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CCE/CCC Technical Paper Writing Guide

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How to Write CCE/CCC Technical
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CCE/CCC Preparation Course
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CCE/CCC Preparation Course
- This webcast is part of Protrain’s ‘CCE/CCC Prep
- This is second webcast in serious of 8 ‘CCE/CCC
Prep Course’ virtual workshops
- It is expected that you have already viewed the
lecture ‘2.1 Writing the Technical Paper’ of the
- Recording shall be available on Protrain.tv in
recording section.
- Both Recordings and slide PDF can be access and
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downloaded from Module#
12 of the course.
How to Write CCE/CCC Technical
© Protrain
CCE/CCC Preparation Course
One of the CCE/CCC Certification requirement is a 2,500
words technical paper.
In this webcast, you will learn.
o Components of technical paper and their recommended
o Selecting technical paper title.
o How to plan and writing the technical paper.
o Reviewing the technical paper. and
o Avoid Plagiarism
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CCE Preparation Course
In this part of the webcast we will review the technical paper
requirement set by AACE International for CCE Technical
paper. These are length of the paper and styling.
o The paper or article must be a minimum of 2,500 words, not
including the abstract, figures, tables, and appendices
o What is the maximum word count? There is no maximum
o Don’t forget to do words count before sending the paper
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CCE Preparation Course
Style of the contents
o The author’s general knowledge of the subject
o Present material in an orderly, informative manner
o Short, concise sentences and paragraphs
o Proper spelling and the correct use of grammar and
o No unexplained acronyms, jargon, shop talk, or
telegraphic language
 Illustrations (figures, flowcharts, graphs etc.)
o Must be integrated with the text
o Number, descriptive title, and page number must be
placed clearly
o Illustrations from books and magazines should be
o Written permission from copyright owner must be
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Style of the contents contd..
 Organization or Company Names
o Verify that the name is used properly
o Incorrect to reference “AACE International” as “AACEI” or “AACE,
 Abbreviations
o ‘Critical Path Method (CPM)’ can be written first time thereafter
‘CPM’ can be used
 Equations
dS/S = exp (μX (dT) + std X ∈ X (dT)1/2))
..........(equation 1)
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dS =
S =
std =
the inverse of LN, the natural logarithm of number
change in the variable’s value from one step to the next
previous value
the annualized growth or average increase between steps
change in time from one step to the next
annualized volatility, or standard deviation
value from a CCE
distribution (Monte Carlo)
Preparation Course
In this part of the lecture we will understand paper format, section
of a technical paper and the contents of the reach sections.
 A typical technical paper contains
Title Page.
Table of Contents.
List of Tables.
List of Figures.
The Paper Proper (the main paper)
 Paper Proper contains
The Introduction
The Body
The Conclusion
List of References
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 Title Page
o All papers must have a title page that shows
 The title of the paper
 The author’s identification number
 The date of authorship.
 Do not include the author’s name on the title page.
o A title should be about six words or less
o Technical papers should not have ambiguous titles
 Table of Contents
o This page must be clearly labelled “Table of Contents”
o Make sure you have a table of contents and does your table of
contents mirror the contents of the paper
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List of Tables
o It should be clearly labelled “List of Tables”
o Should follow the same format used for the table of contents
List of Figures
o Use separate list of figures if the paper has more than one
graph and/or illustration
o Each paper must include, as a separate page, an abstract of
the paper.
o The abstract is a short summary of the technical paper
o It should be between 200 and 300 words and should concisely
summarize the most important features of the paper
o It is important to note that the abstract is not included in the
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 Paper Proper or the Main Paper
o Three parts- an introduction, the body, and the conclusion
o A technical paper should be self contained
o No need to label the major parts (viz. The introduction, the
body and the conclusion)
 Introduction
o The introduction should brief between 200 to 300 words
o Describe the intent of the paper, the importance of the topic,
and the manner in which it is presented
o Should provide the background of the problem and the
purpose for undertaking this topic
o If you are losing focus to write writing introduction, can write
when the body and conclusion is complete
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CCE Preparation Course
 Body
o The body is the heart of the paper
o Discuss the basis for data, make an interpretation and discuss
an application and analysis
o Body should give evidence of original and creative thinking
o Explain your contribution to the organization, arrangement,
and analysis of the data
o Should have logical but related and coherent topics and
o Secondary information sources must be referenced
o Does your paper make its point?
o Is the paper informative or persuasive?
o Finally, are the references/quotes properly footnoted or
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CCE Preparation Course
 Conclusion
o Should follow naturally from material presented in the body
and should not contain any new material
o If there is more than one conclusion, each conclusion must
have been justified by the material and discussion in the body
of the paper.
 List of References
o Use references for all the secondary source of information
used in the technical paper
o References enhance the credibility of any technical paper
o References must be a unique reference number
o “List of References” immediately following the conclusion – in
new page
o Use AACE International template for appropriate formatting of
CCE contents
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© Protrain references page and its
 Bibliography
o Secondary sources are examined or studied, but no
information is incorporated
o Further enhance the credibility of the paper
o Include bibliography page immediately after the references
 Acknowledgments
o It is good to refer those who help you write this paper
o Use a separate page clearly labelled “Acknowledgments” after
references and/or bibliography
 Appendices
o Use for information and date those who could not be added in
the body of paper
o Must be referenced inCCE
of the
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© Protrain
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© Protrain
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© Protrain
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© Protrain
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© Protrain
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 The neatness and appearance of the final paper
 Overall impressions of the content
 The general quality of writing
 The quality of illustrations, and
 adherence to instructions
 High-quality papers are often recommended for further
 If your paper receives a passing score, but you have not
passed the written exam, you may retake the written exam
at a later date within 12 months without being required to
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CCE Preparation Course
another professional
A focused approached would be required to write the technical
Points to focus are
 How to find a technical paper topic
 Planning Technical Paper writing
 Reviewing your technical paper
 Checking your technical paper before sending to AACE
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Choose the topic which is covered in Total Cost Frameworks
body of knowledge. The major knowledge areas are –
o Cost Estimation and Budgeting
o Schedule Planning and Development
o Progress and Performance Management
o Procurement (Contract) Planning and Management
o Value Analysis and Engineering
o Risk Management
o Quality Management
o Health, Safety and Environment
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 More tips on selecting the technical paper topics –
o Select a topic on which you have sufficient skill and knowledge
o Choose only those topics for which you have sufficient amount
of technical literature already available
o Ensure that you have obtained relevant permission
o Start with a certain topic at beginning and subsequently
revising during the course of paper writing
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 I want to write a technical paper on
Value Engineering
 Is this topics fine?
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 Make it more specific
Value Engineering in a hospital
project in …..
 Do you have sufficient knowledge and contents on this
topic ?
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Need to think and develop…
o Background
o Statement of the problem
o Procedure followed
o Statement of results
o Discussion of results
o Conclusion and recommendation
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 Plan
 Write
 Cool
 Review
 Send
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CCE Preparation Course
The Guide to CCC/CCE Certification states “All statements of fact
or information taken from secondary sources should be denoted
with a reference number and the referenced material listed in detail
in a footnote at the bottom of the page or in a list of references that
immediately follows the end of the paper”.
We would recommend following points to avoid any
plagiarism issue:
o Quoting a line or two from another sources are acceptable as
long as they are properly referenced in the footnote and in the
list of references.
o A reference in the bibliography does not constitute permission.
When in doubt, always get the author’s permission
o Use
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plagiarism checking
to check your paper for
CCE Preparation
 In this lecture we have learnt:
o Components of technical paper and their recommended
o Selecting technical paper title. How to plan technical paper
o Writing the technical paper. Reviewing the technical paper. and
o Checking the technical paper before sending to AACE
International for grading.
 Important points to note:
o The paper or article must be a minimum of 2,500 words
o Allow sufficient time for paper writing
o Select your technical paper topic from one of the knowledge
areas of total cost management framework.
o Before sending check paper for CCE technical paper
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