INTRODUCTION TO PYP 国际文凭小学课程基本 概念介绍 主讲人:小马老师 PYP系列课主讲人:小马老师 • 香港大学教育硕士, 公众号” 小马的教室”创 始人。 • 在香港知名国际学校教授PYP课程近十年, 具有丰富的中文二语、中文母语、数学和探 究课的一线教学经验。 • 谷歌认证培训教师,苹果教师。曾经多次主 持绘本阅读和教育科技等主题教师培训工作 坊。 • 目前在美国进修教育技术硕士学位。 Brainstorm (3 minutes) How do you know about IB PYP so far? What do you want to learn from our course? 课程大纲 outline • What is PYP (IB Learner Profile) • Six Transdisplinary Themes • Six subject areas and five essential elements • What is a PYP School • Language Learning in PYP • Q&A 1.What is PYP 什么是国际文凭小学项目 The IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) for children aged 3 - 12 nurtures and develops young students as caring, active participants in a lifelong journey of learning. Primary Year Program (PYP)小学项目课程是针对3-12岁 学生设计的一套具有趣味性、相关性、挑战性和重要 性的超学科课程。通过课程形成对主要概念(concept) 的理解,培养积极的态度(attitude), 掌握基本的知识和 技能(skills), 从而采取相应的行动(action) 。 1.What is PYP 什么是国际文凭小学项目 • Taught in over 109 countries around the world, the PYP curriculum framework is uniquely adaptable to state and national standards. • Guided by six transdisciplinary themes of global significance, students deepen their learning by developing their conceptual understandings; strengthening their knowledge and skills across and beyond subject areas. 1.1 What learning looks like in PYP? “Within the PYP it is believed student learning is best done when it is authentic( 真实性)—relevant to the “real” world; and transdisciplinary(跨学科)—where the learning is not confined within the boundaries of traditional subject areas but is supported and enriched by them. ”(p.1) 1.2 What are the beliefs and value that drive PYP? Mission Statement International-mindedness: the PYP perspective Learner Profile 1.3 IB Learner Profile 国际文凭学习者培养目标 摘自《小学项目项目的实施:国际初等教育课程框架》图表一 What do we want students to learn? (objectives) 1.4 How do we use Making the PYP Happen? How best will they learn? (practice) How will we know what they have learned? (assessment) 3. SIX TRANSDISPLINARY THEMES 六大超学科主题 六大超学科主题 摘自《小学项目项目的实施:国际初等教育课程框架》图表四 3.1 Examples 超学科主题举例 • Who we are • How the world works 4. SIX SUBJECT AREA FIVE ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS 六大学科领域和五个 关键要素 小学项目是一个教学体系框架,以6个超学科主题为主导,运 在6个学科领域: Ref: IB PYP, IBO, 2010. 1.Language 语言 2. Social Studies社会学 3. Mathematics 数学 4. Arts 艺术 5. Science科学 6. Physical, Social and Personal Education 个人教育、社交教育和体育 4. SIX SUBJECT AREA FIVE ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS 六大学科领域 五个关键要素 5. What is a PYP school? • It is a school that, regardless of location, size or constitution, strives towards developing an internationally minded person. • What is an internationally minded person? It is a person who demonstrates the attributes of the IB learner profile. adults are sensitive facilitators students are seen as competent and are listened to 5.1 PYP School should be like students are encouraged to be curious, be inquisitive, ask questions, explore explicit learning outcomes and the learning process students are supported the learning experiences are differentiated the collaboration 5.2 How does a PYP school develop international- mindedness within its community of learners? community of learners mission statement curriculum framework implementation standards and required practices 5.3 What do we believe about how children learn? •Constructivist approach 建构主义方法 •Structured Inquiry-based 探究式 •Concept development 概念式发展(学习) Language Learning in PYP 小学项目中的语言学习 • 在Making the PYP happen中,有一章关于语言教学的讨论: • “When the three aspects of learning language, learning about language and learning through language, introduced earlier in this document, operate together in a relevant context, they provide the most supportive learning environment for language learners” (p.72) • 大家可以注意到在PYP课程中,语言老师们在设计教学时需要考 虑语言三个不同的方面,以此达到最大限度的帮助学生建立有意义 的学习经验。 Reference • Making the PYP Happen, 2010. IBO • 《小学项目项目的实施:国际初等教育课程框架》, 2010. IBO • (IBO官网) •