Uploaded by Juan Miguel Valdés

4th ESO Presentation Rubric (CCSS ELA Aligned)

Adapted from Mr. C’s for 4th ESO Presentation Rubric (CCSS ELA Aligned) Irabia-Izaga School
Group (1 to 5):
Below what
should be (2)
Visual Support
and Explanation
of ideas
Eyes, Body and
Teamwork in
Approaching what it
What it should be (4)
should be (3)
• Quality of images (500x500 ppi minimum)
• Minimum use of text
• presents ideas in an order that makes sense
• organizes time well; no part of the presentation is
rushed, too short or too long
• chooses appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive
reasons to support main ideas and themes
keeps eye contact with audience most of the time;
has a confident posture
speaks loudly and clearly
right register, using formal English when appropriate
• all team members participate for about the same
length of time
• they are able to answer questions for other members
They don’t repeat the same ideas
good transition from one speaker to another
Above what it
should be (5)
Adapted from Mr. C’s for 4th ESO Presentation Rubric (CCSS ELA Aligned) Irabia-Izaga School
Group (1 to 5):
Below what
should be (2)
Visual Support
and Explanation
of ideas
Eyes, Body and
Teamwork in
Approaching what it
What it should be (4)
should be (3)
• Quality of images (500x500 ppi minimum)
• Minimum use of text
• presents ideas in an order that makes sense
• organizes time well; no part of the presentation is
rushed, too short or too long
• chooses appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive
reasons to support main ideas and themes
keeps eye contact with audience most of the time;
has a confident posture
speaks loudly and clearly
right register, using formal English when appropriate
• all team members participate for about the same
length of time
• they are able to answer questions for other members
They don’t repeat the same ideas
good transition from one speaker to another
Adapted from Mr. C’s for 4th ESO Presentation Rubric (CCSS ELA Aligned) Irabia-Izaga School
Above what it
should be (5)
Group (1 to 5):
Below what
should be (2)
Visual Support
and Explanation
of ideas
Eyes, Body and
Teamwork in
Approaching what it
Above what it
What it should be (4)
should be (3)
should be (5)
• Quality of images (500x500 ppi minimum)
• Minimum use of text
• presents ideas in an order that makes sense
• organizes time well; no part of the presentation is
rushed, too short or too long
• chooses appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive
reasons to support main ideas and themes
keeps eye contact with audience most of the time;
has a confident posture
speaks loudly and clearly
right register, using formal English when appropriate
• all team members participate for about the same
length of time
• they are able to answer questions for other members
They don’t repeat the same ideas
good transition from one speaker to another
Adapted from Mr. C’s for 4th ESO Presentation Rubric (CCSS ELA Aligned) Irabia-Izaga School
Group (1 to 5):
Below what
should be (2)
Visual Support
and Explanation
of ideas
Eyes, Body and
Teamwork in
Approaching what it
Above what it
What it should be (4)
should be (3)
should be (5)
• Quality of images (500x500 ppi minimum)
• Minimum use of text
• presents ideas in an order that makes sense
• organizes time well; no part of the presentation is
rushed, too short or too long
• chooses appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive
reasons to support main ideas and themes
keeps eye contact with audience most of the time;
has a confident posture
speaks loudly and clearly
right register, using formal English when appropriate
• all team members participate for about the same
length of time
• they are able to answer questions for other members
They don’t repeat the same ideas
good transition from one speaker to another
Adapted from Mr. C’s for 4th ESO Presentation Rubric (CCSS ELA Aligned) Irabia-Izaga School
Group (1 to 5):
Below what
should be (2)
Visual Support
and Explanation
of ideas
Eyes, Body and
Teamwork in
Approaching what it
What it should be (4)
should be (3)
• Quality of images (500x500 ppi minimum)
• Minimum use of text
• presents ideas in an order that makes sense
• organizes time well; no part of the presentation is
rushed, too short or too long
• chooses appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive
reasons to support main ideas and themes
keeps eye contact with audience most of the time;
has a confident posture
speaks loudly and clearly
right register, using formal English when appropriate
• all team members participate for about the same
length of time
• they are able to answer questions for other members
They don’t repeat the same ideas
good transition from one speaker to another
Above what it
should be (5)