Uploaded by Nolan Spann

KINE 223 Midterm Feedback Survey: Student Opinions

Midterm Feedback for KINE 223
Howdy Ags!
This is a survey that will help me with planning for the rest of the term and for future terms. You
are not required to take this survey, but it helps me to know what is working well and what is
not! Your feedback is important enough to me that I'm giving assignment points for completion
(NOT CONTENT, or positive vs negative feedback) of the survey.
I truly appreciate your feedback.
1. Please comment on the amount of content (things you are learning). Is it appropriate for
a 3-credit course?
a. There’s way too much content/work; I’m overwhelmed.
b. There’s a little too much content, I feel challenged but able.
c. The amount of content seems about right.
d. The course seems a little light on content, it’s really easy to keep up.
e. The course seems VERY light on content, I feel like I’m wasting my time.
f. Other:
Comment please: It is sometimes a lot of information to process, the GABA and glutamate
information especially, took lots of time for me to understand.
2. I am regularly investing time in reading the materials, practicing example problems, and
studying topics that I don’t understand well.
a. Strongly Disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neutral
d. Agree
e. Strongly Agree
Comment please: ***Please communicate approximately how many hours/week you spend
on this course outside of class meeting times, and do your best to accurately estimate the
time. - 3 hrs? it is very specific to the week, it could be much more or none at all
3. I find the feedback I get on assignments and questions asked to be useful, respectful and
a. Strongly Disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neutral
d. Agree
e. Strongly Agree
Comment please: I agree.
4. Please comment on the number of assignments/tests.
a. This course has too many assignments. I'd prefer to have fewer, high scoring
b. This course has about the right number of assignments/tests.
c. This course has too few assignments. I'd prefer more assignments that have
smaller scores.
Comment please: I feel that more assignments will allow for a more positive grade, maybe
more ted talk videos? The Tests feel too heavy as I did not my best but ok on a test but it still
dropped my grade by almost 4 percentage points.
5. As a whole, I am satisfied with how this class is being delivered.
a. Strongly Disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neutral
d. Agree
e. Strongly Agree
Comment please: overall the class seems fair but some things for this semester were
confusing, like the reading material. I did not know we had this until it was brought up during a
workout as a late reminder to get it done.
6. As a whole, I am satisfied with my performance in the course.
a. Strongly Disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neutral
d. Agree
e. Strongly Agree
Comment please: yes, the class feels fair and straightforward.
7. Please provide feedback to the INSTRUCTOR using the KISS method. The "kiss"
method allows you to tell the instructor something to Keep doing, something to
Improve, something to Start, and something to Stop.
a. Please keep: the class very positive, fair, and generally straightforward.
b. Please improve: Communications at the beginning of semester for the schedule
and expectations for tests.
c. Please start: Nothing to critic
d. Please stop: Nothing to critic
8. Anything else you would like to add to this conversation:
I am very happy with this course and it is one of my favorites! There are just one
or two small things that need attention. These problems could be from the impact
of covid.