Uploaded by Reynan Horohoro

Extemporaneous Speech Questions on Global Issues

Extemporaneous Speech Questions
No Poverty
What should the government do to solve poverty?
Zero Hunger
Why is hunger a social problem?
Good Health and Well Being
How is the United Nations responding to the current pandemic outbreak?
Quality Education
Is education a right, or a privilege? Why?
Gender Equality
Why is it important to take gender concerns into account in policy making of the country?
Clean Water and Sanitation
Why is it important to have a clean water and sanitation?
Affordable and Clean Energy
How does renewable energy benefit the environment?
Decent Work and Economic Growth
How can the country’s economy be improved?
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructures
How important is an efficient infrastructure in the country’s economy?
Reduced Inequality
How can one tackle the problem of inequality among different social classes?
Sustainable Cities
Should people be encouraged by the government to always maintain sustainable and
environmentally-friendly lifestyle? Why or why not?
Responsible Consumption and Production
What will be the future of sustainable production and consumption of the industries producing
non-durable goods ?
Climate Action
In what way does climate change affect sustainable development of the countries?
Life below water
How important it is to protect marine and coastal system ?
Life on Land
Why is it important to conserve and restore terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems?
Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Since people are all different, should the law also be different for all?
Parterships for the Goals
How important does the rule of Non-Governmental Organizations in achieving sustainability?
National Sovereignty
What is your stand on the issue of territorial dispute in the West Philippine Sea?
Institutional Viability
Why is it important to have shared and collective responsibility between institutions and the
Participatory Democracy
In what way does all sectors of society play a vital role in decision-making towards the
achievement of sustainable development?
Gender Sensitivity
Do men and women have equal rights in the society? Why or why not?
Ecological Soundness
How can you personally foster people’s responsibility for the environment?
Peace , Order , and National Unity
Is there a need for collective efforts between the government and its constituents in attaining
peace and order? Why?