Control Design of a Hardware in the Loop Set-Up Mathieu Dutré Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Ir. Mia Loccufier, Prof. Dr. Ir. Rene Boel (EESA - Universtiy of Ghent) Dr. Ir. Jan Anthonis and Ir. Stijn De Bruyne (LMS International) Abstract— This article tries to extend the limits of automotive design by proposing a new manner to develop new components. Introducing Hardware in the Loop testing as a new way to reduce development time and development costs. Keywords—control technique, induction motors, Hardware in the Loop testing, indirect field orientation, continious variabel transmission I. I NTRODUCTION A. What is Hardware in the Loop testing? I N automotive, there is a constant push to reduce the development time of a vehicle. Therefore components should be tested under the most realistic conditions even when there is no prototype available. This is performed by a so called hybrid Hardware in the Loop (hy-HiL) simulation. Hy-HiL starts from a model of the system, where the component that needs to be tested is removed from the model. The remaining part of the model interacts with the real physical component through actuators and sensors. In theory, actuators should act like the removed component model, i.e. following exactly the computed outputs of the simulation model. Sensors should send faultless measurements back to the software model.[1] Fig. 2. Hardware in the Loop Set-up The actuators, induction motors, however have their own dynamics so that the calculated control signals in software are not the same as those achieved by the actuator and forwarded to the continiously variable transmission. In other words, the actuators should act like the software model. To realize this, advanced motor controllers will be needed in such a way that the influence of actuator dynamics is reduced to a minimum. Using advanced controltechniques, it will be able to create ideal torque and speed regulated induction motors. II. D ESIGN OF A H IGH -P ERFORMANCE M OTOR C ONTROLLER A. Concept of Field Oriented Control The use of AC-motors in applications that require a high level of dynamism asks for an new apporach: Field Oriented Control [3]. Fig. 3. Basic FOC Speed Control Scheme for AC Motor Drives [3] Fig. 1. Transition from theoretical to practical Hardware in the Loop Testing In practice however, actuators have their own dynamics that affect the control signals to the physical component. Therefore, a controller should be designed to reduce the negative effects of the actuator (figure 1). The design of feedback controllers always involves a risk, especially when the system turns unstable. that is why a first step in the HIL-process is a feasibility study in a simulation environment. [2] B. Problems with practical Hardware in the Loop Set-Up Hardware in the Loop modeling is applied to a CVT test set-up at LMS. The test set-up consists of 2 induction motors that take over the duties of an internal combustion engine and a driving axle. The test set-up will mimic the behaviour of a vehicle powertrain and may be used to test gearboxes (figure 2). The goal of FOC is to control an AC motor as a DC motor which means a complete decoupling of torque and flux. Field Oriented Control requires the transfer of 3-phase (a,b,c) reference system to a 2-phase dynamic reference system (d,q). Torque-and flux values in this reference system may be regulated by adjustments in q-axis, or d-axis current. The basic FOC Speed Control Scheme is shown in figure 3. The FOC control strategy maintains the amplitude of the rotor flux linkage ψ at a fixed value, except for field-weakening operation, and only modifies a torque-producing current component in order to control the torque of the ac motor. When considering a complete decoupling of torque and flux, a linear relation between torque Tem and torque producing current iq is achieved so the torque generated by the motor can be controlled by just controlling the q-axis current. The electromagnetic torque in the ac machine can be expressed as Tem = k.ψ.iq (1) Torques Input Shaft CVT Revs Input Shaft CVT 200 150 3000 TLogged Data TRealised in Simulation 100 50 0 −50 −100 0 NLogged Data 2500 Revs [RPM] The orgininal simulation model of a hybrid driveline was modified to investigate the actuator behaviour in the real HIL set-up. The original hybrid driveline model (figure 4) consists of 2 main parts: the mechanical components, including the internal combustion engine, gearbox and other driveline components, is modeled in AMESim, the LMS software package. The overarching rule-based controller is designed in MatlabSimulink. This rule-based controller determines, depending on the sensor signals from the vehicle model, the optimal operating mode (pure electric driving, regenerative braking, ...) of the sources used for propulsion (ICE/EM). NRealised in Simulation 2000 1500 1000 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 −500 0 350 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Time [s] Time [s] Torques Output Shaft CVT Revs Output Shaft CVT 200 TLogged Data 1000 TRealised in Simulation 500 0 −500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 −200 Revs [TPM] III. HIL SIMULATION MODEL In the original hybrid driveline model, the torques and speeds on the primary and secondary CVT shaft were logged. These logged data formed the input of our torque and speed regulated controllers. The overall simulation results are shown in figure 6. A more accurate picture of the simulation data can be seen in figure 7. From the simulation results can be concluded that the electric motors can follow perfectly their setpoints. Remark: TLogged Data / NLogged Data are the logged torque and speed measures. TRealised in Simulation / NRealised in Simulation represents the torques and speeds as achieved in simulation by the actuators Torque [Nm] Field Oriented Control can be used to follow a speed reference or a torque reference. In speed control mode, a reference speed ∗ forms the input of the control scheme. The torque reference Tem is calculated by a speed controller. Rotor flux can be controlled directly by controlling the d-axis current. This scheme is represented ∗ in figure 3. In torque control mode, the torque reference Tem forms the input of the control scheme. It is simply a speed regulated FOC control scheme without the speed control loop. IV. VALIDATION OF THE D ESIGNED M OTOR C ONTROLLERS Torque [Nm] B. Speed Regulated and Torque Regulated FOC −400 −600 −800 NLogged Data −1000 NRealised in Simulation −1200 0 50 100 Time [s] 150 200 250 300 350 Time [s] Fig. 6. Comparison between theoretical and modified HIL simulation model Torques Input Shaft CVT Revs Input Shaft CVT 100 1510 T Realised in Simulation Revs [RPM] Fig. 4. Original AMESim-Simulink Hybrid Driveline Simulation Model Torque [Nm] 90 1520 TLogged Data 80 70 60 50 N Realised in Simulation 1500 1490 1480 1470 224.5 225 225.5 1460 224 226 224.5 Time [s] N Logged Data TRealised in Simulation 80 224.5 226 Revs Output Shaft CVT 100 60 224 225.5 −910 TLogged Data Revs [TPM] 120 225 Time [s] Torques Output Shaft CVT 140 Torque [Nm] The original model is adjusted to simulate the impact of the actuators on the real HIL set-up. Just before and after the CVT transmission 2 electric motors were added (figure 5). The torque regulated electric motor, on the ingoing CVT shaft, should pass through the combustion engine torque faultless to achieve an error-free transition between the theoretical and practical HIL set-up as seen in figure 1. On the outgoing CVT shaft, the speed controlled electric motor has to realize the desired axle speed. When the torque regulated motor and the speed regulated motor follow their torque- or speed setpoint faultless, our main purpose is completed. The electric motors, the actuators, will not charge the HIL set-up with additional dynamics. 40 224 NLogged Data 225 225.5 226 NRealised in Simulation −920 −930 −940 −950 224 Time [s] 224.5 225 225.5 226 Time [s] Fig. 7. Comparison between original and modified HIL simulation model V. C ONCLUSION The use of appropriate motor controllers reduces the influence of actuator dynamics into a minimum. The regulated electrical motors act like ideal velocity and torque inputs for the physical component. Physical components can therefore be tested in realistic conditions without a prototype available using hardware-in the loop configurations. Hardware in the Loop can be used to shorten the development time and cut the development costs of a new product. R EFERENCES Fig. 5. Adapted AMESim-Simulink Hybrid Driveline Simulation Model (Actuators Implemented) [1] Jan Anthonis, Marco Gubitosa, Nicolas Albarello, Peter Maes, Bart Peeters, Herman Van der Auweraer Mechatronic Optimization in Intelligent Vehicles: Application to Active and Passive Dampers, LMS Interantional, 2009. [2] Jan Anthonis, Mia Loccufier, Master these Proposal: Control Design of Hardware in the Loop Set-up, Department Electrical Energy, Systems and Automation (EESA), University of Ghent, Mai 2009. [3] Gerd Terörde, Electrical Drives and Control Techniques, Published by ACCO Uitgeverij,2004.