Prehistoric Early Art History K-2 All About STUDENT WORKSHEET NAME:____________________________________ CLASS:____________________________________ 1. Prehistoric cave art was made by people thousands of years ago on cave walls. What animals do you see in the Lascaux Cave images to the right? Lascaux Cave (France) images from: 2. Petroglyphs are symbols that are carved in rock. Draw a line between the symbol and its meaning. Man River Camp Fish Days & Nights Campfire DEEP SPACE SPARKLE & THE SPARKLERS CLUB 1 ! 3. Using a pencil or markers, add the six symbols from question #2 to this cave wall. 4. Pretend you are living in the Stone Age. Write about what your house is like, what animals you see or what your chores are. DEEP SPACE SPARKLE & THE SPARKLERS CLUB 2 !