CS120 Midterm Exam Review Name_______________________ Due Thursday 10/11 for 20 points extra credit. Write code for each of the following: 1. Assign a string to a variable name. name = “Joseph” 2. Print the number of characters in the above string. print(len(name)) or print len(name) 3. Concatenate a string and a number. “age: ” + str(20) 4. What will be printed for each of the following: a. print(3**3) 27 b. print(4 + 5 * 2) 14 c. print(20 / 10) 2 d. print(20.0 / 2) 10.0 e. print(5 % 2) 1 5. Using a for loop and the range function, print the numbers 1 – 10. 6. Using a for loop and the range function, print the even numbers 4 – 16. 7. Use a while loop to print the numbers 1 – 10. 8. Use a while loop to print the numbers 10 – 1. 9. Make a list of 5 names and assign it to a variable name. names = [“joe”, “tom”, “jane”, “amy”, “cathy”] 10. Add a value to the list. names.append(“john”) 11. Print the third item in the list. print(names[2]) 12. Get the index of the second item. names.index("tom") 13. Loop through the list and print out each name on a separate line using the for-in loop. 14. Loop through the list and print out each name on a separate line using the for-range loop. 15. How many errors are in this Python code? 16. Write an example of getting input from a user: ask for the user’s name and assign it to a variable. 17. Write the code for getting a score from user input, then, using if/elif/else, compare the input to a range of scores to determine a letter grade, which is assigned to a variable called grade. 18. Write a function that calculates the area of a rectangle (length multiplied by width). It should have two parameters and return the result of the calculation as a variable. Call the function with appropriate parameter arguments and print the result. **Know how to get continuous input from user until the user enters “q” to quit: