FALL RISK ASSESSMENT Client Name: DOB: Instructions: On admission, after a fall and regular intervals per facility policy. Assess the participant status in the eight clinical condition parameters listed below (A-H) by assigning the corresponding score that best describes the participant in the appropriate assessment column. Add the columns of numbers to obtain the TOTAL SCORE. If this score is 10 or greater, the participant should be considered at HIGH RISK for potential falls. A prevention plan should be initiated immediately and documented on the participant’s interdisciplinary care plan. 1 PARAMETER A. B. C. D. E. SCORE PARTICIPANT STATUS/CONDITION ALERT – (oriented x3)OR COMATOSE DISORIENTED x3 at all times INTERMITTENT CONFUSION HISTORY OF FALLS NO FALLS in past 3 months (past 3 months) 1-2 FALLS in past 3 months 3 or MORE FALLS in past 3 months AMBULATION/ AMBULATORY/CONTINENT ELIMINATION CHAIR BOUND – restraints and assist STATUS with elimination 4 AMBULATORY/INCONTINENT VISION STATUS 0 ADEQUATE (with or without glasses) 2 POOR (with or without glasses) 4 LEGALLY BLIND GAIT/BALANCE To assess the participant’s gait/balance have him/her stand on both feet without holding onto anything, walk forward, walk through a doorway and make a turn. Please list ALL that apply. 0 Gait/Balance 1 Balance problem while standing 1 Balance while walking 1 Decreased muscular coordination 1 Change in gait pattern when walking through doorway 1 Jerking or unstable when making turns 1 Requires use of assistive device (cane, walker, w/c, etc.) 2 NOT APPLICABLE – Unable to perform any of above LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS MENTAL STATUS 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 2 2 3 Date 4 F. SYSTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE G. MEDICATIONS H. PREDISPOSING DISEASES TOTAL SCORE ASSESS 0 NO NOTED DROP between lying & standing 2 Drop LESS THAN 20 mm Hg between lying & standing 4 Drop MORE THAN 20 mm HG between lying & standing Respond below based on the following types of meds: Diuretics, Narcotics, Sedatives, Hypnotics, Psychotropics, Cathartics, Anesthetics, Antihistamines, Antihypertensives, Antiseizure, Benzodiazepines 0 NONE of these meds taken currently or within the last 7 days. 2 TAKES 1-2 of these meds currently and/or within the last 7 days. 4 TAKES 3-4 of these meds currently and/or within the last 7 days 1 If participant have had a change in meds and/or doses in the past 5 days. TAKE THIS ADDITIONAL POINT Respond below based on the following conditions: Hypotension, Vertigo, Parkinson’s Disease, Seizures, Loss of Limbs, Arthritis, Fractures, Osteoporosis, CVA 0 NONE PRESENT 2 1-2 PRESENT 4 3 OR MORE PRESENT Total score of 10 or more HIGH RISK FOR FALLS SIGNATURE/TITLE/DATE ASSESS 1 3 2 4 SIGNATURE/TITLE/DATE