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CS120 Midterm Exam Review: Python Basics

CS120 Midterm Exam Review
Due Thursday 10/11 for 20 points extra credit.
Write code for each of the following:
1. Assign a string to a variable name.
name = “Joseph”
2. Print the number of characters in the above string.
print(len(name)) or print len(name)
3. Concatenate a string and a number.
“age: ” + str(20)
4. What will be printed for each of the following:
a. print(3**3) 27
b. print(4 + 5 * 2) 14
c. print(20 / 10) 2
d. print(20.0 / 2) 10.0
e. print(5 % 2) 1
5. Using a for loop and the range function, print the numbers 1 – 10.
6. Using a for loop and the range function, print the even numbers 4 – 16.
7. Use a while loop to print the numbers 1 – 10.
8. Use a while loop to print the numbers 10 – 1.
9. Make a list of 5 names and assign it to a variable name.
names = [“joe”, “tom”, “jane”, “amy”, “cathy”]
10. Add a value to the list.
11. Print the third item in the list.
12. Get the index of the second item.
13. Loop through the list and print out each name on a separate line using the for-in loop.
14. Loop through the list and print out each name on a separate line using the for-range loop.
15. How many errors are in this Python code?
16. Write an example of getting input from a user: ask for the user’s name and assign it to a
17. Write the code for getting a score from user input, then, using if/elif/else, compare the
input to a range of scores to determine a letter grade, which is assigned to a variable
called grade.
18. Write a function that calculates the area of a rectangle (length multiplied by width). It
should have two parameters and return the result of the calculation as a variable. Call the
function with appropriate parameter arguments and print the result.
**Know how to get continuous input from user until the user enters “q” to quit: