Uploaded by Christina Green

Types of Familial Murder: Definitions & Classifications

Types of familial murder
The act of killing an uncle or refers to someone who commits such an act.
The act of killing one's brother & can either be done directly or via use of either a hired or an indoctrinated
intermediary (an assassin). The victim need not be the perpetrator's biological brother. In a military context,
fratricide refers to a service member killing a comrade.
Literally means killing of one's husband or romantic partner & refers to the act itself or the person who carries it
out. Used in current common law terminology as gender-neutral for either spouse or significant other of either
The act of killing one's mother.
The killing of one's parents or another close relative.
The act of killing one's father.
The act of killing one's own offspring. Common types are:
● Filicide​: The deliberate act of a parent killing his or her own child
● Infanticide​: Killing of one's infant (0–12 months)
● Neonaticide​: Killing of one's infant within first 24 hrs after birth
● Foeticide (or feticide):​ The act of destroying a fetus.
**Currently 38 states currently recognize the "unborn child" (the term usually used) or fetus as a homicide
victim & 23 of those states apply this principle throughout the period of prenatal development.
The act of killing one's own sister.
The act of murdering one's wife or romantic partner. It can refer to the act itself or the person who carries it out.