a circle on the
outside to ensure a thermal
connection to the pump
housing. The control unit is
placed in the center of the
Integration and optimization
for magnetically levitated machines
Bearingless motors offer great system benefits
such as ultra-high purity due to their contactless
levitation and an extremely compact setup, which
is why they are the preferred pump solution. The
trends in clean room technology suggest that
the clean room floor space will have to be reduced by 50 % within the next 3 years. At the
same time, the produced hydraulic pressure will
have to double in order to compensate for the
pressure losses of improved filter technologies,
which are required for future high purity applications. Motivated by these trends, this research is
focused on developing a new generation of integrated bearingless motors, incorporating the
entire power electronics, sensors and motor into
the pump housing. This will result in a significant step towards higher compactness and hydraulic pressure. Based on electrical, mechanical,
thermal, and hydraulic models of the integrated
pump system an overall optimization has been
carried out and a first prototype with a total volume reduction of about 40 % and a hydraulic
pressure increase of 45 % has been realized.
Frank Schafmeister
Starting date: November 2001 Funding: ETH/Industry
A 1.5 kVA, three-phase, 400 V
Sparse Matrix Converter
constructed with SiC JFET
cascode switches. The EMI
filter is integrated into the
heatsink. The switching frequency is 100 kHz.
Circuit schematic of the
Sparse Matrix Converter
showing the separate input
rectifier and output inverter
stages. A total of 15 switches
are used compared to 18
switches required for a conventional matrix converter.
Sparse Matrix Converters
Sparse matrix converters (SMC) are reducedswitch-count indirect AC-AC converters. By using
an indirect matrix converter (IMC) topology, the
converter can be separated into an input rectifier
stage and an output inverter stage. Switching
losses in the rectifier stage can be eliminated by
applying a modulation strategy where the output current free-wheels in the inverter stage and
the rectifier stage is switched under zero current
conditions. This research has derived, investigated and implemented new advanced modulation
techniques for the IMC where the overall converter losses and common mode noise are minimized for certain operating points and/or applications. One example is the Low Output Voltage
modulation method, where the rectifier is
switched between the second and third highest
input voltages rather than the highest voltages.
Thus, the effective DC voltage applied to the inverter stage is reduced as are the inverter’s
switching losses. Other extended modulation
techniques allow an expanded reactive power
control range and/or a coupling of the converter
input and output reactive power generation to
be achieved. The traditional back-to-back converter and the SMC have been compared analytically, with the SMC showing an improvement
both in power density and efficiency.
Thomas Schneeberger
Novel integrated bearingless hollow-shaft drive
Starting date: January 2004
Funding: KTI/Industry
The reproducibility of many industrial processes,
especially in biotechnology applications and in
the semiconductor industry, can be improved by
the use of hermetically sealed process chambers.
The design of existing process chambers relies
on a gas-tight feed through of the rotating shaft
in the process chamber wall. This causes a bulky
design and the generation of damaging particles
inside the chamber. Our new bearingless hollowshaft drive enables contactless levitation and
rotation through the walls of the chamber. Due
to the entire integration of the drive and the
magnetic bearing, the over-all size of the motor
is significantly smaller than any design with the
magnetic bearings separated from the drive. All
the elements necessary for the drive and bearings are placed outside the chamber on the motor stator. A first prototype of the outlined hollow-shaft drive with a rotor diameter of more
than 300mm has been realized and successfully
tested. The remaining challenge is to obtain a
high running smoothness with large air gaps.
This will be achieved using a fine tuned position
sensing system and a special software-based
unbalance compensation algorithm.
Detailed view of the
experimental set-up with
drive and bearing coils
and the sensors for position
and angle measuring.
Caracteristic waveforms for
rotor deceleration from
800 rpm to zero. : rotor
angle modulo 360 ° (Ch1: 217 °/
div), n: rotor speed (Ch2:
288 rpm/div), IA: current in
drive phase A (Ch4: 10 A/div),
time base: 40 ms/div.
Leonardo Serpa
Current control techniques for
multilevel grid connected inverters
The economic and environmental impacts of
fossil fuels have forced governments and society
to investigate sustainable solutions. Consequently,
interest in the green and clean benefits provided
by renewable energy sources has significantly increased, bringing together with it the necessity of
efficient grid connected systems. Although these
renewable sources can vary from few hundreds of
watts in domestic photovoltaic applications, to
the megawatts range in wind power plants, they
all demand a similar dedicated power flow regulation between the energy source and the utility
network. The main objective of this work is to
develop new power control strategies that meet
the voltage and power quality requirements of
the utility grid when interfaced by an LCL filter.
Two control techniques have been developed,
one based on direct power control with virtual
flux mains estimation and the other with decoupled hysteresis control. The power control methods have been experimentally verified on a conventional three-phase two-level inverter, an industry standard three-level Neutral-Point Clamped
inverter and the five-level Active Neutral-Point
Clamped inverter.
Starting date: March 2004
Funding: Industry
Three-phase, five-level,
flying capacitor active neutral
point clamped DC-AC
converter with DSP control.
Near instantaneous transient
response capability of the
direct power flow controller
based on virtual flux mains
estimation for a three-phase,
two-level DC-AC inverter with
actively damped LCL filter.
Thiago Soeiro
Starting date: October 2007 Funding: Industry
I 1 (t)
I L 1 (t)
I 2(t)
I L 2(t)
Three -Phase
Diode Bridge
Resonant Tank
and Transformer
Output Rectifier
I 3(t)
I L 3(t)
I F1 (t)
PWM REctifier
I F2(t)
ESP power supply in
combination with a shunt
active filter for sinusoidal
shaping of the currents
drawn from the three-phase
I F3(t)
ESP basic waveforms: (a) ESP
output voltage (15 kV/div); (b)
three-phase mains currents
(100 A/div); (c) ESP power
supply input currents
(100 A/div); (d) shunt active
filter input currents (100A/div).
High-voltage power supplies for electrostatic precipitation
With the increasing concern about environmental
pollution, the reduction of particle emissions
through the use of Electrostatic Precipitators
(ESPs) is a highly important issue for coal fired
power plants. Each of the multiple sections of a
modern ESP has its own power supply, with a
typical output power of 10–100 kW and an output voltage of 50 – 100 kVDC. In future, these
power supplies will be operated more and more in
pulsed mode and close to the flashover limit in order to increase collection efficiency. However, this
results in frequent output short circuits causing
severe distortions of the line currents. In this research pro-ject the overall influence of the multiple power supplies of an ESP on the mains current
will be investigated and new control concepts for
minimizing the effects on the mains without impairing collection efficiency will be derived. Furthermore, novel power supply converter topologies improving the power supply efficiency and
control dynamics will be investigated. Since the
availability of the ESP is highly critical, the effect
of the pulsed operation on the life time of the
ESP power supply semiconductor modules will
also be analyzed in detail.
Stefan Waffler
Starting date: December 2006 Funding: ETH/Industry
Digitally controlled
bidirectional buck+boost
DC/DC converter module;
output power: 12 kW peak,
V1= 150 V ... 450 V,
V2= 150 V… 450 V, switching
frequency fP=100 kHz;
power density: 17.5 kW/dm3.
Measured overall converter
efficiency in dependency
on output power and voltage
transfer ratio.
Overall Efficiency [%]
Bi-directional DC-DC converter for fuel cell hybrid vehicles
Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicles (FCHVs) are one approach
to increase the energy efficiency and reduce carbon dioxide emissions of standard vehicles. In
FCHVs the electric drive-train motor is supplied by
an inverter connected to a fuel cell. In addition,
high-voltage batteries are employed to provide
better cold start characteristics and the option to
recuperate braking energy. This research investigates bi-directional DC/DC converters that interface the high-voltage battery and the fuel cell. Requirements are a nominal power of typically 40 kW
and a topology that allows a buck+boost operation since the input and output voltages vary depending on the state of charge of the battery. To
overcome efficiency and EMI drawbacks of stateof-the-art hard-switched converters, soft-switching techniques and resonant topologies have been
analyzed. A novel zero-voltage-switching, multiphase converter system has been built that has a
very high efficiency and highly compact design.
400V Y 200V
350V Y 250V
300V Y 300V
225V Y 375V
Converter Output Power P2 [W]
Wanfeng Yan
Lifetime modeling and reliability estimation of
Power Electronic Building Blocks
In order to guarantee a certain life-time for power electronic systems there is a strong desire
from the industry to estimate the reliability of
converter systems or converter subsystems such
as power modules. A significant amount of failures of electronics is caused by overheating or
temperature-cycling. In this research, existing
reliability and lifetime models for power electronic systems and subsystems will be evaluated,
modified and extended. The derived models will
be tested against experimental data from accelerated cycling tests. Furthermore, a software
tool that enables reliability and life time estimations based on material data, geometric descriptions and mission profiles will be developed. The
software tool finally will be integrated into a
multi-disciplinary software platform for virtual
prototyping in power electronics.
Starting date: October 2007 Funding: ETH/Industry
Mission profile
Rainflow algorithm
g(∆T) : extraction of thermal
excursions (fatigue cycles) inside
one mission profile
(analytical or
numerical form )
1 maxg(∆T)
a ∆T∫ ∆T-n
Accelerated tests
(power cycle experiment )
log-log plot: Nf (∆T)
Coffine Manson law
Nf (∆T) = a(∆T)
a and n
Reliability modeling based
on a mission profile
defining temperature swings
over time, and data from
accelerated tests allowing to
parameterize the CoffinManson equation. The Rainflow algorithm gives the
probability density function
g (∆T). Model outputs are
the damage Q and/or the
mean time to failure MTTF.
Chuanhong Zhao
Isolated bidirectional three-port DC-DC converter
In order to meet the increasing power demand of
auxiliary equipment, a 42 V bus is introduced in
hybrid electric vehicles and will eventually replace
the existing 14 V bus in future. During the transition period, a triple-voltage system, i.e. 14 V/42 V
for the auxiliaries and 200 V ... 650 V for the propulsion system could be employed. It is therefore
desirable to have an integrated isolated power
electronics converter capable of directly interfacing the voltage buses instead of two individual DC-DC converters. This will result in higher efficiency, lower weight and reduced volume. A
three-port converter, where the three ports are
coupled via a three-winding transformer and
their corresponding full-bridge cells, is proposed
and analyzed in this research project. The system
allows a fully bidirectional power flow between
all ports. For power flow control the phase-shifts
of the individual full-bridge cells and the duty
cycles are utilized to achieve minimum overall
losses. The power of the ports can be controlled
independently by employing a decoupling controller. Furthermore, excellent dynamic response
is guaranteed by designing the control based on
a precise small signal model. Moreover, the converter can be started from one and/or two ports
without any additional circuit. A prototype has
been built and the performance verified experimentally.
Starting date: May 2003
Funding: ETH
Isolated bidirectional DC-DC
converter, where the high
frequency coupling of three
four-quadrant full-bridge
cells is realized via a single
Overall system losses in
dependency on the control
variables ø2 and ø3 (phase
shift of converters 2 and 3
against converter 1);
the optimum operating point
within the admissible
operating range is defined
by minimum total power
Christof Zwyssig
Starting date: November 2004 Funding: ETH
Power and control electronics,
machine stator and shaft
of the 100 W, 500 000 rpm
drive system; together
with a completed 100 W,
1 000 000 rpm machine.
Rotational speed (rpm)
Application areas and trends
for cm-scale ultra high speed
drives and Power MEMS;
future research will focus on
the intersection of mesoscale systems and microsystems and speeds beyond
1 000 000 rpm.
ETH Zurich ‹Mega-n-Drives›
1 000 000 rpm
Power MEMS
development trend
micro turbines and
spindle drives
Power (W)
industrial gas
Mega-Speed Drives
The development of new ultra-compact electrical Mega-Speed Drive systems is called for in
emerging applications such as generators/starters for micro gas turbines, fuel-cell air compressors, dental drills, and machine spindles. For rotational speeds up to 1 million rpm and beyond,
and power levels up to several kW, innovative solutions for the electrical machine, the power electronics and sensorless speed controller have to be
created. Our group is concentrating its research
on the ultra-high speed range above 500 000 rpm.
The focus of this research is the development of
new concepts for the electrical machines, inverter
topologies and control methods. The goal is to
produce the best combination of individual parts
in order to realize a Mega-Speed system with the
highest efficiency and power density. An integrated design and optimization method for the
machine has been established, voltage and current source inverter topologies compared and a
novel sensorless control method developed. The
research has been verified with several hardware
prototypes, including a world record speed of
> 1 000 000 rpm for a 100 W electrical machine.
electrical drives
PES main trend
Appendix II + III
Completed PhD Theses 2001 – 2007
Publications and Patents 2001 – 2007
Appendix II
Appendix III
Completed PhD Theses 2001 – 2007
Publications and Patents 2001 – 2007
[18] L. Dalessandro; Optimal Modulation and Wideband Current Sensing
for Three-Level PWM Rectifiers. 2007
[17] L. Serpa; Current Control Strategies for Multilevel Grid Connected
Inverters. 2007
[16] F. Schafmeister; Indirekte Sparse-Matrix Konverter. 2007
[15] S. Burger; Magnetgelagertes Pumpsystem für hohe
Betriebstemperaturen. 2006
[14] M. Häflinger; Beiträge zur Durchflussregelung von hochreinen und
aggressiven Flüssigkeiten. 2006
[13] J. Biela; Optimierung des elektromagnetisch integrierten serienparallel Resonanzkonverters mit eingeprägtem Ausgangsstrom. 2005
[12] F. Cavalcante; High Output Voltage Series-Parallel Resonant DC-DC
Converter for Medical X-Ray Imaging Applications. 2005
[11] R. Greul; Modulare Dreiphasen Pulsgleichrichtersysteme. 2005
[10] G. Laimer; Ultrakompaktes 10kW/500kHz Dreiphasen-Gleichrichtermodul. 2005
[9] M. Baumann; Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchung
eines Dreiphasen-Pulsgleichrichtersystems mit Dreischalter
Tiefsetzstellereingangsstufe und integrierter Hochsetzstellerausgangsstufe mit sinusförmiger Eingangsstromführung. 2005
[8] S. Huwyler; Lagerloses Rotationsviskosimeter für
die Halbleiterindustrie. 2005
[7] T. Nussbaumer; Netzrückwirkungsarmes Dreiphasen-Pulsgleichrichtersystem; 2004
[6] D. Schrag; Durchflussmesser für hochreine und aggressive
Flüssigkeiten. 2004
[5] P. Zwimpfer; Modulationsverfahren für einen zweistufigen
Matrixkonverter zur Speisung von Drehstromantrieben. 2002
[4] O. Garcia; DC/DC-Wandler für die Leistungsverteilung in einem
Elektrofahrzeug mit Brennstoffzellen und Superkondensatoren. 2002
[3] J. Riatsch; Modulintegriertes Umrichtersystem für die Netzanbindung
einer einzelnen grossflächigen Niederspannungs-Solarzelle. 2001
[2] R. Schmidt; Systemverhalten einer zweistufigen KonverterAnordnung für den modularen Fotovoltaik-Anlagebau. 2001
[1] D. Zuber; Mittelfrequente resonante DC/DC-Wandler
für Traktionsanwendungen. 2001
Professional Journals – in Preparation
[45] Round, S. D., Karutz, P., Heldwein, M. L., Kolar, J. W.: Towards a
30 kW/liter, Three-Phase Unity Power Factor Rectifier. Accepted for
publication in IEE Japan Transactions, vol. 128-D, No.4, April 2008
[44] Kolar, J. W., Heldwein, M. L., Drofenik, U., Biela, J., Ertl, H., Friedli, T.,
Round, S. D.: PWM Converter Power Density Barriers. Accepted for
publication in IEE Japan Transactions, vol. 128-D, No.4, April 2008
[43] Dalessandro, L., Round, S. D., Drofenik, U., and Kolar, J. W.:
Discontinuous Space-Vector Modulation for Three-Level PWM Rectifiers.
Accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
[42] Nussbaumer, T., Gong, G., Heldwein, M. L., and Kolar, J. W.: Modeling
and Robust Control of a Three-Phase Buck+Boost PWM Rectifier
(VRX-4). Accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Industry
[41] Biela, J., and Kolar, J. W.: Using Transformer Parasitics for Resonant
Converters - A Review of the Calculation of the Stray Capacitance
of Transformers. Accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on
Industry Applications
[40] Mino, K., Nishida, Y., and Kolar, J. W.: Novel Hybrid 12-Pulse LineInterphase-Transformer Boost-Type Rectifier with Controlled Output
Voltage and Sinusoidal Utility Currents. Accepted for publication in
the IEE Japan Transactions
[39] Biela, J., Bortis, D., and Kolar, J. W.: Modeling of Pulse Transformers
with Parallel- and Non-Parallel-Plate Windings for Power Modulators.
Accepted for publication in the IEEE Transaction on Dielectrics and
Electrical Insulation
[38] Zwyssig, C., Round, S. D., and Kolar, J. W.: An Ultra-High-Speed,
Low Power Electrical Drive System. Accepted for publication in the
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
[37] Nussbaumer, T., Heldwein, M. L., Gong, G., Round, S. D., and
Kolar, J. W.: Comparison of Prediction Techniques to Compensate
Time Delays Caused by Digital Control of a Three-Phase Buck-Type
PWM Rectifier System. Accepted for publication in the IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics
[36] Nussbaumer, T., and Kolar, J. W.: Comparison of Three-Phase Wide
Output Voltage Range PWM Rectifiers. Accepted for publication in
the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
[35] Baumann, M., and Kolar, J. W.: A Novel Control Concept for Reliable
Operation of a Three-Phase Three-Switch Buck-Type Unity Power
Factor Rectifier with Integrated Boost Output Stage under Heavily
Unbalanced Mains Condition. Accepted for publication in the
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
[34] Miniböck, J., Stögerer, F., and Kolar, J. W.: A Novel Concept for Mains
Voltage Proportional Input Current Shaping of a VIENNA Rectifier
Eliminating Controller Multipliers. Accepted for publication in the
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
[33] Ertl, H., Kolar, J. W., and Zach, F. C.: A Constant Output Current
Three-Phase Diode Bridge Employing a Novel «Electronic Smoothing
Inductor». Accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Electronics
Professional Journals
[32] Dalessandro, L., Karrer, N., and Kolar, J. W.: High-Performance
Planar Isolated Current Sensor for Power Electronics Applications.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 1682-1692,
Sept. 2007
[31] Dalessandro, L., Cavalcante, F., and Kolar, J. W.: Self-Capacitance of
High-Voltage Transformers. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 2081-2092, Sept. 2007
[30] Greul, R., Round, S., and Kolar, J. W.: Analysis and Control of a
Three-Phase, Unity Power Factor Y-Rectifier. IEEE Transactions on
Power Electronics, vol.22, no.5, pp.1900-1911, Sept. 2007
[29] Serpa, L. A., Round, S., and Kolar, J. W.: A Virtual-Flux Decoupling
Hysteresis Current Controller for Mains Connected Inverter Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.22, no.5, pp.1766-1777,
Sept. 2007
[28] Kolar, J. W., Schafmeister, F., Round, S. D., and Ertl, H.: Novel
Three-Phase AC-AC Sparse Matrix Converters. IEEE Transactions on
Power Electronics, vol.22, no.5, pp.1649-1661, Sept. 2007
[27] Greul, R., Round, S., and Kolar, J. W.: The Delta-Rectifier: Analysis,
Control and Operation. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
vol. 21, issue 6, Nov. 2006, pp. 1637-1648.
[26] Nussbaumer, T., Baumann, M., and Kolar, J. W.: Comprehensive Design
of a Three-Phase Three-Switch Buck-Type PWM Rectifier. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 22, Issue 2, pp. 551-562, March 2007
[25] Nussbaumer, T., Heldwein, M. L., and Kolar, J. W.: Differential Mode
Input Filter Design for a Three-Phase Buck-Type PWM Rectifier Based
on Modeling of the EMC Test Receiver. IEEE Transactions on Industrial
Electronics, Vol. 53, Issue 5, pp. 1649-1661, Oct. 2006
[24] Schönberger, J., Duke, R., and Round, S.: A Distributed Control
Strategy for a Hybrid Renewable Nanogrid. IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Electronics, vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1453-1460, October 2006
[23] Zwyssig, C., and Kolar, J. W.: Design Considerations and Experimental
Results of a 100 W, 500 000 rpm Electrical Generator. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. Issue 9, pp. 297-302, Sept. 2006
[22] Nussbaumer, T., and Kolar, J. W.: Improving Mains Current Quality
for Three-Phase Three-Switch Buck-Type PWM Rectifiers. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 967-973, July 2006
[21] Drofenik, U., and Kolar, J. W.: A Thermal Model of a Forced-Cooled
Heat Sink for Transient Temperature Calculations Employing a Circuit
Simulator. IEE Japan Transactions , Volume 126-D, Number 7, pp. 841851, July 2006
[20] Biela, J., and Kolar, J. W.: Analytic Model inclusive Transformer for
Resonant Converters based on Extended Fundamental Frequency
Analysis for Resonant Converter-Design and Optimization.
IEE Japan, Volume 126-D, Number 5, pp. 568-577, May 2006
[19] Round, S., Schafmeister, F., Heldwein, M., Pereira, E., Serpa, L.,
and Kolar, J. W.: Comparison of Performance and Realization Effort
of a Very Sparse Matrix Converter to a Voltage DC Link PWM Inverter
with Active Front End. IEE Japan, Volume 126-D, Number 5, pp. 578588, May 2006
[18] Nussbaumer, T., and Kolar, J. W.: Improving Mains Current Quality
for Three-Phase Three-Switch Buck-Type PWM Rectifiers. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 967-973, July 2006
[17] Drofenik, U., and Kolar, J. W.: A Thermal Model of a Forced-Cooled
Heat Sink for Transient Temperature Calculations Employing a Circuit
Simulator. IEE Japan Transactions of Japan, Volume 126-D, Number 7,
pp. 841-851, July 2006
[16] Kolar, J. W., and Round, S.: Analytical Calculation of the RMS Current
Stress on the DC Link Capacitor of Voltage PWM Converter
Systems. IEE Proceedings Electric Power Applications, Vol. 153, Issue 4,
pp. 535-543, July 2006
[15] Dalessandro, L., Odendaal, W. G., and Kolar, J. W.: HF Characterization
and Non-Linear Modeling of a Gapped Toroidal Magnetic Structure.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 21, no 5, pp. 1167-1175,
Sept. 2006
[14] Kolar, J. W., Miniböck, J., and Nussbaumer, T.: Three-Phase PWM Power Conversion - The Route to Ultra High Power Density and
Efficiency. Power Electronics (Xian Power Electronics – Research
Institute/MMI - Power Electronics Society/CES), vol. 39, no. 6,
pp. 2-9, Dec. 2005
[13] Dalessandro, L., and Rosato, D.: Finite Element Analysis of the
Frequency Response of a Metallic Cantilever Coupled with a
Piezoelectric Transducer. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and
Measurement, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 1881-1890, Oct. 2005.
[12] Vezzini, A., Kolar, J. W., and Goette, J.: Massen in Bewegung setzen.
Bulletin SEV/VSE 05/15, Seite 18-24, Juli 2005.
[11] Schönberger, J., Duke, R., and Round, S.: Decentralised Source
Scheduling in a Model Nanogrid using DC Bus Signalling. Australian
Journal Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Engineers Australia,
vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 183-190, 2005
[10] Hsieh, M-K., Round, S., and Duke, R.: An Investigation of Battery Voltage Equalisation Topologies for an Electric Vehicle. Australian Journal
of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Engineers Australia, vol. 2, no.
3, pp. 247-254, 2005
[9] Mino, K., Gong, G., and Kolar, J. W.: Novel Hybrid 12-Pulse Boost-Type
Rectifier with Controlled Output Voltage. IEEE Transactions on
Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 1008-1018, July 2005
[8] Gong, G., Heldwein, M. L., Drofenik, U., Mino, K., and Kolar, J. W.:
Comparative Evaluation of Three-Phase High-Power-Factor AC-DC
Coverter Concepts for Application in Future More Electric Aircraft.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 727-737,
June 2005
[7] Ide, P., Schafmeister, F., Fröhleke, N., and Grotstollen, H.: Enhanced
Control Scheme for Three-Phase Three-Level Rectifiers at Partial
Load. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 719726, June 2005
[6] Drofenik, U., Laimer, G., and Kolar, J. W.: Pump Characteristic Based
Optimization of a Direct Water Cooling System for a 10 kW/500 kHz
Vienna Rectifier. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 20, no. 3,
pp. 704-714, May 2005
Bauer, P., and Kolar, J. W.: Teaching Power Electronics in the 21st
Century. EPE Journal, Vol.13, No.4, pp. 43-50, November 2003
Schafmeister, F., Baumann, M., and Kolar, J. W.: Analytically Closed
Calculation of the Conduction Losses of Three-Phase AC-AC Sparse
Matrix Converters. EPE Journal, Vol.13, No.1, pp. 5-14, February 2003
Drofenik, U., and Kolar, J. W.: A Novel Interactive Power Electronics
Seminar (iPES) Developed at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
(ETH) Zurich. Journal of Power Electronics (The Korean Institute of
Power Electronics), Vol.2, No.4, pp. 250-257, October 2002
Ertl, H., Kolar, J. W., and Zach, F. C.: A Novel Multicell DC-AC Converter
for Applications in Renewable Energy Systems. IEEE Transactions
on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49. No. 5, pp. 1048-1053, 2002
Ertl, H., Kolar, J. W., and Zach, F. C.: Analysis of a Multilevel Multicell
Switch-Mode Power Amplifier Employing the ‚Flying-Battery‘
Concept. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp.
816-823, 2002
Patents in Preparation
[43] Biela, J., Plesko, H., Kolar, J. W.; Integration einer DC-DC Konverterfunktion in ein pulsumrichtergespeistes Antriebssystem mit Dreieckschaltung der Motorwicklungen.
[42] Zwyssig, Ch., Kolar J. W.; Integration der Vorschaltinduktivitäten in
den Magnetkreis permanentmagneterregter Synchronmaschine mit
geringer Induktivität der Statorwicklung.
[41] Krähenbühl, D., Zwyssig, Ch., Kolar, J. W.; Künstlicher Muskel mit
integriertem hochkompaktem Turbokompressor.
[40] Krähenbühl, D., Zwyssig, Ch., Kolar, J. W; Vorrichtung zur Gewinnung
elektrischer Leistung aus komprimierten Gasströmen.
[39] Kolar J., Round, S., Schönberger, J.; Eingangsstromregelung hybrider
12-puls Gleichrichtersysteme mit raumzeigerbasierter Pulsbreitenmodulation der Eingangsspannung der netzseitigen Saugdrossel.
[38] Schafmeister, F., Kolar, J. W.; Verfahren zum spannungslosen
Schalten der Ausgangsstufe eines dreiphasigen Ultra-Sparse Matrix
[37] Friedli, T., Schafmeister, F., Kolar, J. W.; Verfahren zur Maximierung
der Regeldynamik bei dreiphasigen unidirektionalen Matrix-Konvertersystemen.
[36] Kolar, J. W., Miniböck, J.; Vorrichtung zur pulsförmigen Speisung von
[35] Heldwein, M., Kolar, J. W.; Elimination der parasitären Wicklungskapazitäten dreiphasiger Common-Mode-Induktivitäten
[34] Kolar, J. W., Drofenik, U.; Vorrichtung zur Kühlung von Leistungselektronik mit fraktaler Finnenstruktur.
[33] Bortis, D., Waffler, S., Biela, J., Kolar, J. W.: Verfahren zur Konstantstromspeisung von Pulsed Power Systemen bei hoher pulsfrequenter
Schwankung der Eingangskondensatorspannung; June 22, 2007
[32] Bortis, D., Biela, J., Kolar, J. W.: Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur
verlustarmen negativen Vormagnetisierung von HochleistungsPulstransformatoren; June 21, 2007
[31] Kolar, J. W.: Vorrichtung zur Regelung der Phasenzwischenkreisspannungen einer Sternschaltung einphasiger Pulsgleichrichtersysteme in Analogie zu Dreiphasen-Dreipunkt-Pulsgleichrichtersystemen; Nov. 23, 2006
[30] Friedli, T., Kolar, J. W.: Verfahren zur Dreipunktmodulation eines
quasi-direkten Dreiphasen-AC/AC-Pulsumrichter; Nov. 7, 2006
[29] Krismer, F., Kolar, J. W.: Verfahren zur schaltverlustminimalen
Steuerung eines bidirektionalen nicht potentialgetrennten
Gleichspannungswandlers mit überlappendem Ein- und Ausgangsspannungsbereich; Nov. 6, 2006
[28] Serpa, L., Ponnaluri, S.: Active Damping Method for Direct PowerControlled Voltage Source Inverters with LCL Filter; Sept. 15, 2006
[27] Plesko, H., Biela, J., Kolar, J. W.: Drehstromantriebssystem mit
hochfrequent potentialgetrennter bidirektionalen Kopplung der
Versorgungsspannungen, July 27, 2006
[26] Biela, J., Plesko, H., Kolar, J. W.: Drehstromantriebssystem mit
motorintegriertem Hochfrequenztrafo zur bidirektionaler Kopplung
der Versorgungsspannungen; July 27, 2006
[25] Ertl, H., Kolar, J. W.: Vorrichtung zur Bestimmung des Verlustwiderstandes von Elektrolytkondensatoren; May 9, 2006
[24] Miniböck, J., Kolar, J. W.: Vorrichtung zur Messung gleichanteilbehafteter Wechselströme mittels eines einfachen Wechselstromwandlers; Feb. 28, 2006
[23] Kolar, J. W.: Vorrichtung zur Minimierung der Leitverluste
integrierter Dreiphasen-Tief-Hochsetzsteller-Pulsgleichrichtersysteme; Feb. 16, 2006
[22] Kolar, J. W.: Vorrichtung zur Regelung der Teilausgangsspannungen
eines Dreipunkt-Hochsetzstellers; Jan. 20, 2006
[21] Serpa, L., Round, S., Kolar, J. W.: Virtual-Flux Decoupling Hysteresis
Control for Mains Connected Inverter Systems; Nov. 21, 2005
[20] Biela, J., Kolar, J. W.: Vorrichtung zur aktiven Unterdrückung
leitungsgebundener Gleichtakt- und Gegentaktstöraussendung
leistungselektronischer Konverter; Sept. 14, 2005
[19] Kolar, J. W, Ertl, H.: Multizellen Hybrid-Leistungsverstärker zur
Realisierung einer verlustarmen Testspannungsquelle geringen
Innenwiderstandes und hoher Bandbreite; May 10, 2005
[18] Round, S., Kolar, J. W.: Vorrichtung zur Koordination der Taktung und
Sicherstellung konstanter Schaltfrequenz der Brückenzweige von
Drehstrom-Pulsgleichrichtersystemen mit Toleranzbandregelung der
Eingangsströme; March 4, 2005
[17] Mino, K., Nishida, Y., Kolar, J. W.: Hybride Zwölfpulsgleichrichtung
mit geregelter modulierter Ausgangsspannung und rein sinusförmiger Stromaufnahme; Jan. 31, 2005
[16] Ponnaluri, S., Serpa, L.: Verfahren zum Betrieb einer Umrichterschaltung
sowie Vorrichtung zur Durchführung des Verfahrens; Jan. 25, 2005
[15] Kolar, J. W.: Vorrichtung zur Entkopplung der Phasen-Toleranzbandregelungen dreiphasiger Dreipunkt-Pulsgleichrichtersysteme bei
voller Nutzung des linearen Aussteuerbereiches und aktiver Symmetrierung der Ausgangsteilspannungen; Jan. 14, 2005
[14] Kolar, J. W, Greul, R.: Vorrichtung zur Regelung der Zwischenkreisspannungen einer Sternschaltung einphasiger Stromversorgungsmodule mit Pulsgleichrichtereingangsstufe und offenem Sternpunkt;
June 21, 2004
[13] Schafmeister, F., Kolar, J. W.: Verfahren zur Nutzung des ausgangsseitigen Blindstromes eines indirekten Dreiphasen-Matrixkonverters
zur Erzeugung von Eingangsblindstrom; June 21, 2004
[12] Biela, J., Kolar, J. W.: Verlustarmer Hochfrequenztransformator mit
ausgeprägter Streuung und geringer elektromagnetischer Störaussendung für den Einsatz in Serien-Parallel-Resonanzkonvertern; June 7,
[11] Nussbaumer, T., Kolar, J. W.: Modulationsverfahren zur Minimierung
der Netzstromverzerrungen dreiphasiger Dreischalter-TiefsetzstellerPulsgleichrichtersysteme; March 30, 2004
[10] Kolar, J. W., Miniböck, J.: Vorrichtung zur pulsförmigen bipolaren
Ansteuerung eines Piezo-Aktors hoher Leistung; March 25, 2004
[9] Kolar, J. W., Ertl, H.: Vorrichtung zur Trennung der Funkstörspannungen dreiphasiger Stromrichtersysteme in eine Gleichtakt- und eine
Gegentaktkomponente; March 16, 2004
[8] Kolar, J. W., Miniböck, J.: Vorrichtung hoher Gleichtaktstörfestigkeit
zur Ansteuerung abschaltbarer Leistungshalbleiter; April 25, 2003
[7] Kolar, J. W., Gong, G.: Vorrichtung zur Potentialtrennung und
ausgangssignalabhängigen Führung der Versorgungsspannungen
eines Linear-Leistungsverstärkers; April 1, 2003
[6] Kolar, J. W., Schafmeister, F.: Verfahren zur Minimierung der
Schaltverluste eines quasi-direkten Dreiphasen-AC/AC-Pulsumrichters
bei geringer Amplitude der Ausgangsspannungsgrundschwingung;
Feb. 5, 2003
[5] Herold, S., Kolar, J. W.: Modulationsverfahren zur Minimierung und
gleichmässigen Verteilung von Schaltverlusten in quasi-direkten
Dreiphasen-AC/AC-Pulsumrichtern; Jan. 24, 2003
[4] Kolar, J. W., Baumann, M.: Vorrichtung zur Sicherstellung sinusförmiger Stromaufnahme eines dreiphasigen Tief-HochsetzstellerPulsgleichrichtersystems bei unsymmetrischer Netzspannung
und Phasenausfall; Jan. 2, 2003
[3] Kolar, J. W., Baumann, M.: Verfahren zur Unterdrückung von Kreisströmen zwischen parallelgeschalteten Dreiphasenpulsgleichrichtersystemen mit eingeprägtem Ausgangsstrom; June 3, 2002
[2] Kolar, J. W.: Dreiphasiger Hybrid-Wechselspannungs-Wechselspannungs-Direktumrichter minimaler Komplexität und hoher Kommutierungssicherheit; Aug. 31, 2001
[1] Kolar, J. W., Ertl, H.: Vorrichtung zur quasi-direkten pulsbreitengesteuerten Energieumformung zwischen Dreiphasensystemen; July 27,
Conference Papers
[153] Kolar, J. W., Zwyssig, C., and Round, S. D.: Beyond 1 000 000 rpm –
Review on Mega-Speed Drive Systems. Proceedings of the 9th
Brazilian Power Electronics Conference (COBEP‘07), Blumenau, Brazil,
Sept. 30 – Oct. 4, CD-ROM ISBN 978-85-99195-02-4 (2007)
[152] Heldwein, L. M., and Kolar, J. W.: Design of Minimum Volume EMC
Input Filters for an Ultra Compact Three-Phase PWM Rectifier.
Proceedings of the 9th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference (COBEP‘07),
Blumenau, Brazil, Sept. 30 - Oct. 4, CD-ROM ISBN 978-85-99195-02-4
[151] Serpa, L. A., and Kolar, J. W.: Extended Virtual-Flux Decoupling
Hysteresis Control for Mains Connected Three-Level NPC Inverter
Systems. Proceedings of the 9th Brazilian Power Electronics
Conference (COBEP‘07), Blumenau, Brazil, Sept. 30 – Oct. 4,
CD-ROM ISBN 978-85-99195-02-4 (2007)
[150] Biela, J., Drofenik, U., Krenn, F., Miniböck, J., and Kolar, J. W.: Novel
Three-Phase Y-Rectifier Cyclic 2 out of 3 DC Output Voltage Balancing.
Proceedings of the 29th International Telecommunications Energy
Conference (INTELEC‘07), Rome, Italy, Sept. 30 – Oct. 4 (2007)
[149] Biela, J., Badstübner, U., and Kolar, J. W.: Design of a 5 kW, 1 U,
10 kW/ltr. Resonant DC-DC Converter for Telecom Applications.
Proceedings of the 29th International Telecommunications Energy
Conference (INTELEC‘07), Rome, Italy, Sept. 30 – Oct. 4 (2007)
[148] Drofenik, U., Cottet, D., Müsing, A., and Kolar, J. W.: Design Tools
for Power Electronics: Trends and Innovations. Proceedings of the 2nd
International Conference on Automotive Power Electronics (APE‘07),
Paris, France, Sept. 26 – 27 (2007)
[147] Luomi, J., Zwyssig, C., Looser, A., and Kolar, J. W.: Efficiency
Optimization of a 100-W, 500 000-rpm Permanent-Magnet Machine
Including Air Friction Losses. Conference Record of the 2007
IEEE Industry Applications Conference 42nd IAS Annual Meeting
(IAS‘07), New Orleans (LA), USA, Sept. 23 – 27, CD-ROM ISBN 1-42441260-9 (2007).
[146] Friedli, T., Round, S. D., and Kolar, J. W.: Modeling the Space Elevator
– A Project Oriented Approach for Teaching Experimental Power
Electronics. Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Power
Electronics and Applications (EPE‘07), Aalborg, Denmark, Sept. 2 – 5,
CD-ROM, ISBN: 9789075815108 (2007).
[145] Heldwein, M., and Kolar, J. W.: Extending Winding Capacitance
Cancellation to Three-Phase EMC Input Filter Networks. Proceedings
of the 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic
Compatibility (EMC‘07), Honolulu (Hawaii), USA, July 8 – 13, (2007).
[144] Biela, J., Bortis, D., and Kolar, J. W.: Reset Circuits with Energy
Recovery for Solid State Modulators. Proceedings of the Pulsed Power
and Plasma Science Conference, Albuquerque (NM), USA, June 17 – 22,
[143] Bortis, D., Waffler, S., Biela, J., and Kolar, J. W.: 25kW 3-Phase Unity
Power Factor Buck+Boost Rectifier with Wide Input and Output
Range for Pulse Load Applications. Proceedings of the Pulsed Power
and Plasma Science Conference, Albuquerque (NM), USA, June 17 – 22,
[142] Bortis, D., Biela, J., and Kolar, J. W.: Active Gate Control for Current
Balancing in Parallel Connected IGBT Modules in Solid State
Modulators. Proceedings of the Pulsed Power and Plasma Science
Conference, Albuquerque (NM), USA, June 17 - 22, (2007).
[141] Friedli, T., Round, S. D., and Kolar, J. W.: A 100 kHz SiC Sparse Matrix
Converter. Proceedings of the IEEE 38th Annual Power Electronics
Specialists Conference, Orlando, USA, June 17 – 21, ISBN 1-4244-0655-2,
pp. 2148-2154 (2007)
[140] de Jager, K., Dalessandro, L., Hofsajer, I. W., and Odendaal, W. G.:
Wave Analysis of Multilayer Absorptive Low-Pass Interconnects.
Proceedings of the IEEE 38th Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Orlando, USA, June 17 – 21, ISBN 1-4244-0655-2, pp. 2121-2127
[139] Drofenik, U., Cottet, D., Müsing, A, Meyer, J.-M., and Kolar, J. W.:
Modelling the Thermal Coupling between Internal Power Semiconductor Dies of a Water-Cooled 3300V/1200A HiPak IGBT Module.
Proceedings of the Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent
Motion, Power Quality (PCIM‘07), Nuremberg, Germany, May 22 – 24,
CD-ROM (2007).
[138] Bontemps, S., Calmels, A., Round, S. D., and Kolar, J. W.: Low Profile
Power Module Combined with State of the Art MOSFET Switches
and SiC Diodes allows High Frequency and Very Compact ThreePhase Sinusoidal Input Rectifiers. Proceedings of the Conference for
Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Power Quality (PCIM‘07),
Nuremberg, Germany, May 22 – 24, CD-ROM (2007).
[137] Wiedemuth, P., Bontemps, S., and Miniböck, J.: 35 kW Active
Rectifier with Integrated Power Modules. Proceedings of
the Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Power Quality
(PCIM‘07), Nuremberg, Germany, May 22 – 24, CD-ROM (2007).
[136] Hartmann, M., and Ertl, J.: Design and Realization of a Multi-CellSwitch-Mode Power Amplifier Employing a Digital Poly-PhasePulse-Width-Modulator. Proceedings of the Conference for Power
Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Power Quality (PCIM‘07), Nuremberg,
Germany, May 22 – 24, CD-ROM (2007).
[135] Nishida, Y., Okuma, Y., and Mino, K.: Practical Evaluation of Simple
12-Pulse Three-Phase-Bridge Diode Rectifier of Capacitor-Input-Type.
Proceedings of the Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent
Motion, Power Quality (PCIM‘07), Nuremberg, Germany, May 22 – 24,
CD-ROM (2007).
[134] Drofenik, U., and Kolar, J. W.: Sub-Optimum Design of a Forced Air
Cooled Heat Sink for Simple Manufacturing. Proceedings of the
4th Power Conversion Conference (PCC‘07), Nagoya, Japan, April 2 – 5,
CD-ROM, ISBN: 1-4244-0844-X, (2007).
[133] Drofenik, U., Cottet, D., Müsing, A., Meyer, J.-M., and Kolar, J. W.:
Computationally Efficient Integration of Complex Thermal Multi-Chip
Power Module Models into Circuit Simulators. Proceedings of the
4th Power Conversion Conference (PCC‘07), Nagoya, Japan, April 2 – 5,
CD-ROM, ISBN: 1-4244-0844-X, (2007).
[132] Bartholet, M. T., Nussbaumer, T., Krähenbühl, D., Zürcher, F.,
and Kolar, J. W.: Modulation Concepts for the Control of a Two-Phase
Bearingless Slice Motor Utilizing Three-Phase Power Modules.
Proceedings of the 4th Power Conversion Conference (PCC‘07), Nagoya,
Japan, April 2 – 5, CD-ROM, ISBN: 1-4244-0844-X, (2007).
[131] Serpa, L. A., and Kolar, J. W.: Virtual-Flux Direct Power Control for
Mains Connected Three-Level NPC Inverter Systems. Proceedings of
the 4th Power Conversion Conference (PCC‘07), Nagoya, Japan,
April 2 – 5, CD-ROM, ISBN: 1-4244-0844-X, (2007).
[130] Aggeler, D., Biela, J., Inoue, S., Akagi, H., and Kolar, J. W.:
Bi-Directional Isolated DC-DC Converter for Next-Generation Power
Distribution – Comparison of Converters using Si and SiC Devices.
Proceedings of the 4th Power Conversion Conference (PCC‘07),
Nagoya, Japan, April 2 – 5, CD-ROM, ISBN: 1-4244-0844-X, (2007).
[129] Biela, J., and Kolar, J. W.: Cooling Concepts for High Power Density
Magnetic Devices. Proceedings of the 4th Power Conversion
Conference (PCC‘07), Nagoya, Japan, April 2 – 5, CD-ROM, ISBN: 14244-0844-X, (2007).
[128] Round, S. D., Karutz, P., Heldwein, M. L., and Kolar, J. W.: Towards a
30 kW/liter, Three-Phase Unity Power Factor Rectifier. Proceedings
of the 4th Power Conversion Conference (PCC‘07), Nagoya, Japan, April
2 – 5, CD-ROM, ISBN: 1-4244-0844-X, (2007).
[127] Müsing, A., Heldwein, M. L., Friedli, T., and Kolar, J. W.: Steps
Towards Prediction of Conducted Emission Levels of an RB-IGBT
Indirect Matrix Converter. Proceedings of the 4th Power Conversion
Conference (PCC‘07), Nagoya, Japan, April 2 – 5, CD-ROM, ISBN:
1-4244-0844-X, (2007).
[126] Nussbaumer, T., Raggl, K., Boesch, P., and Kolar, J. W.: Trends in
Integration for Magnetically Levitated Pump Systems. Proceedings of
the 4th Power Conversion Conference (PCC‘07), Nagoya, Japan,
April 2 – 5, CD-ROM, ISBN: 1-4244-0844-X, (2007).
[125] Schönberger, J., Friedli, T., Round, S. D., and Kolar, J. W.: An Ultra
Sparse Matrix Converter with a Novel Active Clamp Circuit.
Proceedings of the 4th Power Conversion Conference (PCC‘07), Nagoya,
Japan, April 2 – 5, CD-ROM, ISBN: 1-4244-0844-X, (2007).
[124] Kolar, J. W., Drofenik, U., Biela, J., Heldwein, M. L., Ertl, H., Friedli, T.,
and Round, S. D.: PWM Converter Power Density Barriers. Proceedings
of the 4th Power Conversion Conference (PCC‘07), Nagoya, Japan, April
2 – 5, CD-ROM, ISBN: 1-4244-0844-X, (2007).
[123] Zwyssig, C., Duerr, M., Hassler, D., and Kolar, J. W.: An Ultra-HighSpeed, 500 000 rpm, 1 kW Electrical Drive System. Proceedings of the
4th Power Conversion Conference (PCC‘07), Nagoya, Japan, April 2 – 5,
CD-ROM, ISBN: 1-4244-0844-X, (2007).
[122] Li, R., Xu, D., Chen, M., Feng, B., Mino, K., and Umida, H.: Improving
the Power Density of the ZVS-SVM Controlled Three-Phase Boost
PFC Converter. Proceedings of the 4th Power Conversion Conference
(PCC‘07), Nagoya, Japan, April 2 – 5, CD-ROM, ISBN: 1-4244-0844-X,
[121] Nishida, Y., and Mino, K.: A Simple Passive PFC Scheme for ThreePhase Diode Rectifier. Proceedings of the 4th Power Conversion
Conference (PCC‘07), Nagoya, Japan, April 2 – 5, CD-ROM, ISBN: 14244-0844-X, (2007).
[120] Yamada, R., Kobayashi, N., and Mino, K.: A 1 kW Grid-Connected
Converter System for PEFC. Proceedings of the 4th Power Conversion
Conference (PCC‘07), Nagoya, Japan, April 2 – 5, CD-ROM, ISBN:
1-4244-0844-X, (2007).
[119] Nishida, Y., Miniböck, J., Round, S. D., and Kolar, J. W.: A New 3-phase
Buck+Boost Unity Power Factor Rectifier with Two Independently
Controlled DC Outputs. Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE Applied Power
Electronics Conference, Anaheim (California), USA, Feb. 25 – March 1,
Vol. 1, pp. 172-178 (2007).
[118] Karutz, P., Round, S. D., Heldwein, M. L., and Kolar, J. W.: Ultra
Compact Three-Phase PWM Rectifier. Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, Anaheim (California), USA, Feb.
25 – March 1, Vol. 1, pp. 816-822 (2007).
[117] Plesko, H., Biela, J., Luomi, J., and Kolar, J. W.: Novel Concepts for
Integrating the Electric Drive and Auxiliary DC-DC Converter for
Hybrid Vehicles. Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE Applied Power Electronics
Conference, Anaheim (California), USA, Feb. 25 – March 1, Vol. 2, pp.
1025-1031 (2007).
[116] Bortis, D., Biela, J., and Kolar, J. W.: Optimal Design of a DC Reset
Circuit for Pulse Transformers. Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE Applied
Power Electronics Conference, Anaheim (California), USA,
Feb. 25 – March 1, Vol. 2, pp. 1171-1177 (2007).
[115] Imoberdorf, P., Zwyssig, C., Round, S. D., and Kolar, J. W.: Combined
Radial-Axial Magnetic Bearing for a 1kW, 500 000 rpm Permanent
Magnet Machine. Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE Applied Power
Electronics Conference, Anaheim (California), USA, Feb. 25 – March 1,
Vol. 2, pp. 1434-1440 (2007).
[114] Meili, J., Ponnaluri, S., Serpa, L., Steimer, P. K., and Kolar, J. W.:
Optimized Pulse Patterns for the 5-Level ANPC Converter for High
Speed High Power Applications. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual
Conference of the IEEE Industry Electronics Society, Paris, France,
Nov. 7 – 11, (2006).
[113] Schönberger, J., Round, S., and Duke, R.: Autonomous Load Shedding
in a Nanogrid using DC Bus Signalling. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual
Conference of the IEEE Industry Electronics Society, Paris, France,
Nov. 7 – 11, pp. 5155-5160 (2006).
[112] Zwyssig, C., Round, S. D., and Kolar, J. W.: Analytical and Experimental Investigation of a Low Torque, Ultra-High Speed Drive System.
Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE Industry Applications Conference, 41th IAS Annual Meeting (IAS‘06), Tampa (Florida), USA, Oct.
8 – 12, (2006).
[111] Bartholet, M. T., Nussbaumer, T., Dirnberger, P., and Kolar, J. W.:
Novel Converter Concept for Bearingless Slice Motor Systems. Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE Industry Applications Conference, 41th
IAS Annual Meeting (IAS‘06), Tampa (Florida), USA, Oct. 8 – 12, (2006).
[110] Schneeberger, T., and Kolar, J. W.: Novel Integrated Bearingless
Hollow-Shaft Drive. Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE Industry
Applications Conference, 41th IAS Annual Meeting (IAS‘06), Tampa
(Florida), USA, Oct. 8 – 12, (2006).
[109] Krismer, F., Round, S., and Kolar, J. W.: Performance Optimization of
a High Current Dual Active Bridge with a Wide Operating Voltage
Range. Proceedings of the 37th Power Electronics Specialists Conference,
Jeju, Korea, June 18 – 22, CD ROM, ISBN: 1-4244-9717-7, (2006)
[108] Serpa, L. A., Round, S., and Kolar, J. W.: A Virtual-Flux Decoupling
Hysteresis Current Controller for Mains Connected Inverter Systems.
Proceedings of the 37 th Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Jeju,
Korea, June 18 – 22, CD ROM, ISBN: 1-4244-9717-7, (2006)
[107] Friedli, T., Heldwein, M. L., Giezendanner, F., and Kolar, J. W.: A High
Efficiency Indirect Matrix Converter Utilizing RB-IGBTs. Proceedings
of the 37 th Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Jeju, Korea,
June 18 – 22, CD ROM, ISBN: 1-4244-9717-7, (2006)
[106] Drofenik, U., and Kolar, J. W.: Analyzing the Theoretical Limits of
Forced Air-Cooling by Employing Advanced Composite Materials with
Thermal Conductivities > 400 W/mK. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Integrated Power Systems (CIPS‘06), Naples,
Italy, June 7 – 9, pp. 323-328, (2006).
[105] Ertl, H., Edelmoser, K., Zach. F. C., and Kolar, J. W.: A Novel Method
for On-Line Monitoring and Managing of Electrolytic Capacitors
of DC Voltage Link PWM Converters. Proceedings of the International
PCIM Europe 2006 Conference, Nuremberg, Germany, May 30 – June 1
[104] Biela, J., Bortis, D., and Kolar, J. W.: Analytical Modelling of Pulse
Transformers for Power Modulators. Proceedings of the 27 th IEEE International Power Modulator Symposium, Washington D.C., USA,
May 14 – 18, (2006).
[103] Heldwein, M. L., Ertl, H., Biela, J., and Kolar, J. W.: Implementation of
a Transformer-Less Common Mode Active Filter for Off-Line Converter
Systems. Proceedings of the 21st Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics
Conference and Exposition (APEC‘06), Dallas (Texas), USA, March
19 – 23, Vol. 2, pp. 1230-1236, (2006).
[102] Biela, J., Wirthmueller, A., Waespe, R., Heldwein, M. L., Kolar, J. W.,
and Waffenschmidt, E.: Passive and Active Hybrid Integrated EMI
Filters. Proceedings of the 21st Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics
Conference and Exposition (APEC‘06), Dallas (Texas), USA, March
19 – 23, Vol. 2, pp. 1174-1180, (2006).
[101] Dalessandro, L., Karrer, N., and Kolar, J. W.: A Novel Isolated Current
Sensor for High-Performance Power Electronics Applications.
Proceedings of the 21st Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC‘06), Dallas (Texas), USA, March 19 – 23,
Vol. 1, pp. 559-566, (2006).
[100] Gong, G., Ertl, H., and Kolar, J. W.: A Multi-Cell Cascaded Power
Amplifier. Proceedings of the 21st Annual IEEE Applied Power
Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC‘06), Dallas (Texas), USA,
March 19 – 23, Vol. 3, pp. 1550-1556, (2006).
[99] Nussbaumer, T., Heldwein, M. L., and Kolar, J. W.: Common Mode
EMC Input Filter Design for a Three-Phase Buck-Type PWM Rectifier
System. Proceedings of the 21st Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics
Conference and Exposition (APEC‘06), Dallas (Texas), USA, March
19 – 23, Vol. 3, pp. 1617-1623, (2006).
[98] Zwyssig, C., Round, S. D., and Kolar, J. W.: Power Electronics Interface
for a 100 W, 500 000 rpm Gas Turbine Portable Power Unit. Proceedings of the 21st Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference
and Exposition (APEC‘06), Dallas (Texas), USA, March 19 – 23, Vol. 1, pp.
283-289, (2006).
[97] Schneider, B., Bruderer, M., Dyntar, D., Zwyssig, C., Diener, M.,
Boulouchos, K., Abhari, R. S., Guzzella, L., and Kolar, J. W.:
Ultra-High-Energy-Density Converter for Portable Power. Proceedings
of the 5th International Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for
Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS
2005), Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 28 – 30, pp. 81-84 (2005).
[96] Zwyssig, C., and Kolar, J. W.: Design Considerations and Experimental
Results of a 100 W, 500 000 rpm Electrical Generator. Proceedings of
the 5th International Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for
Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS
2005), Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 28 – 30, pp. 169-172 (2005).
[95] Biela, J., and Kolar, J. W.: Using Transformer Parasitics for Resonant
Converters – A Review of the Calculation of the Stray Capacitance
of Transformers. Conference Record of the 2005 IEEE Industry
Applications Conference, 40th IAS Annual Meeting (IAS‘05), Hong
Kong, Oct. 2 – 6, CD-ROM, ISBN: 0-7803-9209-4 (2005).
[94] Serpa, L. A., Kolar, J. W., Ponnaluri, S., and Barbosa, P. M.: A Modified
Direct Power Control Strategy Allowing the Connection of ThreePhase Inverter to the Grid through LCL Filters. Conference Record of
the 2005 IEEE Industry Applications Conference, 40th IAS Annual
Meeting (IAS‘05), Hong Kong, Oct. 2 – 6, CD-ROM, ISBN: 0-7803-9209-4
[93] Krismer, F., Biela, J., and Kolar, J. W.: A Comparative Evaluation of
Isolated Bi-directional DC/DC Converters with Wide Input and
Output Voltage Range. Conference Record of the 2005 IEEE Industry
Applications Conference, 40th IAS Annual Meeting (IAS‘05), Hong
Kong, Oct. 2 – 6, CD-ROM, ISBN: 0-7803-9209-4 (2005).
[92] Zwyssig, C., Kolar, J. W., Thaler, W., and Vohrer, M.: Design of a
100 W, 500 000 rpm Permanent-Magnet Generator for Mesoscale
Gas Turbines. Conference Record of the 2005 IEEE Industry Applications
Conference, 40th IAS Annual Meeting (IAS‘05), Hong Kong, Oct. 2 – 6,
CD-ROM, ISBN: 0-7803-9209-4 (2005).
[91] Nussbaumer, T., Gong, G., Heldwein, M. L., and Kolar, J. W.:
Control-Oriented Modeling and Robust Control of a Three-Phase
Buck+Boost PWM Rectifier (VRX-4). Conference Record of the 2005
IEEE Industry Applications Conference, 40th IAS Annual Meeting
(IAS‘05), Hong Kong, Oct. 2 – 6, CD-ROM, ISBN: 0-7803-9209-4 (2005).
[90] Nussbaumer, T., Heldwein, M. L., Gong, G., and Kolar, J. W.:
Prediction Techniques Compensating Delay Times Caused by Digital
Control of a Three-Phase Buck-Type PWM Rectifier System. Conference
Record of the 2005 IEEE Industry Applications Conference, 40th IAS
Annual Meeting (IAS‘05), Hong Kong, Oct. 2 – 6, CD-ROM, ISBN:
0-7803-9209-4 (2005).
[89] Round, S., Heldwein, M. L., Kolar, J. W., Hofsajer, I., and Friedrichs, P.:
A SiC JFET Driver for a 5 kW, 150 kHz Three-Phase Sinusoidal-Input,
Sinusoidal-Output PWM Converter. Conference Record of the 2005
IEEE Industry Applications Conference, 40th IAS Annual Meeting (IAS‘05),
Hong Kong, Oct. 2 – 6, CD-ROM, ISBN: 0-7803-9209-4 (2005).
[88] Hofsajer, I. W., Melkonyan, A., Mantel, M., Round, S., and Kolar, J. W.:
A Simple, Low Cost Gate Drive Method for Practical Use of SiC JFETs
in SMPS. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Power
Electronics and Applications, Dresden, Germany, Sept. 12 – 14, ISBN:
90-75815-08-5, P.1 - P.6 (2005)
[87] Dalessandro, L., Odendaal, W. G., and Kolar, J. W.: HF Characterization
and Non-Linear Modeling of a Gapped Toroidal Magnetic Structure.
Proceedings of the 36th Power Electronics Specialists Conference,
Recife, Brasil, June 12 – 16, Vol. 2, pp. 1250-1257 (2005)
[86] Cavalcante, F., and Kolar, J. W.: Small-Signal Model of a 5 kW HighOutput Voltage Capacitive-Loaded Series-Parallel Resonant DC-DC
Converter. Proceedings of the 36th Power Electronics Specialists
Conference, Recife, Brazil, June 12 – 16 (2005)
[85] Gong, G., Round, S., and Kolar, J. W.: Design, Control and Performance
of Tracking Power Supply for a Linear Power Amplifier. Proceedings
of the 36th Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Recife, Brazil,
June 12 – 16 (2005)
[84] Zhao, C., Round, S., and Kolar, J. W.: Buck and Boost Start-up Operation
of a Three-Port Power Supply for Hybrid Vehicle Applications.
Proceedings of the 36th Power Electronics Specialists Conference,
Recife, Brazil, June 12 – 16, (2005)
[83] Nascimento, C. B., Perin, A. J., and Pereira, E. I.: Low Cost High Power
Factor Electronic Ballast with no Input Filter. Proceedings of the 36th
Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Recife, Brazil, June 12 – 16,
[82] Round, S. D., Dalessandro, L., and Kolar, J. W.: Novel Phase Decoupling
and Coordinating Tolerance Band Current Control for Three-Phase
Three-Level PWM Rectifiers. Proceedings of the International PCIM
Europe 2005 Conference, Nuremberg, Germany, June 7 – 9, pp. 285-291
[81] Drofenik, U., Laimer, G., and Kolar, J. W.: Theoretical Converter Power
Density Limits for Forced Convection Cooling. Proceedings of the
International PCIM Europe 2005 Conference, Nuremberg, Germany,
June 7 – 9, pp. 608-619 (2005).
[80] Ertl, H., Zach, F. C., and Kolar, J. W.: Dimensioning and Control of a
Switch-Mode Power Amplifier Employing a Capacitice Coupled
Linear-Mode Ripple Suppression Stage. Proceedings of the International PCIM Europe 2005 Conference, Nuremberg, Germany, June
7 – 9, pp. 277 - 284 (2005).
[79] Mino, K., Nishida, Y., and Kolar, J. W.: Novel Hybrid 12-Pulse Line
Interphase Transformer Boost-Type Rectifier with Controlled Output
Voltage and Sinusoidal Utility Currents. Proceedings of the 2005
International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC‘05), Niigata, Japan,
April 4 – 8, CD-ROM, ISBN: 4-88686-065-6 (2005).
[78] Biela, J., and Kolar, J. W.: Analytic Design Method for (Integrated-)
Transformers of Resonant Converters using Extended Fundamental
Frequency Analysis. Proceedings of the 2005 International Power
Electronics Conference (IPEC‘05), Niigata, Japan, April 4 – 8, CD-ROM,
ISBN: 4-88686-065-6 (2005).
[77] Drofenik, U., and Kolar, J. W.: A General Scheme for Calculating
Switching- and Conduction-Losses of Power Semiconductors
in Numerical Circuit Simulations of Power Electronic Systems. Proceedings of the 2005 International Power Electronics Conference
(IPEC‘05), Niigata, Japan, April 4 – 8, CD-ROM, ISBN: 4-88686-065-6
[76] Drofenik, U., and Kolar, J. W.: A Thermal Model of a Forced-Cooled
Heat Sink for Transient Temperature Calculations Employing a Circuit
Simulator. Proceedings of the 2005 International Power Electronics
Conference (IPEC‘05), Niigata, Japan, April 4 – 8, CD-ROM, ISBN: 488686-065-6 (2005).
[75] Round, S., Schafmeister, F., Heldwein, M. L., Pereira, E., Serpa, L., and
Kolar, J. W.: Comparison of Performance and Realization Effort of a
Very Sparse Matrix Converter to a Voltage DC Link PWM Inverter with
Active Front End. Proceedings of the 2005 International Power
Electronics Conference (IPEC‘05), Niigata, Japan, April 4 – 8, CD-ROM,
ISBN: 4-88686-065-6 (2005).
[74] Mori, Y., Aikawa, N., Nishida, Y., Drofenik, U., and Kolar, J. W.:
Development of an Interactive Circuits and Systems Seminar (iCASS)
and Its Effectiveness. Proceedings of the 2005 International Power
Electronics Conference (IPEC‘05), Niigata, Japan, April 4 – 8, CD-ROM,
ISBN: 4-88686-065-6 (2005).
[73] Heldwein, M. L., Nussbaumer, T., Beck, F., and Kolar, J. W.: Novel
Three-Phase CM/DM Conducted Emissions Separator. Proceedings of
the 20th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and
Exposition, Austin (Texas), USA, March 6 – 10, Vol. 2, pp. 797-802 (2005).
[72] Dalessandro, L., Drofenik, U., Round, S. D., and Kolar, J. W.: A Novel
Hysteresis Current Control for Three-Phase Three-Level PWM Rectifiers.
Proceedings of the 20th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics
Conference and Exposition, Austin (Texas), USA, March 6 – 10, Vol. 1,
pp. 501-507 (2005).
[71] Laimer, G., and Kolar, J. W.: Design and Experimental Analysis of a
DC to 1 MHz Closed Loop Magnetoresistive Current Sensor. Proceedings
of the 20th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and
Exposition, Austin (Texas), USA, March 6 – 10, Vol. 2, pp. 1288-1292 (2005).
[70] Mino, K., Heldwein, M. L., and Kolar, J. W.: Ultra Compact ThreePhase Rectifier with Electronic Smoothing Inductor. Proceedings of
the 20th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Austin (Texas), USA, March 6 – 10, Vol. 1, pp. 522-528 (2005).
[69] Schafmeister, F., Rytz, C., and Kolar, J. W.: Analytical Calculation
of the Conduction and Switching Losses of the Conventional Matrix
Converter and the (Very) Sparse Matrix Converter. Proceedings of
the 20th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Austin (Texas), USA, March 6 – 10, Vol. 2, pp. 875-881 (2005).
[68] Drofenik, U., and Nishida, Y.: Web-Based Power Electronics Education
Tool «iPES» Developed at the ETH Zurich. Proceedings of the Japan
Industrial Applications Society Conference 2004 (in Japanese), Takamatsu, Japan, Sept. 14 – 16, CD-ROM.
[67] Schafmeister, F., and Kolar, J. W.: Novel Hybrid Modulation Schemes
Extending the Reactive Power Control Range of Conventional
and Sparse Matrix Converters Operating at Maximum Output Voltage. Proceedings of the 11th International Power Electronics and
Motion Control Conference, Riga, Latvia, Sept. 2 – 4, CD-ROM, ISBN:
9984-32-010-3 (2004).
[66] Nussbaumer, T. , Heldwein, M. L., and Kolar, J. W.: Differential Mode
EMC Input Filter Design for a Three-Phase Buck-Type Unity Power
Factor PWM Rectifier. Proceedings of the 4th International Power
Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Xian, China, Aug. 14 – 16,
Vol. 3, pp. 1521-1526 (2004).
[65] Mino, K., Gong, G., and Kolar, J. W.: Novel Hybrid 12-Pulse Line Interphase Transformer Boost-Type Rectifier with Controlled Output
Voltage. Proceedings of the 4th International Power Electronics
and Motion Control Conference, Xian, China, Aug. 14 – 16, Vol. 2, pp.
924-931 (2004).
[64] Nussbaumer, T. , Mino, K., and Kolar, J. W.: Design and Comparative
Evaluation of Three-Phase Buck Boost and Boost Buck Unity Power
Factor PWM Rectifier Systems for Supplying Variable DC Voltage
Link Converters. Proceedings of the 10th European Power Quality Conference (PCIM), Nuremberg, Germany, May 25 – 27, Vol. 1, pp. 126-135
[63] Greul, R., Drofenik, U., and Kolar, J. W.: A Novel Concept for Balancing
of the Phase Modules of a Three-Phase Unity Power Factor Y-Rectifier.
Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference,
Aachen, Germany, June 20 – 25, CD-ROM, ISBN: 07803-8400-8 (2004).
[62] Drofenik, U., Laimer, G., and Kolar, J. W.: Pump Characteristic Based
Optimization of a Direct Water Cooling System for a 10 kW/500 kHz
Vienna Rectifier. Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Power Electronics
Specialists Conference, Aachen, Germany, June 20 – 25, CD-ROM,
ISBN: 07803-8400-8 (2004).
[61] Schafmeister, F., and Kolar, J. W.: Novel Modulation Schemes for
Matrix- and Sparse Matrix Converters Facilitating Reactive Power
Transfer through the Converter System. Proceedings of the 35th IEEE
Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Aachen, Germany, June
20 – 25, CD-ROM, ISBN: 07803-8400-8 (2004).
[60] Zhao, C., and Kolar, J. W.: A Novel Three-Phase Three-Port UPS
Employing a Single High-Frequency Isolation Transformer. Proceedings
of the 35th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Aachen,
Germany, June 20 – 25, CD-ROM, ISBN: 07803-8400-8 (2004).
[59] Heldwein, M. L., Nussbaumer, T., and Kolar, J. W.: Differential Mode
EMC Input Filter Design for Three-Phase AC-DC-AC Sparse Matrix
PWM Converters. Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Power Electronics
Specialists Conference, Aachen, Germany, June 20 – 25, CD-ROM,
ISBN: 07803-8400-8 (2004).
[58] Biela, J., and Kolar, J. W.: Design of High Power Electromagnetic
Integrated Transformers by means of Reluctance Models and a
Structured Survey of Leakage Paths. Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Power
Electronics Specialists Conference, Aachen, Germany, June 20 – 25,
CD-ROM, ISBN: 07803-8400-8 (2004).
[57] Ide, P., Schafmeister, F., Fröhleke, N., and Grotstollen, H.: Enhanced
Control Scheme for Three-Phase / Three-Level Rectifiers at Partial
Load. Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists
Conference, Aachen, Germany, June 20 – 25, CD-ROM, ISBN: 078038400-8 (2004).
[56] Gong, G., Heldwein, M.L., Drofenik, U., Mino, K., and Kolar, J. W.:
Comparative Evaluation of Three-Phase High Power Factor AC-DC
Coverter Concepts for Application in Future More Electric Aircraft.
Proceedings of the 19th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics
Conference and Exposition, Anaheim (California), USA, February
22 – 26, Vol. 2, pp. 1152-1159 (2004).
[55] Heldwein, M. L. , and Kolar, J. W.: A Novel SiC J-FET Gate Drive Circuit
for Sparse Matrix Converter Applications. Proceedings of the 19th
Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition,
Anaheim (California), USA, February 22 – 26, Vol. 1, pp. 116-121 (2004).
[54] Gong, G., Drofenik, U., and Kolar, J. W.: 12-Pulse Rectifier for More
Electric Aircraft Applications. Proceedings of the 3rd International
Conference on Industrial Technology, Maribor, Slovenia, Dec. 10 – 12,
CD-ROM, ISBN: 0-7803-7853-9 (2003).
[53] Kolar, J. W., and Schafmeister, F.: Novel Modulation Schemes Minimizing the Switching Losses of Sparse Matrix Converters. Proceedings
of the 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industry Electronics
Society, Roanoke (VA), USA, Nov. 2 – 6, pp. 2085-2090 (2003).
[52] Mino, K., Herold, S., and Kolar, J. W.: A Gate Drive Circuit for Silicon
Carbide JFET. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the
IEEE Industry Electronics Society, Roanoke (VA), USA, Nov. 2 – 6, pp.
1162-1166 (2003).
[51] Drofenik, U., and Kolar, J. W.: Thermal Analysis of a Multi-Chip Si/
SiC-Power Module for Realization of a Bridge Leg of a 10kW Vienna
Rectifier. Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Telecommunications
Energy Conference, Yokohama, Japan, Oct. 19 – 23, pp. 826-833 (2003).
[50] Laimer, G., and Kolar, J. W.: ‚Zero‘-Ripple EMI Input Filter Concepts
for Application in a 1-U 500kHz Si/SiC Three-Phase PWM Rectifier.
Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Telecommunications
Energy Conference, Yokohama, Japan, Oct. 19 – 23, pp. 750-756 (2003).
[49] Greul, R., Drofenik, U., and Kolar, J. W.: Analysis and Comparative
Evaluation of a Three-Phase Unity Power Factor Y-Rectifier. Proceedings
of the 25th IEEE International Telecommunications Energy Conference, Yokohama, Japan, Oct. 19 – 23, pp. 421-428 (2003).
[48] Nussbaumer, T., and Kolar, J. W.: Advanced Modulation Scheme for
Three-Phase Three-Switch Buck-Type PWM Rectifier Preventing Mains
Current Distortion Originating from Sliding Input Filter Capacitor
Voltage Intersections. Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Power Electronics
Specialists Conference, Acapulco, Mexico, June 15 – 19, Vol. 3,
pp. 1086-1091 (2003).
[47] Baumann, M., and Kolar, J. W.: A Novel Control Concept for Reliable
Operation of a Three-Phase Three-Switch Buck-Type Unity Power
Factor Rectifier with Integrated Boost Output Stage under Heavily
Unbalanced Mains Condition. Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Power
Electronics Specialists Conference, Acapulco, Mexico, June 15 – 19,
Vol. 1, pp. 3-10 (2003).
[46] Cavalcante, F., and Kolar, J. W.: Design of a 5kW High Output Voltage
Series-Parallel Resonant DC-DC Converter. Proceedings of the 34th
IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Acapulco, Mexico, June
15 – 19, Vol. 4, pp. 1807-1814 (2003).
[45] Gong, G., Ertl, H., and Kolar, J. W.: High-Frequency Isolated DC/DC
Converter for Input Voltage Conditioning of a Linear Power Amplifier.
Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference,
Acapulco, Mexico, June 15 – 19, Vol. 4, pp. 1929-1934 (2003).
[44] Drofenik, U., Gong, G., and Kolar, J. W.: A Novel Bi-Directional ThreePhase Active Third-Harmonic Injection High Input Current Quality
AC-DC Converter. Proceedings of the 9th European Power Quality Conference (PCIM), Nuremberg, Germany, May 20 – 22, pp. 243-254 (2003).
[43] Ertl, J., Wiesinger, T., Kolar, J. W., and Zach, F. C.: A Simple Active
Method to Avoid the Balancing Losses of DC Link Capacitors. Proceedings of the 47 th European Power Electronics Conference (PCIM), Nuremberg, Germany, May 20 – 22, pp. 459-464 (2003).
[42] Greul, R., and Kolar, J. W.: Experimental Analysis of a 10kW Wide
Input Voltage Range Modular Three-Phase Unity Power Factor PWM
Delta-Rectifier. Proceedings of the 9th European Power Quality
Conference (PCIM), Nuremberg, Germany, May 20 – 22 (2003).
[41] Baumann, M., and Kolar, J. W.: A 5 kW Three-Phase Buck Boost
Telecommunications Power Supply Module Input Stage Maintaining
Unity Power Factor Under Failure of a Mains Phase. Proceedings
of the 9th European Power Quality Conference (PCIM), Nuremberg,
Germany, May 20 – 22, pp. 291-298 (2003).
[40] Kolar, J. W., Miniböck, J., and Baumann, M.: Three-Phase PWM Power
Conversion – The Route to Ultra High Power Density and Efficiency.
Proceedings of the 2003 CPES Annual Seminar/Industry Review,
Blacksburg (VA), USA, April 27 - 29, (2003).
[39] Schafmeister, F., Herold, S., and Kolar, J. W.: Evaluation of 1200VSi-IGBTs and 1300 V-SiC-JFETs for Application in Three-Phase Very Sparse
Matrix AC-AC Converter Systems. Proceedings of the 18th Annual IEEE
Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Miami Beach
(Florida), USA, February 9 – 13, Vol. 1, pp. 241-255 (2003).
[38] Drofenik, U., and Kolar, J. W.: Teaching Thermal Design of Power
Electronic Systems with Web-Based Interactive Educational Software. Proceedings of the 18th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics
Conference and Exposition, Miami Beach (Florida), USA, February
9 – 13, Vol. 2, pp. 1029-1037 (2003).
[37] Cavalcante, F., and Barbi, I.: A New Dimmable 70 W Electronic Ballast
for High Pressure Sodium Lamps. Conference Record of the 2002 IEEE
Industry Applications Conference. 37 th IAS Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), USA, Oct. 13 – 17, Vol. 3, pp. 1856-1862 (2002).
[36] Baumann, M., and Kolar, J. W.: Experimental Evaluation of Space
Vector Orientated Active DC-Side Current Balancing of Two Parallel
Connected Three-Phase Three-Switch Buck-Type Unity Power Factor
Rectifier Systems. Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Telecommunications Energy Conference, Montreal, Canada, Sept. 29 – Oct. 3,
pp. 317-324 (2002).
[35] Schafmeister, F., and Kolar, J. W.: Analyse der Regelung einer permanenterregten Synchronmaschine bei Speisung durch einen dreiphasigen Sparse-Matrix-Konverter. Ansoft‘s Inspiring Design Worldwide
Workshop, Stuttgart, Germany, Oct. 8 (2002).
[34] Lindemann, A., Baumann, M., and Kolar, J. W.: Comparison of
Different Bidirectional Bipolar Switches for Use in Sparse Matrix
Converters. Proceedings of the 10th International Power Electronics
and Motion Control Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Sept. 9 – 11,
CD-ROM, ISBN: 953-184-047-4 (2002).
[33] Drofenik, U., and Kolar, J. W.: Teaching Basics of Inductive Power
Components Using Interactive Java Applets Performing FEM-Based
On-Line Calculation of the Magnetic Flux Distribution. Proceedings
of the 10th International Power Electronics and Motion Control
Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Sept. 9 – 11, CD-ROM, ISBN: 953-184047-4 (2002).
[32] Schafmeister, F., Baumann, M., and Kolar, J. W.: Analytically Closed
Calculation of the Conduction and Switching Losses of Three-Phase
AC-AC Sparse Matrix Converters. Proceedings of the 10th International
Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Dubrovnik,
Croatia, Sept. 9 – 11, CD-ROM, ISBN: 953-184-047-4 (2002).
[31] Nishida, Y., Drofenik, U., and Kolar, J. W.: Interactive Animation
Program for Power Electronics Education and Self-Learning. Proceedings
of the 2002 Annual Conference IEE Japan (in Japanese), Kagoshima,
Japan, August 21 – 23, CD-ROM (2002).
[30] Nussbaumer, T., and Kolar, J. W.: Comparative Evaluation of Control
Techniques for a Three-Phase Three-Switch Buck-Type AC-to-DC PWM
Converter System. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Nordic Workshop
on Power and Industrial Electronics, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 12 – 14,
CD-ROM, ISSN: 1650 674x (2002).
[29] Laimer, G., and Kolar, J. W.: Wide Bandwidth Low Complexity Isolated
Current Sensor to be Employed in a 10 kW/500 kHz Three-Phase Unity
Power Factor PWM Rectifier System. Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE
Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Cairns, Australia, June
23 – 27, Vol. 3, pp. 1065-1070 (2002).
[28] Drofenik, U., and Kolar, J. W.: Interactive Power Electronics Seminar
(iPES) - A Web-Based Introductory Power Electronics Course Employing
Java-Applets. Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Power Electronics Specialists
Conference, Cairns, Australia, June 23 – 27, Vol. 2, pp. 443-448 (2002).
[27] Baumann, M., and Kolar, J. W.: Analysis of the Effects of Non-Idealities
of Power Components and Mains Voltage Unbalance on the Operating
Behavior of a Three-Phase/Switch Buck-Type Unity Power Factor
PWM Rectifier. Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Power Electronics Specialists
Conference, Cairns, Australia, June 23 – 27, Vol. 4, pp. 1607-1612 (2002).
[26] Miniböck, J., and Kolar, J. W.: Wide Input Voltage Range High Power
Density High Efficiency 10 kW Three-Phase Three-Level Unity Power
Factor PWM Rectifier. Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Power Electronics
Specialists Conference, Cairns, Australia, June 23 – 27, Vol. 4, pp. 16421648 (2002).
[25] Miniböck J., and Kolar J. W.: A Novel 10 kW 2-U Three-Phase Unity Power
Factor Rectifier Module. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Integrated Power Systems, Bremen, Germany, June 11 – 12,
pp. 19-23 (2002).
[24] Miniböck, J., and Kolar, J. W.: A Highly Versatile Laboratory Setup
for Teaching Basics of Power Electronics in Industry Related Form.
Proceedings of the 8th European Power Quality Conference (PCIM),
Nuremberg, Germany, May 14 – 16, pp. 119-123 (2002).
[23] Laimer, G., and Kolar, J. W.: Accurate Measurement of the Switching
Losses of Ultra High Switching Speed CoolMOS Power Transistor/SiC
Diode Combination Employed in Unity Power Factor PWM Rectifier
Systems. Proceedings of the 8th European Power Quality Conference
(PCIM), Nuremberg, Germany, May 14 – 16, pp. 71-78 (2002).
[22] Ertl, J., Kolar J. W., Morauf, G., and Zach, F. C.: Analysis of Active
Ripple Current Compensators Employing Multi-Cell Switch-Mode
Amplifier Topologies. Proceedings of the 8th European Power Quality
Conference (PCIM), Nuremberg, Germany, May 14 – 16, pp. 125-131 (2002).
[21] Baumann, M., and Kolar, J. W.: DC Side Current Balancing of Two
Parallel Connected Interleaved Three-Phase Three-Switch Buck-Type
Unity Power Factor PWM Rectifier Systems. Proceedings of the 8th
European Power Quality Conference (PCIM), Nuremberg, Germany,
May 14 – 16, pp. 63-70 (2002).
[20] Drofenik, U., and Kolar, J. W.: Modern and Intuitive Way of Teaching
Space Vector Calculus and PWM in an Undergraduate Course.
Proceedings of the 3rd Power Conversion Conference, Osaka, Japan,
April 2 – 5, Vol. 1, pp. 305-310 (2002).
[19] Baumann, M., and Kolar, J. W.: Minimization of the DC Current Ripple
of a Three-Phase Buck Boost PWM Unity Power Factor Rectifier.
Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Power Conversion Conference, Osaka,
Japan, April 2 – 5, Vol. 2, pp. 472-477 (2002).
[18] Miniböck, J., Greul, R., and Kolar, J. W.: A Novel Control Concept for
Operating a Two-Stage Delta-Rectifier-Based Telecommunications
Power Supply Module under Heavily Unbalanced Mains Voltage Conditions. Proceedings of the 17 th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics
Conference and Exposition, Dallas (Texas), USA, March 10 – 14, Vol. 2,
pp. 716-721 (2002).
[17] Kolar, J. W., Baumann, M., Schafmeister, F., and Ertl, H.: Novel ThreePhase AC-DC-AC Sparse Matrix Converter. Part I - Derivation, Basic
Principle of Operation, Space Vector Modulation, Dimensioning.
Proceedings of the 17 th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Dallas (Texas), USA, March 10 – 14, Vol. 2,
pp. 777-787 (2002).
[16] Drofenik, U., and Kolar, J. W.: Survey of Modern Approaches of
Education in Power Electronics. Proceedings of the 17 th Annual IEEE
Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Dallas (Texas),
USA, March 10 – 14, Vol. 2, pp. 749-755 (2002).
[15] Baumann, M., Stögerer, F., and Kolar, J. W.: Novel Three-Phase ACDC-AC Sparse Matrix Converter. Part II – Experimental Analysis of the
Very Sparse Matrix Converter. Proceedings of the 17 th Annual IEEE
Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Dallas (Texas),
USA, March 10 – 14, Vol. 2, pp. 788-791 (2002).
[14] Miniböck, J., Greul, R., and Kolar, J. W.: Evaluation of a DeltaConnection of Three Single-Phase Unity Power Factor Rectifier
Modules (Delta-Rectifier) in Comparison to a Direct Three-Phase
Rectifier Realization. Part II – Components Stress Evaluation,
Efficiency, Control. Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Telecommunications Energy Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom,
Oct. 14 – 18, pp. 446-454 (2001).
[13] Baumann, M., and Kolar, J. W.: Experimental Analysis of a 5 kW Wide
Input Voltage Range Three-Phase Buck Boost Power Factor Corrector.
Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Telecommunications Energy
Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Oct. 14 – 18, pp. 146-153 (2001).
[12] Drofenik, U., Kolar, J. W., van Duijsen, P.J., and Bauer, P.: New
Web-Based Interactive E-Learning in Power Electronics and Electrical
Machines. Conference Record of the 2001 IEEE Industry Applications
Conference. 36th IAS Annual Meeting, Chicago (Illinois), USA, Sept.
30 – Oct. 4, Vol. 3, pp. 1858-1865 (2001).
[11] Miniböck, J., and Kolar, J. W.: Experimental Analysis of the Application
of Latest SiC Diode and CoolMOS Power Transistor Technology in
a 10kW Three-Phase PWM (VIENNA) Rectifier. Proceedings of the 43rd
International Power Electronics Conference (PCIM), Nuremberg,
Germany, June 19 – 21, pp. 121-125 (2001).
[10] Kolar, J. W., Stögerer, F., and Nishida, Y.: Evaluation of a DeltaConnection of Three Single-Phase Unity Power Factor Rectifier Systems
(Delta-Rectifier) in Comparison to a Direct Three-Phase Rectifier
Realization. Part I – Modulation Schemes and Input Current Ripple.
Proceedings of the 7 th European Power Quality Conference (PCIM),
Nuremberg, Germany, June 19 – 21, pp. 101-108 (2001).
Ertl, H., Kolar, J. W., and Zach, F.C.: A Novel Multi-Cell DC-AC Converter
for Applications in Renewable Energy Systems. Proceedings of the
43rd International Power Electronics Conference (PCIM), Nuremberg,
Germany, June 19 – 21, pp. 579-586 (2001).
Baumann, M., and Kolar, J. W.: Experimental Evaluation of a ThreePhase Three-Switch Buck-Type Unity Power Factor Corrector.
Proceedings of the 7 th European Power Quality Conference (PCIM),
Nuremberg, Germany, June 19 – 21, pp. 69-75 (2001).
Stögerer, F., Miniböck, J., and Kolar, J. W.: Design and Experimental
Verification of a Novel 1.2 kW 480 Vdc/24 Vac Two-Switch Three-Phase
DCM Flyback-Type Unity Power Factor Rectifier. Proceedings of
the 32nd Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Vancouver, Canada,
June 17 – 21, Vol. 2, pp. 914-919 (2001).
Stögerer, F., Miniböck, J., and Kolar, J. W.: Implementation of a Novel
Control Concept for Reliable Operation of a VIENNA Rectifier under
Heavily Unbalanced Mains Voltage Conditions. Proceedings of
the 32nd Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Vancouver, Canada,
June 17 – 21, Vol. 3, pp. 1333-1338 (2001).
Miniböck, J., and Kolar, J. W.: Comparative Theoretical and
Experimental Evaluation of Bridge Leg Topologies of a Three-Phase
Three-Level Unity Power Factor Rectifier. Proceedings of the 32nd
Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June
17 – 21, Vol. 3, pp. 1641-1646 (2001).
Baumann, M., and Kolar, J. W.: Comparative Evaluation of Modulation
Methods for a Three-Phase / Switch Buck Power Factor Corrector
Concerning the Input Capacitor Voltage Ripple. Proceedings of
the 32nd IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Vancouver,
Canada, June 17 – 21, Vol. 3, pp. 1327-1333 (2001).
Stögerer, F., Miniböck, J., and Kolar, J. W.: A Novel Concept for Mains
Voltage Proportional Input Current Shaping of a VIENNA Rectifier
Eliminating Controller Multipliers. Part II – Operation for Heavily
Unbalanced Mains Phase Voltages and in Wide Input Voltage Range.
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference,
Anaheim (California), USA, March 4 – 8, Vol. 1, pp. 587-591 (2001).
Miniböck, J., Stögerer, F., and Kolar, J. W.: A Novel Concept for Mains
Voltage Proportional Input Current Shaping of a VIENNA Rectifier
Eliminating Controller Multipliers. Part I – Basic Theoretical Considerations and Experimental Verification. Proceedings of the 16th IEEE
Applied Power Electronics Conference, Anaheim (California), USA,
March 4 – 8, Vol. 1, pp. 582-586 (2001).
Baumann, M., Stögerer, F., Kolar, J. W., and Lindemann, A.: Design
of a Novel Multi-Chip Power Module for a Three-Phase Buck+Boost
Unity Power Factor Utility Interface Supplying the Variable Voltage
DC Link of a Square-Wave Inverter Drive. Proceedings of the 16th IEEE
Applied Power Electronics Conference, Anaheim (California), USA,
March 4 – 8, Vol. 2, pp. 820-827 (2001).
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