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Point of View in Storytelling

A bird’s
eye view of
Yankee Stadium
Point of View:
The angle or perspective from which
a story is told.
It allows the reader to get inside a
character’s head.
Three points of view:
1. First person 
2. Second Person
3. Third Person
First Person Point of View: 
The character tells the story.
Uses pronouns:
I, me, mine, ours, and us
“I checked into a hotel called the Olympia,
which is right on the main street of town. I
was hanging around and I got to talking to
the guy at the desk. I asked him if this
wasn’t the town where that kid named
Maneri played ball.”
Second Person Point of View: 
Rarely used in novels.
Most TV commercials use this viewpoint.
Uses pronouns:
you, you, yours.
“You walk down 5th Avenue everyday on your
way to work. Today on a whim you stop at
the flower stall and buy a red carnation. The
saleslady helps you pin it to your lapel. You
pay her and merge back into the crowd.”
Third Person Point of View: 
Told from a narrator’s viewpoint.
Uses pronouns:
He, she, him, her, it, them,
its, theirs, his, and hers
Two types of third person:
1. Limited
2. Omniscient (all knowing)
Limited Third Person Point of View:
The narrator tells the inner thoughts
and feelings of only one character.
“Angela felt cold as she waited on the corner
for the bus. After about ten minutes, the
bus came to the corner where she stood. She
got on the bus and then realized that she
had no coins to put in the fare box.”
Omniscient Third Person:
Tells what any character in a story
thinks, feels, or does at any time.
Kurt was thinking about tomorrow’s costume
party. He had come up with an idea of what
to wear.
“Kurt, are you going tomorrow?” asked
Claire. She had a prize-winning idea that
she would not tell anyone. She smiled to
herself as she thought of the large box and
blue tissue paper waiting at home.
Guess the Point of View:
First Person
Third Person Limited
Third Person Omniscient
(all knowing)
Rewrite the following passage in first
person or in third person.
Your alarm doesn’t go off on time and
you jump out of bed and trip on your
book bag. When you finally get to the
bus stop you see the bus just turning
the corner. You missed it. You start
walking to school and realize your shoes
don’t match. You have on one tennis
shoe and one loafer.