-- I liiii --- Chaminade University OF HONOLULU May 19, 2015 Dear Sir or Madam: This is to certify that the above named student was registered as a full time student, in an undergraduate program, for the Spring Day 2015 term. The term dates were January 12, 2015 to May 7, 2015. She is pre~registered as a fu]J time student for the Fall Day 2015 term. The term dates are August 24, 2015 to December 10, 2015. Enrollment status may be confirmed by calling the Records Office a week after the beginning of the Fall term. Anticipated graduation date is May 2018. If you have any further questions, please contact the Records Office at (808) 440~4221. . ~el~ Judy Masuda Records Specialist Chaminade University of Honolulu • 3140 Waialae Avenue • Honolulu. Hawai'i 96816-1578 • (808) 735~i111 • www.chaminade.edu ~-~ ENROLLMENT VERIFICATION Federal School Code Enrollment Terms oregon 003212 Term Credits Stu Term Acad Start Date End Date Level. Attempted _____ .... ___ Load ---------- Reporting-Spring 2016 01/01/16 Reporting- Fall 2015 08/24/15 Reporting-Spring 2015 01/01/15 Reporting-Fall 2014 08/25/14 Reporting-Spring 2014 01/01/14 Reporting-Fall 2013 08/25/13 Anticipated Deg:ree Date Academic Program 05/17 ~ Pacific~ University ------·-­ 05/22/16 12/31/1 5 05/17/15 12/3 1/14 05/18/14 20 .0 0 13.00 18.00 17.00 19". 00 UG UG UG UG UG 12/31/13 UG p F F F F 16.00 F . ­ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .• - - - - . - ---1- ···--- - - ­ BS-EXERCISE SCIENCE MOTOR BEHAVIOR Last Term Enrolled: 201-6S ~~-­ Signature of Authorized Official: Name/Title of Authorized Official: egistrar Anne Herman, Registrar (503) 11'( 352-2793 EXPLANAT:[ONS Student Load-­ L = less than half-time H = half-time F ful.l.-time 0 = overload (more than full-time) School of Profession,:11 Psychology Internship full-tim,~ = 2 credits Internship half-time= 1 credit 2043 Colkgt Way I for!St Grovt, OR 97116 I TOLL ,RU 877•722•8648 I pacificu.tdu • • WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY 900 State Street, Salem, OR 97301 ~mamett~.edu . e university registrar pho ne: 503.370 . 62 0 6 u.s . a. February 11, 2016 To Whom It May Concern: This is to verify that Is enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student in good standing for Spdng Semester 2016. The beginning date of the undergraduate program at Willamette University for Spring Semester 2016 is January 18, 2016 and the ending date is May 12, 201~. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions on this matter. Thank you for your support ofthis student's educational efforts at Willamette University. Sincerely, Laura Jacobs Anderson University Registrar Email: regJslrar@willametie.edu !II"\ GEORGE Fox w Office of the Registrar UNIV E RSITY 414 N. McridJan St., #61 89 , Newberg, OR 971'32 [ 503.SS4.221 8 Enrollment Verification as of 12121201s Career Current Proaram of study Academic Program Cumulative GPA Undergraduate Traditional UG Degree Seeking 3.665 Academic Plan Degree Cinema and Media Communication B.A. . Sub-Plan Film and Video Production Enrollment History Term Career Begin Dat~ End Date Units Status 2015 Fall Term UGRD 08/31/2015 12/18/2015 15.00 Full-Time is also pr@..regtstered for 15 credits (full-time) for the 2016 Spring serriester; which begins on 01/11/2016 and ends on 04/29/2016. · Sincerely, Melissa Thomas Regjstrar . George Fox University 503.554.2218 IMPORTANT: If you are folwardlng lhlscertiftcatelo a 3"'-party, we advise that you print your polcy, account or otller lderitlytog Information on each page. National Student Clearinghouse ® 2300 Dulles Station Blvd., Suite 300, Herndon, Virginia 20171 PH (703) 742-4200 FX (703) 742-4239 www.studentclearinghouse.org © 2016 National Student Clearinghouse. All rights reserved Policy/Acct. Holder Neme Polley/Account/Group or Other 10 # Current Enrollment Verification Cer'tificate Transaction ID#: Date/Time Notified: 01/27/2016 13:21 EST The National Student Clearinghouse as Authorized Certifying Agent for HARVARD UNIVERSITY verifies the enrollment below for' · 01/07/2016 01/25/2016 _AJ Our certtflcallon system is designed to expedite the sharing of academic Information with many agencies. We appreciate your acceptance of this certification, as hand-processed forms would slow our resp0nse time. This Information verified has been obtained directly and exclusively from the lndlvldual's educational institution. The Clearinghouse specifically disclaim$ any responsib/1/ty or liablftty for errors or om/86/ons In Information supp/led to the Clearlngllouse by an educatlonal /nslJlut/on, lncliJdlng dlloct. indilect, Incidental, special. or consequential damages bssed in oontract, 1o11, orsny other csuse ofectlon, resulting from the use of Information supp/Jed by the edu.21ional Institution and verified. Page 1 of 1