CHAPTER 32 INTRODUCTION Ultrasound of the penis Anthony J. Edey, C. Jason Wilkins and Paul S. Sidhu 621 NORMAL ANATOMY AND ULTRASOUND APPEARANCES 621 ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION 621 Background 621 Physiology of the erectile process 623 STIMULATED COLOUR DOPPLER ULTRASOUND Pharmacological agents 623 Technique 623 Baseline imaging 623 Normal response 624 Arteriogenic erectile dysfunction 624 Veno-occlusive erectile dysfunction 624 Further imaging 625 False venous leak 626 623 PRIAPISM 627 Non-ischaemic priapism 627 Ischaemic priapism 627 PEYRONIE’S DISEASE PENILE FIBROSIS 627 628 PENILE MASSES 628 PENILE TRAUMA 629 URETHRAL ULTRASOUND 629 INTRODUCTION Ultrasound plays an important role in the evaluation of penile pathology. High-frequency ‘small parts’ linear transducers allow interrogation of the greyscale anatomy and dynamic vascular imaging of the normal and diseased penis. Diagnostic images can be obtained with few artefacts in a non-invasive manner and without exposure to ionising radiation. Ultrasound of the penis has been useful in the assessment of erectile dysfunction, but is also valuable in the assessment of Peyronie’s disease, penile masses, priapism and following trauma. NORMAL ANATOMY AND ULTRASOUND APPEARANCES The penis is composed of three cylindrical structures of erectile tissue: two dorsal corpora cavernosa and a ventral corpus spongiosum containing the penile urethra. The spongiosum is smaller proximally but expands distally to form the glans penis (Fig. 32.1). The corpora cavernosa contain sinusoidal tissue which is markedly distensible and is essential to the erectile process. A tough, non-distensible fibrous capsule, the tunica albuginea, invests the corpora cavernosa, with a much thinner layer covering the corpus spongiosum.1 There are two layers of fascia enveloping the shaft of the penis beneath the skin. The dartos fascia is superficial and is in continuity with Scarpa’s fascia of the abdomen and the dartos fascia of the scrotum. Deep to the dartos fascia lies Buck’s fascia, which covers the corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum and attaches posteriorly to the suspensory ligaments of the penis, allowing the erect penis to achieve a horizontal or greater angle.2 The normal arterial supply to the penis is via the internal pudendal artery (a branch of the anterior division of the internal iliac artery), which divides into terminal branches, the dorsal penile artery (supplying the glans penis), the cavernosal artery (supplying the corpora cavernosa) and the bulbar artery (supplying the bulb and the corpus spongiosum) (Fig. 32.2). The cavernosal arteries give the main contribution to erectile function and anatomical variations are common. Emissary veins pierce the tunica albuginea, and drain into the deep dorsal vein via the spongiosal, circumflex and cavernosal veins.3 Ultrasound identifies the paired corpora cavernosa, the cavernosal arteries, the tunica albuginea and the corpus spongiosum (Fig. 32.3). The corpora cavernosa are of intermediate reflectivity. Buck’s fascia and the tunica albuginea are indistinguishable as they surround the corpora and appear as a thin low reflective envelope (<2 mm thick). Overlying the corpus spongiosum, Buck’s fascia is visible as a separate high reflectivity line. The corpus spongiosum is of slightly higher reflectivity than the corpora cavernosa. The highly reflective walls of the cavernosal arteries are usually clearly identified at the base of the penis and can often be identified as two parallel, highly reflective lines on longitudinal imaging (Fig. 32.4). The normal urethra is not identified. Anatomy • Ventral highly reflective corpus spongiosum expands to form the glans penis. • Dorsal paired low reflective corpora cavernosa • enveloped by the thin highly reflective tunica albuginea • distensible sinusoidal tissue essential for erectile function. • Internal pudendal artery divides into • dorsal penile artery, bulbar artery and the cavernosal arteries. • Venous drainage via the superficial and deep dorsal veins • emissary veins pierce the tunica albuginea, draining into dorsal veins via cavernosal, spongiosal and circumflex veins • the emissary vein/tunica region is the site of the venoocclusive mechanism. ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION Background Erectile dysfunction is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection adequate for sexual satisfaction. The Massachusetts Male Aging Study found that 35% of men aged 40–70 years reported moderate or complete erectile dysfunction.4 Severity and 621 CHAPTER 32 • Ultrasound of the penis Superficial dorsal vein Cavernosal artery Dorsal penile artery Dartos fascia Deep dorsal vein Dorsal nerve of the penis Helicine artery Internal pudendal arteries Dorsal artery Bulbar artery Buck’s fascia Circumflex veins Corpus cavernosum Tunica albuginea Cavernosal artery Corpus spongiosum Urethra Corpus cavernosa Urethral artery Corpus spongiosum Figure 32.1 Anatomy of the penis. (Modified from Baxter GM and Sidhu PS. Ultrasound of the Urogenital System. Thieme, Stuttgart, 2006, Ch. 12, Diseases of the penis with functional evaluation by Wilkins CJ, Sidhu PS.) Glans Figure 32.2 Arterial supply of the penis. A B Figure 32.3 Ultrasound appearances of the penis. A: In the flaccid state, the paired corpora cavernosa (long arrows) are of low reflectivity and contain the cavernosal arteries (short arrows). The higher reflective corpora spongiosum (arrowhead) contains the urethra. B: During tumescence, the corpora cavernosa expand with blood resulting in pockets of low reflectivity forming (short arrows). The cavernosal arteries are more prominent (long arrow). prevalence increase with age and it is estimated that between 20 and 30 million men in the USA are affected by erectile dysfunction.5 Following the discovery that intra-cavernosal injection of vasoactive agents can produce an erection in the absence of sexual arousal, our understanding of the physiology of the erectile process has improved.6 Recently, the introduction of effective oral therapies such as sildenafil, a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE-5) inhibitor, has revolutionised the management of erectile dysfunction. There has been a decline in the role of stimulated colour Doppler ultrasound (CDUS) and other radiological tests in the evaluation of erectile dysfunction. Often a ‘trial’ of a PDE-5 inhibitor serves as an initial diagnostic test: efficacy confirms the adequacy of penile arterial inflow and veno-occlusive erectile mechanisms and eliminates the need for further testing. Furthermore, surgical procedures for the 622 Figure 32.4 Longitudinal image of the prominent cavernosal artery (arrow). Stimulated colour Doppler ultrasound treatment of venous leaks have poor long-term clinical outcomes. Despite this, patient pressure means that surgical correction for venous leak, whilst controversial, is still carried out in some centres. The use of arterial reconstructive surgery is indicated only in a small group of patients with new onset focal arterial occlusion with few or no features of systemic vascular disease.7,8 However, a CDUS examination remains useful; experience shows that many patients benefit psychologically from a normal test result. Additionally, CDUS imaging of the penis is important in the pre-assessment of patients due to undergo revascularisation surgery following penile trauma, and to document vascularity prior to surgery for Peyronie’s disease.9 There is also evidence that erectile dysfunction may be an early marker of peripheral and coronary atherosclerotic disease.10 Pooled data suggests that a normal arterial response to prostaglandin E1 has a negative predictive value for the presence of coronary artery disease of 84%, whilst a diminished response has a positive predictive value of 32%. Physiology of the erectile process Penile erection is the consequence of neurovascular events triggered by a combination of psychological and hormonal factors. Increased cavernosal artery blood flow results in filling of the sinusoids of the corpora cavernosa. This leads to an elevation of pressure in the corpora as the sinusoids distend within the non-compliant tunica albuginea. The rise in intra-tunica pressure compresses the sub-tunica venous plexuses between the trabecula and tunica albuginea. In turn, this partially occludes venous drainage from the penis and results in tumescence. Complete occlusion of venous outflow is achieved during sexual activity by compression of the engorged corpora cavernosa at their base by contraction of the ischio-cavernosal muscles. This final stage results in rigidity. During tumescence intra-cavernous pressures reach approximately 100 mmHg and when rigid the pressure may rise to several hundred mmHg. Erectile dysfunction is the result of a failure of this process and may be due to neurogenic, psychogenic, vascular (arterial or venous) causes, or as the result of disruption of the tunica albuginea, post-traumatic or more commonly due to Peyronie’s disease. Alternatively it may be due to patient medication or systemic disorders such as diabetes mellitus with multifactorial causes not uncommon. absence of diastolic flow is a frequent occurrence in the ‘normal’ responder, and is not a sinister finding.13 More recent work has found that the absence of systolic flow at 1 hour following intracavernosal injection of a stimulant is a more useful predictor and warrants immediate treatment and admission.14 Imaging all patients at 1 hour post procedure would be impractical and a 4-hour return to receive prompt treatment based on patient self-assessment has been shown to work well.3 Technique The stimulated CDUS examination should be performed with a chaperone, in a setting that offers patient privacy with little possibility of interruption. A high-frequency linear ‘small parts’ transducer with a small footprint is required. Intra-cavernosal injection of PGE-1 is performed with a small-bore needle (typically 30G). The ideal injection site is between the proximal and mid thirds of the shaft at the dorsolateral aspect. Following injection of the vasoactive substance the angle-corrected velocity of either the left or the right cavernosal artery is recorded at 5-minute intervals from baseline up to 30 minutes.15 Tumescence and rigidity are documented. Colour flow Doppler ultrasound of the cavernosal arteries should be performed with the probe positioned at the base of the penis on the ventral surface. The angle for Doppler analysis needs to be optimised (<60°) with box-steering, angle correction and orientation of the probe to ensure reproducible, valid measurements. The peak systolic velocity (PSV) of the cavernosal artery varies according to the location of sampling, with higher velocities more proximally.16 Measurement of the spectral Doppler trace is most reproducible at the base of penis where the angle of the cavernosal vessel is not parallel with the probe.9 Self-stimulation has been advocated as an adjunct to pharmacological stimulation in order to obtain a maximal response, although the risk of ejaculation (which would necessitate a repeat of the test on a separate occasion) needs to be considered and patients should be advised to stop prior to this.17 Baseline imaging Pharmacological agents Baseline B-mode US imaging is performed in longitudinal and transverse planes with the penis held by the patient in the anatomical position. Before injection of the stimulant detailed ultrasound examination of the penis is required. This allows selection of an appropriate site for injection. Significant abnormalities such as fibrotic plaque disease, focal cavernosal fibrosis, arterial calcification or tunica disruption may be detected. Ultrasound imaging prior to injection allows the observer to distinguish between true calcification/fibrosis abnormalities and the spurious appearance of calcification/fibrosis of the corpora which may occur following inadvertent intra-cavernosal injection of air bubbles18 (Fig. 32.5). The cavernosal arteries range in diameter from 0.3 mm in the flaccid Prostaglandin E-1 (PGE-1) is the most widely used agent for pharmacological stimulation of the penis. The normal dosage of PGE-1 is between 10 and 20 µg. Practice varies, but most commonly 20 µg is administered at the outset of the test. An alternative is to assess the erectile response after an initial dose of 10 µg and if inadequate a second 10 µg injection is administered. However, the examination is significantly shortened with the single dose method and use of a single dose minimises patient discomfort and anxiety. PGE-1 is widely reported as a safe treatment but there is a small risk of priapism (less than 1%).11 Papaverine, the second most commonly used stimulant, has a reported incidence of iatrogenic priapism of up to 18%.12 Regardless, patients should be fully informed of the risks and given appropriate advice. One possible strategy is that patients with an erection lasting longer than 4 hours be given direct access to an on-site urology opinion to ensure prompt treatment. During stimulated CDUS, absence of cavernosal artery flow or a resistance index greater than 1.00 (absent diastolic flow) was thought to be highly specific in predicting priapism. However, experience suggests that Figure 32.5 Air in the corpora cavernosa. Following the intra-cavernosal injection of a vasoactive substance, air (arrows) causing acoustic shadowing is present at the injection site in the corpora cavernosa. STIMULATED COLOUR DOPPLER ULTRASOUND 623 CHAPTER 32 • Ultrasound of the penis Figure 32.6 Cavernosal artery duplication. In this transverse image of the penis, there are two (arrows) cavernosal arteries present in the left corpora cavernosa. state to 1.0 mm during erection.6,7,19 The PSV of the cavernosal artery in the flaccid penis in normal patients is 10–15 cm/s. This value should be documented and further sampling during the study should be performed in the same location. Normal response During the pharmacologically induced erection, dynamic assessment of the spectral Doppler waveform is performed. Maximal arterial engorgement occurs early in tumescence and allows colour mapping of the vessels. Variations such as bifurcation, duplication and a common origin of the cavernosal arteries are often seen20 (Fig. 32.6). Cross communications between left and right cavernosal arteries are present in virtually all patients.19 Anomalies may lead to a reduction in the PSV in the absence of significant arterial insufficiency and therefore measurements obtained may result in false positive results.21 If there is definite asymmetry of the cavernosal arteries, this should be documented and both arteries sampled during the course of the assessment. A focal stenosis may result in high-velocity ‘jets’ at the site of narrowing on colour Doppler US and, more distally, in damped pulsatility. The helicine arteries are not visible in the flaccid penis but become apparent during the onset of erection and branch in a radial direction from the cavernosal arteries (Fig. 32.7). During the course of tumescence, erection and full rigidity the helicine arteries become less visible as progressive venous occlusion leads to a reduction and finally cessation of penile inflow.19 Pharmacologically induced erection follows a predictable sequence of changes on CDUS in patients without erectile dysfunction. Schwartz et al.22 divided this sequence into stages. n n n 624 Phase 0: Prior to injection the dorsal arteries of the penis are more clearly identified than the cavernosal arteries. In about one-third of patients colour and spectral Doppler analysis of the cavernosal artery prior to stimulation is not possible. The normal spectral waveform at this stage is monophasic with a high resistance pattern showing minimal or no diastolic flow. Phase 1: Follows pharmaco-stimulation and marks the onset of erection. During phase 1 the systolic and diastolic flow increase results in continuous flow throughout the cardiac cycle. In normal volunteers PSV is usually greater than 35 cm/s and the peak end-diastolic velocity (EDV) is greater then 8 cm/s. Phase 2: As pressure increases within the corpora cavernosa there is a progressive decrease in the diastolic flow. The Figure 32.7 Helicine branches of the cavernosal artery following pharmaco-stimulation. n n n development of tumescence and subsequent veno-occlusion results in a reduction in diastolic flow. Phase 3: Corresponds to no diastolic flow. Phase 4: Characterised by reversal of diastolic flow and represents full erection (Fig. 32.8). Phase 5: The final stage of rigidity, usually not seen in clinical practice, shows a decrease in systolic velocities, which may approach zero.22 This sequence of events has a variable time course. Assessment over 30 minutes is occasionally required to ensure that the maximal effect has been attained, although 20 minutes is normally sufficient.23 Arteriogenic erectile dysfunction Maximal PSV of the cavernosal artery following injection of vasoactive agents is the most accurate indicator of arterial disease. The average PSV in normal volunteers is between 30 and 40 cm/s.24 A PSV of ≥35 cm/s is unequivocally normal, whilst a PSV of <25 cm/s following adequate stimulation indicates definite arterial insufficiency.18 Intermediate values are not specific and in this group sildenafil is often used as some will have mild to moderate arterial insufficiency and may benefit25 (Fig. 32.9). Some authors suggest that arteriogenic erectile dysfunction can be diagnosed on the basis of the PSV in the flaccid penis. One study showed that a cut-off value of 10 cm/s for the PSV in the non-erect penis was 96% sensitive and 92% specific in the diagnosis of arteriogenic erectile dysfunction.26 The degree of change in the diameter of the cavernosal artery during the erectile process provides some insight into the degree of arterial insufficiency. In normal patients the vessel increases in size by 75–100%, whereas in patients with arteriogenic erectile dysfunction this figure is usually less than 75%.23 However, the increase in the baseline diameter following pharmacological stimulation does not correlate with either the measured PSV or clinical grading of erection and it is not routine to measure arterial diameters.27 Veno-occlusive erectile dysfunction Ultrasound may be used to diagnose veno-occlusive dysfunction in patients with normal arterial inflow. Having established a normal arterial response with a PSV >35 cm/s, an EDV of >5 cm/s is usually accepted as the level above which a venous leak is Stimulated colour Doppler ultrasound A C B Figure 32.8 Normal pharmaco-stimulated colour Doppler ultrasound examination of the penis. A: At 5 minutes postinjection, there is increased flow into the penis with forward flow in diastole, measured at 6.6 cm/s. B: At 10 minutes, the peak systolic velocity measures 67.3 cm/s; this indicates that there is no arterial abnormality to compromise blood flow into the penis. The enddiastolic velocity remains above the baseline. C: At 15 minutes, the end-diastolic velocity is a negative value, −5.3 cm/s; there is integrity of the venous drainage with no leaking of blood from the penis. present.28,29 The resistive index (RI) may be used as an alternative measure for the diagnosis. An RI of less than 0.8 with a normal PSV is also regarded as diagnostic of a venous leak.30 An RI of 1.0 is normal. In young patients with good arterial input, reversal of EDV should normally be seen and it may be appropriate to lower the EDV threshold in this group. As well as forward diastolic flow in the cavernosal artery, continuous flow in the dorsal vein or other abnormal draining veins may also be seen, but is not a requisite for diagnosis3 (Fig. 32.10). Further imaging Figure 32.9 Arterial erectile dysfunction. The peak systolic velocity remains at 27.5 cm/s despite three doses of PGE-1. The end-diastolic velocity remains elevated at 6.7 cm/s; venous integrity cannot be assessed in the presence of arterial erectile dysfunction. The diagnosis of venous incompetence on ultrasound requires normal arterial inflow. In cases with mixed aetiology of erectile dysfunction an indeterminate result may be obtained and reflects both arterial inflow insufficiency and venous leak. In this group of patients, cavernosography and arteriography may be required. Cavernosography with cavernosometry remains the diagnostic reference standard for the diagnosis of venous leak, as this technique measures outflow resistance without the need for adequate arterial inflow as well as mapping the sites of incompetence.31 Therefore, following a positive CDUS for venous leak, cavernosography is 625 CHAPTER 32 • Ultrasound of the penis usually required if surgical venous ligation is planned. As previously discussed, surgical intervention for venous leak has a limited success rate and its effects may be short-lived. However, it is a relatively minor surgical procedure and may be the treatment option of choice for young patients, providing a temporary improvement in symptoms. An alternative treatment is coil embolisation via a direct approach using a draining vein.32 False venous leak Anxiety following injection of PGE-1 may lead to a false positive result for venous leak due to elevated adrenergic tone.11 Increased levels of adrenaline prevent complete relaxation of the sinusoidal smooth muscle in the corpora cavernosa and result in a failure of the normal veno-occlusive mechanism required for an erection. On CDUS this is characterised by forward flow in the cavernosal artery throughout the cardiac cycle and is indistinguishable from a positive finding of venous incompetence. In patients with a suboptimal response to PGE-1 injection and features of venous incompetence the study may be supplemented by an intra-cavernosal injection of phentolamine. Phentolamine is an alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonist and has been found to be safe at an intra-cavernosal dose of 2 mg with no significant impact on systemic blood pressure. In a study by Aversa et al.33 phentolamine normalised erectile response in 20/26 patients initially diagnosed with venous leak following injection with PGE-1 (Fig. 32.11). Phentolamine led to a statistically significant increase in the grade of erection, PSV and a decrease in EDV in this study.33 Similar results have been reported in other studies.11 The concern that intra-cavernosal injection of multiple vasoactive agents may lead to an increased risk of priapism is unfounded.11,33 The marked reduction in false positive results has led many authors to recommend that intra-cavernosal phentolamine is necessary before a venous leak can be diagnosed by CDUS assessment in the younger patient. Furthermore, phentolamine, as an oral preparation, may offer a therapeutic approach in this very specific group of patients.34,35 Venous leak not reversed by phentolamine is highly predictive of a structurally based abnormality. Haemodynamic parameters for stimulated colour Doppler ultrasound Figure 32.10 Venous erectile dysfunction. At 20 minutes following pharmaco-stimulation, the peak systolic velocity measures 52.1 cm/s; there is no arterial erectile dysfunction. However, the end-diastolic velocity measures 13.7 cm/s; this is a clear example of a venous cause for erectile dysfunction. A Adequate arterial inflow if PSV >35 cm/s. Borderline arterial inflow if PSV between 35 cm/s and 25 cm/s. Arterial insufficiency if PSV <25 cm/s. If PSV >35 cm/s a venous leak is diagnosed if EDV >5 cm/s. Reversal of end-diastolic flow is expected in younger patients with an adequate arterial inflow. • Phentolamine may be required in young patients to avoid a spurious diagnosis secondary to anxiety-induced adrenergic drive. • • • • • B Figure 32.11 Colour Doppler ultrasound response to intra-cavernosal phentolamine. A: Following pharmaco-stimulation with PGE-1 in this young patient, the peak systolic velocity and the end-diastolic velocity are difficult to interpret; arterial input may be insufficient to prevent a venous leak. B: At 25 minutes, 5 minutes after a 2 mg dose of phentolamine, the peak systolic velocity increases to 75.7 cm/s and the end-diastolic velocity is negative at −5.4 cm/s; the arterial and venous mechanisms are intact. 626 Peyronie’s disease PRIAPISM Priapism is defined as an erection that is maintained in the absence of sexual stimulation.17 There are two principal categories: nonischaemic and ischaemic priapism. A further subgroup of ‘stuttering’ or recurrent priapism has been proposed.36 Rarely, priapism may be a manifestation of an aorto-caval fistula.37 Diagnosis of priapism is clinical and relies on the history, examination and analysis of blood aspirated from the cavernosa. However, ultrasound provides clinically useful information that may help management.38 Non-ischaemic priapism Non-ischaemic, high-flow or post-traumatic priapism is a manifestation of damage to the cavernosal arteries resulting in fistula formation between the high-pressure arterial system and the low-pressure cavernosal sinusoids.17 Clinically patients present with prolonged tumescence from the time of injury. On aspiration the cavernosal blood is oxygenated. Presentation may not be immediate as it is usually painless. Patients with non-ischaemic priapism may still be able to achieve an erection following sexual stimulation. B-mode imaging reveals a hypoechoic intra-cavernosal region around the damaged cavernosal artery. This abnormality is localised to the site of cavernosal disruption and haematoma formation resulting from arterial extravasation.38 There is elevation of the cavernosal artery PSV and high forward diastolic flow at spectral Doppler US examination. The draining veins are often prominent and may exhibit arterialised waveforms.18 Colour Doppler ultrasound allows direct imaging of the arterio-sinusoidal fistula. This is identified as a focus of high-velocity, turbulent flow superimposed on the hypoechoic region demonstrated on greyscale imaging.39 Elective arterial embolisation of the internal pudendal or cavernosal artery is often the first-line management of non-ischaemic arterial priapism.40,41 corpora cavernosa but a soft glans and is a urological emergency that requires prompt treatment. The diagnosis is usually clinical. Aspiration of the cavernosal blood is both therapeutic and diagnostic. Ischaemic priapism is confirmed by the presence of deoxygenated blood and a low pH. A low pH indicates a severe degree of ischaemia and compounds the risk of corporal fibrosis with concomitant loss of erectile function. Imaging is not usually required before therapeutic intervention but may have a role if first-line measures including aspiration of cavernosal blood and phenylephrine injection fail to significantly improve blood flow.7 On B-mode imaging there is engorgement of the cavernosal sinusoids as seen in a physiological erection. Due to sedimentation of the corpuscular component of blood a fluid–fluid level within the corpora cavernosa is visible on ultrasound of the penis if the patient is left supine for a few minutes with no penile manipulation.38 Colour Doppler ultrasound findings are of low or absent diastolic flow with variable, but usually not high, arterial inflow consistent with a high resistance vascular bed.18 Priapism Non-ischaemic: • High PO2; oxygenated corporal blood on aspiration. • Spectral Doppler waveforms show continuous increased systolic and diastolic flow with a low resistance pattern. • In the post-traumatic patient AV fistula may be identified and can guide therapy. Ischaemic: • Low PO2; deoxygenated corporal blood on aspiration. • Spectral Doppler waveforms show low or absent diastolic flow with a high resistance pattern. • Oedema. Differentiation is necessary as ischaemic priapism requires urgent treatment. Ischaemic priapism Ischaemic or low-flow priapism is a compartment syndrome caused by veno-occlusive problems such as sickle cell disease, or by intracavernosal injection of vasoactive agents (Fig. 32.12). Ischaemic priapism presents with a painful persistent tumescence of the Figure 32.12 Ischaemic priapism. In this patient with sickle cell disease, there is engorgement of the corpora cavernosa (short arrows) and oedema of the overlying tissue (long arrow). PEYRONIE’S DISEASE Peyronie’s disease is defined as a combination of penile pain and deformity with or without palpable penile plaques. The lack of a consensus definition is reflected in the range of reported incidence (1–10% of the adult male population).42 The incidence is highest in the 40–60-year-old group. Peyronie’s disease is characterised by formation of plaques in the tunica albuginea of the penis. Peyronie’s disease most commonly presents with a dorsal curvature of the penis. However, other malformations including penile shortening, bottle-neck deformities (due to annular plaques) and indentations, may all occur. Erectile dysfunction is a common association found in 20–40% of such patients. Fibrotic plaque formation results from vascular inflammation but the aetiology is controversial. Evidence does not corroborate the long-held belief that trauma is a primary cause.43 Peyronie’s disease may be associated with Dupuytren’s contracture. On ultrasound plaques are most commonly identified peripherally over the dorsum of the penis (Fig. 32.13). Imaging in the region of maximal deformity or at the site of a palpable lesion will invariably demonstrate an abnormality. Recent work suggests that the fibrotic lesions may be classified into three groups: firstly, hyperechoic foci with no acoustic shadow (Fig. 32.14); secondly, those lesions with an acoustic shadow; and thirdly, calcified lesions. Abnormalities are rarely hypoechoic.44 It has been suggested that the first group represents active fibrotic foci which frequently resolve spontaneously. The presence of calcified plaques is consistent with established, non-reversible disease.45 Abnormal plaques 627 CHAPTER 32 • Ultrasound of the penis Figure 32.13 Peyronie’s disease. Linear calcification (arrows) in the corpora cavernosa, causing acoustic shadowing; likely Peyronie’s disease. Figure 32.15 Malignant tumour of the penis. A poorly vascularised mass (arrow) in the distal shaft of the penis; a squamous cell carcinoma. plaque may encase the cavernosal arteries and cause arterial erectile dysfunction.48 Furthermore, there is also an increased incidence of arterial and mixed vascular abnormalities.49 B-mode assessment of calcification allows patient selection for lithotripsy therapy, and CDUS examination is important prior to possible corrective surgery, to ascertain the course of the cavernosal arteries in relation to plaques.50 PENILE FIBROSIS Figure 32.14 Peyronie’s disease. Focal area of altered reflectivity (arrows) in the corpora cavernosa; likely Peyronie’s disease. Peyronie’s disease • Plaques may or may not be calcified. • In the flaccid state plaques can be difficult to visualise, but may become apparent during tumescence; image at the site of maximal curvature. • Both arterial and venous diseases are more common in Peyronie’s disease – mixed aetiology is often present requiring careful assessment to guide therapy. • Plaques and/or fibrosis may occur following treatment with PGE-1 and can necessitate cessation of treatment. may extend beyond those that are palpable to involve the corporal tissue or the inter-cavernosal septum and these may be visible on ultrasound.46 Focal or diffuse thickening of the tunica (which becomes more apparent following pharmacological stimulation) may be the only ultrasound feature.47 Distortion of the tunica albuginea results in a higher incidence of venous erectile dysfunction than in the general population. Rarely, 628 Penile fibrosis may result from a number of causes. Without prompt treatment ischaemic priapism will cause fibrosis of the cavernosal tissue, producing diffuse cavernosal fibrosis. On ultrasound this is recognisable as replacement of normal sinusoidal tissue in the corpora cavernosa by ill-defined hyperechoic regions. Regular selfinjection with intra-cavernosal stimulation therapy for erectile dysfunction, in particular papaverine, may cause focal areas of penile fibrosis to develop.51 Ultrasound examination can delineate areas of fibrosis allowing follow-up and guiding decisions on therapy.52 In some patients there may be intra-corporal calcification without any associated plaque and this is thought to result from regions of focal fibrosis or possibly previous trauma.53 PENILE MASSES Primary penile malignancies are rare. Squamous cell carcinoma accounts for up to 95% of malignancies of the penis and is most commonly located at the glans (Fig. 32.15). Squamous cell carcinoma is associated with human papilloma virus (types 16 and 18) and is more common in the developing world. Other primary malignancies include melanomas, basal cell carcinoma and lymphoma.54 Metastatic spread of malignancy to the penis may be either haematogenous or lymphatic. Metastases should be suspected in patients with a known primary malignancy and new onset priapism. Ultrasound is the preferred imaging modality for penile malignancy.21,55 Ideally, it should be performed following injection of PGE-1. Ultrasound can assist in identifying the depth of tumour invasion and, specifically, allows evaluation of corpora cavernosal infiltration. It has been shown to be more accurate than clinical examination in determining the extent and size of the References Figure 32.16 Penile prosthesis. The low reflective area (arrow) within the shaft of the penis is clearly of an artificial nature. tumour.56 Detection of local lymph nodes is readily performed using ultrasound; however, assessment of microscopic infiltration is not possible.21,55 On ultrasound squamous cell carcinoma tends to be hypoechoic, relatively heterogeneous and typically poorly vascularised on CDUS. Interruption of the echogenic tunica albuginea indicates malignant infiltration.57 Ultrasound is of limited value in large tumours and MR imaging is generally indicated in this context. The appearances of secondary disease are similar to those of primary penile cancer involving the corpora.58 Other masses occurring in the penis include those found in the skin and subcutaneous tissues elsewhere including cysts, lipomas and neurofibromas. A further unusual ‘mass’ which may be encountered is a penile prosthesis, easily identifiable by parallel highly reflective walls and the ‘man-made’ symmetrical structure (Fig. 32.16). PENILE TRAUMA Blunt trauma to the flaccid penis rarely causes a fracture, but may result in extra-tunica or cavernosal haematoma formation. Penile fractures most commonly occur as a result of compression of the erect penile shaft against the pubic symphysis during sexual intercourse. Presentation is usually acute with a history of pain, swelling and sudden loss of tumescence during intercourse.43 The principal role of ultrasound in the acute setting is to identify defects in the tunica albuginea and to allow assessment of the extent of acute haematoma formation (Fig. 32.17). Ultrasound aids diagnosis in cases where the history or clinical findings are atypical. Identification of a tunica defect should prompt immediate surgical repair as delay in treatment of over 24 hours following the initial injury significantly increases the risk of long-term sequelae.59 Complications of penile fracture include corporal fibrosis with or without plaque formation, disruption of the tunica albuginea and urethral disruption.59,60 Urethral injury may be present in up to 20% of cases.61 If there is clinical concern about a urethral injury then formal urethrography is required. Erectile dysfunction due to impairment of the veno-occlusive mechanism may also occur.62 Figure 32.17 Penile fracture. A transverse image through the penis demonstrating a haematoma (short arrows) displacing the normal structures of the penis (long arrow) as a consequence of a fracture. Urethrography involves ionising radiation, whilst urethroscopy is invasive and may introduce infection. Ultrasound allows visualisation of the structures around the urethra whilst these other techniques essentially provide luminal views. Some practitioners have advocated the use of ultrasound for evaluating the urethra. Using high-frequency linear probes the normal anterior (bulbar and penile) urethra is visualised when distended with fluid. Lidocaine gel or normal saline may be used to obtain urethral distension in a retrograde direction via the urethral meatus in a manner analogous to conventional urethrography. Alternatively, antegrade passage of urine with constriction of outflow at the glans by means of a clamp or the patient’s fingers during the ultrasound examination may be utilised. Images are acquired in longitudinal and transverse planes. Imaging of the posterior urethra is more problematic but may be performed with a transrectal probe. Micturating images of the posterior urethra with the probe in situ allow high-resolution images of the posterior urethra. However, the self-evident problems of micturition with the probe in place limit the value of this technique. The anterior (bulbar and penile) urethra is of relatively uniform diameter and measures up to 1.0 cm across. The walls are smooth and highly reflective. Strictures, intra-luminal masses and calculi are well visualised. Ultrasound of the urethra serves as an important adjunct to other imaging modalities in the evaluation of stricturing disease. In particular, bulbar urethral strictures, which tend to be focal, benefit from ultrasound evaluation in order to determine the best treatment. The presence of abnormal peri-urethral tissue, which measures more than 3 mm, is predictive of poor outcome unless surgical resection is performed.63 Ultrasound has been shown to be more accurate in the measurement of the length of strictures in the bulbar urethra than conventional urethrography.64 Accurate evaluation of stricture length is important as it in part determines the decision to graft or excise a stricture.63 REFERENCES URETHRAL ULTRASOUND Formal urethrography supplemented by urethroscopy remains the imaging modality of choice for the assessment of the male urethra. 1. Williams PL, Warwick R, Dyson M, Bannister LH. Splanchnology. In: Williams PL, Warwick R, Dyson M, Bannister LH, editors. Gray’s anatomy. 37th edn. London: Churchill Livingstone; 1989. p. 1432–1433. 2. Bella AJ, Brant WO, Lue TF. Penile anatomy. In: Bertolotto M, editor. Color Doppler US of the penis. Berlin: Springer; 2008. p. 11–14. 629 CHAPTER 32 • Ultrasound of the penis 3. Wilkins CJ, Sidhu PS. 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