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Family & Consumer Sciences 1 Course Syllabus

Kingstree High School
616 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue
Kingstree, SC 29556
Phone: 843-355-6525
Kingstree High School will provide a safe and supportive learning environment for students to develop skills and
knowledge to become successful citizens.
Course Syllabus
E-mail Address
Required Text
Ms. Fabian Wright
Family and Consumer Sciences 1
Families Today by Connie R. Sasse, CFCS
Room Number
Course Length
State Assessment
1 Semester
Reference text: Consumer Education and
Economics by Ross E. Lowe, Charles A
Malouf and Annette R. Jacobson
Food for Today by Helen Kowtaluk
This course is a prerequisite for Family and Consumer Sciences 2. Students will be
taught skills and knowledge that will help them transition into adult roles within
the family. They learn how to contribute meaningfully as part of a team, prepare
nutritious meals and fabric items and how to make wise consumer decisions.
Students will also gain an appreciation for the responsibilities of family members
throughout the life-span and their contributions towards the well-being of the
family and the community.
Course Goals
Upon successful completion of this course, students will have met the following
goals to be ready for college, careers, and citizenship:
1. Have a good theoretical understanding and knowledge of the subject/course
2. Be able to demonstrate the required practical skills needed in the preparation of
nutritionally adequate and suitable meals/dishes for the family.
3. Be able to make healthy food and lifestyle choices in regards to their personal
choices, health and level of physical activity.
Unit 1: Interpersonal skills
Unit 2: Career, community and Family Connections
Unit 3: Family Well-being
Unit 4: Nutrition and Wellness
Unit 5: Family and Consumer Resources
Unit 6: Human Development
Unit 7: Textiles and Apparel
Required: Text, kitchen equipment, ingredients, aprons /caps, closed fitted shoes
for practical classes and writing instruments: note books, rule papers, pens,
pencils, sharpeners, erasers, white out
Grading Policy
2 weeks
3 weeks
2 weeks
3 weeks
2 weeks
3 weeks
2 weeks
Numerical grades are used to designate a student's progress.
The grading system is as follows.
A = 90 – 100
B = 80 – 89
C = 70 – 79
D = 60 – 69
F = 0 – 59
(work is excellent in quality and quantity)
(work is good and above average)
(work is average)
(work is poor and unsatisfactory)
(work is not acceptable)
Students must be in class to be marked present. Students who miss more than 20
minutes of class will be marked absent unless otherwise approved by the principal.
Students whose excused and/or unexcused absences exceed 5 will fail the class
due to excessive absences.
Academic Integrity
Plagiarism is the act of taking the work of another and presenting it as one’s own
without acknowledgement of the original source. This course assumes utmost
academic honesty; plagiarism will not be tolerated. Acts of plagiarism will be
reported to the school principal and are considered cheating. If you have any
questions about your use of others’ work this term, see me about citation
guidelines and proper use of sources before turning in the final assignment. The
school Media Specialist is also a wonderful resource for questions about the
proper use of sources.
Final Exam
The final exam in this course will be cumulative. Students may exempt the final
exam if all requirements are met (See KHS Student Handbook).
[Ms. Wright] - Course Syllabus pg. 2
Grading Criteria
Project/Research Task
Homework Policy
Homework will be used to supplement classroom activities. It will be planned
effectively, assigned judiciously, and evaluated promptly. Homework will count as
10% of a student’s overall grade in this class.
Late Work
One letter grade per day will be deducted from student work that is late. Any
work over three days late will not be graded.
Learning Disabilities
Kingstree High School is committed to providing equal educational opportunities
to all students. If you have a documented learning disability and will need any
accommodations in this course, they will be provided to you. Additional
information about the policies and procedures for accommodations of learning
disabilities is available at: www.wcsd.k12.sc.us under the Office of Exceptional
Learning. If you feel that you are not receiving the accommodations outlined in
your IEP, please see the principal and voice your concerns directly to her.
Class Rules
1. Be courteous and respectful
2. No excessive talking
3. Be attentive to the lesson
4. Raise your hand for assistance
5. Be seated at all times (in assigned seat)
6. Wait to be dismissed by the class teacher and NOT the bell
7. Complete ALL class work in a timely manner
8. Be cooperative
Consequences 1. Verbal warning or see teacher after class
2. Call parent(s) to discuss continued behavior
3. Parental conference
4. Write/refer student to administrator for continuous
noncompliance of the inappropriate behavior
Special Note
 Food and drinks are not allowed in the classroom under any
 Cell phones are not allowed in the classroom for any reason whatsoever.
Interim report
10/8/20, 12/16/20, 3/2/21, 5/11/21
[Ms. Wright] - Course Syllabus pg. 3
Parent Portal
PowerSchool’s Parent Portal provides parents real-time access to a child’s grades,
attendance, assignments and more. To access the Parent Portal, please ask your
parents to contact Kingstree High School’s PowerSchool Operator for more
information and instructions. You will need an e-mail account to obtain access to
the Parent Portal.
Teacher’s Signature F. Wright
Date August 29, 2020
FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES 1 Academic Standards and Curriculum Resource
Course Code: 5808 12 July 2012 Human Services Cluster South Carolina Family and Consumer
Academic Standards (To be integrated in FACS Standards)
A1. The student will read and comprehend a variety of literary text in print and non-print format.
(SC E1-4.1)
A2. The student will read and comprehend a variety of informational texts in print and nonprint. (SC E1-4.2)
A3. The student will use word analysis and vocabulary strategies to read fluently. (SC E14.3)
A4. The student will create written work that has a clear focus, sufficient detail, coherent
organization, effective use of voice, and correct use of the conventions of written Standard
American English. (SC E1-4.4)
A5. The student will write for a variety of purposes and audiences (SC E1-4.5)
A6. The student will access and use information from a variety of sources. (SC E1-4.6)
A7. The student will demonstrate an understanding of how scarcity and choice impact the economic
activity of individuals, facilities, communities, and nations. (SC ECON-1)
A8. The student will demonstrate an understanding of how markets facilitate exchange
and how market regulation costs both consumers and producers. (SC ECON-2)
A9. The student will demonstrate an understanding of personal financial decisions affect an
individual’s present and future economic status. (SC ECON-5)
A10. The student will understand and utilize the mathematical processes of problem solving,
reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation. (SCEA-1)
A11. The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of
relationships and functions. (SCEA-3)
A12. The student will understand and utilize the mathematical processes of problem solving,
reasoning, and proof, communication, connections, and representation. (SCG-1)
A13. The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of the
properties of basic geometric figures and the relationships between and among them. (SCG.2)
A14. The student will understand and utilize the mathematical processes of problem solving,
reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation. (SC PC-1)FAMILY AND
CONSUMER SCIENCES 1 Academic Standards and Curriculum Resource Course Code:
5808 13 July 2012 Human Services Cluster South Carolina Family and Consumer Sciences
[Ms. Wright] - Course Syllabus pg. 4
A15. The student will understand and utilize the mathematical processes of problem solving,
reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation. (SCDA-1)
A16. The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of the
design of a statistical study. (SCDA-2)
A17. The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an
understanding of the methodology for collecting, organizing, displaying, and
interpreting data. (SCDA-3)
A18. The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an
understanding of basic statistical methods of analyzing data. (SCDA-3)
A19. The student will demonstrate an understanding of how scientific inquiry and
technological design, including mathematical analysis, can be used appropriately to pose
questions, seek answers, and develop solutions. (SC PS-1)
A20. The student will demonstrate an understanding of various properties and
classifications of matter. (SC PS-3)
A21. The student will demonstrate an understanding of chemical reactions and
classifications, structures, and properties of chemical compounds. (SC PS-4)
A22. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the nature, conservation, and
transformation of energy. (SC PS-6)
A23. The student will demonstrate an understanding of how scientific inquiry and
technological design, including mathematical analysis, can be used appropriately to pose
questions, seek answers, and develop solutions. (SC B-1)
A24. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the flow of energy within and between living
systems. (SC B-3)
A25. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the molecular basis of heredity.
(SC B-4)
A26. The student will demonstrate an understanding of how scientific inquiry and
technological design, including mathematical analysis, can be used appropriately to pose
questions, seek answers, and develop solutions. (SC C-1)
A27. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the types, the causes, and the effects
of chemical reactions. (SC C-4)
A28. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the structure and behavior of the
different phases of matter. (SC C-5)FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES 1 Academic
Standards and Curriculum Resource Course Code: 5808 14 July 2012 Human Services
Cluster South Carolina Family and Consumer Sciences
[Ms. Wright] - Course Syllabus pg. 5
A29. The student will demonstrate an understanding of how scientific inquiry and technological
design, including mathematical analysis, can be used appropriately to pose questions, seek answers,
and develop solutions. (SC P-1)
A30. The student will demonstrate an understanding of how scientific inquiry and technological
design, including mathematical analysis can be used appropriately to pose questions, seek answers,
and develop solutions. (SC ES-1)
A31. The student will demonstrate an understanding of Earth’s freshwater and ocean systems.
(SC ES-5)
A32. The student will comprehend concepts related to health promotion to enhance
(SC HE-1)
A33. The student will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other
factors on health behaviors. (SC HE-2)
A34. The student will demonstrate the ability to access valid information and products and services
to enhance health. (SC HE-3)
A35. The student will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance
health and avoid or reduce health risks. (SC HE-4)
A36. The student will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
SC HE-5).
A37. The student will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.
(SC HE-6)
A38. The student will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and to avoid or
reduce health risks. (SC HE-7)
A39. The student will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and consumer health.
(SC HE-8)
A40. Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products
and process using technology (Creativity and Innovation). (ISTE-1)
A41. Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively,
including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others
(Communication and Collaboration). (ISTE-2)
A42. Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information (Research and Information
Fluency). (ISTE-3)FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES 1 Academic Standards and
Curriculum Resource Course Code: 5808 15 July 2012 Human Services Cluster South Carolina
Family and Consumer Sciences
[Ms. Wright] - Course Syllabus pg. 6
A43. Student use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve
problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources (Critical
Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making). (ISTE-4)
A44. Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice
legal and ethical behavior (Digital Citizenship). (ISTE-5)
A45. Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems and operations
(Technology Operations and Concepts) (ISTE-6)
[Ms. Wright] - Course Syllabus pg. 7