FAA CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR ALTERNATIVE JET FUELS & ENVIRONMENT Supersonic En-route Noise - a.k.a. Sonic Boom Vic Sparrow, Director and Professor of Acoustics Graduate Program in Acoustics, Penn State vws1@psu.edu April 21, 2017 ANERS 2017, Alexandria, VA, USA Opinions, findings, conclusions and recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of ASCENT sponsor organizations. Acknowledgments The ANERS organizers Wonderful sponsors: FAA & NASA – Particularly FAA managers Sandy Liu, Bao Tong, Becky Cointin – Particularly NASA managers Peter Coen, Ed Haering, Alexandra Loubeau Wonderful partners – Aerion – Boeing – Gulfstream – KBRwyle – Lockheed Martin – Volpe Faculty and students at Penn State 2 Sonic booms are coming! Purpose: – Describe sonic booms and methods to enable the return of routine civilian supersonic flight Reminders: – Supersonic: Faster than the speed of sound – Mach number: airplane speed relative to speed of sound, Outline: – Background – 2 approaches for overland supersonics 3 Need for speed People want to get from place to place as fast as possible, so aircraft are helpful Faster transportation brings the peoples of the world closer together – Trade and commerce: key for international business – Mutual understanding: world peace You don’t always need speed, but when you need it, you really want it – Federal Express versus U.S. mail For many people, time is money. – Supersonic flight can be twice as fast as subsonic. 4 Why a small supersonic jet (SSJ)? It’s a stepping stone to get to supersonic airliners. – Easier to overcome technical hurdles for small aircraft – Learn lessons so can build larger vehicles People are willing to pay for them. – Affluent individuals are usually the first to pay high prices for technology until the price comes down for everyone else (subsonic aircraft in 1940’s and 50’s, cellphones in 1980’s . . . ) Can do a lot of good right away. – Organ donations (double the range of potential donor/recipient matches) – Fast travel to natural disasters, etc. 5 Shock waves: continuously made Power boat on lake [Edmont, Creative commons.] Sonic boom [L. Weinstein, NASA Langley] Common misunderstanding: – There is no singular boom from “breaking the sound barrier” – The boom is carried around by the aircraft whenever it is supersonic! 6 pressure Typical “N-wave” ~100 Pa “N-wave” what you hear boom ~300 ms time boom 7 Geometry Mach Cone: θM 1⎞ = sin ⎜ ⎟ , the Mach angle ⎝ M⎠ −1 ⎛ 8 Boom “carpet” on a typical flight [Maglieri & Plotkin, 1991.] Primary carpet about 30 to 50 miles wide (50 to 80 km). 9 Projected flight routes over U.S. (one day, fleet of 400 aircraft) [Salamone, 2009.] 10 Current U.S. regulation Overland, civil supersonic flight is currently prohibited: FAA is interested in reevaluating regulations in light of – new research findings – current direction of NASA and industry Data is needed to reevaluate the regulations. 11 The only civilian supersonic airliner to date: The Concorde Statistics: – Regular flights between 1976 and 2003. – Speed peaked at Mach 2, height 59,000 ft! Concorde was restricted to over-water routes because of the sonic boom Concorde was [P. Henne, 2005] – Technical success – Economic failure – Environmental failure But now we know a lot more know about – Computational fluid dynamics – Human perception, for example . . . 12 2 paths to overland supersonic flight “Shape” the aircraft to make it quieter – Low boom technology When overland, fly the aircraft slower so sonic booms never reach the ground – Mach cut-off technology 13 Current industry choices Low-Boom Gulfstream Lockheed Martin Spike Aerospace [Maglieri, et al., 2014.] Mach Cut-off or N-wave Wait and See Aerion Boeing Boom Technology Cessna Dassault 14 Calculated Loudness of Shaped Booms Slide courtesy of Brenda Sullivan, NASA Langley 1 psf peak initial shock all booms have 1 ms initial rise time 15 Metrics for sonic boom Peak pressure doesn’t work very well – pascals [Pa] or poundforce per square foot [psf] Steven’s Mark VII Perceived Loudness, PL A-weighted SEL C-weighted SEL (but not for quiet booms) Glasberg and Moore loudness metrics Hybrid Metrics – Example “Indoor sonic boom annoyance predictor” ISBAP = a0 + a1*PL + a2*(ASEL - CSEL) [Loubeau, et al., (2015)] 16 Outdoor subjective testing with N-wave aircraft Photo: Hodgdon Retouch: Leith 17 Sonic booms can cause rattle indoors Low-frequency content in sonic booms will likely make houses vibrates, and this can create rattles. Americans spend 90% of their time indoors (EPA). Researchers at NASA are conducting studies on rattle’s effects on subjective annoyance. [Mr. Jorge Cruz, Pinterest] 18 Attempt at a smoother waveform Gulfstream’s Quiet Spike, 2006-2007 – F-15 with extendable forward spike – Make multiple small shocks instead of one big shock 19 NASA’s planned demonstrator 2015 stated they are working to develop an X-plane to demonstrate low-boom technology. – Called Quiet SuperSonic Technology (QueSST) aircraft – Designed for cruise at Mach 1.6 – Waiting on Congress for funding – Really need this aircraft to move forward Lockheed Martin/ NASA 20 Aerion’s announcement In 2015 stated they are working with Airbus Military to build a supersonic aircraft with first flight in 2021. – Not a low-boom aircraft; makes an N-wave – Fly like Concorde over water – Will ask FAA to fly over land in Mach-Cut Off configuration: M < 1.15 21 Speed of sound varies with height Relies on temperature dependence of atmosphere Speed of sound varies with temperature And temperature varies with height Typical lapse condition: (afternoon) 22 Concept of Mach cut-off At altitude, airplane achieves Mach 1 velocity at a lower speed than if near ground. Aircraft is supersonic at altitude, but not at ground. Rays bend upwards, so no boom on the ground. Approximate range: 1 < M < 1.15 23 Ray theory does not explain all Zoom in to see a wave structure near caustic: Caustic line Evanescent wave 24 ASCENT research on Mach cut-off Dusting off all the theories and data that were available in the early 1970s Current work focused on finding – “Safe altitudes” for Mach cut-off flight, incorporating real world atmospheres – Annoyance thresholds for Mach cut-off sounds Summary: § Mach cut-off could work much of the time §52F/@8??;->/1=?-5: - How often Mach cut-off sounds will be heard - What the public will think of the sounds 25 What does the future hold? Look into the crystal ball . . . its very likely we will see: Demonstration aircraft assembled in 2-3 years Flying demonstration aircraft in 3-5 years Prototype N-wave aircraft in 4-5 years Routine service of N-wave aircraft in 7-10 years Routine service of low-boom aircraft overland in 10-15 years Note: V. Sparrow’s best guesses; no one else’s. 26 Summary Sonic booms are coming to you in a few years – N-wave – Mach cut-off (keep boom off the ground) – Low boom (shape the aircraft) Want to learn more? – Download your free copy of an amazing 535 page book prepared by NASA – It is *FREE* and available online: NASA/SP-2014-622 – Get from ntrs.nasa.gov Thanks for listening! vws1@psu.edu 27 References Master reference: D. Maglieri, P. Bobbitt, K. Plotkin, K. Shepherd, P. Coen, and D. Richwine, Sonic Boom: Six Decades of Research, NASA/SP-2014-622 (NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, USA, 2015). Boom Technology, boomsupersonic.com H. Carlson, “Experimental and analytical research on sonic boom generation at NASA,” in Sonic Boom Research, NASA SP-147, A. R. Seebass, Ed. (1967). L. Cliatt, et al., “Mach cutoff analysis and results from NASA’s farfield investigation of no-boom thresholds,” AIAA 2016-3011, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conf., Lyon, France, 30 May – 1 June, 2016. G. Haglund and E. Kane, "Flight test measurements and analysis of sonic boom phenomena near the shock wave extremity," NASA Report CR-2167 (1973). P. Henne, “Case for a small supersonic civil aircraft,” J. of Aircraft 42(3) 765-774 (2005). S. Horinouchi, “Conceptual design for a low sonic boom SSBJ,” 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA 2005-1018. “JAXA validates sonic boom reduction technology: Towards realizing future supersonic civil transport,” http:// global.jaxa.jp/press/2015/10/20151027_dsend2.html , retrieved October 2015. A. Loubeau, Y. Naka, B. Cook, V. Sparrow, and J. Morgenstern, “A new evaluation of noise metrics for sonic booms using existing data,” AIP Conf. Proc. 1685 (2015). D. Maglieri and K. Plotkin, Chap. 10 “Sonic Boom,” in Aeroacoustics of Flight Vehicles: Theory and Practice, H. Hubbard (Ed.) (NASA Ref. Pub. 1258, Vol. 1 WRDC Tech. Rept. 90-3052, NASA Langley Research Center, 1991) R. Perley, “Design and demonstration of a system for routine, boomless, supersonic flights,” FAA Report No. FAARD-77-72 (1977). J. Salamone,”Recent sonic boom propagation studies at Gulfsteam Aerospace,” AIAA 2009-3388, (2009). Spike Aerospace, spikeaerospace.com B. M. Sullivan, “Research on subjective response to simulated sonic booms at NASA Langley Research Center,” presentation FrAM108 at International Sonic Boom Forum, 18-22 July 2005, State College, PA. Proceedings paper written and will appear in 2006. W. Shurcliff, "S/S/T and sonic boom handbook," (Ballantine, 1970), p. 63. 28 Backup Slides 29 Alternative representations Steady supersonic flight assumed: [Maglieri & Plotkin, 1991.] 30 How shocks become an N-wave shocks Result from nonlinear acoustics: higher amplitude portions of the wave travel faster Multiple shocks become the N-wave during the propagation to the ground: 31 Effects of atmospheric turbulence The hypothesis is that lowboom waveforms will be less affected by turbulence than N-waves. To be tested . . . 32 Recent research by JAXA Japanese Aviation eXploration Agency Drop an unpowered low-boom model from 30 km Success, July 2015! [JAXA, 2015] JAXA id 33 Does boom shaping really work? Back-to-Back Data Flight 27 August 2003 DARPA QSP Northrop Grumman USN Fallon F-5E With F-5 SSBD At Palmdale Preparing For Flight F-5E SSBD Aircraft Takes-Off Followed USN F-5E 45-Seconds Later 34 Yes, boom shaping works First-Ever Shaped Sonic Boom Recorded 27 August 2003 DARPA QSP Northrop Grumman Signatures recorded during SSBD backto-back data flights in the Edwards AFB supersonic flight corridor early morning Estimated conditions: Mach 1.36+, Altitude 32,000 ft [Benson, 2013.] 35 Subjective testing via simulators NASA Langley Gulfstream Lockheed-Martin 36 Spectrum of N-wave Both low & high frequencies important 37 Indoor subjective testing [KlosF3@=1 Haering idea.] 38