CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX FOR BILLING INSURANCE BILLING: COMPLETE SECTION 1-6 BELOW GRANT ACCOUNT PATIENT BILLING (SELF PAY): COMPLETE SECTION 1-2 BELOW WHOLESALE/ACCOUNT MICROBIOLOGY LABORATORY REQUEST FORM PATIENT NAME (LAST, FIRST, MI) - PLEASE PRINT PATIENT HISTORY # LAST DOB FIRST MIDDLE PHYSICIAN NAME (LAST, FIRST) SEX M F PHONE/PIC # PHYSICIAN SIGNATURE PATIENT LOCATION DATE & TIME OF COLLECTION 1. PATIENT ADDRESS (STREET OR PO BOX) CITY/STATE 2. PATIENT PHONE # ZIP CODE PATIENT SOCIAL SECURITY # PATIENT MARITAL STATUS S GUARANTOR NAME (LEAVE BLANK IF PATIENT IS GUARANTOR) GUARANTOR PHONE # GUARANTOR ADDRESS (STREET OR PO BOX) CITY/STATE 3. MEDICARE: PRIMARY/SECONDARY MEDICARE # & LETTER 5. OTHER INSURER PRIMARY EFFECTIVE DATE M W RACE D W B OTHER RELATIONSHIP TO PATIENT ZIP CODE 4. MEDICAID # STATE COMPANY NAME ADDRESS SUBSCRIBER NAME POLICY # EFFECTIVE DATE PHONE # SECONDARY GROUP # Specimen Source (must specify specimen source) First Systems & Resources, Inc (434) 973-4152 Fax ( 434) 973-6892 Aspirate Biopsy/Tissue Blood Bone Marrow Bone Bronchial Brush Bronchial Wash Bronchoalveolar Lavage Cervical/Vaginal CSF Dialysate Eye Gastric Hair Mucocutaneous Nasopharynx-(NP) Nail Nasal Washing Rectal Scalp Sinus Skin Sputum Stool Synovial Throat Transbronchial Biopsy Urethral Urine Urine - Indwelling Cath Urine - in - out Cath Urine - suprapubic Vaginal/rectal Vitreous Wound, Deep Wound, Superficial Other (describe) special site CULTURES ICD9 CODE TEST NAME CULTURES TEST CODE ICD9 CODE TEST NAME Bacteriology Aerobic Bacteriology Special Request Aerobic & Anaerobic Bacteriology Special Request Gram Stain Blood Culture C. Difficile Assay Culture for Grp B Strep Culture, Grp A Beta Strep Only Mycobacteriology (BACUL) (ANACUL) (GRSTN) (BLC) (CDIFTX) (CBS) (CTS) (Culture confirmation for negative rapid screen in office) Grp A Beta Strep Scrn (throat only) (TS) (Rapid screen + culture confirmation if negative) Legionella DFA Neisseria Gonorrhoea Culture Pneumocystis DFA Stool Culture Fecal Leukocytes Fecal Lactoferrin Urine Culture (LEGDIF) (GCS) (PCPSTN) (STC) (FL) (FLAC) (UC) Mycology 33211 11/04 CSF Fungal Culture Cryptococcal Antigen (check source) Blood Spinal Fluid Fungal Culture Fungal Screen (Dermatophytes) TEST CODE (FUNCSF) (CRYPGB) (CRYPG) (FUNCUL) (FUNSC) (BLCAFB) (AFBCSF) (AFBCUL) (AFBU) AFB Blood Culture AFB CSF Culture AFB Culture AFB Urine Culture Parasitology Cryptosporidium Giardia Screen Ova & Parasites Special Request Virology Blood Suspected Agent Cytomegalovirus Herpes Simplex Influenza A and B (Available only Nov-Mar) Influenza culture only - screen negative Respiratory (all viruses from respiratory sources) Suspected Agent Resp. Syncytial Virus Screen Rotavirus Screen Varicella Zoster Virus DFA Viral (non-respiratory sources only) Suspected Agent (CMSPOR) (GSS) (QOP) (VCB) (VSCMV) (VSHSV) (VSFLU) (VSINF) (VCRESP) (RSVSCR) (VSROTA) (VZVDFA) (VCUL) Additional testing (smears, stains, susceptibilities, and organism identifications) will be performed for appropriate specimen types, unless otherwise indicated by ordering physician.