Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2011) 472e482 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Geotextiles and Geomembranes journal homepage: A new procedure for measuring geosynthetic friction with an inclined plane L. Briançon a, *, H. Girard b,1, J.P. Gourc c, 2 a Cnam Paris, 2 rue Conté, 75141 Cedex 03, France Cemagref, 50 avenue de Verdun, Cestas 33610, France c LTHE, University Joseph Fourier, 38041 GRENOBLE Cedex 9, France b a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 16 October 2010 Received in revised form 2 March 2011 Accepted 1 April 2011 Available online 13 May 2011 A method for the determination of the friction angle of geosynthetic interfaces (specifically those in contact with soils at very low normal stresses) using an inclined plane is described by the European Standard EN ISO 12957-2. Following this “Standard Displacement Procedure”, the friction angle of a geosynthetic interface is determined using a displacement criterion between the tested geosynthetics. However, the “Standard Displacement Procedure” seems to be poorly suited for many interfaces. Herein, a new procedure is proposed, called the “Force Procedure”, which consists of measuring the force required to restrain a box on top of the interface beyond a limiting value of sliding displacement. With the “Force Procedure”, the friction is determined from the curve of friction mobilization versus planeinclination. The angle determined with the “Force Procedure” is not sensitive to the conditions of the test and is more representative of real-world conditions, as it takes into account displacements observed in the field. Based on the results of this study, it seems reasonable to suggest a revision of the EN ISO 12957-2 standard testing procedure. Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Inclined plane Friction Laboratory test Standard 1. Introduction Recent years have seen a large growth in engineering solutions involving the implementation of geosynthetic materials. One of the key issues concerning the mechanical characterization of geosynthetics is the friction at soil-geosynthetic and geosyntheticegeosynthetic interfaces. An estimation of this property is very important in optimizing construction solutions such as slopeliner systems, which are very commonly used in landfills and basins, for instance. Many failures of slope-liner systems have been observed (Koerner and Soong, 2000), often due to a poor characterization of interfacial friction (Wu et al., 2008) or incorrect choices in the construction sequence (Blight, 2007). Liner systems used on slopes combine different components such as geosynthetics and soil (Fig. 1). The liner system is designed by taking into account the different functions and efficiencies of the materials. These components are arranged to serve one or more purposes, including water tightness (geomembranes, GMB), drainage (geocomposites for drainage, GCD), reinforcement * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ33 158 808 758; fax: þ33 140 272 428. E-mail addresses: (L. Briançon), hugues.girard@ (H. Girard), (J.P. Gourc). 1 Tel.: þ33 575 890 800. 2 Tel.: þ33 687 860 873. 0266-1144/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.geotexmem.2011.04.002 (geotextiles, GTX or geogrids, GGR) and protection (cover soils or geotextiles). Designing such systems for slopes requires a preliminary assessment of the friction angles between the different layers, as the preferential critical sliding planes are generally located at the interfaces between these materials. Direct shear box and inclined plane experiments have been applied in the definition of two standard tests (EN ISO 12957-1, 2005; EN ISO 12957-2, 2005) recommended for the characterization of interfacial friction behavior, each with its own specifications and features. Several studies drawing a parallel between ‘‘inclined plane’’ apparatus and shear boxes have shown that the inclined plane is a more appropriate device for the characterization of geosynthetic friction under normal stresses lower than 10 kPa, whereas the direct shear box performs well under higher normal stresses (Girard et al., 1990; Koutsourais et al., 1991; Izgin and Wasti, 1998; Lala Rakotoson et al., 1999; Wasti and Ozduzgun, 2001; Palmeira et al., 2002; Palmeira, 2009; Reyes-Ramirez and Gourc, 2003; Wu et al., 2008). However, a more detailed observation shows that the conditions when unrolling and laying geosynthetics and the method of placement of the cover soil can be significantly different, causing variability in interfacial displacements; consequently, the sensitivity of the actual friction at the interfaces to different field conditions must be considered. The interface considered in this manuscript is between geomembrane and geotextile (or geocomposite) which is supposed to be the critical interface of the system: the upper geotextile is L. Briançon et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2011) 472e482 473 Fig. 2. Free-body diagram for the “Standard Displacement Procedure”. Fig. 1. Typical liner system on soil. responsible for the stability of the cover soil and the geomembrane the water tightness. The function of the geotextile (generally reinforced) is to sustain the cover soil. In order to limit the tensile mobilisation of the geomembrane, a low friction value between geotextile and geomembrane is required. 2. Background 2.1. “Standard Displacement Procedure” The standard EN ISO 12957-2 describes a method for determining the friction angle d of geosynthetic interfaces (geotextiles and geotextile-related products) in contact with soils at low normal stress using an inclined plane (called also a tilting-plane) apparatus with specific variations for geosyntheticegeosynthetic interfaces. This method has primarily been used as a performance test for site-specific soils, but it may also be used as an index test. Among the many points discussed, the most relevant ones are discussed below. In any friction method, the normal force to the interface, W$cosb, must be evenly applied to obtain a regular distribution of the normal stress over the entire surface of the specimen. EN ISO 12957-2 specified that the applied normal force must be such that the initial normal stress (for b ¼ 0) is equal to 5.0 0.1 kPa. The plane must be equipped with a mechanism for tilting the plane slowly and at a constant rate, i.e., db/dt ¼ 3.0 0.5 /min. The geosynthetic (lower layer) must be fixed to the inclined plane apparatus to limit any relative movement between the layer and the plane. The techniques used to fix the lower geosynthetic are sewing or gluing, using a rough support to increase the coefficient of friction, or anchoring the layer outside the contact area. Regarding the dimensions of the apparatus, the standard prescribes minimum dimensions for both the upper (length, lu ¼ 0.3 m, and width, bu ¼ 0.3 m) and lower (ll ¼ 0.4 m, bl ¼ 0.325 m) boxes. Any other test made on different sides of the sample or in a different direction should be made using virgin samples. The front and rear sides of the upper box are kept parallel, and their inclination is predetermined to be close to the vertical during the sliding phase. Following the “Standard Displacement Procedure”, the friction angle dstan of the geosyntheticegeosynthetic interface is determined by measuring the inclination angle, b50, of the apparatus at which the upper box with attached geosynthetic slides to a displacement of u ¼ 50 mm. The friction angle dstan is then calculated by considering a static equilibrium (Fig. 2), as follows: Ws ,sinb50 þ Frðb50 Þ N,tandstan ¼ 0 (1a) Ws ,cosb50 ¼ N (1b) Here, N is the reactive force balancing the normal component of the weight of the soil, WS, in the upper box with rollers; the normal component of the weight of an empty upper box, Wb, is independently balanced by the reaction of the metallic frame. A calibration is first performed with the empty upper box to assess the corresponding tangential friction force, Fb, as follows: Wb ,sinb Fb ¼ FrðbÞ (2) where Fr (b) is the resulting force required to hold back the empty upper box. The value of the standard interface friction angle, dstan, is obtained combining Eqs. (1a) and (1b) to yield the following: tandstan ¼ Ws ,sinb50 þ Frðb50 Þ Ws ,cosb50 (3) Eqs. (1a) and (1b) are written regarding a static analysis, thus allowing Eq. (3) to determine the value of the standard friction angle, dstan, by taking into account the weight of the soil contained in the upper box (Ws), the plane-inclination angle (b50) and the force required to restrain the empty upper box Fr (b50) for a displacement u of the upper box equal to 50 mm. 2.2. Analysis of sliding Gourc and Reyes Ramirez (2004) modified a standard inclined plane apparatus (Fig. 3) to study the behavior of geosynthetic layers on slopes and through dynamic conditions. In this context, a few modifications were implemented in the inclined plane apparatus. For instance, the dimensions of the upper and lower boxes were altered to increase the length of the sliding displacement in the slope direction. The geosyntheticegeosynthetic interface setup was also simplified. The upper box filled with soil was replaced by a mobile-plate device. The mobile plate is composed of a geosynthetic sample glued onto a wooden plate (lu ¼ 0.18 m and bu ¼ 0.7 m), a metallic plate with fixed lateral guides and three different loads consisting of metallic plates. The length of the wooden plate, lu, was shortened to allow for the observation of sliding up to large displacements (u). Theoretically, the configurations of the lateral guides and the rolling contact enable a total transmission of normal stress to the geosynthetic interface and ensure an ideal displacement in relation to the slope; the guidance system is also assumed to be frictionless (Fr (b) ¼ 0). The dimensions of the lower box are 1.3 m in length (ll) and 0.8 m in width (bl), and the geosynthetic layer can be attached to it by anchoring grips or with an adhesive. The tilting velocity of the plane db/dt can be controlled and varies between 0.5 and 4.0 /min. 474 L. Briançon et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2011) 472e482 Fig. 3. Modified inclined plane apparatus used to observe dynamic conditions. From the results using this modified setup, Gourc and Reyes Ramirez (2004) divided the upper box sliding behavior into three characteristic phases (Fig. 4), as follows: - Gradual sliding: displacement u increases with inclination b, progressively increasing or displaying a stick-slip mode (jerky sliding) - Phase 1 (Static Phase): The upper box is practically motionless (the displacement of the upper box equals zero) over the inclined plane until a critical angle, b0, is reached. - Phase 2 (Transitory Phase): With increasing inclination beyond b0, the upper box moves gradually downward, and the acceleration g of the upper box increases. - Phase 3 (Non-Stabilized-Sliding Phase): At b ¼ bs, the upper box undergoes non-stabilized sliding at an increasing speed (constant acceleration gc), even if the plane-inclination is held constant at bS. For many interfaces exhibiting a gradual sliding behavior, the standard criterion seems to be poorly suited, in particular when Phase 2 is very long, i.e., Phase 3 occurs for sliding-displacement values greater than the standard value u ¼ 50 mm (Gourc and Reyes Ramirez, 2004). These authors showed that, even for sudden sliding, the standard method is unable to yield an accurate value of the friction angle d50 corresponding to u ¼ 50 mm because the standard recommends a static analysis (Eq. (3)) for conditions that are actually dynamic. An accurate relation must take into account the dynamic conditions (i.e., the constant acceleration gc in Phase 3); thus, the standard relations (Eqs. 1a and 1b) should be replaced with Eqs. (5a) and (5b): Here, b0 is defined as the plane-inclination angle at the static limit of equilibrium, and bS is the inclination angle for nonstabilized sliding. The observation of many displacement (u) versus inclination (b) diagrams (Fig. 5) highlights these different behaviors before reaching the same value of inclination, bS, where, in general, for a displacement u ¼ 50 mm and b50 ¼ bS; consequently, the same value of the standard interface friction angle dstan is found for either sudden sliding or gradual sliding (Eq. (4)), as follows: tandstan ¼ Ws ,sinbS þ FrðbS Þ Ws ,cosbS (4) where Fr (bS) ¼ 0 for this inclined plane. As indicated by Pitanga et al. (2009), Phase 2 may be one of two types (Fig. 5): - Sudden sliding: abrupt displacement of the upper box under non-stabilized sliding with a nearly nonexistent Phase 2 (b0 ¼ bS) gc Ws ,sinb50 N,tand50 ¼ Ws , g Ws ,cosb50 ¼ N (5a) (5b) The value of the actual friction angle d50 in place of dstan is similarly obtained by combining Eqs. (5a) and (5b) to give: tand50 ¼ Ws ,ðsinb50 gc =gÞ sinb50 gc =g ¼ Ws ,cosb50 cosb50 (6) where gc (m/s2) corresponds to the constant acceleration of the upper geosynthetic component of the interface during the nonstabilized-sliding phase (Phase 3) and g (m/s2) corresponds to the acceleration due to the gravity (g ¼ 9.8 m/s2). It is worth noting that a comparison of Eq. (3) and Eq. (6) shows that d50 <dstan, therefore, the “Standard Displacement Procedure” systematically overestimates the friction angle. Fig. 4. Different phases of the upper box sliding process. L. Briançon et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2011) 472e482 a 475 b Fig. 5. Different mechanisms of sliding: (a) sudden sliding; (b) gradual sliding. 3. A new “force procedure” for friction characterization: device and methodology As discussed in Section 2.2, the “Standard Displacement Procedure” is unsatisfactory for determining the friction angle; however, the dynamic approach taking into account the acceleration is not easy because monitoring the acceleration during the friction test is difficult. Therefore, a new test procedure was developed. Briançon et al. (2002) proposed a variant to the “Standard Displacement Procedure” for determining interfacial friction angle with the inclined plane apparatus by measuring the force required to restrain the upper box above a limiting value of the sliding displacement ulim. This method is called the “Force Procedure” to distinguish it from the previous one, which is called the “Displacement Procedure” because only displacements are monitored. When acceleration is not taken into account, this is the “Standard Displacement Procedure”. Since 2002, experiments have been performed on many interfaces using both the “Standard Displacement Procedure” and “Force Procedure” tests. The “Force Procedure” has been modified to improve the feasibility and the repeatability of the test. This section presents the new developments in determining the friction at the geosyntheticegeosynthetic interface with the “Force Procedure” test. This procedure could also be applied to geosyntheticesoil interfaces (Briançon et al., 2002), but these were not studied in the present work. 3.1. Inclined plane device The apparatus (Fig. 6) is composed of a lower box onto which is fitted an upper box. The upper box can move along a system of wheels on rails located on either side of the lower box. The upper box was generally filled with a 30-cm thick layer of soil as a load. In the present test, a rigid plate was fixed onto the lower box. The frictional interface of 1 m2 (bu ¼ 1m, lu ¼ 1m, bl ¼ 1.2 m, ll ¼ 2 m) made it possible to conduct tests on geosynthetic samples of large dimensions. The geosynthetics were placed between the two boxes. Depending on the interface to be tested, they were either attached to the upper box or fixed to anchoring grips on the lower box. The space between the two boxes is adjustable, thus enabling the testing of Geosynthetic Liner Systems of varying thickness and composed of one to four geosynthetics. A computer-controlled Fig. 6. Inclined-plane apparatus used for the new procedure. 476 L. Briançon et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2011) 472e482 Fig. 7. Sketch of the different steps of the “Force Procedure” test. motorized winch manages the tilting of the plane at variable controlled lifting rates (db/dt ¼ 0.5e3.5 /min). The Standard Procedure EN ISO 12957-2 can be applied with this inclined plane, and other procedures have been developed for both dry and wet conditions (Briançon et al., 2002). 3.2. Description of the “force procedure” The upper box is linked to the inclined-plane frame by means of a loose cable (Fig. 7), and a force sensor is connected between the frame and the cable. Upon reaching a predetermined value, ulim, of the upper box displacement corresponding to an inclination b ¼ blim, the cable is stretched, and the force F (b) required to restrain the upper box filled with soil is measured. The test consisted of three steps (Fig. 7): - Step 1 corresponds to the static state of the upper box with respect to the lower plane during the tilting process (b < b0). - Step 2 corresponds to the transitory state; the upper box slides, gradually or suddenly, until the stretching of the cable corresponds to ulim (b0 b blim). - Step 3 corresponds to the stretched condition of the cable after the sliding; here, the variation of F is monitored during the continuous tilting process (b > blim). The upper box can be considered to be in a static state with respect with the lower box if the elongation of the cable under the tensile force F is neglected. The analysis of the free-body diagram (Fig. 8) for the tested interfaces during Step 1 (in which static conditions are checked) and Step 3 (in which pseudo-static conditions are checked) leads to the following equilibrium conditions: Ws ,sinb þ FrðbÞ N,tand FðbÞ ¼ 0 (7a) Ws ,cosb ¼ N (7b) tand ¼ Ws ,sinb þ FrðbÞ FðbÞ Ws ,cosb (8) where Fr (b) is the force required to restrain the empty upper box in relation to the plane angle, Ws the weight of soil contained in the upper box and F (b) is the additional force required to restrain the upper box filled with soil. For both static Steps 1 and 3, d is the variable friction angle at the interface. During the transitory Step 2, in which the upper box is sliding, the analysis of the free-body diagram for the tested interfaces leads to the following equilibrium conditions: Ws ,sinb þ FrðbÞ N,tand FðbÞ ¼ Ws , g (9a) g Ws ,cosb ¼ N tand ¼ (9b) Ws ,ðsinb g=gÞ þ FrðbÞ FðbÞ Ws ,cosb (10) As the acceleration g of the upper geosynthetic component is not measured, it is not possible to determine the value of the friction angle d even if the tensile force of the cable F (b) is monitored continuously during the test. 3.3. Results with the new procedure 3.3.1. Presentation of the results Several examples using different geotextileegeomembrane interfaces (with the former generally in the upper position) are presented in Section 3.3.7. As noted above, it is not possible to calculate the variable friction angle d during Step 2, as the acceleration g is not monitored. For greater convenience, the friction is represented as the value of l, which is plotted along the entire friction test, as follows: tanl ¼ Ws ,sinb þ FrðbÞ FðbÞ Ws ,cosb (11) Table 1 Physical properties of the tested geosynthetics. Geosynthetics Characteristics Composition Thickness under 2 kN/m2 Mass per unit area Fig. 8. Free-body diagram for the “Force Procedure” test. Geomembranes Property Thickness under 2 kN/m2 Surface Unit mm g/m 2 Unit mm nwn(R) nwn þ PET yarns 1.45 nwn(P1) nwn endless fibers nwn(P2) nwn short fibers nwh nwh 2.5 2.8 0.59 260 400 300 220 PVC 1.5 HDPE 2 PP 1 EPDM 1.14 smooth smooth smooth smooth L. Briançon et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2011) 472e482 477 Here, tan l is the only parameter that it is possible to evaluate during the entire test. During Steps 1 and 3; tanl ¼ tand (12) During Step 2; tanl ¼ tand þ g=ðg:cosbÞ (13) 3.3.2. Geosynthetics used for the tests The performance of the new procedure was validated on many interfaces, including those between the following: Fig. 9. Standard procedure applied on interfaces illustrating both sliding behavior. - four smooth geomembranes: a polyvinyl chloride geomembrane (GMBPVC), a high-density polyethylene geomembrane (GMBHDPE), a polypropylene geomembrane (GMBPP) and an ethylene/propylene/diene terpolymer geomembrane (GMBEPDM), - four geosynthetics: a reinforced geocomposite consisting of non-woven, needle-punched and knitted PET yarns on top Fig. 10. a. Measurement during the “Force Procedure” test for sudden sliding. b. Graphic analysis of the “Force Procedure” test for sudden sliding (example of friction between GMBHDPE and GTXnwn(R)). 478 L. Briançon et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2011) 472e482 Fig. 11. a. Measurement during the “Force Procedure” test for gradual sliding. b. Graphic analysis of the “Force Procedure” test for gradual sliding (example for friction between GMBPP and GTXnwn(R)). (GTXnwn(R)), two non-woven needle-punched geotextiles GTXnwn(P1) and GTXnwn(P2) and a non-woven heated geotextile GTXnwh. The physical properties of these geosynthetics are given in Table 1. Smooth geomembranes have been used for all tests since in the landfill cover system it is usual to lay out a smooth geomembrane under a reinforcement geotextile (or a geocomposite drain) to obtain a maximal tensile force in the geotextile and to minimize the tensile force in the geomembrane. All the products are tested in the machine direction and for the reinforced geocomposite GTXnwn(R), the side with PET yarns has been tested. All interfaces are tested with the standard procedure to compare the result with the force procedure. Two interfaces are presented (Fig. 9) to illustrate both sliding behaviors: - gradual sliding with GMBPP/GTXnwn(R) interface, - sudden sliding with GMBHDPE/GTXnwn(R) interface. 3.3.3. Analysis in the case of sudden sliding Fig. 10 presents an example of sudden sliding (Fig. 5a) for an interface between a GMBHDPE and a reinforced non-woven, needle-punched fabric, GTXnwn(R). For the “Force Procedure” test, the force F(b) and the displacement u of the upper box were measured (Fig. 10a). From these measures, the parameter l, calculated from (Eq. (11)), is plotted versus the plane-inclination b (Fig. 10b). In this example (Fig. 10), the length of the cable was adjusted to obtain ulim ¼ 100 mm. From (Eq. (11)) and (Eq. (12)) with F (b) ¼ 0, the variable friction angle d can be calculated during all of Step 1. Step 1. During Step 1, (b < b0) and the mobilization of friction is partial; as the driving forces (Ws$sinb þ Fr (b)) are less than the maximal resistant forces (Ws$cosb$tand), the value of l increases to a peak corresponding to the beginning of the force F (b) increase. It is possible to define a first friction angle d0 corresponding to the initialization of the sliding for b ¼ b0 as follows: L. Briançon et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2011) 472e482 479 Fig. 12. Influence of the displacement ulim on dpeak (friction between GMBEPDM and GTXnwh). Ws ,sinb0 þ Frðb0 Þ tand0 ¼ Ws ,cosb0 (14) In the case of “sudden sliding”, the end of Step 1 also corresponds to the maximum value, lpeak. The force F (b) increases suddenly (Step 2) when the sliding displacement begins, here, for b0 ¼ 11.5 corresponding to the end of the Step 1. Thus, in this example, for b ¼ b, d0 ¼ 15.7. In the case of sudden sliding, l ¼ lpeak obtained for b ¼ bpeak is such that bpeak ¼ b0. Step 2. Step 2 is not used for the analysis and the shape of the curve during this step depends on the interface tested, as highlighted below. The value of l evaluated from (Eq. (11)) is no longer equal to the value of d due to the dynamic mechanical conditions (Eq. (13)). Step 3. At the end of the sliding step (b ¼ blim), Step 3 begins; the driving forces are higher than the friction-resistant forces, and there is a full mobilization of the friction corresponding to a displacement ulim. The force F (b) of the cable increases to equilibrate the difference between the driving forces and the friction-resistant forces (Fig. 10a), and a slight additional displacement (u > ulim) is observed corresponding to the elongation of the cable: l versus b reaches a constant value (Fig. 10b). It is worth noting that following Step 2, there is a stabilization of the friction mobilization. Because (Eq. (12)) is still valid here, a second characteristic parameter can be determined on the plateau (dlim ¼ llim for b > blim) after the stabilization of the system (Fig. 10b). Here, dlim a corresponds to the pseudo-static phase (Step 3) beyond the displacement ulim of the upper box (Eq. (15)) as follows: tandlim ¼ h i Ws ,sinb þFrðbÞFðbÞ for b> blim plateauvalue : step3 Ws ,cosb (15) In this example (Fig. 10), dlim ¼ 11.4 . Therefore, it is possible to determine two different friction angles from the “Force Procedure” test: d0, corresponding to the initialization of the sliding, and dlim, corresponding to the plateau value. In contrast, for sudden sliding, d0 ¼ dstan (Section 2). For the present tests, a cable with relatively low tensile stiffness is used to absorb the impact after the displacement of the upper box (noticeable in particular for brittle interfaces) at the end of step 2. During the phase 3, there is a slight increase of the relative displacement due to the tensile elongation of the cable, but the value of the angle dlim is independent of the corresponding displacement. 3.3.4. Analysis in the case of gradual sliding Fig. 11 presents an example of gradual sliding (Fig. 5b) for an interface between a GMBPP and the same non-woven, needlepunched GTXnwn(R) used for the sudden sliding example (Section 3.3.1). In this example, the length of the cable is adjusted to obtain ulim ¼ 60 mm. As for the previous example of sudden sliding, Step 2 is defined as b0 b blim. However, unlike the case of sudden sliding, the force F (b) gradually increases during Step 2 from the initiation of sliding at b ¼ b0. b Fig. 13. Influence of the displacement ulim on the llim determination: example of friction between (a) GMBHDPE-GTXnwn(P1) and (b) GMBPVC-GTXnwn(R). 480 L. Briançon et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2011) 472e482 a b Fig. 14. Influence of the plane-inclination-rate on the llim determination: example of friction between (a) GMBEPDM-GTXnwh and (b) GMBHDPE-GTXnwn(P1). Step 1. The angle b0 is more difficult to define in the case of gradual sliding than in the case of sudden sliding; it could be chosen as a displacement of u ¼ 1e2 mm. From (Eq. (14)), the friction angle d0 can be calculated (Fig. 11) as follows: b0 ¼ 10.8 , d0 ¼ 14.9 . behavior; the peak angle friction could be identified as d0. On the other hand, the gradual sliding was associated to behavior without peak and only a limit friction angle was considered for large displacement. This is fully compatible with the results obtained by the force procedure: Step 2. As the displacement of the upper box is slow, the cable is not immediately under tension, and the force begins to increase for inclination b0; the cable is then stretched to the point bpeak corresponding to lpeak (Fig. 11). Unlike in the sudden sliding case, here b0 <bpeak <blim. Step 3. As in the previous case of sudden sliding, it is possible to determine a second characteristic parameter on the plateau, dlim, after the stabilization of the system for an inclination blim (Fig. 11b); from (Eq. (15)), dlim ¼ llim ¼ 14.5 . 3.3.5. Choice of the parameter to define the friction Apart from the case of sudden sliding, it is difficult to determine the value of the friction angle d0 corresponding to the initialization of the sliding and the plane-inclination b0, especially when the gradual sliding is very slow. In addition, this angle depends on the inclination rate and is therefore not truly an intrinsic parameter of the interface. Finally, b0 does not fit with the definition of a limiting slope, as it corresponds only to the initiation of the sliding and to a sliding displacement of zero. It was therefore proposed to consider only the limit friction angle dlim, which is the only intrinsic parameter common to the different types of sliding. Gourc and Reyes Ramirez (2004) highlighted that for brittle interfaces the sudden sliding was associated to a peak-residual a - for sudden sliding, an initial friction angle d0 is identified and for a relative displacement ulim a friction angle dlim d0 is determined. This angle dlim could in this case be identified as a residual value of the friction, - for gradual sliding, the value of the angle d0 is difficult to evaluate but clearly close to the friction angle value for large displacement dlim. This is consistent with the behavior without peak proposed by Gourc and Reyes Ramirez (2004). 3.3.6. Influence of the test conditions on the value of the friction angle dlim Hereinafter, only the diagrams of variation in l with angle b are presented, as these curves provide enough information to determine the variable friction angle d during Steps 1 and 3. Influence of the displacement ulim of the upper box. For tested interfaces, for the two types of sliding, the displacement ulim has no influence on the value of the friction angle dlim (Figs. 12 and 13), even if Step 2 (b0 b blim) is longer when the value of ulim increases. Consequently, it is better to choose a small displacement ulim: - for sudden sliding, limiting the value of ulim allows a limitation of the impact when the cable linked to the upper box (which exhibits an increasing displacement rate) is being stretched b Fig. 15. Influence of successive tests on the determination of llim: example of friction between (a) GMBHDPE and GTXnwn(P2) and (b) GMBPP and GTXnwn(P1). L. Briançon et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2011) 472e482 Table 2 Examples of friction angles determined with the Standard Procedure (dstan) and with the “Force Procedure” (dlim). * 481 3.3.7. Comparison of limit and standard values of the friction angle The results for the many geosynthetic interfaces tested by the authors with the inclined plane apparatus show that the type of GMB used, as shown below in Section 3.3.7, governs the sliding pattern initially. Sudden sliding occurred preferentially at interfaces with GMBHPDE, whereas gradual sliding was observed with GMBPP and GMBEPDM. For GMBPVC, the sliding pattern combined both gradual and sudden sliding, with a very slow displacement until 1 or 2 mm before exhibiting sudden sliding. A comparison of the friction angles determined from the Standard Procedure and those determined from the “Force Procedure” (Table 2) shows that the “Force Procedure” gave values lower than those found with the Standard Procedure for all tested interfaces. 4. Conclusions * the side with PET yarns has been tested - for gradual sliding when the sliding-displacement rate of the upper box is very slow, it’s a way to reduce the transitory stage in which it is not possible to determine the friction angle. Nevertheless, this limiting displacement must be sufficient to allow full mobilization of the friction at the interface. The tests presented on various (smooth) interfaces and for displacements ulim until 121 mm showed that a 20-mm displacement is required to ensure that the friction is fully mobilized, Indeed the selection of the value of ulim is a key point, no noticeable influence of ulim was observed for any tested interface. This could mean that the selected limit displacement is sufficient to mobilize the residual friction of the interface, but this value could be modified for other interfaces yet untested. Once ulim is reached, there is no further relative displacement (apart for that caused by the stretching of the cable) and therefore unless residual conditions are established for this displacement, there will not be. On the other hand, the influence of the cable stiffness was not considered in the present set of tests, but it could be interesting to consider different stiffnesses. Here the elongation of the cable doesn’t exceed a few mm and there is no obvious influence of this additional displacement on the value of the friction angle d. Influence of the plane-inclination-rate. For each interface, the tests were performed at four plane-inclination-rates (1.3 / min, 1.9 /min, 2.6 /min and 3.2 /min). For both types of sliding, the plane-inclination-rate had no significant influence on the value of the friction angle dlim ¼ llim (Fig. 14). This observation confirms that the friction angle dlim is an intrinsic parameter of the interface. Influence of the succession of tests. When the same interface was tested several times, even if the value of peak angle was modified for sudden sliding (Fig. 15a) or gradual sliding (Fig. 15b), the limit angle dlim ¼ llim was not sensitive to the succession of tests, except in the case of damage of the geosynthetics at the interface. An interface tested several times may be more representative of the conditions observed in the field: in fact, large relative displacements at the different interfaces often occur before the completion of the construction of a geosynthetic liner system. A comprehensive program of tests demonstrated that the friction parameter dstan measured with the “Standard Displacement Procedure” test overestimated the friction angle, in particular for gradual sliding (Table 2). Moreover, the analysis of the Standard procedure is not rigorous because a static approach is proposed for dynamic conditions. Due to the difficulties of implementing the Standard Procedure in dynamic conditions, in particular for gradual sliding with very slow displacements or for jerky sliding, the “Force Procedure” test seems to be the best procedure with which to assess the friction angle at geosynthetic interfaces with the inclined plane with greater accuracy. We proposed the selection of the residual angle dlim as the key parameter in the “Force Procedure” test for many reasons: - The experimental conditions of the test are simple to implement, and the monitoring is easy to perform. - This angle is not sensitive to the conditions of testing. - This angle is the only intrinsic parameter of the interface since it is independent of the relative displacement at the interface ulim from a minimum value of this displacement. - Even if it’s not totally demonstrated, the “Force procedure” is likely to provide a value of dlim close to the residual friction angle dres, while d0 could be close to the peak friction angle dpeak. The choice of the limit angle of the “Force Procedure” was also justified by the observations in the field: as noted, large relative displacements at the different interfaces are known to occur during the construction of geosynthetic liner systems. Thus, the limit value is more representative of these displacements as observed in the field. Some questions related to this new method are still pending: - one remaining important question is the appropriate selection of a value for ulim, the sliding displacement corresponding to the tensile mobilization of the cable linked to the upper box, - cables of different tensile stiffness should be tested, - the application of this “Force procedure” to a large range of geosyntheticegeosynthetic and soil-geosynthetic interfaces must be done in the next future. With these considerations, it seems reasonable to suggest a revision of the EN ISO 12957-2 standard methods to take into account the results presented herein because it was shown that the friction angle of geosynthetic interfaces under low normal stress can be more accurately determined with an inclined plane apparatus using the “Force Procedure”. 482 L. Briançon et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2011) 472e482 Nomenclature bl bu g ll lu F (b) Fr (b) GCD GMB GTX N Ws b blim bpeak bs b0 b50 d dlim dstan d0 d50 g gc l llim lpeak lower box width upper box width acceleration due to the gravity (¼9.8 m/s2) lower box length upper box length Force required restraining the upper box filled with soil resulting force to hold back the empty upper box geocomposite drain geomembrane geotextile reactive force balancing the normal component of the weight of the soil weight of the soil inside the upper box inclined plane-inclination plane-inclination angle separating step 2 and step 3 plane-inclination angle corresponding to lpeak plane-inclination angle for non-stabilized sliding plane-inclination angle at the static limit of equilibrium plane-inclination angle corresponding to a upper box displacement equal to 50 mm friction angle friction angle determined in step 3 in force procedure friction angle determined by the standard procedure friction angle corresponding to the initialization of the sliding in force procedure friction angle determined by the displacement procedure taking into account the dynamic conditions acceleration of the upper box constant acceleration of the upper box parameter representing the friction plotted along the entire friction test in force procedure parameter representing the friction determined for b ¼ blim parameter representing the friction determined for b ¼ bpeak References Blight, G.E., 2007. 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