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Physics Worksheet: Power, Work, Energy

Wrap-Up Chapter 14 &15
1. Renard and Mrs. Efird decided to compare their toasters and see which one was more
powerful. Renard bought his George Forman super deluxe toaster for $49.95. The toaster can do
9.8 J of work in 5 seconds. Mrs. Efird’s $9.95 Wal-mart brand puts out 2.3 N of force through a
distance of 2 m in 5 seconds. Who has the toaster with the most power?
Power of Renard’s toaster: ___________________________________
Power of Mrs. Efird’s toaster: ________________________________
*Circle the person with the most powerful toaster.
2. Zach Wright thinks he can do more work then Chucki Hunt. We decided to have a race and
make the two push a car across the Carson parking lot. Chucki decided to push a 1992 Honda
Civic whose force is 1549N. He could push it 22m. Zach decided he was a tough guy and
pushed a 2001 Ford Explorer with a force of 3844N. He could only push it 10m. Which guy did
more work and now has bragging rights?
Chucki: _________________________
Zach: ___________________________
*Circle the person who did the most work.
3. Lauren and April tried to build a deer stand that helped them climb the tree easier then their
previous stand. After a week of stitching and climbing they believed the deer stand was now
better then their last stand which had an IMA of 3. If the stand allowed them to move an extra
6m for every 42m they climbed, what is the IMA of the new stand? Is the new stand better?
Better? Yes or No? ____________________________
4. Brianna wanted to make a robot that would do all her work around the house for her. If the
machine did 505J or work for every 777J of work Brianna did, what would the efficiency of the
machine be?
5. Jenn decided to show all her friends how inertia kept her moving forward even though she tried
to stop running. Danny thought she would show Jenn’s friends how smart she was so she
calculated Jenn’s kinetic energy while Jenn was running back and forth across the grass. If Jenn
has a mass of 55kg and ran with a speed of 2m/s what did Danny find to be her kinetic energy?
6. Jacob, who has a mass of 80kg, has curled up on his desk 2m above the ground. While he
sleeps, Randy, who has a mass of 75kg, runs around the room at a speed of 7.9m/s warning
people that aliens are coming. Who has more energy?
Jacob’s energy_____________________________
Randy’s energy________________________
*Circle who has more
Bonus: Tell me two ways energy is conserved here at Carson.