Uploaded by Ashley Medlock

Research Proposal Grading Rubric - EES 301

EES 301 Understanding Scientific Communication
Fall 2020
Research proposal grading rubric
Introduction - research goals/objectives
How well does the Introduction state the overall goals and objectives of the
5 pts
Introduction/Background - synthesizes of research context
How well does the Introduction/Background synthesize other research on the topic
and explain how the proposed work fits into the disciplinary context?
5 pts
Introduction - research hypothesis
How well is the research hypothesis presented?
5 pts
Method - data collection
How well are the data needs and data collection method addressed?
5 pts
Method - analytical procedure
How well does the Method describe the techniques to address the research
5 pts
Expected outcome
How well does the proposal address the contribution/significance of the proposed
5 pts
References and citations
Is the list of references complete with consistence formatting? Are all references
listed consistently cited in text?
5 pts
Overall writing style
Is the proposal written for a non-expert audience, well organized, with correct
spelling and grammar, and high level of clarity?
5 pts