Group II -ART APPRECIATION: CREATIVITY, IMAGINATION AND EXPRESSION It takes an artist to make an art. Art is a product of a man’s creativity, imagination, and expression. Nature is not considered as an art simply because it is not made by man, not even photographs who taken by a man (Collins & Riley, 1931). An artist invents his own forms and patterns due to what he perceives as beautiful. Art Appreciation as a Way of Life Jean- Paul Sartre described the role of an art as a creative work that depicts the world in a completely different light and perspective and the source is due to human freedom (Greene, 1995). Only those who developed their fine sense of appreciation can see the art the same way the artist did. This allows individuals to make intelligent choices and decisions in acquiring necessities and luxuries. The Role of Creativity in Art Making Creativity requires thinking outside the box. Creativity is what sets apart one artwork from another. A creative artist does not simply copies another artist’s work, he does not imitate the lines, flaws, colors and patterns. Being creative nowadays can be quite challenging. What you thought was your own unique and creative idea may not it seems to be after extensive research and that someone else has devised before the idea in another part of the world. Art as a Product of Imagination and Imagination as a Product of Art Ideas begins with imaginations. Imaginations is not constraint by the walls of the norm but it goes beyond it. Through imagination, one is able to craft something bold, something new and something better. Imagination produces art, art also inspires imagination. Art as Expression Expressing oneself is when you release yourself from this tormenting or disabling state by doing something. The Principles of Art (1938) that what an artist does to an emotion is not to induce it but to express it. Through expression, he is able to explore his own emotions. Expressing emotions is different from describing emotions.- Collingwood An artist has the freedom to express himself, expression individualizes hence, there is no specific technique in expression. The following are popular art expressions: Visual art- creations that fall under this category are those that appeal to the sense of sight and are mainly visual in nature. Some mediums of visual arts include paintings, drawings, letterings, printing, sculptures, digital imaging and more. Film- refers to the art of putting together successions of still images in order to create an illusion of movement. Filmmaking focuses on its aesthetic, cultural, and social value and is considered as both an art and an industry. Performance Art- is a live art and the artist’s medium is mainly the human body which he or she uses to perform but also employs other kind of art such as visual art, props, or sound. It usually consists of four important elements: time, where the performance took place, the performer/s body and a relationship between the audience and the performer/s. Poetry Performance- poetry is an art form where the artist expresses his emotions not by using paint, charcoal or camera but expresses them through words. Architecture- building should meet these three important elements- plan, construction and design if they wish to merit the title architecture. Dance- dance is a series of movements that follows a rhythm of the music accompaniment. Dancing is a creative form that allows people to freely express themselves. It has no rules. Literary Art- artists who practice literary arts use words- not paint, musical instruments, or chisels- to express themselves and communicate emotions to the readers. Literary art goes beyond the usual professional, academic, journalistic and other technical forms of writing. It focuses on writing using a unique style not following a specific format or norm. it may include both fiction or non-fiction such as novels, biographies, and poems. Theatre- theatre uses live performers to present accounts or imaginary events before a live audience. Theatre art performances usually follow a script, though they should be confused with literary arts. Applied Arts- is incorporating elements of style and design to everyday items with the aim of increasing their aesthetical value.