MBA Fourth Senrester (Se<Vices Madreting) SPJ"' 230 _;~ : o-=-~N-=-s--=--~ ;:\\ ~~L---_M--=--u __ L_ .::::::::T--==1 _P::::::::L--==E--==c--==H--==o--==1_c==-E==-a==-==u_ · ==E_s-::::.=-r-::::::=-1 - -, - . _. .._ .. · · . . UNIT-.1 _· . ·. _. - . · ·. . - _· :~-- . .· I I ~J , ,. i , . !' •1 Chapter-1 1) 2) Services cannot be touched. This characteristic of services is referred as: ~ D Q bi..U-Rf , a) Inseparability b) Inconsistency /Intangibility ~ Inventory i 2) 3) Which of the following is not one of the characteristics of services? To.ri~,bi~ • ~angibility b) Inseparability c) Inventory d) Incon~istency Which of the following is untrue? a) A major characteristic of services is that they cannot be seen before they are bought. b) Services and physical products are at opposite ends of the tangible-intangible continuum. ~ l'hysical products and services are bundles of \ benefits. · ✓Something is defined as either a physical product or it is a service. Which among the following is external source of infonnation? ~ ornmercial sources b) Past experience ~ Attitude d) Memory ~ 1- 3) 5) Which of the following products is an example of intangible dominant? a) Outback steakhouse ~) Car rental agency ~Math tutoring d) A magazine subscription ANSWER: 1) 2) C &- j Which of the following factors is not the Factor · Affecting Service Encounter? 4) a) 3) 4) d C 5) Recovery b) d) /4 Service blue print Adaptabi~ity&, Spontaneity d a 2) 3) C 4) C 5) b Chapter-3 1) Which one is not the principle of service r!larketing mix? a) ~ Customer value h) Speed Profit d) C ustomer needs Traditional marketing mix i~ a) Product ~ Programme e-up of: b) Pricing d) Promotion Chapter-2 1) Which is not one of the Factors Influencing Services Consumer Behaviour? a) Culture b) Sub-cultures c) Reference groups ~ petitors of a 3) .c • · ...:J~ ANSWER: C I _J (. 0 ?l 'r)a7 . X 1) 1:ry;-- Which is one of the types of Adequate Service Expectations? a) Ideal expectations ,to..6, e.., :;::-O Experience-based expectations ~ A~.C E',~ 1 -c) Coo-nitive expectations ~\ri \ rn fo\CJ fr).;,,.. 0 t-• d) Minimum toierable expectations · 5) 2) a l Which one is not the evaluative criterion for a . product or service? ~;a) Brand reputation b) Quality Co q f ' i ~ _;.., _ \ Future scope d) Price Of. • "'1 0 ~ ':\ IO · ,__._ 4) These types of services try to shape attitudes or behaviour. In order to achieve this, these services have to be oriented to people' s minds . this is referred to as a) Possession processing b) People processing ~Mental-stimulus processing _ _ __ ~nformation processing ~r:J : I Which is not the element of e x panded marketing mix? . a) ~ People omotion b) · r , ocess d) Physical evidence -··· - • ~-<'\9--' s' '?'1 cf~. ...._.»cf ,/l!/;:jl 1~ ~,; ·/ ',-J,,'?? _:l ~~tiple Choice ·-~~tions , 6 ~ , . /' / Which of the finns cannot make good targets for offen sive marketing strategy? a) Runner-up finns If) b) . enterpnses . Strugg Img c) Small local and regional firms strategy? Lower costs b) Volume of purchases Coupons vt) d) Word-of-mouth communication Chapter-4 c 2) Parasuraman et al. (1985) suggest there are four barriers to servic~ quality, all of which are the fault of the service provider, and all of which affect the customer's perception of the service .experie!_!_c_~.: .. ---·wliicli of the following is not an example of the four criteria? / Inadequate service b) Exaggerated promises c) Misconceptions d) Inadequate resources This is an organisation 's systematic attempt to correct a service failure and to retain a customer's goodwill a) Service processes ~ Service recovery c) Service encounter d)S ervice failure· 3) 4) Which one is not one of the Service Product Levels? Benefit/ b) Expected ServiceI a) Core . Service ~ Total Service d) Potential Service c 2) 3) c 4) d c 5) 6) C 7) b Which is the factor influencing customer perception of service? a) Service quality b) Service product '.A Organisational '~ ervice expectation · Image 5) The researchers, Berry, Parasuraman and Zeithaml, cite 10 main criteria which between them cover the whole service experience from the customer's point of view. Which of the following is not an example of one of the criteria which influence the quality of the putcome of the service_e~~erience? a) Understai\,ding the b) Cred1b1bty customer ~ ompetence c) Access . .· . 231 ANSWERS 1) 1) ~ Which one is the approach to defensive marketing? a) Launc~ the attack quickly ~ Blocking the avenues open to challengers c) Find a weakness in the target's position d) Assess the strength of the target competitor 7) What are the sources of profit in defensive a) / Which is not one of the fundamental pnnc1ples of · offensive strategy? a) Assess the strength of the target competitor b) Find a weakness in the target's position . ~ Launch the attack on broad level. d) Launch the attack quickly 6) ,AJ' First mover firms 5) ~ ,tC'- cl7'.__Q,,., ,1 ._ 6) Which is not one of the perspectives of quality? a) Transcendentapproach ~ Cognitive approach c) User-based approach d) Manufacturing-based approach 7) Which is not one of the gaps in Gap Model~ a) Quality Standard Gap vb) Desired and actual service expectation gap ~ e-rvic~priortty-Ga-p-·--- - ------------ ----~--- ~ ----- -- -- -d) Promises Versus Performance Gap 8) Which one is the Dimension of Service Quality? a) Relationship h) Accuracy ~ mpathy d) Retention 9) Which is not one of the Categories of Customer Loyalty? a) True Loyalty b) Latent Loyalty c) No Loyalty ~ ognitive Loyalty 10) refers to the actions taken by an organi:,ation in response to a service failure . a) Service retrieval b) Service regaining ~ ervice recovery d) Senrice rescue ANSWER: 1) d 2) a 6) b 7) C 3) 8) b 4) C 5) d C 9) d 10) C MBA Fourth Semester, (Servi~s Mwlceting) SW,U Chapter-5 Which is :ttlft. the objective of service pricing? a) Promotion X Profit maximisation c) Segmenting d) Customer customers i:elationship 1) Which one is the service pricing policy? Going rate pricing b) Pricing below the competition ./4) Penetration pricing d) Value-based pricing 2) The imbalance between the deinaricfand supply rs-usually mefoyffiernvenrory _.. d) Recovery services · Which one is not the agent in service channel option? a) Selling agents b) Facilitating agents c) Purchasing agents Al) Franchising 2) a) 3) 3) · What shows the challenge in service delivery? ntangibj)jty ~ Vari$ o!..2,gtions c) Constant demand d) Service1ocauon 0 Which of the following is not the service pricing approach? · . a) Cost-based pricing _)>Y Price discounting c) Value-based d) Demand oriented pricing pricing 4) Which one is not the condition for revenue management? a) Relatively fixed b) Predictable demand c) Perishable demand --d) Constant demand 5) Revenue management is also known as _ _ a) Profit management b) Return management Yield management d) None of these '\ ANSWER: l) 2) C 3) d b Chapter-7 I) Which one is not the role of service promotion a) Increasing awareness b) Increasing knowledge and preference _..c}--"'lncreasing coordination among service employees d) Increase customer traffic 2) Which one is the element of visual merchandising .% Window displays b) Unifonn c) Etiquettes d) Logo 3) Which one is not the method of integrated service marketing communication a) Advertising b) Personal selling ~ Free samples d) Public relations 4 ANSWER: 1) b 2) C 3) b 4) d 5) C Chapter 6 1) Which of the following does not show the ANSWER: characteristics of service delivery? a) Inseparability of production and consumption 1) c · b) · Lack of standardisation in services ------=--- E 2) a · -- - 3) c - - - - - --- t € E Chapter-8 1) 2) What are factors of the 'processes · found within the services marketing mi x? a) Essential and peripheral evidence; premises; equipment; literature. _¼ Order processing; database management; q ueuing systems; service delivery; rt'andardisation. c) . Perceptions; costs; value; regulations. Location; market coverage; branding; _range; . management. :; ., _ Which of the following is not one of the service processes? a) People processing b) Possession processing ~ 0 \ (1-l.~ c) Information processing b\-\ ..-d}-. Physical evidence r)tn\~ 3) t f • f E Which is the first step in designing and managing service processes? a) Service blueprinting '2. X~owchartirig 1 c) Identify fail points .i ·d) Failure proofing ii f : Multiple Choice Questions . ., -_-,,,:..~ r. ,-·, ,-? .- · i'-C 233 ~ce design? A Which is not the structmal el~of a) Delivery system b) Location , 4) .-o/ Information d) Facility design the Which one is not the type of self-service technology? a) Telephone and interactive voice response (IVR) systems b) Interactive freestanding kiosks -eY Management information systems d) Video/dvd/cd based technologies 14) Which one is . - one of the strategies for implementing self-service technology? ---bJ Onstage/visible contact employee actions · · c) d) Managing capacity and demand Infonnation · Which step should come after identification of client contact points in service blueprint for new services? · 6) .A Identification of. front- .and· a) d) 7) 8) Depiction of the service process from the client's·point of view _ Re_source definition; time· standards and . tolerance Service process redesign Which factor does not influence demand? ~Per capita income · · b) Expansion or boom c) Demographics d) Natural and other disasters. delivery b} By adjusting prices ~ Assure privacy and security d) Modify or move facilities and equipment 15) Which one of the following is the managerial element of service design? a) c) 10) / Capacity strategies a) Communication b) Advertising and ~ales promotion · c) Service vari~tions _g Y_Jncre.~ _e ____in.:. __CaP-aGity _..Jhro.ugh__ ..Q_USJ.PJller participation · Which should be the iecond step in the process of quality _function deployment? a) Identify and .classify need analysis and identification of customer requireme nts ~ 11} These diagrams are used to surface the deep structure in voiced customer requirements : a) Matrix Data Analysis Charts Affinity Diagrams c) Hierarchy Diagrams d) Relations Diagrams '--bf -18) Whic:;h is·not the Element of Service Design? -· -·--- - -a) Delivery System b) Capacity Planning c) l9) a) b) Check correlation matrix Waiting line analysis 12). _ Which is not the one of the deployments of QFD ? a) · ·Organisation deployment b) · Customer·dep.Ioyment Demand E xceeds C1pac ity Demand E xceeds Optimum Capacity Demand and Supply are well Balanced c) W---All of the above 20) Support Processes are the component of: ~ervice blueprint c) _~Process decision ·programme diagrams (PDPC) ·· c) Back office aud_front office processes d) ~ None of the abQY.e_ Infonnation Which of the follow in~ is one of the Demand Variations ? ~ Benchmarking customer requirements Whicb is one of the tools for quality function . deployq1ent? · a) Servicescape Location 17) ~Identify importance of customer requirements · ·-c) ___.-eYService encounter d) Capacity planning It is a technique for displaying the nature and sequence of the different steps involved in delivering service to customers ~ Flowcharting b) Blueprinting c) QFD d) Waiting Line Analysis ¥Inventory constraints 9) Facility design 16) Which one is not one of the capacity constraints? a) Labour constraints c) Facilities constraints d) Time constraints timing and location of service Modifying back-end · integration - c) Voice of customer deployment 13) Which of following is the .Component · of service blueprint? a) Capacity· planning 5) :Policy deployment . d) Demand b) Capacity planning d) Q uality · management Function Deployment ANSWER: I) b 6) a 11 ) b I-6)- a 2) d 7) a . 12) c 17} b 3) b 4) 8) b 9). . 13) C 18) d C d 14) t .19) d 5) 10) 15) 20) b b b a MBA Fourth Semester (Services Marketing) SPFTif • 4 ; _: • • • - • • UN IT-4 . : · Chapter-9 1) · 3) 4) 5) 6) When there is little or no personal contact between customer and service provider, this is classified as A Low-contact service b) Medium-contact service c) High-contact service d) Intense-contact service Depending on the frequency and length of customer interaction, service personnel a) Moderate contact personnel b) Back-office staff 4 Consumer service employees d) Support staff The classification of organisations based on interaction is as follows : a) Consumer service employees _,,,bJ Low contact service c) Professional service employees d) Support staff Which one is not the source of conflict among service employees? a)·- ·Person7roleconflict- - - ·b) Organisation/client conflict c) Interclient conflict ,Ar Performance conflict Which is not one of the strateg ies fo r managing service employees? 9) ·11) Which one is not the type of customers' role in service distribution? a) Customer as productive resource b) Customer as contributor to quality & satisfaction c) Customer as competitor . Customer as profit generating medium .4 ANSWER: i) a 2) a 6) Which is the variant of service triangle? a) Service philosophy ),J Employee 1 c) Policies and procedures --=----- d) Management support . d 7) b 3) 8) C b 4) 9) b b 5) d 10) b 11) d Chapter-10 1) Which is not the importance of physical evidence in services? · .._. · · - ·-·--- - - - -----a) Increase in productivity b) Creating better perceptions 4 Increasing customer expectation d) Managing better serv ice quality 2) Which is not the elemeru of physical evidence? Communication , Customer c) Price d) Tangible products accompanying service a) ,.G( Communicate culture and vision to c11s.tomers 7) Which of the following can be applied as a strategy for developing service culture? a) Develop people to deliver service quality A Communicate_culture and vision to custome~s c) Provide needed support systems d) Retain the best people Which is not the link in service profit chain? ~1/Customer satisfaction drives cust~mer ~oyal~ )') Customer loyalty drives relationship~ ili. customers. c) Employee productivity drives value d) Employee satisfaction drives loyalty Provide needed support systems -----------~ · 10) a) Hire the right people b) Develop people to deliver service quality c) . Which one is not the element of service culture? a) Service philosophy or mission ~ Customers ' ~ c) Policies anaprocedures d) Management support In service industries, which of the factors below is extremely important; representing the service provider, and having a direct impact on the perceived quality of the service itself. A_ People b) Physical evidence c) Processes d) Intangibility 2) 8) . 3) Which is not the method of providing physical evidence? a) Map the physical evidence of service b) Assess and identify physical · evidence opportunities c) Be prepared to update and modernise the evidence . ~ Work in single department · Multiph~ ·Choice ,Questions ~ . ,-.:, .t1 · ,,, •., •·;, _:, .r:.1 . 1 ~·,:,-, ;~cff&e is n:ot thetype of servicescape? a) b) c) .--d1' 5) 6) The term "servicescape" refers to which of the following? a) The schematic diagram of the service flows of material, information and customers b) The emergency plan from a service facility -~ !!ie physical surroundings in which the service takes place d) The network of government rules regulating the service Servicescapes that are very complicat~d like that of a bed and breakfast inn or a five-star restaurant . would be termed: a) Detailed b) Challenging c) Sophisticated dJ Elaborate Chapter-11 1) ' '··7) ., ··- whlch' ofthe following--is:nof 6ne of the··strategit'. Self- service Remote service Interpersonal services Aesthetics A tour operator gives each returning holidaymaker a bunch of orchids. Based upon the elements of the services marketing mi.<, what is this gesture an example of? b) People a) Promotion .,,.-dJ Physical evidence c) Process 8) roles a servicescape can play? a) As a service ---bY As an intermediary package c) As a facilitator d) As a socializer C) (1 \ \) ~f'-0-t" r-i.-\{~1-b'"'! The servicescape and other elements of physical evidence .essentially ''wrap" the service and convey to consumers an external image of what's "inside". This is also called ____. a) Clue management b) Lean/elaborate A' Package d) Facilitator 9) Which servicescape dimension enhances the ability of similar items to facilitate the accomplishment of customer and employee goals? a) Signs b) Symbols c) Ambient conditions ~ Functionality ANSWER: 1) 6) 5) 2) b 7) b C d 3) 8) d C 4) d 9) d 5) C Which of the following are not considered part of the hospitality service industry? a) Car rental companies b) Hotels and motels c) Travel agents and tour operators ,,..Ji) Advertising agencies Frequent flyer programs offered by airlines are an ex.ample of a _ _ __ 2) Tourism products involve a complex. -~~~~~i~Il_~_ _ _ _ . a) Basic customer relatiQ.~h_ip_______ __ ________ . _________ - - --~aking proces~ because: · b) Structural benefit provided for top customers a) Individuals-perceive physical risk c) Consumer relationship management technique b) Individuals perceive psychological risk .....d}- ~ency marketing program c) Individuals perceive economic risk .,dJ All of the above 7) When an airline goes after a "share of travel" from its customers, it is attempting to increase ___ . 3) The key criticisms related to tourism marketing are: a) Customer lifetime value a) Wasteful due to the high amounts of money --01' Share of customer spent on promming products c) Customer loyalty b) Products can only be offered to the market d) Total customer spending place when they are profitable c) Only focusing on the potential consumers of 8) Information technology can bring the following the product and not the wider society changes to tourism and travel except: a) Greatly improved access to infonnation about jY All of these destinations 4) The two main industries that comprise the b) Greater ease in booking travel and accommodation through seamless connectivity , activities we call tourism are: of systems a) Computer and internet industries ~reater mobility of illegal immigrants Hospitality and travel_in~ustries_ d) Reduced complexity in purchasing7n'.arketing c) Fashion and accessones mdustnes and distribution d) Furnitury and ~Qine improvement industries .yr 6) --er 236 MBA Fourth Seme*i' (Services Marketing) SfPU _J)¥' High These are the demographic factors that impact touri sm except: a) income b) Age c) Family life cycles ,,dy Customer preferences 9) 10) Which of the following is a factor that sports and entertainment marketers consider when targeting customers for a specific event: a) Personalities b) Expectations }!_ Dem~aphics_ d) Affiliations 11) Which of the following factors should event marketers consider when identifying target markets for specific events: a) Character b) Attitude c) Behavior _fl Culture 12) What benefit does a major sporting event or popular sports attraction provide to a city? ~ - Economic b) Political c) Cultural d) Athletic 13) The element of m~keting that requires sport marketers to determine the amount of money that they will ask in exchange for their products is a) Promotion b) Place ~ Price d) Product 14) One way that financing benefits a sporting-good store's marketing effort is by providing additional funds that the store_can spend on: a) Office remodeling b) Expanded investments 4 transactions costs -in ~~hlttg - -~ ontracts between purchasers and_p.rQvidc~ )i,l Development of long-tenn _r.elatio11~hi_p s__ between :eurch~rs.Jmd._provi4_ers making the h ~ e market non-contestabie for n~w entrants v-2YJ3),D} and E) .~ B), C) and E) d) A), D) and E) c) A), C) and E) 17) Faced with an increase in demand fot heaithenre----- · -- --. services, which two of the following policies might hel void a rise in waiting lists? Decrease in supply of healthcare services ~ncrease in supply of healthcare service~ ___ _9, Allowing the· market to set a_ pnce f_2_r . healthcare services previously provideafree of charge · D) Providing free of charge healthcare services which previously were charged for E) Issuing a patients charter giving users of health care services higher expectations "--at' B) and C) b) A) and C) c) C) and E) d) B) and E) e) A) and D) 18) This industry consists of broad category of fields within the service industiy that includes lodging, restaurants, event planning, theme parks, transportation, cruise line, etc: }(ff i rlines Industry # __Hospitality Services c) Telecom Services d) Sports and Entertainment Services 19) These ~ervices iricludes a range of different activities, such as, sports course management, entertainment, managing media, special events, corporate events, merchandising, etc. ~ Sports and Entertainment Services Increased advertising d) ~ -Employee salaries ---- b) IT& ITES 15) An internal source of marketing information for a sport/event business would be / _Inventory records b) Public libraries c) Government d) Trade journals planning agencies 16) Which three of the follo wing are likely to make it more difficult to use market mechanisms in the provision of healthcare services? A) Symme~ry of_information between purchaser and provider of healthcare services )1. Asymmetry of information between purchaser and provider of healthcare ~ervices -C) tra~ ctions costs in esfablishing contracts between purchasers and providers Low i ,, : ( - ·-· --- -- - c) Healthcare Sectors d) All of the above 20) Which segmentation is used in telecom services? Non-residentials b) _Jeople below pove rt y \ir1e $ Residentials d) - Entrepreneurs a) ANSWER: d 3) d 4) b 5) 8) C 11) d 2) d 7) b 12) a 13) C 9) d 14) C 16) b 17) a 18) b 19) 10) C 15) a 20) C l) 6) d a d SERVICES MARKETtNG MBA - FOURTH SEMESTER EXAMINATION Note: All the questions shall be compulsory, carrying one mark each. [1 X 28= 20} 1) Which of the following products is an example of intangible dominant? a) Outback steakhouse b) Car rental agency ~ ath tutoring d) A magazine subscription 2) Which of the following is not one of the characteristics of services? ~ Tangibility b) Inseparability c) Inventory d) Inconsistency Which among the following is external source of information? b) Past experience c) Attitude d) Memory 3) y?J Commercial sources 4) 5) 6) Which of the following factors is not the Factor Affecting Service Encounter? a) Recovery b) Adaptability .,er Service blue print d) · Spontaneity Which one is not the role of service promotion a) Increasing awareness b) Increasing knowledge and preference _....,e},.,. Increasing coordination among service employees d) Increase customer traffic Parasuraman et al. (1985) suggest there are four barriers to service quality, all of which are the fault of the service provider, and all of which affect the' s perception of the service experience. Which of the following is not an example of the four criteria? . .. .,.aj _ Inadequate.service ----- . -- - ·-- ··· -·- - - --n)--Exaggerated-promises· ·----- ------··- ·- - - - c) Misconceptions d) Inadequate resources 7) Which of the following is not the service pricing approach? a) Cost-based pricing _X Price discounting c) Value-based pricing d) De1nand oriented pricing 8) Which of the following does not show the characteristics of service deli very? a) Inseparability of production and consumption b) Lack of standardisation in services The imbalance between the demand and supply is usually met by the inventory d) Recovery services .Afr' Which is the first step in designing and managing service processes? a) Service blueprinting 1, ,0) Flowcharting c) Identify fail points 1 d) Failure proofing 9) " Which of the following is the Component of service blueprint? a:) Capacity planning .-91 Onstage/visible contact employee actions 10) - c) Manaaina capacity and demand e t::J d) Information MBA Fourth Semes'tei(S-emces-MaI'irewig) SPFU fjg' 11) 12) Which factor does not influence demand? ;(' Per capita income c) Demographics b) Expansion or boom d) Natural and other disasters Which is one of the tools for quality function deployment? a) Servicescape ,/4 Process decision programme diagrams (PDPC) c) Back office and front office processes d) Waiting line analysis 13) The classification of organisations based on interaction is as follows: a) Consumer service employees ,,bJ Low contact service c) Professional service employees d} Support staff 14) Which one is not the element of service culture? a) Service philosophy or mission c) Policies and prccedures i.( Customers d) Management support 15) Which of the following is not one of the strategic roles a servicescape can play? a) As a service package · )5) As an intennediary c) As a facilitator d) As a socializer 16) Which servicescape dimension enhances the ability of similar items to facilitate the accompli.shrnent of customer and·employee goals? b) Symbols a) Signs sJ.Y Functionality c) Ambient conditions 17) One way that financing benefits a sporting-good store's marketing effort is by providing additional funds that the store can spend on: b) Expanded investments a) Office remodeling d) Employee salaries Increased advertising J71' Which three of the following are likely to make it more difficult to use market mechanisms in the provision of healthcare services? _____ ____.1~.L-~y_!!!ffietry of"in.(o~~tion between purc~aser and provider of healthcare services B) Asymmetry of information between purchaser and provider of heal,TfthThci-iarrre~seiiirvw1c'Pe~s----------C) Low transactions costs in establishing contracts between purchasers and providers D) High transactions costs in establishing contracts between purchasers and providers E) Development of long-term relationships between purchasers and providers making the healthcare market noncontestable for new entrants ~ B), D) and E) a) B), C) and E) d) A), D) and E) c) A) , C) and E) 18) 19) This industry consists of broad catego ry of fields within the service industry that includes lodging, restaurants. event planning, theme parks , transportation, cruise line, etc.: a) Airlines Industry Hospitality Services c) Telecom Services d) Sports and Entertainment Services ft 20) . Which segmentation is used in telecom services? a) Non-residentials · /) Residentials b) People below poverty line d) Entrepreneurs SERVICES MARKETING MBA - FOURTH SEMESTER EXAMINATION Note: All the questions shall be compulsory, carrying one mark each. 1) [1 X 20: 20] Services cannot be touched. This characteristic of services is referred as: a) Inseparability b) Inconsistency Intangibility d) Inventory ft 2) Which is one of the types of Adequate Service Expectations? a) Ideal expectations c) Cognitive expectations d) ---15(' Experience-based expectations 3) Traditional marketing mix is made-up of: a) Product /1 4) b) d) Programme 5) b) d) Find a weakness in the target's position Launch the attack quickly Which one i~ not the method of integrated service marketing communication a) Advertising b) Personal selling c) Free samples d) Public relations 6) The researchers, Berry, Parasuraman and Zeithaml, cite 10 main criteria which between them cover the whole service experience from the customer's point of view. Which of the following is not an example of one of the criteria which influence the quality of the outcome of the service experience? a) Understanding the customer b) Credibility ______ ft 7) Access _ __ __ _ ·------·-- --·------·- ----·-·-P1---Competenc,"'--------- __________ Which one is not the condition for revenue management? a) Relatively fixed b) c) Perishable demand -~ 8) What shows the challenge in service delivery? a) Intangibility c) Constant demand Which is- not the structural element of service design? a) Delivery system ~ Information 10) 11) Pricing Promotion Which is not one of the fundamental principles of offensive strategy? a) Assess the strength of the target competitor ~ / Launch the attack on broad level. 9) Minimum tolerable expectations Which one is not one of the capacity constraints? a) Labour constraints c) Faciliti_es constraints Which is not the one of the ·deployments of QFD? a! ~anisation deployment _ ~ ol!cy deployment Predictable demand Constant demand . ~ariety of options d) Service location b) d) Location Facility design < bf'.,,.inventory constraints d) Time constraints b) d) Customer deployment Voice of customer deployment 12) lt is a technique fo r displaying the nature and sequence of the different steps involved in delivering service to c1~ mers Blueprintjug d) Waiting Line Ailalysis . :,4 b) Flowcharting c) QFD 13) \3/hen there is little or no contact b~tween customer and service provider, this is classified as ~ Low-contact service b) Medium-contact se1:7ice c) High-contact service d) . Intense-contact service 14) Which is not one of the strategies for managing service employees? a) Hire the right people · · b) Develop people to _deliver·service quality cV Provide needed support systems · . · · s'ci) Communicate culture an(J vision to customers 15) Which is not the method of providing physical ·evidence? a) Map the physical evidence of service · b) Assess and identify physical evidence opportunities c} Be prepared to update and modernise the evidence Jf.) Work in single department , · to 16) • The term "servicescape" refers which of the following? a) The schematic diagram of the service flows of material, information and customers b) The emergency exit plan from a service fai:;ility The physical suqoundings in which the service takes place d) The network of government rules regulating the service 4 17) The key criticisms related to tourism marketing are: a) Wasteful due to the high amounts of money spent on promoting products b) Products can only be offered to the market place when they are profitable Only focusing on the potential consumers of the product and not the wider society (°J All of these cy 18) . ··- Which of the following are not considered part of the hospitality service industry? a) Car rental companies · b) Hotels and motels -·--·_c)_TraY.elagents _ao.QJQ.\Jf_Q~ratQ!'S _____ ______· ·-· Advertising ag~ncies -A -'----- 19) When an airline goes after a "share of travel" from its customers, it is attempting to increase _ _ __ a) Customer lifetime value ;::t)) Share of customer c) Customer loyalty d) Total customer spending 20) These are the demographic factors that impact tourism except: a) Income c) Family life cycles Age ·"% Customer preferences b)