Course Syllabus Dent (……) (3 credit hours: 1 theory/ 2 practical) 1st year Dental Technology Arab American University Faculty of dentistry Department of 1 First Semester Course information Course Title Course Code Coordinator Lecture instructor E-mail Dental Morphology Dr. Luma Alwaisi Dr. Luma Alwaisi Course description This is one of the extended courses provided by the Department of Dentistry for undergraduate 1st year students in the Diploma Degree in dental technology during the first and second semester. The course has two components, lectures and corresponding practical training in laboratories. The lecture topics in first semester cover detailed dental macroscopic anatomy of maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth and the basic principles of dental occlusion. Each lecture covers one of the permanent teeth and there is a separate lecture for dental occlusion. The first two lectures present introduction to dental anatomy and the dental notation systems and the last lectures introduce the fundamentals of dental occlusion for anterior teeth. The practical sessions focus on developing the skills of carving different teeth out of wax blocks. This practice is assumed to help students recalling the details of tooth morphology and improving their manual skills. The latter is significant to have been developed before upgrading to 2nd year. The sessions also include practicing on dental notation, occlusion as well as skills of tooth identification. By the completion of the practical sessions, each student has to hand in for assessment the laboratory book containing the completed duties that they have been asked to execute. Text Book Title Author(s) Publisher Year Edition Wheeler’s Dental Anatomy, Physiology and Occlusion Ash, M. M. & Nelson, S. Saunders Elsevier, St. Louis, Mo. c2010. 2010 9th 2 Assessment Midterm exam (MCQ) Homework / Quiz Final exam (MCQ) Total Theory 10 5 15 30 Laboratory 25 5 40 70 Total grade 100 Course Objective 1. 2. 3. 4. To learn basic terminology related to dental morphology. To practice on using different dental notation systems. To learn the detailed anatomy of all permanent teeth. To learn the different traits used to tell different teeth apart leading to developing skills of tooth identification. To acquire manual skills of tooth carving. To identify the normal variation in dental anatomy To acquire the detailed knowledge of functional and static interaction of teeth in occlusion. To identify the significance of learning dental morphology and principles of occlusion for restorative, prosthetic clinical practice. 5. 6. 7. 8. Teaching methods Classroom lectures Demonstrations Tests and exams Review for exams Textbook reading assignments 3 Learning outcome Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to Related Objective(s) Practice on using different dental notation systems for both dentitions and to understand the basic terminology in dental anatomy Learn the detailed anatomy of all permanent anterior teeth and their occlusion. Learn the different traits used to tell different teeth apart leading to developing skills of tooth identification. Carve any permanent anterior tooth on wax blocks Know the different external anatomical features and landmarks on teeth and their functions Acquire the basic principles of dental occlusion and how it can be simply applied in clinical dentistry Reference Wheeler’s Dental Anatomy, Physiology and Occlusion Lecture notes Handed Demo Wheeler’s Dental Anatomy, Physiology and Occlusion Handed Demo Kraus' Dental Anatomy and Occlusion Lecture notes Handed Demo Practical tutorials Handed Demo Wheeler’s Dental Anatomy, Physiology and Occlusion Practical tutorials Handed Dimo Wheeler’s Dental Anatomy, Physiology and Occlusion Useful Resources 1. Jordan, R. E. Abrams, L. Kraus, B. T. (1992). Kraus’ Dental Anatomy and Occlusion. 2nd Edition. Mosby. 2. Craig, P (2005) Handbook of Human Dental Anatomy. The University of Melbourne. 3. Craig, P (2005). The Teeth and Jaws of Animals (Comparative Oral Anatomy). The University of Melbourne. 4. Lecture notes 5. Demonstrations on Dental Anatomy and Tooth carving. (to be handed) 4 Course Content Week Lecture Title 1 Introduction to the course 2 Introduction to dental anatomy Practical Sessions --------*Introduction to the lab *Teeth Identification 3 4 Tooth numbering systems *Basic terminology (Notation system) *land mark Identification Basic vocabulary *Dental notation *Dental notation (practice) 5 Land mark of tooth surface *practicing teeth Identification *Introduction to wax carving 6 Permanent maxillary central incisor *Anatomy of maxillary central incisor (drawing and carving) 7 Permanent maxillary lateral incisor *Anatomy of maxillary lateral incisor (drawing and carving ) 8 Permanent maxillary canine *Anatomy of maxillary canine (drawing and carving ) 9 Midterm exam 10 Permanent mandibular central incisor *Anatomy of mandibular central incisor (drawing and carving) 11 Permanent mandibular lateral incisor *Anatomy of mandibular lateral incisor (drawing and carving) 12 Permanent mandibular canine *Anatomy of mandibular canine (drawing and carving) 13 Dental Occlusion 14 Catch up and revision 15 Final exam Midterm practical exam Dental occlusion *wax-up maxillary central and lateral incisors Final practical exam 5 Additional Notes Attendance: Students must attend 100% of all scheduled classes and labs. Class participation is required. Should an absence be necessary, student should contact the course instructor by e-mail immediately. Work missed can ONLY make up with an excused absence. - No make-up exams or quizzes will be given for unexcused absences - Late arrivals to class are unexcused absences - All course make-ups, test, and so forth, must be completed within 14 days from the date of the excused absence. Practical component: Section Day Time Lab. Practical training will take place in 1 Mon 8 – 12 pm Biochemistry Lab. (M4-L2) on Mondays and Wednesdays. Students are divided into 4 2 Mon 12 – 4 pm practical sections according to the following M4 – L2 table: 3 Wed 8 – 12 pm 4 Wed 12 – 4 pm During the practical training, students of a given section will be divided into groups, each group will be occupying a pre-determined bench in the lab. and instructed to remain at the allocated location to carry out the practical duties for the full duration of the course. It is important to know that students are not allowed to switch groups, laboratories or sections in the practical part of this course. At the beginning of each practical session, students will be introduced to the practical duties that they have to carry out on that day. This is followed by a detailed demonstration on casts, tooth models and natural teeth. Once introduction and demonstration are finished, student should commence their practical duties under supervision that may include: Tracing assigning teeth to their suitable notation in different notation systems Sketching tooth models, jaw models and occlusion curves Carving teeth out of wax blocks Answering given questions / quizzes Making comments after Demo watching. Identifying teeth 6 Tools and materials needed for the practical component: A mechanical pencil, an eraser and a ruler together with the Practical Book. The Practical Book should have alternating blank and lined A4 sheets A graph-paper book with pre-sketched outlines of all aspects of permanent teeth. The book is available at A blank graph-paper book for sketching outlines of teeth aspects with additional sheets for helping in tooth carving. The book is available at Paper adhesive tape, soft tooth brush, retractable blade ( (مشرطand pair of scissors Le Crone carver and a wax knife 12 colored wax carving blocks (the extra ones will be available in case the main ones have failed) Natural and plastic teeth (it is advisable that students start collecting natural teeth at the beginning of the course) to be used as reference for anatomy and carving and for tooth identification. Student instructor relationship Students are instructed to frequently access the uploaded handouts, recourses and extra learning materials on the e-learning link on the University's website. e-learning will also allow for mentor-student interaction through online evaluation in the form of tutorials, assignments and quizzes. Students will be able to view the outcomes of their evaluation uploaded on e-learning. This includes the results the quizzes and the midterm practical exams. It is strongly recommended that the instructor is contacted either personally in his office within the frames of the office hours provided or through email / e-learning. Contacting the instructors on their private mobile phones is prohibited and will unintentionally ruin the lecturer-student relationship. 7